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How does the scoring work?

Catfishing is a guessing game built from Wikipedia articles. Given a list of all the categories that an article belongs to, you must guess which article it's describing.

(Beware: Some of these questions are very out of date! The game used to be live but stopped being able to connect to Wikipedia after an API change in 2009.)

Here's your first one:

People from QueensIrish-American sportspeopleCBS Sports
Tennis Hall of Fame membersAmerican tennis playersAmerican game show hosts
American television talk show hostsNBC Sports1959 births
Living peopleUS Open championsAmerican tennis coaches
30 Rock actorsWimbledon championsTennis commentators
 French Open champions 
What person or place or thing belongs to all of these categories?
Reveal answer

That was John McEnroe

Did you get it right? Click the appropriate button below, and your score will be altered accordingly.

(If a set of categories is too broad to give a single answer, or seems otherwise unsuitable, you can click the 'stupid' button to report it.)

25% of 747 players got this one.

Point your friends at this clue:

Game invented by Sumana Harihareswara
and implemented by Kevan Davis, December 2006.
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