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Go on, then.
Chrissy - Thu 28 Aug, 12:23:51

New troll here.
Zarba - Thu 28 Aug, 12:36:57

It's an interesting idea. I'm game. Play on!
Zesmerelda - Thu 28 Aug, 15:13:31

Sounds like fun!!!
When can we start?

p.s love your site
Pixelstar - Thu 28 Aug, 22:32:40

Alrighty then.
Adam - Fri 29 Aug, 10:30:17

Sure, as long as nobody gets cross with me if I'm late.
Alicey - Fri 29 Aug, 13:18:36

Why not? Sounds entertaining.
joh - Fri 29 Aug, 16:32:04

hmmm. i like it.
Nicole - Fri 29 Aug, 22:28:16

I would do this. That's a fantastic idea. It will likely wind up quite scary in some way. But I'll do it.
Chloe - Sat 30 Aug, 06:16:20

:-) I wasn't seriously offended! I'd really love to partecipate.
Stefano - Sat 30 Aug, 12:57:28

Count me in too, but remove the hyphen *:)

quin - Sat 30 Aug, 16:29:20

I just wanted to mention that growing up in the U.S. in Pennsylvania... we played that "Chinese Whispers" game in the Girl Scouts... except we called it the game "Gossip".
Chloe - Mon Sep 1 04:59:43

I'd be interested too. :-)
hecticjames - Mon Sep 1 16:41:03

Well done!
[url=]My homepage[/url] [url=]Cool site[/url]
Heather - Fri May 5 11:43:29

Good design!
Dean - Fri May 5 11:47:02

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] [url=]Cool site[/url]
Kevin - Wed 15 Nov, 07:59:03

Great work!
Karl - Wed 15 Nov, 07:59:48

Spammer - Wed Nov 5 16:57:30

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