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18/08 06:13 (BST) - Excalabur
  Excalabur's BAC = 0.1 (was 0.2)

19/08 02:53 (BST) - Excalabur
  Excalabur's BAC = 0.0 (was 0.1)
(Sobering up)

  Excalabur's Kudos = 1 (was 0)

  Excalabur's Drink = - (was 1: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle))

  Excalabur's BAC = 0.3 (was 0.0)

  Excalabur's Drink = 1: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle) (was -)
(Taking a beer from the bar)

  Excalabur's Drink = 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 9: Martini (martini glass) (was 1: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle))

  Bar's Drink = 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 9: Martini (martini glass) (was 3: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 9: Martini (martini glass))

  Excalabur's Drink = 1: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle) (was 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 9: Martini (martini glass))
(Someday i'll manage to do this right)

19/08 06:58 (BST) - Paladin
  Bar's Drink = 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 8: Martini (martini glass) (was 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 9: Martini (martini glass))
(Getting shot makes one thirsty)

  Paladin's Kudos = 1 (was 0)
(Getting shot makes one thirsty)

  Paladin's BAC = 0.3
(Getting shot makes one thirsty)

  Paladin's BAC = 0.2 (was 0.3)

19/08 15:34 (BST) - Smith
  Smith's Kudos = 1 (was 0)
(consume martini - yay, it's the alchoholic dynasty!)

  Smith's Drink = - (was 1: Martini (martini glass))
(consume martini - yay, it's the alchoholic dynasty!)

  Smith's BAC = 0.3
(consume martini - yay, it's the alchoholic dynasty!)

  Smith's BAC = 0.2 (was 0.3)
(often reduction of BAC)

20/08 17:14 (BST) - Smith
(Scrabbliator results:)

("Dynasty Merge" - no wounds)

("The Switch" - shadowclaw deals 2 wounds, smith reduces 2 wounds, excalbur has no defense)

  Excalabur's Game = - (was Scrabbilator)
(you're out)

21/08 00:12 (BST) - Smith
  Smith's BAC = 0.1 (was 0.2)

21/08 00:50 (BST) - Excalabur
  Excalabur's BAC = 0.2 (was 0.3)
[view entire log]

Cayvie Shootout 0----
Excalabur - 1- 1: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle) 0.2-
Paladin - 1-- 0.2-
Rodney - 0----
ShadowClaw Scrabbilator 0----
Smith Scrabbilator 1- - 0.1-
TAE Shootout 0----
Josh Shootout 0----
Noah- 0----
Combustable- 0----
Brendan- 0----
GazeboDude Shootout 0----
Orkboi- 0----
TrumanCapote Shootout 0----
Bar- 0- 2: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 8: Martini (martini glass)--

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Generated by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker - (C) Kevan Davis 2001