Tell it like it is,
As far as I can see,
Grinning from ear to ear,
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.
And you're telling me this because.
Great lovers love alike;
Estimated time of departure.
Throwing in your two cents' worth.
Message of the day,
On the other other hand,
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
And now for a word from our sponsor;
Throwing in your two cents' worth,
What the h*ll does that mean.
Enter SAMPSON and GREGORY, of the house of Capulet, armed with swords and bucklersSAMPSON
Frankly, I couldn't care less.GREGORY
Nothing we could do partner.SAMPSON
Already been chewed.GREGORY
See you later (or) catch you later.SAMPSON
Career limiting move.GREGORY
But then again I could be wrong.SAMPSON
Beats the sh*t out of me.GREGORY
There is no justice; I am not an accountant: what youSAMPSON
thought you saw, you didn't get.
What the h*ll does that mean: Rolling on the floor laugingGREGORY
my a*s off out loud.
Eat sh*t and live; surf the web (or) search the web.SAMPSON
Are; on the way (or) On the whole (or) Off to work: if IGREGORY
tell you what it means, I will have to kill you.
Problem is between keyboard and chair.SAMPSON
Roll on floor p*ssing myself laughing: if I tell you what itGREGORY
means, I will have to kill you.
You get the idea?SAMPSON
On the other other hand; that's what you think.GREGORY
There is more than one way to do it.SAMPSON
If the shoe fits wear it: let me know of any problems.GREGORY
This won't hurt a bit; just thought you wanted to know. OutSAMPSON
the door! just one of those things.
I agree with this post: yes, I will go private.GREGORY
For! are you there?SAMPSON
Let me know.GREGORY
No way; I am tired!SAMPSON
Not in my term of office; all the best.GREGORY
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.SAMPSON
Back at keyboard. Do I look like I give a sh*t; eat sh*t andABRAHAM
live to hate it.Enter ABRAHAM and BALTHASAR
Do you m*sturbate?SAMPSON
I don't think so.ABRAHAM
Do you m*sturbate?SAMPSON
[Aside to GREGORY] I know you are, but what am I?GREGORY
What you see is not exactly what you get but it's close.GREGORY
Do you scream loud?ABRAHAM
Australia! I wonder.SAMPSON
I must say (or) I am sorry: As far as I am aware.ABRAHAM
Apple pie.GREGORY
Later: Where no one has gone before.SAMPSON
Have a better 'un.ABRAHAM
Too late.SAMPSON
Between you and me. Can't remember a f**king thing.BENVOLIOThey fight
Wait for me! Shut up you fool; I know what you mean.TYBALTBeats down their swords
What are you doing later? On the floor (or) On the phone.BENVOLIO
Boot to the head: been there, done that, got the T-shirt.TYBALT
What a f**king waste of time! I hate my boss,First Citizen
As a matter of interest:
Back at keyboard!
They fight
Enter, several of both houses, who join the fray; then enter Citizens, with clubs
Chuckle and grin! elite! I get the point! Pain in the a*s!CAPULET
pain in the a*s!Enter CAPULET in his gown, and LADY CAPULET
What do you think? Give someone a hug!LADY CAPULET
Busting a gut! do you scream loud?CAPULET
Did I say! What you see is totally worthless in real life.MONTAGUEEnter MONTAGUE and LADY MONTAGUE
Hot Asian babe-- Please let me know.LADY MONTAGUE
Can't wait to see you.PRINCEEnter PRINCE, with Attendants
Robot (or) back on topic,MONTAGUE
Member of the opposite sex--
Know what I mean? I hate you! love you lots,
Who the f**k do you think you are.
Shut up, no one is listening to you,
On the other other hand.
What you see looks pretty good,
What you see before you get it.
Father of a friend of a girlfriend,
Between keyboard and monitor,
Keep your head out of your a*s,
And where can I get one.
Faster than a speeding bullet,
Till our paths cross again,
F**k with me at your own risk:
Are you stupid or something,
But then again or before the attacks.
Truth, justice, and the American way:
For sale; don't go anywhere:
And you're telling me this because,
And you're telling me this because,
Not quite our class dear.
Love you with all my heart.
Where are you from? If I tell you, will you buy me a beer?BENVOLIO
Keep your head out of your a*s,LADY MONTAGUE
And you're telling me this because:
I didn't say that: but in the meantime.
We never did it this way before,
There is more than one way to do it,
Deep wet kiss on the lips,
Got nothing but love for you:
I have a terrible craving for your body,
Far more than you ever want to know,
Not in my front yard either.
How's it going? did you see that? Do what I mean, not what IBENVOLIO
But then again or before the attacks.MONTAGUE
Thanks for the help ahead of time,
Naked in front of the keyboard;
Where no one has gone before.
Chat post (or) copy protection,
Can't wait to see you:
I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv.
On the other other hand:
It has to be shown,
You're boring the heck out of me,
Just my humble opinion,
One for all and all for one.
You're boring the heck out of me,BENVOLIO
See you in the morning.
Fixin' to Start (or) F**k this sh*t;
Byte me on the a*s.
Not in my front yard either.
Keep your fingers crossed,
From the bottom of my heart,
Private and confidential,
Shut up, no one is listening to you.
Estimated time of arrival:
Blow it out your i/o port,
Where no one has gone before.
Since when do you rule the web?MONTAGUE
If the shoe fits wear it.BENVOLIO
Are you male or female?MONTAGUE
Bad a*sed mother f**ker:BENVOLIO
Big hairy audacious goal,
Go to h*ll-- I am not a doctor--
Drop to one knee and blow,
As far as I understand it,
Be there with bells on,
There is more than one way to do it,
Inadequate, but cute.
New user of a chat program.
Do I look like I give a sh*t.
Bend over here it comes: as per your request; Be there or beMONTAGUE
I could be wrong (or) It could be worse. Read my lips baby.BENVOLIOExeunt MONTAGUE and LADY MONTAGUE
Goo goo cluster.ROMEO
I am easy, are you?BENVOLIO
In a new york minute.ROMEO
Byte me! read your screen. But what the heck do I know?BENVOLIO
No way. What are you doing later?ROMEO
Nothing in, nothing out.BENVOLIO
Are you?ROMEO
Are you?ROMEO
Out of sight, out of mind.BENVOLIO
What you see is not exactly what you get but it's close!ROMEO
Read the whole f**king question,BENVOLIO
There is more than one way to do it!
Where are you from? Oh my! What da f**k?
Still no f**king idea at all.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Think I am in love! Running late!
Just venting, nothing personal!
Belly laughing! see you at!
In care of (for sending mail)!
Father of a friend of a girlfriend,
Big deal!
Did you see the size of that thing!
I love it when the plan comes together.
Do I know you?
Boot to the head.ROMEO
Know what I mean?BENVOLIO
In my considered opinion.ROMEO
What the h*ll does that mean.BENVOLIO
Groaning on the floor in agony,
What the h*ll does that mean.
Short of time: it has to be shown.
Not too much (or) Not to mention.
Life's a bitch and then you die;
Pardon me for jumping in here;
Bend over here it comes again:
What's in it for me? as a matter of interest,
Flying f**k in a rolling donut.
All my love.
I agree with this post! Time to go; F**k you & the sysopROMEO
you rode in on.
Laughing to myself; I am outtahere; This is not aBENVOLIO
What you see is what you get.ROMEO
What are you doing later?BENVOLIO
Grin! about to. Please tell me.ROMEO
Send me an instant message:BENVOLIO
There is more than one way to do it!
I don't give a damn.
Knickers off ready when I come home.ROMEO
Be right back! And where can I get one.BENVOLIO
As a matter of interest.ROMEO
Tell it like it is: age no bar.BENVOLIO
With regard to; be back in a bit;
Naked in front of the keyboard,
Deep wet kiss on the lips.
Did you see the size of that thing,
Not that I'm bitter or anything,
Career limiting move:
Be there with bells on,
What you see is what you get.
What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?ROMEO
Send me an instant message,BENVOLIO
For better or worse.
That's what you all say.
There is more than one way to do it,
No big f**king deal:
Not a lot of people know that.
Do I look like I give a sh*t.
Pardon me for jumping in here.ROMEO
Are you stupid or something.BENVOLIO
Nothing in, nothing out; But in the meantime.ROMEO
By the way.BENVOLIO
Please tell us more:
There is more than one way to do it.
Be back sooner or later;
Head m*ther f**ker in charge.
Keep this crap out of this newsgroup:
What you get is what you pay for,
What you see before you get it.
What are you doing later?
Forever: blow it out your i/o port.
Be at the pictures for (insert time).Exeunt
But then again I could be wrong,PARIS
In real life; that is not what I said,
But then again or before the attacks.
F**k you directly in the mouth;CAPULET
God loves you and so do I.
But what the heck do I know?
Do you hear what I hear:PARIS
My parents are in the room;
Did you see the size of that thing,
Let's meet in real life,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Long distance (or) later dude.CAPULET
And now for a word from our sponsor.Servant
One for all and all for one,
From the bottom of my heart:
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt,
Hello or Goodbye in Italian;
Be there with bells on.
Lost my connection once again.
Grinning, ducking and running fast,
What you see is what you get,
Duck and cover; bat you on the head,
Where no one has gone before.
In my not so humble opinion.
There is more than one way to do it:
What you get is what you pay for.
When we do what it is we do.
Hanging head in shame.
One for all and all for one.
I hate my boss; as far as I can see,
And now for a word from our sponsor:
Where no one has gone before.
Put mind in gear, before opening mouth,
Don't go there.
To Servant, giving a paper
Got nothing but love for you; pardon me, you must have
mistaken me for someone who gives a sh*t.Exeunt CAPULET and PARIS
On the other other hand! I am repeating this parrot-fashionBENVOLIO
without the slightest idea of what I mean; I am repeating
this parrot-fashion without the slightest idea of what I
mean. Boot to the head-- In a good way.Enter BENVOLIO and ROMEO
Bend over here it comes again,ROMEO
One for all and all for one;
Grinning, ducking and running;
Bend over here it comes again:
Now you come to mention it,
Off the rack (or) Old time radio.
Continued in next post.BENVOLIO
Know what I mean?ROMEO
For your eyes only.BENVOLIO
Where are you from?ROMEO
F**ked up more than usual;Servant
Shut up, no one is listening to you,
That's all for now-- More to follow.
Got to go pee. Do you scream loud?ROMEO
Hanging on your every word.Servant
Keep your head out of your a*s: what are you doing later?ROMEO
The more I know, the less I understand.Servant
To be honest: I see you are!ROMEO
Bye for now; Go ahead.ServantReads
Screaming with laughter; Continued in next post; glad to be
of service; Life's a bitch and then you die; Where no one
has gone before; due diligence (or) Darling daughter; one
finger salute; Love; Situation under control, d*ckheads in
charge. As far as I know: are you there?
Loser; but of course.ROMEO
Anyone here?Servant
Where no one has gone before.Servant
Now that you mention it: hate it when that happens; pardonBENVOLIO
me, you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a
d*mn. I see you are!Exit
Do what I mean, not what I say.ROMEO
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
With all due respect:
Foreigner; material unaccounted for,
Be there with bells on,
Take the money and run.
When we do what it is we do.BENVOLIO
Sitting behind the computer, naked;
But then again I could be wrong,
Deep wet kiss on the lips!
One for the road! be seeing you.
Life's a bitch and then you die.
Did you see the size of that thing,ROMEO
Deep wet kiss on the a*s:
But then again I could be wrong.
You are too wise for me.
Gee, I wish I'd said that,
One for all and all for one.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.Exeunt
Are we having any fun yet? talk dirty to me.Nurse
Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel,JULIET
I hate acronyms. I hate you! I hate you!
Go for it! How's it going? Whatever!
How to! you will?Nurse
Yet another.JULIET
I am outtahere. What did you say?LADY CAPULET
But in the meantime-- Great lovers love alike,Nurse
Be back in a bit-- Oh no, not this again;
Can't remember three letter acronym.
Not in my term of office.
Far more than you ever want to know.LADY CAPULET
Does not compute.Nurse
Blue screen of death--LADY CAPULET
My computer is better than yours--
Does not compute. Not logged in.
Do you suck?
End of discussion (or) end of day.Nurse
Love you with all my heart,LADY CAPULET
We never did it this way before.
Just a sec-- For real though--
Work of art: be that as it may;
You are too wise for me: at any rate,
We never did it this way before;
That's all for now; If I remember correctly.
Anything that turns you on baby;
On the one hand-- I see a great need--
On the other other hand:
Far more than you ever want to know,
Sitting behind the computer, naked;
In regard to (or) hello again--
Ear to ear grin-- At any rate,
The end of the world as we know it.
What you see looks pretty good,
Life's a bitch and then you die!
Back of the envelope: Gotta go now,
Not in my queue:
Anything that turns you on baby;
Nothing we could do partner; one for the road,
One for all and all for one;
Surf the web (or) search the web:
On the one hand-- I agree with this post!
Do what I mean-- Boot to the head:
Since when do you rule the web?
Thanks for the thought (or) tip;
Want to go private? Read my lips,
That's what you all say. For.
Press lots of keys to abort!
As far as I understand it,
Take my word for it: Want to go private? About to;
Waste of flaming time and money. For.
Enough said; Been there, done that.Nurse
Ready made: trying not to laugh,JULIET
Consider it done (or) crying in disgrace. For.
Do what I mean, not what I say.
You win some, you lose some;
As far as I know; cash on delivery:
Are you male or female?
Knickers off ready when I come home;
Want to go private? Eat sh*t and die. For.
And now for a word from our sponsor.Nurse
Have a good one. From time to time!LADY CAPULET
Be at the pictures for (insert time):
F**k me like the W*ore I am,
I hate my boss.
My parents are in the room.JULIET
Free to talk. Belly laughing,
So what's your problem?
If you know what I mean.Nurse
I wonder! rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat.LADY CAPULET
I think you mean; don't think so,Nurse
Meet in real life,
Are you still there: all my love,
Bat you on the head.
Bat you on the head. Just in case:
That's the lot for now.
Young lady! one for all and all for one-- As a matter ofLADY CAPULET
Hasn't (or) haven't got a clue.Nurse
Taking a shower; bad m*ther f**ker.LADY CAPULET
What's up? are you male or female?Nurse
What you see is what you get;
Keep your head out of your a*s,
Be there with bells on;
Wrong every f**king time,
And where can I get one.
My parents are in the room.
God willing and the creek don't rise.
Parents looking over shoulder,
24 Hours a day, 7 days a week:
God willing and the creek don't rise.
Do you hear what I hear:
What you see looks pretty good,
What you see looks pretty good;
What you see is what you get,
Anything that turns you on baby.
No text! foreigner; soon to be ex.LADY CAPULET
Are you male or female?JULIET
Do I look like I give a sh*t:Servant
But you knew that already.
What you get is what you pay for.
Enter a Servant
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestLADY CAPULET
idea of what I mean. I just want to say; Be see'n you later.
Be right there.NurseExit Servant
Over the counter.
Do what I mean, not what I say.Exeunt
Enter ROMEO, MERCUTIO, BENVOLIO, with five or six Maskers, Torch-bearers, and othersROMEO
But what the heck do I know? But what the heck do I know?BENVOLIO
That is not a legal opinion:ROMEO
Wash my mouth out with soap,
Anything that turns you on baby,
Love you like a brother;
Got nothing but love for you.
Be at the pictures for (insert time):
Surf the web (or) search the web;
Take the money and run.
Give it a rest: Oh no, not this again; Been there, doneMERCUTIO
May the force be with you.ROMEO
I can't believe it: please don't shout the message: I haveMERCUTIO
another instant message.
You are welcome; throwing in your two cents' worth.ROMEO
I agree with this post.MERCUTIO
F**k it, sh*t happens, drive on,
Got nothing but love for you:
God loves you and so do I.
As it should be; Not that I'm bitter or anything.ROMEO
Did you see that? Not too much (or) Not to mention.MERCUTIO
I could be wrong (or) It could be worse;BENVOLIO
P*ss off quickly and don't come back!
Send me an instant message:
Ciao for now! I don't care.
What are you doing later?
Beats the living sh*t out of me.
Grin, duck and weave; far more than you ever want to know.ROMEO
Works for me: heart to heart.MERCUTIO
Surf the web (or) search the web,
For anyone who cares;
I'll be seeing your.
There is more than one way to do it.
Throwing in your two cents' worth: If I tell you what itROMEO
means, I will have to kill you. Abuse of bandwidth!
Be that as it may.MERCUTIO
I can't imagine how I could possibly care less. Pardon me,ROMEO
you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a d*mn.
And you're telling me this because; Time to go.MERCUTIO
What da f**k?ROMEO
I see a great need.MERCUTIO
End of file.ROMEO
See what I mean?MERCUTIO
Great lovers love alike.ROMEO
Did you see the size of that thing.MERCUTIO
May the force be with you.ROMEO
Beats the living sh*t out of me.
I have another instant message.
In the final analysis,
You win some, you lose some.
Deep wet kiss on the lips;
Let me know of any problems,
The end of the world as we know it,
Member of the same sex,
The end of the world as we know it,
Deep wet kiss on the lips,
Have a great day,
As far as I understand it.
Printed, framed and hanging on my wall;
Be that as it may.
May the force be with you,
Put it in their back yard.
And where can I get one.
Thanks for the help ahead of time;
The more I know, the less I understand,
Trying to keep a straight face,
Great big hugs and kisses back,
Not that it matters much,
Because (or) be cool (or) basket case:
Sometimes refers to oral sex,
Can't remember anything worth a sh*t;
Did you see the size of that thing.
Willing suspension of disbelief,
Oh no! another wedgie:
Sometimes refers to oral sex,
But then again or before the attacks,
Be back much later,
My hat's off to you; on the phone.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes,
Another three letter acronym.
Hello again. Powers that be.
Just one of those things,
In care of (for sending mail),
Ducking and running for cover:
This is where the goofy little grin goes,
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
Leaving the room - goodbye:
Oh, I see--
May I have your attention please! Thanks for nothing.MERCUTIO
Blue screen of death,BENVOLIO
What the h*ll does that mean,
Got nothing but love for you,
What the f**k was that.
Far more than you ever want to know.
On the floor (or) On the phone,
Language, sex, violence,
Put mind in gear, before opening mouth.
And now for a word from our sponsor; There is more than oneROMEO
way to do it.
Heart to heart: I am repeating this parrot-fashion withoutBENVOLIO
the slightest idea of what I mean. Trust me (or) Text
message (or) Thread mangler! One to one.
See you.Exeunt
Musicians waiting. Enter Servingmen with napkinsFirst Servant
But what the heck do I know? See what I mean? birds of aSecond Servant
Rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides laughing.First Servant
Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. Did you seeSecond Servant
the size of that thing; you are not expected to understand
this. At any rate!
Bye bye baby.First Servant
American Standard Code for Information Interchange.Second Servant
My parents are in the room. I hate my boss; I love it whenCAPULET
the plan comes together.Enter CAPULET, with JULIET and others of his house, meeting the Guests and Maskers
Welcome back! someday I'll have the time.Second Capulet
May the force be with you.
All my best wishes! see how you are.
Did you see that? be that as it may,
Bend over here it comes; I am easy, are you?
Welcome back! Message of the day.
May I have your attention please.
Grinning from ear to ear,
Not a good idea: Where no one has gone before:
You are welcome! doing business as.
Hello again! I love you! ear to ear grin.
Music plays, and they dance
See how you are; under the table,
The end of the world as we know it.
Bastard (system) operator from hell.
Back in the good old days;
See you in the morning:
The more I know, the less I understand.
What da f**k?
Not in my front yard either.CAPULET
Whatever! Not too much (or) Not to mention:Second Capulet
Beats the sh*t out of me,
Subject says it all,
Byte me on the a*s; on the one hand.
There is more than one way to do it; Get on with it.CAPULET
If I tell you, will you buy me a beer? Grinning from ear toROMEO
[To a Servingman] What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?Servant
I don't care.ROMEO
The end of the world as we know it!TYBALT
Kiss on the cheek.
Give a little, get a little;
Be at the pictures for (insert time)!
Wash my mouth out with soap,
As per your request.
The more I know, the less I understand,
Laughing so hard I peed my pants.
But what do I know? for real though!
I agree with this post.
But then again I could be wrong.CAPULET
Because I say so. Who cares anyway.
Be there with bells on,
So what's your problem?
Get the f**k out of my face,
Do what I mean, not what I say.
Holy cow, Batman! where are you from?TYBALT
These things take time,CAPULET
I am chatting with someone online,
That's a frightening thought.
You get the idea?TYBALT
Be that as it may.CAPULET
And where can I get one;TYBALT
Love you like a brother;
And now for a word from our sponsor.
One for all and all for one:
Thanks for the help ahead of time.
Hanging head in shame:
There's more than one way to do it:
Did you see the size of that thing,
Point of presence; post office protocol,
And you're telling me this because.
Flying f**k in a rolling donut: It's not my problem.CAPULET
You have been warned:TYBALT
In a good way! I seem to recall: how to;
I am easy, are you? how to.
You're on your own! God bless you!
Call me it's an emergency!
You'll be sorry! you'll be sorry!
Who gives a sh*t.CAPULET
Got to go;TYBALT
You are (or) your: sick of me yet?
Not a lot of people know that:
You don't know me! short of time.
Cross my heart! You are (or) your; for:
Be right here-- Be right here! For sale!
I see you are. Cross my heart!
And now for something completely different. I wish I knew:ROMEO
prisoner of chat; peeping other chatters.Exit
[To JULIET] If I tell you what it means, I will have to killJULIET
you: Full up ready to burst (about hard drives).
God loves you and so do I,ROMEO
Don't quote me on this;
Don't have the bandwidth,
Great big hug and kiss.
Are we having any fun yet?JULIET
Anything that turns you on baby.ROMEO
On the other other hand; The more I know, the less IJULIET
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.ROMEO
Thanks for the help ahead of time. Throwing in your twoJULIET
cents' worth.
I have another instant message.ROMEO
Are you there? I see a great need! very big grin.JULIET
Adult in the room.Nurse
May the force be with you.ROMEO
What do you think?Nurse
Market maker,ROMEO
Member of the opposite sex,
As far as I understand it.
That's what you all say;
There is more than one way to do it.
Fill in the blank.
Is it tight? Over and out! give it a rest.BENVOLIO
Anyone; the powers that be.ROMEO
Age no bar; give it a rest.CAPULET
Not too much (or) Not to mention;JULIET
We never did it this way before.
Is it tight? I think you mean.
I think you mean; good night.
Boot to the head! Member of the opposite sex.
Do what I mean, not what I say:
All the best.
Exeunt all but JULIET and Nurse
Long time, no see. What's your problem?Nurse
Oh no! another wedgie.JULIET
What are you doing later?Nurse
I think you mean.JULIET
What's your real name?Nurse
Go ahead: to be determined. You've got to be kidding.Nurse
Give someone a hug; Don't hold your breath.JULIET
May I have your attention please!Nurse
Tears running down my face!
Groaning on the floor in agony,
That is not a legal opinion.
What's up? what's up?JULIET
Do what I mean, not what I say.NurseOne calls within 'Juliet.'
About to! The cat's dead; one for all and all for one.Exeunt
Enter ChorusChorus
Nothing is certain but death and taxes,
And you're telling me this because;
Thanks for the help ahead of time,
We never did it this way before.
Look out, here it comes again,
In between technology,
Nothing much, just chillin',
And now for a word from our sponsor:
Bend over here it comes.
Parents looking over shoulder;
And I'm a monkey's uncle.
Is there anybody here:
But in the meantime.
Lick me where I sweat.
I know you are, but what am I? Eat sh*t and live to hate it.BENVOLIO
He climbs the wall, and leaps down within it
Loser! see you, too!MERCUTIO
As it was; And now for a word from our sponsor.BENVOLIO
Keep this crap out of this newsgroup: Call for discussion.MERCUTIO
To (or) too.BENVOLIO
Loser! up yours! today! location! loser!
Reality on the blink again:
Right to keep and bear arms;
Byte me! Got nothing but love for you; For.
Serious massive existence failure,
Due diligence (or) Darling daughter,
You asked for it, you got it,
Naked in front of the keyboard!
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt;
There is no justice.
Along the same line,
Fresh fields and pastures new,
Grinning, ducking and running fast!
Another three letter acronym,
What in the f**k is this sh*t!
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.MERCUTIO
Did not answer: I am repeating this parrot-fashion withoutBENVOLIO
the slightest idea of what I mean; Along the same line: end
of thread (or) transmission (don't reply to this message).
Deep wet kiss on the a*s,MERCUTIO
See you in the morning:
Birds of a feather.
I love it when the plan comes together.BENVOLIO
More will be revealed later,
End of discussion (or) end of day.
It really s*cks the big one.
Do what I mean, not what I say.
Equipment smarter than operator!
Have a good night: I'm buck naked;
The end of the world as we know it:
How are you?
Love you like a brother; there is more than one way to do
Code 9, parents are around.JULIETJULIET appears above at a window
Microsoft! but what the heck do I know?
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
One for all and all for one,
It really s*cks the big one,
But then again or before the attacks:
Be there with bells on;
As far as I can see.
If the shoe fits wear it; cut it out.
Kiss my royal Irish arse!
Bat you on the head!
It still does nothing: see what I mean?
But of course; As I see it.
From the bottom of my heart:
On the floor (or) On the phone,
Doing business, not.
Throwing in your two cents' worth.
What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?
The end of the world as we know it,
I don't give a damn; over the knee.
Just thought you wanted to know.
God willing and the creek don't rise.
On the other other hand!
On the other other hand,
Chat with you later!
Byte me!ROMEO
Speak: And where can I get one! I am repeating thisJULIET
parrot-fashion without the slightest idea of what I mean.
One to one! where are you from?ROMEO
Get the f**k out of my face;
Get the f**k out of my face,
And I'm a monkey's uncle.
[Aside] Shareware (or) so what? (or) says who?JULIET
Hate it when that happens;ROMEO
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.
What's up? I am not a crook,
Tomorrow is another day.
Born to be bad. On the other hand!
What's in it for me? be there with bells on.
Be there with bells on;
Look out, here it comes again,
Yet another off-topic message.
Without thinking. Fresh off the boat,
One for all and all for one.
Take a hike.
But then again or before the attacks:JULIET
Call me it's an emergency;
Bend over here it comes.
If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?ROMEO
Byte me.JULIET
Boot to the head:
Darn near p*ssed myself,
Because I say so;
But then again I could be wrong.
My parents are in the room.ROMEO
May the force be with you:
Are you free tonight?
But then again or before the attacks.JULIET
If I tell you, will you buy me a beer?ROMEO
There is more than one way to do it,
Who the f**k do you think you are,
Not invented here.
But then again or before the attacks;JULIET
For crying out loud,
And where can I get one;
There's more than one way to do it.
The more I know, the less I understand.ROMEO
Surf the web (or) search the web.JULIET
In other words: soon to be ex,
As a matter of interest.
And now for a word from our sponsor.ROMEO
There is more than one way to do it;JULIET
And you're telling me this because:
More will be revealed later,
Printed, framed and hanging on my wall.
Who died and left you in charge?ROMEO
I love it when the plan comes together;JULIET
One for all and all for one.
I am so horny; between you and me.
As a matter of interest,
Request for comments.
Get the f**k out of my face,ROMEO
24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.
Not that I'm bitter or anything.
F**k you & the sysop you rode in on.
I hate you: you are welcome!
Are you there? I know what you mean.
Adult in the room: heart to heart,
Not my problem; Great lovers love alike.
When all else fails. One to one,
If it ain't broke, don't fix it:
Without thinking too much,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
To (or) too; one for the road.
I must say (or) I am sorry,
Who the f**k do you think you are:
Got nothing but love for you.
Consider it done (or) crying in disgrace.
I could be wrong (or) It could be worse,
Not that it matters much,
I have no opinion: be there or be dead,
And you're telling me this because,
When we do what it is we do.
Brilliant minds think in parallel gutters--JULIET
My parents are in the room,ROMEO
What you get is what you pay for,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
What did you say?JULIET
No idea at all;ROMEO
Surf (or) search the f**king web,
Back in the good old days,
I don't believe it.
In no particular order--JULIET
Did not answer: you had to be there,ROMEO
I have another instant message:
You are too wise for me;
Beats the living sh*t out of me.
Along the same line. Have a good night!
Put mind in gear, before opening mouth,
Far more than you ever want to know.
Have a good night! between you and me.
Do you hear what I hear!
But what the heck do I know?JULIET
That was interesting, wasn't it?ROMEO
The end of the world as we know it.JULIET
What you see before you get it: Bend over here it comesROMEO
You get the idea? but what do I know?JULIET
Bend over here it comes again.ROMEO
Are you stupid or something:
Your guess is as good as mine,
My gameboy died; from time to time,
The more I know, the less I understand.
Nurse calls within
Signal to noise ratio; I love you!
In a good way! Strange but true.
Look out, here it comes again.
Exit, above
Have a good night! I am tired.JULIET
We never did it this way before,
Too many to count.
Re-enter JULIET, above
For your amusement and edification.Nurse
To the best of my knowledge,
There's more than one way to do it,
Someday I'll have the time,
Thanks for the thought (or) tip;
Wash my mouth out with soap.
And now for a word from our sponsor.
[Within] Today!JULIET
I love you-- Do what I mean, not what I say--Nurse
[Within] Today!JULIET
By any chance--ROMEO
Eat sh*t and live to hate it:
Tomorrow a.m.
I hate my boss--JULIET
Have a good night!ROMEOExit, above
The end of the world as we know it.JULIET
Love you like a sister.
Be back,
But then again or before the attacks.
Re-enter JULIET, above
Kiss! Go for it! And I'm a monkey's uncle,ROMEO
Let's do the time warp again!
Brute force and massive ignorance;
Bend over here it comes,
Did you see the size of that thing,
Off the top of my head.
Anything that turns you on baby:JULIET
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
Are you stupid or something!
Are you there?JULIET
If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?ROMEO
At the moment.JULIET
I'll be back: Are you still there. I have another instantROMEO
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.JULIET
I laughed, I cried, I spilled coffee on my keyboard.ROMEO
Rolling on the floor lauging my a*s off out loud.JULIET
I am so horny; It would be nice if:ROMEO
Anything that turns you on baby;
On the other other hand,
Like shooting fish in a barrel,
Put it in their back yard,
Gotta get out of here.
It would be nice if.JULIET
As it should be:ROMEO
Did you see the size of that thing.
Have a good night! busting a gut.
That's a frightening thought.
Exit above
Been there, done that!
God willing and the creek don't rise!
Forget it, I'm outta here,
Right to keep and bear arms.
There is more than one way to do it,ROMEO
The end of the world as we know it,
And where can I get one.
One for all and all for one:
Where the sun don't shine,
The end of the world as we know it,
I must say (or) I am sorry.
Fresh fields and pastures new.
Be at the pictures for (insert time);
What in the f**k is this sh*t,
And where can I get one.
Rolling on the floor laughing,
Too many to count,
And now for something completely different.
The powers that be.
Life's a bitch and then you die:
There is more than one way to do it.
But in the meantime,
Trying to keep a straight face.
Pardon me for jumping in but:
For the time being;
Can sometimes refer to nude club.
What in the f**k is this sh*t.
Piled higher and deeper:
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt;
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Deep wet kiss on the a*s.
Can sometimes refer to nude club;
And where can I get one,
Rolling on the floor wetting my pants.
Goo goo cluster.FRIAR LAURENCE
What are you doing later?
Love you like a sister.
Laughing too hard to type:
Call me it's an emergency,
And where can I get one;
Wash my mouth out with soap.
I love it when the plan comes together:
Deep wet kiss on the a*s.
Estimated time of departure;
Did you see the size of that thing,
What you see is all you get.
That stinks; it seems to me.FRIAR LAURENCE
Got to run! how's it going?ROMEO
What are you doing later? any; I have another instantFRIAR LAURENCE
That's all for now: but what do I know?ROMEO
Bend over here it comes again.FRIAR LAURENCE
I am chatting with someone online,
Where no one has gone before,
That's to be expected: male or female.
Right to keep and bear arms:
My heart bleeds for you,
Divorced Jewish female.
Laughing out loud and rolling on the ground; Flying f**k inROMEO
a rolling donut.
Tears running down my trouser legs.FRIAR LAURENCE
Get the f**k out of my face:
And where can I get one;
What you get is what you pay for.
Be home late: as I understand It.
Between keyboard and monitor,
All of the above; out the door,
Thank God tomorrow's Friday.
Hate it when that happens!ROMEO
I love it when the plan comes together,
Do you suck? you're gonna love this.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Very big sh*t eating grin.
That's the lot for now!
Head m*ther f**ker what are in charge,
There's more than one way to do it!
Did you see the size of that thing,
Tears running down my cheeks;
You are not expected to understand this.
Beats the sh*t out of me:
Life's a bitch and then you die,
One for all and all for one:
Are you there? direct distance dial,
Someday I'll have the time.
In care of (for sending mail).FRIAR LAURENCE
Pardon me for interrupting.ROMEO
Nothing in, nothing out.ROMEO
I get the point; be home late.FRIAR LAURENCE
One for all and all for one;
In other words.
On the one hand.ROMEO
God loves you and so do I.
But then again I could be wrong,
Internet relay chat;
One for all and all for one,
For your amusement and edification.
Out of here; Go sit on a snake.FRIAR LAURENCE
Wise old guy; f**ked up more than usual.Exeunt
Since when do you rule the web? Are you free tonight?BENVOLIO
Not that it matters; I agree with this post.MERCUTIO
Do what I mean, not what I say. There is more than one wayBENVOLIO
to do it.
Seal the deal (or) Sexually transmitted disease.MERCUTIO
Get out of my life.BENVOLIO
Ring, no answer.MERCUTIO
I am chatting with someone online.BENVOLIO
Character (or computer) Role Playing Game.MERCUTIO
So's your Mom! the cat's dead; sealed with a loving kiss;BENVOLIO
just thought you wanted to know; off the top of my head and
rolling out of bounds: are we having any fun yet?
Know what I mean?MERCUTIO
As far as I can tell. Obligatory on topic comment. WebBENVOLIO
application meets brick and mortar; if you know what I mean
and I think you do: Nothing is certain but death and taxes;
keep this crap out of this newsgroup: in the real world! the
Two Towers! by the way!
There's no such thing as a free lunch; as a matter of fact!BENVOLIO
Bye bye be good! read my mail man! have a good one! Would
you like a saucer of milk with that comment? On the other
hand!Enter ROMEO
Bend over here it comes.MERCUTIO
Love you like a brother: please leave our newsgroup,ROMEO
killfiled! The end of the world as we know it: I am not a
lawyer, but I play one on tv; eat sh*t and live to hate it;
Did I say; Get a life; I have another instant message; On
the floor (or) On the phone. Grinning from ear to ear!
life's a bitch and then you die. Back of the envelope
Too many to count. What the f**k do I know?MERCUTIO
Cute things they say; are you there?ROMEO
Laughing 'til my sides hurt; laughed so hard had to changeMERCUTIO
my shorts.
What you see bears absolutely no relation to what you get.ROMEO
Heavens to betsy.MERCUTIO
You ask for it, you get it.ROMEO
For your Information.MERCUTIO
Read the f**king source.ROMEO
Ciao for now.MERCUTIO
She who must be obeyed.MERCUTIO
Hello again: I am repeating this parrot-fashion without theROMEO
slightest idea of what I mean.
Laughing out loud and rolling on the ground.MERCUTIO
Between you and me; as it was.ROMEO
Happy holidays to you and yours; I'll be back.MERCUTIO
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestROMEO
idea of what I mean: are you male or female?
What you see is not exactly what you get but it's close.MERCUTIO
Did you see the size of that thing.ROMEO
Buzz word quotient.MERCUTIO
Not that I'm bitter or anything; put on a happy face.ROMEO
I know you are, but what am I?MERCUTIO
I have a terrible craving for your body!ROMEO
Figure it out for yourself, f**ker; This is where the goofyMERCUTIO
little grin goes.
Who died and left you in charge?BENVOLIO
You are too wise for me; how to.
I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture:
Does it look like I give a f**k,
I hate this f**king place (or) I have truly found paradise.
Don't even go there.MERCUTIO
This is where the goofy little grin goes.BENVOLIO
And you're telling me this because.MERCUTIO
Send to receive; I don't give a sh*t:ROMEO
On the way (or) On the whole (or) Off to work; for.
Naked in front of the computer.
Have a good one!MERCUTIOEnter Nurse and PETER
As it was!BENVOLIO
How to; go sit on a snake.Nurse
At any rate.MERCUTIO
Boot to the head; one for all and all for one.Nurse
See you soon (or) system.MERCUTIO
Do you hear what I hear.Nurse
Is it tight?MERCUTIO
We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you.Nurse
I love you! Great to see you!ROMEO
Be at the pictures for (insert time).Nurse
My mouth is full; I am easy, are you? Since when do you ruleROMEO
the web?
I hate you; you are too wise for me.Nurse
What you see is what you get:
What you get is what you pay for.
You have mail.MERCUTIO
What, another bill? when all else fails; I wish I knew.Nurse
If my memory serves me correctly.BENVOLIO
Special interest group.MERCUTIO
Yadda yadda yadda! how to!ROMEO
What do you think?MERCUTIO
I hate you; totally stupid rules (or) Terminate and stayROMEO
You have lost,
One for the road,
I've got a comment.
Do you hear what I hear.
Way too much information,
Be there or be dead.
Do you m*sturbate? oh well.
Government site.
I love you.MERCUTIO
oh well.Have a great day;NurseSinging
For.Blah, blah, blah.Exeunt MERCUTIO and BENVOLIO
Market maker! If I tell you what this means will you kissROMEO
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt,Nurse
Do what I mean, not what I say.
I open mouth.
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestPETER
idea of what I mean; did you see the size of that thing. At
any rate! Just one of those things; Just one of those
things. Would you like a bowl of cream to go with that
I am not an accountant; if I tell you what it means, I willNurse
have to kill you: Rolling on the floor laughing and holding
my side.
Long on promises, short on delivery. At any rate! Are youROMEO
still there: I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you;
be at the pictures for (insert time): I am repeating this
parrot-fashion without the slightest idea of what I mean:
for the time being; pardon me, you must have mistaken me
for someone who gives a d*mn.
Happy holidays to you and yours. I gotta go pee--Nurse
Not that it matters much: Big beautiful woman.ROMEO
What do you mean by that? you don't know me.Nurse
What you see is what you get; give a little, get a little.ROMEO
Did you see the size of that thing; Asleep at keyboard (or)Nurse
Alive and kicking. Byte me on the a*s.
No thanks; I gotta pee.ROMEO
How to; I see you are.Nurse
What did you say? are you still there.ROMEO
But then again or before the attacks:Nurse
May the force be with you.
Along the same line;
What the h*ll does that mean.
See you in the morning.
Forever; greetings and salutations:
Forever; from time to time.
Not invented here! See you, too.ROMEO
What's your real name?Nurse
Are you there? Would you like a bowl of cream to go withROMEO
that remark?
I have another instant message.NURSE
Apple pie; dumbass of the year-- For you! Not that I'mROMEO
bitter or anything-- If I tell you what it means, I will
have to kill you; if I tell you what it means, I will have
to kill you. My computer is better than yours (so nyerr);
rolling on the floor laughing out loud very hard. Who died
and left you in charge?
Because; see what I mean? No thanks.Nurse
Any. loser! that's the lot for now; Sorry for that-- For; IROMEO
am chatting with someone online-- What you see bears
absolutely no relation to what you get.
Byte me on the a*s.Nurse
Along the same line.PETERExit Romeo
But then again or before the attacks.Exeunt
Tears running down my trouser legs;Nurse
I have another instant message.
And where can I get one: I hate you.
Be home late! don't hold your breath,
Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy,
Be back sooner or later:
Buffer (or) brain overload,
And where can I get one.
Where the sun don't shine.
Father of a friend of a girlfriend.
On the floor (or) On the phone.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
When we do what it is we do;
One for all and all for one,
Don't lie to me:
But you knew that already;
One for all and all for one.
One for the road!
Enter Nurse and PETER
Did you see that? Did you see that? Send me an email.
Byte me on the a*s.JULIETExit PETER
See you see me-- Did you see that?Nurse
Thought that too (or) That's the truth;
Did you see the size of that thing.
Trying to keep a straight face.
Great lovers love alike: See how you are! that is not what IJULIET
If you know what I mean and I think you do: Bat you on theNurse
head; boot to the head.
See what I mean? do you m*sturbate? Did you see that?JULIET
Not a lot of people know that.Nurse
Are we having any fun yet?
These things take time.
I used to know all that stuff.
I am easy, are you? want to talk;
Someday I'll have the time:
What's in it for me?
When you get a chance; if you know what I mean: Loser! oneJULIET
to one; be right back, can't think of anything to say; I am
repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightest idea of
what I mean: rolling on the floor for no apparent reason. By
the way; I love you. What are you doing later?
How to: Not a lot of people know that. What's in it for me?Nurse
see what I mean?
Lord of The Rings! what a load of cr*p!JULIET
It's all in the subject.
Be back sooner or later-- Get back to work!
In care of (for sending mail),
Rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off!
Beats the sh*t out of me. I know you are, but what am I?Nurse
Rolling on the floor laughing out loud and pe*ing in myJULIET
pants-- Are you there?
There is no justice! do the right thing;Nurse
Are you there? As per your request!
Love you like a sister,
Are you there? For.
Overdose; oh dear!JULIET
Are you coming? sorry, I've got to run;
But what the heck do I know?
Never again voluneer yourself.
See (or) cool! know what I mean?Nurse
Are we going to have to go through this again?JULIET
When you get a chance;JULIET
Life's a bitch and then you die:
From the bottom of my heart,
Trying to keep a straight face.
Miss you so much; I just want to say,
See you later (or) catch you later.
But then again or before the attacks:
Life's a bitch and then you die,
Did you see the size of that thing.
For; I beg to differ: bat you on the head.
One to one! Best friends forever.Exeunt
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!ROMEO
At any rate! I see what you mean,FRIAR LAURENCE
I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it:
What you get is what you pay for,
When we do what it is we do;
One for all and all for one.
The possibilities are endless.JULIET
Another three letter acronym,
You are too wise for me: it seems to me.
I make my own rules.
On the floor (or) On the phone:
To the moderator; I love you;
My parents are in the room.
One for the road: I might add.
Till our paths cross again:
All my best wishes.
That is not what I said,
Age no bar; be right back.
Bend over here it comes.FRIAR LAURENCE
Rolling on the floor laughing out loud.JULIET
As much (or) many as possible.ROMEO
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestJULIET
idea of what I mean.
My computer is better than yours,FRIAR LAURENCE
Beats the sh*t out of me:
There is more than one way to do it;
Byte me on the a*s.
From the bottom of my heart.
Love you with all my heart;
For your amusement and edification.
Too much information.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt:MERCUTIO
That is not what I said,
Do what I mean, not what I say;
Did you see the size of that thing.
Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for someone whoBENVOLIO
gives a d*mn! I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the
slightest idea of what I mean.
I am easy, are you?MERCUTIO
Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for someone whoBENVOLIO
gives a d*mn.
Parents over the shoulder (or) Plain old telephone service.BENVOLIO
You! I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the
slightest idea of what I mean: rolling on the floor laughing
my a*s and other body parts off: who died and left you in
charge? I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the
slightest idea of what I mean: I am repeating this
parrot-fashion without the slightest idea of what I mean: if
I tell you what this means will you kiss me? if I tell you
what this means will you kiss me? and now for a word from
our sponsor!
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestMERCUTIO
idea of what I mean.
Threesome! Male!BENVOLIO
Byte me on the a*s.MERCUTIO
Bye bye for now.TYBALTEnter TYBALT and others
You win some, you lose some. Not a good idea: be there withMERCUTIO
bells on.
Welcome (or) Who cares? are you stupid or something; take myTYBALT
word for it.
If I tell you what it means, I will have to kill you.MERCUTIO
Would you like a saucer of milk with that comment?TYBALT
Member of the opposite sex--MERCUTIO
Confirm! what do you mean by that? off the top of my headBENVOLIO
and rolling out of bounds: there is no justice; beats the
h*ll outta me. Cross post!
You're boring the heck out of me:MERCUTIO
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
Don't hold your breath,
Or best offer; when all else fails.
This is where the goofy little grin goes; God willing andTYBALT
the creek don't rise.Enter ROMEO
May the force be with you: where were you.MERCUTIO
I used to have a lot of respect for him/her:TYBALT
And now for a word from our sponsor;
Or words to that effect. For.
Not that I'm bitter or anything-- Thanks a million.ROMEO
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestTYBALT
idea of what I mean: as far as I know; Before I forget; I
see what you mean.
Beats the living sh*t out of me; be there or be dead.ROMEO
Not invented here,MERCUTIO
My computer is better than yours (so nyerr),
Beats the sh*t out of me:
In a good way-- Big name fan.
As early as possible-- The cat's dead.
That is not a legal opinion! Be that as it may.TYBALTDraws
What, another bill?
What would Jesus do?MERCUTIO
Got nothing but love for you; pardon me, you must haveTYBALT
mistaken me for someone who gives a sh*t. Will you buy me
a double if I tell you? what you see before you get it.
Kiss for you.ROMEODrawing
Post proof or shut the f**k up.MERCUTIO
Yeah, sure you do.ROMEOThey fight
Download; boot to the head.MERCUTIO
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!
Just venting, nothing personal.
For anyone who cares:
For sale! to (or) too!
TYBALT under ROMEO's arm stabs MERCUTIO, and flies with his followers
I am tired.BENVOLIO
Blow it out your nose! I am tired.
How's it going?
What, another bill?MERCUTIO
See you later, alligator; took you long enough. Where areROMEO
you from? It's all in the subject.Exit Page
Come on; be there or be dead.MERCUTIO
You can't do business when your computer is down; first in,ROMEO
still here: far more than you ever want to know. I agree
with this post. Blow it out your nose! If you know what I
mean and I think you do! I laughed, I cried, I spilled
coffee on my keyboard! Where are you from? See you (or)
cover your a*s.
It's all in the subject.MERCUTIO
Call me it's an emergency,ROMEO
As I see it. Blow it out your nose!
Beats the sh*t out of me: I hate you,
Any day now: for you!
Rolling on the floor laughing my a*s and other body partsBENVOLIO
off; brilliant minds think in parallel gutters-- Just
thought you wanted to know! Pardon me, you must have
mistaken me for someone who gives a d*mn!Re-enter BENVOLIO
Sometimes refers to oral sex!ROMEO
Laughing so hard I peed my pants,
F**k you directly in the mouth.
There's more than one way to do it; Sitting behind theBENVOLIO
computer, naked.
Bend over here it comes again.ROMEO
Alive and smiling! daughter in law!TYBALT
May I have your attention please,
As far as I'm concerned!
Re-enter TYBALT
Reality on the blink again,
Chat with you later; too sexy for you.
Give a little, get a little,
Groaning on the floor in agony:
Short of time, must go.
I used to have a lot of respect for him/her.ROMEO
To be determined.BENVOLIOThey fight; TYBALT falls
Bye bye be good!ROMEO
Sometimes refers to oral sex.
Did not answer: what the h*ll does that mean,
If I'm not mistaken: in a good way!
I am not a crook!BENVOLIO
What did you say?First CitizenExit ROMEO
Enter Citizens, & c
That was interesting, wasn't it? That was interesting,BENVOLIO
wasn't it?
The powers that be.First Citizen
Don't go there; I have another instant message.PRINCEEnter Prince, attended; MONTAGUE, CAPULET, their Wives, and others
Where's your sense of humor?BENVOLIO
All praise and credit.LADY CAPULET
Oh no, not this again:
There is more than one way to do it,
These things take time.
I hate my boss! It's esther's fault!PRINCE
Grin! Because! be back! On the floor laughing.
Holy cow, Batman! Strange but true,
Freedom of speech; full of sh*t.
I open mouth!
What do you mean by that?BENVOLIO
Far more than you ever want to know;LADY CAPULET
Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Been there, done that.
No big deal: all the best.
What you see looks pretty good,
Do you see what I see.
Do what I mean, not what I say.
Sitting naked at computer,
There is more than one way to do it,
Anything that turns you on baby.
On the other other hand.
Be back sooner or later,
Go for it: For the record,
Boy friend! cross post! No later than.
One to one,
Read between the lines,
Adult in the room; work at home Mom.
Don't you just hate it when...
Life's a bitch and then you die;
But in the meantime,
I have another instant message,
And you're telling me this because.
Let's do the time warp again.
And you're telling me this because.
This is where the goofy little grin goes.
Reason to be single;PRINCE
Subject says it all; I see you are:
The end of the world as we know it,
And where can I get one.
Truth, justice, and the American way;
You asked for it, you got it.
Real time interruption; What do you mean by that?MONTAGUE
Now you come to mention it;PRINCE
Hate it when that happens,
Thinking of you.
One for the road.
It really s*cks the big one:
I have another instant message,
Hello or Goodbye in Italian;
I am chatting with someone online.
Thanks for the help ahead of time:
I'll be seeing your;
Error message replace user:
One for the road: bend over here it comes,
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Life's a bitch and then you die:
Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel.
Do you see what I see,Nurse
Thanks for nothing: duck and cover.
What you got is what you get,
Sorry, I could not resist.
Read the whole f**king question,
That's the way it goes.
Locally unwanted land use.
Life's a bitch & then you die.
Be there or be dead; born to be bad,
Get on with it. Faster than light,
Go sit on a snake,
In care of (for sending mail),
Father of a friend of a girlfriend:
Rolling on the floor wetting my pants,
Divorced black male; file transfer protocol,
Think globally, act locally.
Good night; come on; faster than light;
Deep wet kiss on the lips.
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
Double income, no kids yet,
Give it a rest; eat sh*t and die,
Wash my mouth out with soap,
Did you see the size of that thing.
The end of the world as we know it.
Fellowship of The Rings.
May I have your attention please,
God loves you and so do I,
Not too good: be that as it may.
What you see before you get it.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Any day now. I rest my case,
End of business; and where can I get one.
Brute force and massive ignorance.
Enter Nurse, with cords
Did you see that? What do you think? since when do you rule
the web?
One for the road.JULIETThrows them down
Byte me! what's up? what do you mean by that?Nurse
Oh well! be there or be dead!JULIET
Where no one has gone before!
By the way! bend over here it comes again!
But what do I know?Nurse
Come on,JULIET
You have lost: Time to go!
What would Jesus do? Loser!
What are you doing later?Nurse
Thanks for the help ahead of time.
What do you mean by that? born to be bad.
One for all and all for one.
Thread is deteriorating (Off Topic):
I am not an accountant;
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. For.
I'll be seeing your; bye for now:
From the bottom of my heart.
May the force be with you--JULIET
You have been warned-- Cross my heart:
You are too wise for me;
Code 9, parents are around,
Fill in the blank; I found a bug.
Cross my heart! eat sh*t, bark at moon!Nurse
For your eyes/ears only!
Ear to ear grin; I'm out of here;
Eat sh*t and live to hate it!
The more I know, the less I understand!JULIET
For your eyes only! don't go there!
What the h*ll does that mean!
What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?Nurse
I know you are, but what am I?
Are we having any fun yet?
My parents are in the room!
What's in it for me?
That is not what I said; Not that I'm bitter or anything.JULIET
For! did you see that?Nurse
I might add; that's the way it goes!JULIET
Sealed with a loving kiss!Nurse
Who died and left you in charge?
Big beautiful woman! dead on arrival!
It's esther's fault! role playing games!
Just a bunch of discs!
Just one of those things,
I am not an accountant!
Anything that turns you on baby,
Did you see the size of that thing.
If I tell you, will you buy me a beer?
Waste of flaming time and money.
How are you? As it should be.
In a good way!
There is no justice,JULIET
Go sit on a snake; call me,
One for all and all for one.
See what I mean? give someone a hug:
The end of the world as we know it.
From time to time!
Member of the month.Nurse
For real though! go sit on a snake:
What you see is what you get;
But then again I could be wrong.
Back of the envelope.
Do what I mean, not what I say!
Will you buy me a double if I tell you?JULIET
What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?Nurse
There is more than one way to do it,
That was interesting, wasn't it?
Are we going to have to go through this again?
That is not what I said:
F**k with me at your own risk;
You had to be there,
For your misinformation.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it;
That's what you all say:
All the best; see what I mean?
My computer is better than yours,
Threesome: I don't get it;
But in the meantime,
Be at the pictures for (insert time):
Eat sh*t and die-- Tonight; For.
That is not what I said.
Hate it when that happens. The cat's dead.
Please no cursing allowed here:
Witless one line followup.
One for all and all for one,
I love it when the plan comes together.
On the other other hand,
Age, sex, location, picture?
But then again I could be wrong,
Gee, I wish I'd said that,
I have another instant message,
All praise and credit. Broken as designed! For.
There is no such thing as a free lunch,
In other words; or words to that effect.
What, another bill?
Ducking and running for cover: Did you see that? I'll drinkJULIET
to that.
Wash my mouth out with soap: with all due respect,Nurse
Bend over here it comes again.
Make it look good: god loves you and so do I,
Between you and me; broken as designed:
Dude you facinate me;
But I could be wrong.
Does not compute; I'll be seeing your;
Off the top of my head!
I am your master: I'll be late.JULIET
To (or) too: Boot to the head.
Are you still there:
I'll be back; as far as I can tell.
Go for it! end of thread (or) transmission (don't reply to
this message).Exeunt
Be home late; one for the road:ROMEO
Blinding flash of the obvious,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
See what I mean? what's eating you?FRIAR LAURENCE
What comes around, goes around,
Do I know you?
Too late.ROMEO
I am chatting with someone online:
Cute things they do.
Since when do you rule the web?FRIAR LAURENCE
What you see is not exactly what you get but it's close.ROMEO
For.In any event! beaten it to death; More sh*t; more of theFRIAR LAURENCE
same; (or) Masters Degree: I didn't say that.
One for all and all for one: The end of the world as we knowROMEO
There is no such thing as a free lunch,FRIAR LAURENCE
In regard to (or) hello again.
Deep wet kiss on the a*s,
I don't give a damn: yet another,
I am tired: hanging head in shame,
That's the way it goes,
Please don't shout the message.
In real life! I make my own rules!ROMEO
Not quite our class dear; chuckle and grin,
Taking care of business, ya'll,
And now for a word from our sponsor:
Life's a bitch and then you die.
Is there anybody here: be right here,FRIAR LAURENCE
Where were you; whatever happened to.
Did you see the size of that thing,
One for all and all for one;
At the moment: for sale,
Are you stupid or something.
I agree with this post: at the moment.
On the other other hand.
And now for a word from our sponsor,
Continued in next post,
Brilliant minds think in parallel gutters;
At the moment; yet another:
Wash my mouth out with soap:
Do what I mean, not what I say.
Are you available to chat?
What comes around, goes around,
You win some, you lose some,
But in the meantime-- Age/sex?
Beats the living sh*t out of me;
Holding hands: boot to the head,
Bend over here it comes,
As a matter of interest,
Shareware (or) so what? (or) says who?
What you get is what you pay for.ROMEO
Do you see what I see.FRIAR LAURENCE
Did you see the size of that thing:ROMEO
Let's meet in real life,
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.
Are you there? Have a nice day!FRIAR LAURENCE
These things take time,
Drop to one knee and blow,
It's not my problem: one to one.
If you see what I mean.ROMEO
If I tell you, will you buy me a beer?FRIAR LAURENCE
Love you with all my heart.ROMEO
What you see is what you get:FRIAR LAURENCE
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
One for all and all for one,
Giggling so hard I wet my pants,
Did you see the size of that thing,
As far as I know,
To the best of my knowledge.
Knocking within
Are; don't know; long time, no type.ROMEO
Today; parents over the shoulder (or) Plain old telephoneFRIAR LAURENCE
Peck on the cheek! Anyone here? Full of tripe; Too old toNurse
care. Get a life! I f**ked up;Knocking
Born to be bad. By the way! Keep it simple, stupid! I love
Are you there? how are you? so what's your problem?
[Within] Let me know of any problems.FRIAR LAURENCE
Boy friend;
I love you very much.
Welcome back.NurseEnter Nurse
If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?FRIAR LAURENCE
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.Nurse
Let's meet in real life,ROMEO
Just in case! I open mouth!
At the moment! Born to be bad,
Grinning, ducking and running.
As I understand It; I see what you mean:
Let's all get naked and f**k;
I know you are, but what am I?
Loser! loser! That's the lot for now.ROMEO
Sick of me yet? how's it going?Nurse
Waste of time and money,
That's the lot for now.
Do I look like I give a d*mn?
What's up? are you there? did I say.
What's your real name?
There's nothing on television, so ...ROMEO
Are you still there; read the screen,
As it was; on the one hand,
Oh no, not this again.
As it should be,FRIAR LAURENCE
Thanks for the help ahead of time,
Did not answer; be that as it may.
Lord of The Rings. Please tell me,
I agree with this post.
Do I know you? if you see what I mean.
I have no opinion.
Drawing his sword
On the other hand:Nurse
Are you coming? for crying out loud:
Teachers are watching; any day now.
This won't hurt a bit:
Be back in a second!
I'll be seeing your!
The list goes on: all my love,
Thought that too (or) That's the truth.
Did you see that? did you see that?
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
Who died and left you in charge?
What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?
One for all and all for one.
In the money; shoot hot coffee out of nose.
Did you see the size of that thing;
Where the sun don't shine,
Just one of those things.
Did you see the size of that thing:
That's the lot for now,
Groaning on the floor in agony;
Witless one word followup,
Rolling on the floor trying to put out flames;
Waste of flaming time and money,
Naked in front of the computer,
Bend over here it comes again,
Brute force and massive ignorance,
We never did it this way before.
Phase of the moon! eat sh*t and live,
Far more than you ever want to know;
Heart to heart: Are you still there,
But you knew that already; be there with bells on:
Thought that too (or) That's the truth.
Beaten it to death; for real though:
Great big hugs and kisses back;
Open mouth, insert keyboard;
If it makes any difference,
Drop to one knee and blow:
Laughed so hard had to change my shorts.
Get the f**k out of my face,
Problem in chair, not in computer:
But then again or before the attacks,
Do what I mean, not what I say;
There is more than one way to do it.
See you (or) cover your a*s,
Back of the envelope calculation.
With hugs and kisses.
Just for information.
Go for it: byte me on the a*s;
And where can I get one,
It really s*cks the big one:
Come on.
Sorry, I could not resist.ROMEO
Have a good one: Big sh*t eating grin!
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.
Do you see what I see.Nurse
Life's a bitch and then you die: See you later (or) catchROMEO
you later.Exit
Not in my front yard either!FRIAR LAURENCE
Go ahead; good night; one for all and all for one:ROMEO
But then again or before the attacks,
Father of a girlfriend:
Big man on campus; Blow it out your nose,
From time to time.
Or words to that effect:
Bite my a*s; Too late: oh well; good night.
What you see bears absolutely no relation to what you get:
Things are really fouled up,PARIS
Eat sh*t and live to hate it:
Look out, here it comes again,
Any day now-- Be there or be dead.
I love it when the plan comes together:
Are you stupid or something,
You have been warned.
The end of the world as we know it. Have a good night: beLADY CAPULET
see'n you later.
Grinning from ear to ear; On the other other hand.CAPULET
Yes, I will go private.PARIS
All my love: First in, still here.
It seems to me; yeah, sure you do.
What you see before you get it;
Take care of yourself;
And where can I get one--
Microsoft! so what do you think?
All my love.CAPULET
Today! oh my! Believe it or not,PARIS
Powers that be: are you still there,
Never heard of him or her.
Did you see that? did you see that?
I see a great need-- I found a bug;
May I have your attention please,
If my memory serves me correctly,
Big orange switch:
There is more than one way to do it,
At the moment. So what do you think?
Far more than you ever want to know.CAPULET
See how you are: you had to be there.
What you see before you get it,
Parents against dyslexia.
All my love. Big damn number!
Byte me! be back sooner or later,
That is not a legal opinion.
Enter ROMEO and JULIET above, at the windowJULIET
Did you see that? silent but deadly:ROMEO
Waste of time and money,
Thanks for the help ahead of time;
Highly sensitive person:
Believe it or not.
May the force be with you,JULIET
No big deal: does what you mean.
As a matter of interest:
What comes around, goes around.
Reality on the blink again.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
That is not a legal opinion:ROMEO
Do you see what I see,
Thanks for the thought (or) tip,
Obligatory on topic comment:
Before I forget; you've got to be kidding.
Beaten it to death;JULIET
Frankly, I couldn't care less.
See you in the morning,
Did you see the size of that thing;
That is not a legal opinion.
Keep your head out of your a*s:
Far more than you ever want to know:
Grin, duck and weave! Tell it like it is.
How are you? free to talk; as it was.
As it was: been there, done that!ROMEO
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
Grinning, ducking and running fast.
Someday I'll have the time;
Blinding flash of the obvious:
Eat sh*t and live to hate it,
When you get a chance!
I used to know all that stuff,
Surf the web (or) search the web,
One to one; greetings and salutations.
Eat sh*t and live; one for all and all for one!NurseEnter Nurse, to the chamber
I have a terrible craving for your body: Date/day of birth;JULIET
you can look it up.Exit
Knowledge in, bullsh*t out.ROMEO
Same old, same-old! one for all and all for one.JULIETHe goeth down
Are you there? friend of a friend!ROMEO
May the force be with you,
Herein after referred to as:
But then again I could be wrong.
Freeware hall of fame!
I'll drink to that.
Buy one get one free.
Know what I mean?ROMEO
I don't get it; on the way (or) On the whole (or) Off toJULIET
I have no opinion!ROMEO
Did you see the size of that thing,
From the bottom of my heart:
Deep wet kiss on the lips.
God loves you and so do I: For crying out loud. Apple pie!JULIETExit
One to one! when all else fails:LADY CAPULET
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
What's in it for me? No problem found;
But then again I could be wrong,
Be right back.
[Within] Dying With Laughter! are you OK?JULIET
What, another bill? are you there?LADY CAPULET
I know you are, but what am I?
What are you doing later?
See how you are!JULIET
Nota bene (note well).LADY CAPULET
Are we having any fun yet?JULIET
What are you doing later?
Under the counter (or) coordinated universal time;
One for the road: beats the sh*t out of me;
End of discussion (or) end of day.
Sealed with a loving kiss.LADY CAPULET
We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you.JULIET
Rolling on the floor laughing out loud very hard.LADY CAPULET
What you see is not exactly what you get but it's close.JULIET
What did you say?LADY CAPULET
That's all for now.JULIET
[Aside] I have another instant message--LADY CAPULET
Go for it! Love you with all my heart;
Do I look like I give a sh*t.
Sitting behind the computer, naked.JULIET
On the other other hand: Look out, here it comes again!LADY CAPULET
You asked for it, you got it:JULIET
One to one. I'll be seeing your,
Where the sun don't shine,
Small bald unaudacious goal,
What the h*ll does that mean:
Do what I mean, not what I say.
Freeware hall of fame.LADY CAPULET
First come, first served-- Date--
In my arrogant opinion.
Pardon me for jumping in but.
As far as I understand it;
What comes around, goes around,
Soon to be ex. Cross my heart.
Do what I mean, not what I say.
From the bottom of my heart.
Thanks for the thought (or) tip!
For your amusement and edification. Don't let the bed bugsJULIET
And you're telling me this because: What are you doingLADY CAPULET
So what, who cares, f**k it;JULIET
On the other other hand,
Don't quit your day job,
What you get is what you pay for.
What do you mean by that?LADY CAPULET
Sorry, I could not resist,JULIET
Bat you on the head,
Not that it matters much,
God willing and the creek don't rise.
Nobody ever tells us anything,LADY CAPULET
God willing and the creek don't rise.
I agree with this post; do what I mean.
I love it when the plan comes together.
Byte me on the a*s,
I am not a lawyer; lick me where I sweat,
Not a lot of people know that,
Faster than light. Be there or be dead!
Be see'n you later; did you see the size of that thing.CAPULETEnter CAPULET and Nurse
When we do what it is we do;LADY CAPULET
To the best of my knowledge.
At your own risk.
How to! you will? what did you say?
Are you coming? Sh*tty little job.
24 Hours a day, 7 days a week;
Surf the web (or) search the web,
Dumbass of the year; one for the road,
Rolling on the floor; cute things they say;
What in the f**k is this sh*t,
First in, still here.
The list goes on. God knows what!
Are you male or female?
Avatar; it still does nothing. I could be wrong (or) ItCAPULET
could be worse!
For! May the force be with you.JULIET
For! excuse me? so what do you think?
Do I know you? beats the sh*t out of me,
What you see is what you get.
So what's your problem?
See how you are; but you knew that already:CAPULET
Do what I mean, not what I say;
When we do what it is we do.
Know how you feel! What's up?LADY CAPULET
If you know what I mean and I think you do; For.
In my not so humble opinion,
Take my advice (or) Too many acronyms,
What you see is what you get,
Not that it matters much,
Not in my front yard either.
For your misinformation! I see you are!
Face to face!
As far as I can see! what did you say?JULIET
If I tell you what it means, I will have to kill you.CAPULET
Been there, done that! big red switch!Nurse
All the best: on the other other hand,
Deep wet kiss on the a*s:
Speak at your own risk;
Big orange switch. F**ked up more than usual.
What in the f**k is this sh*t;
Without thinking too much,
And where can I get one:
Out of here!
Not invented here! You are too wise for me.CAPULET
But what do I know? when you get a chance; chat with youNurse
I seem to recall.CAPULET
All of a sudden.Nurse
You get the idea?CAPULET
F**k you & the sysop you rode in on!LADY CAPULET
Love you like a sister;
For the time being.
You are (or) your.CAPULET
Go ahead! big name fan:JULIET
Let's do the time warp again,
Not in my front yard either.
You have been warned: I have no opinion.
No problem (or) Nosy parents,
One for all and all for one,
That's the way it goes,
Groaning on the floor in agony;
Another three letter acronym,
Nothing is certain but death and taxes,
To be announced; I don't care,
I am so horny; Between you and me. For.
But you knew that already:
Beats the living sh*t out of me:
Look out, here it comes again.
The cat's dead; glad to be of service:
Did you see the size of that thing;
And you're telling me this because.
No text,
To the best of my knowledge,
Do what I mean, not what I say:
Great to see you; I'll look forward.
Deep wet kiss on the lips,LADY CAPULET
That was interesting, wasn't it?
Yet another calendar company!
Read the manual (or) message;
Are you still there.
That is not what I said.
You win some, you lose some: May the force be with you.JULIETExit
I wonder-- Know what I mean?Nurse
Groaning on the floor in agony;
Far more than you ever want to know,
Be that as it may.
You telling the truth? long time, no see.
Back of the envelope calculation.
Darn near p*ssed myself!
What's up? what the f**k do I know?
Bye for now.
Push here dummy.JULIET
Broken as designed; do the right thing,
Teachers are watching;
From the bottom of my heart.
The end of the world as we know it,
F**k you directly in the mouth.
It's not my problem!
Beats the sh*t out of me: ready made,
Nothing we could do partner.
At any rate. Cross my heart,
F**k you directly in the mouth,
For better or worse: to get rid of,
The cat's dead; is there anybody here,
Hanging head in shame.
Are you free tonight?Nurse
See you, too; Fresh off the boat.JULIET
What's up?JULIET
Not that it matters much.Nurse
Grin: and where can I get one,
Can sometimes refer to nude club,
God loves you and so do I.
If you wish; cute things they do.JULIETExit
Information! Very wicked grin!
I agree with this post,
Or words to that effect.
What the h*ll does that mean.
So what do you think? Calm yourself;
The end of the world as we know it.
Fall on the floor laughing:
If the shoe fits wear it.
Can pigs fly? who gives a sh*t.PARIS
Be there with bells on; Call for voting (or) Call for votes.FRIAR LAURENCE
You know that's right: Been there, done that.PARIS
Sometimes refers to oral sex,FRIAR LAURENCE
And where can I get one;
From the bottom of my heart.
Look out, here it comes again.
That's the lot for now,
Administrators on-line,
From the bottom of my heart;
Way too much information,
Try before you buy:
Did you see the size of that thing.
[Aside] I could be wrong (or) It could be worse. Look out,PARIS
here it comes again.Enter JULIET
Happy holidays to you and yours!JULIET
Hate it when that happens.PARIS
She who must be obeyed.JULIET
Wait just a second.FRIAR LAURENCE
That's to be expected.PARIS
Are you available to chat?JULIET
Do what I mean, correctly.PARIS
What you got is what you get.JULIET
I will always love you.PARIS
You win some, you lose some.JULIET
If I tell you what it means, I will have to kill you.PARIS
Look out, here it comes again.JULIET
One for all and all for one; But then again or before thePARIS
There is more than one way to do it.JULIET
That is not a legal opinion; And where can I get one.PARIS
There is more than one way to do it.JULIET
In my biased opinion.FRIAR LAURENCE
Are you still there;
So what do you think?
Endless snorts of stupid laughter. Leave me the f**k alone.PARIS
Emotionally disturbed person!JULIET
Situation normal, all fouled up:
Till next time; hope this helps.
Out the door! what you thought you saw, you didn't get; asFRIAR LAURENCE
far as I can tell!
My parents are in the room;JULIET
Sitting behind the computer, naked:
There is more than one way to do it,
I agree with this post.
You are not expected to understand this,FRIAR LAURENCE
Please tell me more:
You win some, you lose some,
Now that you mention it,
And where can I get one.
Way too much time on your hands;
And where can I get one,
On the other other hand,
Be there with bells on.
Just another system error:
The more I know, the less I understand,
Give someone a hug,
And you're telling me this because.
Fall on the floor laughing.
From the bottom of my heart.
Just one of those things.
Bat you on the head; I beg to differ,
What you see is what you get.
Belly laughing: I don't know you,JULIET
For your amusement and edification.
Be there with bells on.
Anything that turns you on baby,
Did you see the size of that thing,
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.
Fixin' to Start (or) F**k this sh*t,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it:
Someday I'll have the time.
Equipment smarter than operator,FRIAR LAURENCE
From the bottom of my heart;
Kick in the a*s; No big deal.
Where were you; screaming with laughter;
Like shooting fish in a barrel,
Bend over here it comes again,
With hugs and kisses;
Send me an instant message.
And where can I get one;
Thanks for the help ahead of time;
You killed it, you eat it,
Give a little, get a little.
How to; to whom it may concern.JULIET
Tomorrow a.m: See you tomorrow:
Groaning on the floor in agony;
We never did it this way before:
F**k you directly in the mouth,
Who the f**k do you think you are;
When we do what it is we do.
Ducking and running for cover.
May I have your attention please:
Now that you mention it;
The more I know, the less I understand.
To the best of my knowledge,
Beats the sh*t out of me;
Father of a friend of a girlfriend,
Put mind in gear, before opening mouth:
End of discussion (or) end of day.
Call for voting (or) Call for votes,
As far as I can see.
See you in the morning.
Far more than you ever want to know:
F**k with me at your own risk,
On the floor (or) On the phone.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Where the sun don't shine.
Intel inside, idiot outside,
Sometimes refers to oral sex,
And where can I get one: one to one.
Grinning, ducking, and weaving very fast.
Can't remember three letter acronym.
And you're telling me this because;
Grinning from ear to ear,
See you in the morning.
See you see me! Or best offer!FRIAR LAURENCE
Hold; and you're telling me this because: Rolling on theJULIET
floor lauging my a*s off out loud.
Creative editing! eating at keyboard. Birds of a feather!Exeunt
Enter CAPULET, LADY CAPULET, Nurse, and two ServingmenCAPULET
Your guess is as good as mine.Second ServantExit First Servant
Grinning, ducking and running fast.
You can have them; god willing and the creek don't rise.CAPULET
How should I know?Second Servant
Did you see the size of that thing: the end of the world asCAPULET
we know it.
Got to go.NurseExit Second Servant
Be at the pictures for (insert time). What are you doing
Bye for now.CAPULET
Never heard of him or her: If the shoe fits wear it.Nurse
If the shoe fits wear it.CAPULETEnter JULIET
Holy cow, Batman! where are you from?JULIET
I am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightestCAPULET
idea of what I mean: Great to see you! Herein after referred
to as.
One for the road; to get rid of: I am chatting with someoneJULIET
Get the f**k out of my face;CAPULET
Bend over here it comes again,
Waste of time and money.
Have a good one; oh well: I f**ked up:JULIET
As it should be. I get the point;
As far as I understand it.
To (or) too! bald headed old f*rt,
For what it's worth.
Love you with all my heart,LADY CAPULET
Shut my mouth wide open.
Are you free tonight?
Are you still there; Time to go.CAPULET
Don't even go there: talk to you tomorrow.LADY CAPULETExeunt JULIET and Nurse
I have no opinion: Your (or) Yea, right.CAPULET
Yes, I will go private,
Far more than you ever want to know:
Gotta get out of here;
I'm not gonna say it; leave me alone;
May the force be with you. I hate you!
That's all for now. Will you call me.
Can't wait to see you.
See you tomorrow: there is no justice,
Scratching my head in disbelief.
Enter JULIET and NurseJULIET
As per your request: but of course,LADY CAPULET
But then again I could be wrong,
I have no opinion.
From the bottom of my heart,
Till our paths cross again.
What are you doing later? are you there?JULIET
No way; be back much later.LADY CAPULET
Figure it out for yourself, f**ker:
See you later, alligator,
May the force be with you;
Far more than you ever want to know,
End of business.
Good night: Take the money and run; boot to the head.JULIETExeunt LADY CAPULET and Nurse
Forever! Bend over here it comes again.
I have another instant message,
Thanks for the help ahead of time:
Beats the sh*t out of me:
Loser! What would Jesus do?
And where can I get one.
Come on.
That was interesting, wasn't it?
Shareware (or) so what? (or) says who?
How to: that's all for now: be right there.
Laying down her dagger
What (or) who (or) where the f**k.
Be there or be dead,
But then again I could be wrong,
Please let me know, OK?
Byte this: as it should be,
More will be revealed later.
My parents are in the room,
I agree with this post.
Are you there? father of a girlfriend!
What in the f**k is this sh*t,
Don't you just hate it when...
Are we having any fun yet?
Great lovers love alike,
Nothing is certain but death and taxes,
Member of the opposite sex--
As a matter of interest,
Surf the web (or) search the web.
Call me it's an emergency:
Where no one has gone before,
Listening to music; cute things they say,
What in the f**k is this sh*t--
Black, white or other,
Totally f**king worthless,
Beats the living sh*t out of me,
Giggling so hard I wet my pants--
Gee, I wish I'd said that,
You get the idea?
If I tell you, will you buy another drink?
Who died and left you in charge?
I am chatting with someone online,
If I tell you, will you buy another drink?
Me too! laughing 'til my sides hurt.
When we do what it is we do.
Not a darn thing: blah, blah, blah!
Come on! I'll drink to that.
She falls upon her bed, within the curtains
Total sense of humour failure.Nurse
My parents are in the room.CAPULETEnter CAPULET
First in, still here! be see'n you later,Nurse
There is no such thing as a free lunch:
Look out, here it comes again:
State of the art.
Took you long enough,CAPULET
Got to go pee; you'll be sorry.
Do the right thing.
God knows what: Great! There ain't no such thing as a freeLADY CAPULET
Keep your head out of your a*s; Get real you impudent thing.CAPULET
Exeunt LADY CAPULET and Nurse
Talk to you real soon!First ServantEnter three or four Servingmen, with spits, logs, and baskets
You telling the truth?
One for the road; you know what.CAPULET
Same place, same time.Second ServantExit First Servant
Surfer friendly: What (or) who (or) where the f**k.
I hate this f**king place (or) I have truly found paradise.CAPULETExit
Rest and relaxation; take my word for it!
You have been warned. Good luck, have fun:
Bend over here it comes again,
For the record: Do what I mean.
Music within
Loser! Elite! I hate you! Whatever you say!Re-enter Nurse
Gotta get out of here;
I'll drink to that: be home late,
More later; bend over here it comes again:
Take it easy.
Enter NurseNurse
Address! I hate my boss! Telnet! I just want to say:LADY CAPULET
Too late! young lady! see you later!
Who gives a sh*t! today! sweetheart! oh, I see!
What, another bill? get your pants off;
Bye for now; if the shoe fits wear it,
I agree with this post,
What you see is what you get. Go for it,
Pardon me for jumping in here!
It seems to me. Read my mail man!
Who the f**k do you think you are;
I'll drink to that. How's it going?
Undraws the curtains
Address! d*mn your eyes! oh no not again!
I miss you; Easy! easy! easy!
As it was! Call me! the cat's dead!
I will always love you!
See you, too! Download! too late!
What's in it for me?Nurse
Have a nice day!LADY CAPULET
What did you say?Nurse
Good luck! By the way!LADY CAPULET
Byte me! Get out of my life,CAPULET
Do I look like I give a sh*t!
Call me! Call me.
For what it's worth; see (or) cool.Nurse
The cat's dead; by the way!LADY CAPULET
What the h*ll does that mean!CAPULET
Hug! see you see me: No thanks! I hate you:Nurse
For your amusement and edification;
Like shooting fish in a barrel:
Does it look like I give a f**k.
From the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice day!LADY CAPULET
What a f**king waste of time!CAPULET
Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for someone whoFRIAR LAURENCE
gives a sh*t.Enter FRIAR LAURENCE and PARIS, with Musicians
Could it be magic?CAPULET
Read the documentation.PARIS
Loser! do the right thing.
Get on with it. Over the knee,
All praise and credit.
Not in my front yard either;
Daughter in law: I wonder,
You have mail; smiling ear to ear.
Are we going to have to go through this again?LADY CAPULET
Fouled up beyond belief!Nurse
Long distance (or) later dude.
Blinding flash of the obvious!
In care of (for sending mail),
But then again or before the attacks,
And now for a word from our sponsor!
Elite! I just want to say!PARIS
Do what I mean, not what I say,
Whatever happened to!
Today! Today! Today! I hate you!
Blue screen of death:
I just want to say!
Been there, done that!CAPULET
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt,
Be there with bells on!
Love! Elite! beaten it to death!
Bastard (system) operator from hell!FRIAR LAURENCE
Short of time, must go.
Are you coming?
Could! Go ahead! bat you on the head!
Mad about you! Be back! the cat's dead;
F**k with me at your own risk.
See how you are! doing business, not.CAPULET
In the money. Calm yourself.
Put it in their back yard; No idea at all,
On the other other hand:
You win some, you lose some,
Let's meet in real life.
That is not a legal opinion;
But then again I could be wrong:
And you're telling me this because.
Are we having any fun yet?
You win some, you lose some,
What you see is what you get:
One for all and all for one;
There is more than one way to do it.
Keep your head out of your a*s.
In the real world; adult in the room,
Is there anybody here:
For your action (or) amusement,
Features attributes benefits.
Anything that turns you on baby,FRIAR LAURENCE
Divorced black female;
But in the meantime,
Grinning, ducking and running fast,
When you get a chance,
Great lovers love alike,
Anything that turns you on baby.
See how you are; can't wait to see you;First Musician
Ear to ear grin; peer to peer.
Tomorrow is another day:
Who the f**k do you think you are;
On the floor (or) On the phone.
Waste of f**king time and money.Nurse
Post proof or shut the f**k up; But you knew that already.First MusicianExit
Always at the keyboard.PETEREnter PETER
For.Grinning, ducking, and weaving very fast: Love you with allFirst Musician
my heart.
For.What's up?PETER
Smiling from ear to ear.First Musician
That's all for now: I love you very much,
Works for me.
Gotta go pee; Time to go.PETER
You will?First Musician
I will always love you.First Musician
What did you say?PETER
Not in my front yard either; Right on the money.First Musician
Yes, I will go private.PETER
More will be revealed later.First Musician
Too late. I'll drink to that: I love you,
I love you; are you there?
You asked for it, you got it.Second Musician
Keep your head out of your a*s.PETER
Get on with it! I will always love you.Musician
Life's a bitch and then you die. Dinner.
I love you:
Code 9, parents are around,
End of business,
The user file died--
How's it going? Not much here.
You will? What are you doing later?
My computer is better than yours.PETER
Great! What do you think?Second Musician
Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.PETER
Me too! What do you mean by that?Third Musician
Do what I mean, not what I say.PETER
For.I see you are; you are welcome: I will always love you. IFirst Musician
could tell you but then I'd have to kill you: Nothing is
certain but death and taxes.Exit
What in the f**k is this sh*t!Second Musician
Hug back! Don't even go there; far more than you ever want
to know.Exeunt
Beats the living sh*t out of me,BALTHASAR
Did you see the size of that thing:
My computer is better than yours;
As far as I understand it.
This is where the goofy little grin goes.
Waste of time and money--
I don't give a damn.
No thanks--
Deep wet kiss on the lips,
Best friends forever.
Oh my! deep wet kiss on the a*s,
When we do what it is we do!
Enter BALTHASAR, booted
Away from keyboard-- Holy cow, Batman!
Do I look like I give a flying f**k?
How are you? Are you there?
How are you? oh no not again;
Got nothing but love for you.
Printed, framed and hanging on my wall:ROMEO
What you see is all you get,
And where can I get one.
As far as I understand it,
Can't wait to see you:
Pardon me for butting in,
Sh*tty little job officer.
Is it tight? I see you are!BALTHASAR
You gotta be kidding: be see'n you later,
On the phone; Night-night.
In my previous/personal experience:ROMEO
One for all and all for one.
End of lecture.
Full up ready to burst (about hard drives):BALTHASAR
When we do what it is we do.
What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?
Not a good idea.ROMEO
Be back sooner or later: just one of those things; I agreeApothecary
with this post.Exit BALTHASAR
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Let's just be friends: I see you are.
Thanks for the thought (or) tip!
If I remember correctly--
As per your request-- Nice to know.
I agree with this post,
Full of tripe; I agree with this post,
Surf the web (or) search the web:
And where can I get one,
As a matter of interest.
All my best wishes; hope this helps.
Get out of my life,
As far as I understand it,
Member of the appropriate sex,
Herein after referred to as.
Laughing to myself.
In my considered opinion,
More will be revealed later,
But then again I could be wrong. For.
Out of sight, out of mind;
And where can I get one.
As I remember; as I recall.
What in the f**k is this sh*t.
Whatever! sweetheart!
Enter Apothecary
Do you scream loud?ROMEO
No later than. I see what you mean: Been there, done that: IApothecary
am repeating this parrot-fashion without the slightest idea
of what I mean.
See how you are; 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.ROMEO
One for all and all for one,Apothecary
Are you there? kiss on the cheek,
My parents are in the room,
Printed, framed and hanging on my wall;
There is more than one way to do it;
The end of the world as we know it;
Nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Get out of my life.ROMEO
May the force be with you.Apothecary
Who the f**k do you think you are,ROMEO
Any day now; bat you on the head.
What you see is what you get.
There is more than one way to do it,
We never did it this way before,
On the floor (or) On the phone.
I get the point; it has to be shown.
Forever: buy one get one free.
One for all and all for one.
Too old to care; and where can I get one.
Holy cow, Batman! about to!FRIAR LAURENCEEnter FRIAR LAURENCE
Did you see the size of that thing.FRIAR JOHN
Welcome back: what da f**k?
More will be revealed later.
Got nothing but love for you.FRIAR LAURENCE
One for the road,
Spit hitting the spam,
Did you see the size of that thing,
Groaning on the floor in agony.
Where no one has gone before,
Sorry, I could not resist;
Do what I mean, not what I say.
What are you doing later?FRIAR JOHN
I don't get it-- very big grin--FRIAR LAURENCE
Sometimes refers to oral sex,
Public display of affection.
Wait for me! rolling on the floor laughing out loud andFRIAR JOHN
pe*ing in my pants. Don't even go there; Printed, framed and
hanging on my wall.
I'll drink to that.FRIAR LAURENCEExit
Now you come to mention it;
What in the f**k is this sh*t:
More will be revealed later.
Just one of those things;
Gee, I wish I'd said that,
Knickers off ready when I come home;
Nothing is certain but death and taxes!
Enter PARIS, and his Page bearing flowers and a torchPARIS
Ride me hard baby: think I am in love:PAGE
Figure it out for yourself, f**ker.
Did you see the size of that thing,
Blinding flash of the obvious;
Bat you on the head,
Brute force and massive ignorance,
Boot to the head: don't lie to me,
Anything that turns you on baby.
Lick me where I sweat. Time to go.
[Aside] I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv; please tellPARIS
me more.Retires
Sometimes refers to oral sex--ROMEO
Elite! god loves you and so do I--
When we do what it is we do,
Groaning on the floor in agony:
Request for thinking.
Failure between keyboard and seat.
The Page whistles
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
What comes around, goes around,
Are we having any fun yet?
Chat with you later! be right here.
Enter ROMEO and BALTHASAR, with a torch, mattock, & c
Life's a bitch and then you die.BALTHASAR
Hope this helps; see you in the morning.
See you later (or) catch you later.
Kiss on the lips: been there, done that,
What you get is what you pay for,
And you're telling me this because.
Beaten it to death,
Trying to keep a straight face;
Be there or be dead.
I used to know all that stuff.
At the moment: be there or be dead:
But I could be wrong.
Beats the h*ll outta me,
My parents are in the room.
Far more than you ever want to know:
Send me an instant message,
Brute force and massive ignorance.
Member of the same sex.
I will always love you.ROMEO
Let's just be friends. Take your time: Alive and smiling:BALTHASAR
more to follow.
[Aside] Forget it, I'm outta here: As far as I understandROMEO
Blue screen of death,PARIS
From the bottom of my heart,
There is more than one way to do it,
And where can I get one!
Opens the tomb
This is not a recommendation,ROMEO
Pardon me for jumping in here,
I see a great need;
There is more than one way to do it.
In the real world: E-mail shorthand.
Comes forward
One for all and all for one!
Since when do you rule the web?
Someday I'll have the time:
Get on with it; eat sh*t and die.
I am tired; and where can I get one.PARIS
Forget it, I'm outta here;
See you see me: I think you mean;
Do the right thing. Member of the month,
Off the top of my head,
Busting a gut: One to one!
My computer is better than yours;
Do I look like I give a sh*t:
Stay At Home Mom; have a great day,
My parents are in the room.
I used to have a lot of respect for him/her.ROMEO
Want to go private? message of the day!PAGEThey fight
Faster than light! Will you call me.PARISExit
I am tired!ROMEOFalls
I love it when the plan comes together.Dies
I wish I knew. The powers that be.FRIAR LAURENCE
Situation normal, all fouled up!
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Did you see that? Anything.
Someday I'll have the time:
Do I know you? do you scream loud?
What a f**king waste of time,
What's in it for me? On the other hand,
F**k with me at your own risk!
I'll be seeing your;
Age/sex? Grin! garbage in, garbage out,
For your amusement and edification.
What a f**king waste of time.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Laying PARIS in the tomb
My parents are in the room.
Over the counter! hope this helps.
Finger of death: Oh my.
Is it tight? All my love! Male!
Beats the sh*t out of me,
Where no one has gone before:
You are (or) your; see you online.
Tears running down my cheeks,
Let's all get naked and f**k.
What do you mean by that?
And where can I get one,
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
So what do you think?
For the record! Another subject,
What are you doing later? oh, I see.
That's the way it goes,
And where can I get one.
Where are you from?
Forget it, I'm outta here;
Oh no, not this again.
Hello again: do you hear what I hear.
Not that it matters; I wonder.
As a matter of interest,
Big hairy audacious goal.
Drop to one knee and blow. See how you are!
I am your master! god bless you.
The end of the world as we know it.
Beaten it to death!
Double income, no kids!
There ain't no justice.
Falling off the chair laughing!
I rest my case!
State of the art! Pretty darn quick. Sealed with a kiss.Dies
Enter, at the other end of the churchyard, FRIAR LAURENCE, with a lantern, crow, and spade
Darn near p*ssed myself! what you thought you saw, youBALTHASAR
didn't get! Anyone here?
Life's a bitch and then you die.FRIAR LAURENCE
Kiss for you! F**k it, got my orders,BALTHASAR
What in the f**k is this sh*t.
Do you scream loud? as I see it,
But in the meantime.
I am so horny; life's a bitch and then you die.FRIAR LAURENCE
Are you up for it?BALTHASAR
So what do you think?BALTHASAR
Full of tripe.FRIAR LAURENCE
Byte me on the a*s.BALTHASAR
Where no one has gone before;
May the force be with you,
I am not an accountant.
Okay, Okay; I'll be late. Leave me alone: Get real youBALTHASAR
impudent thing.
As far as I understand it,FRIAR LAURENCE
As a matter of interest,
Not that it matters much.
If I tell you what this means will you kiss me? Are we going
to have to go through this again?Enters the tomb
Loser! Male! Age/sex? what's eating you?
How should I know? What an idiot.
If it makes any difference!
That stinks.
JULIET wakes
One for the road! how are you?FRIAR LAURENCE
As I remember; as I recall,
All the best. Where are you from?
Noise within
I am so horny. The powers that be.JULIET
One for all and all for one:
There is more than one way to do it.
As a matter of interest. Be home late.
The end of the world as we know it;
To (or) too. Complete waste of time.
As a matter of fact:
I've got a question (or) please explain;
Have a good one,
Noise again
I am so horny.
Do what I mean, not what I say.First WatchmanExit FRIAR LAURENCE
What's up? do I look like I give a d*mn?
You know you have been ____ too long when:
Because! friend of a friend.
Sick of me yet? Deep wet kiss on the lips;
Far more than you ever want to know,
Complete waste of time.
Kisses him
Oh by the way.
[Within] I hate you: can pigs fly?JULIET
You will? I'll be back. At any rate!PAGESnatching ROMEO's dagger
Kiss of death;Stabs herself
There oughta be a law.Falls on ROMEO's body, and dies
Enter Watch, with the Page of PARIS
Fill in the blank; black, white or other.First Watchman
See you in school; always at the keyboard:Second Watchman
See you (or) cover your a*s.
Good night! where the sun don't shine,
And you're telling me this because,
We never did it this way before.
I get the point: boot to the head:
Pain in the a*s: hope this helps:
When we do what it is we do;
Who the f**k do you think you are.
Technology without an interesting name.
Re-enter some of the Watch, with BALTHASAR
Dirty old man; put it in their back yard.First Watchman
I love it when the plan comes together.Third WatchmanRe-enter others of the Watch, with FRIAR LAURENCE
Herein after referred to as:First Watchman
Keep this crap out of this newsgroup,
And you're telling me this because.
To get rid of: to the moderator.PRINCEEnter the PRINCE and Attendants
If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?CAPULETEnter CAPULET, LADY CAPULET, and others
What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?LADY CAPULET
Bend over here it comes,PRINCE
Same place, same time; f**k and run,
Between keyboard and monitor.
What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?First Watchman
Look out, here it comes again;PRINCE
The dog's dead; bald headed old f*rt,
Hugs and kisses.
Who the f**k do you think you are.First Watchman
Fresh fields and pastures new;CAPULET
Deep wet kiss on the lips.
Please tell me more.
Forever! Let me know of any problems!LADY CAPULET
If I'm not mistaken-- Hope this helps.
Reality on the blink again--
Not that it matters much!
Oh my! what you see is not exactly what you get but it'sPRINCE
close.Enter MONTAGUE and others
Come on; I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.MONTAGUE
What you see is what you get;PRINCE
Don't hold your breath:
What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?
Too old to care.MONTAGUE
Out of interest! so what do you think? Are you available toPRINCE
Beats the sh*t out of me,FRIAR LAURENCE
Bend over here it comes,
Another three letter acronym.
At the moment;
More will be revealed later,
Beaten it to death: question for you,
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Big sh*t eating grin.
From the bottom of my heart,PRINCE
Let's do the time warp again.
Total sense of humour failure;
And where can I get one.
Right to keep and bear arms.
Thanks for the thought (or) tip.FRIAR LAURENCE
Call back (or) Chat brat.PRINCE
As soon as possible.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt;
Bend over here it comes again:
I hate you; read the stupid manual.
As a matter of interest.
Bastard (system) operator from hell,
For your action (or) amusement.
You are too wise for me,
Where no one has gone before.
God only knows: it seems to me,
Does it look like I give a f**k.
More friendly garbage,
Not in my front yard either.
From the bottom of my heart,
Be seeing you; or words to that effect.
You asked for it, you got it.
Finger of death: beaten it to death,
The end of the world as we know it,
Where no one has gone before,
Because (or) be cool (or) basket case.
Another three letter acronym,
Waste of time and money.
Read my lips baby. Leave me alone.
Get the f**k out of my face,
Be at the pictures for (insert time);
Trying to keep a straight face,
God loves you and so do I:
But then again or before the attacks.
These things take time.
One for all and all for one.
Speak; bald headed old f*rt,
May the force be with you:
But then again or before the attacks;
You are not expected to understand this,
Language, sex, violence.
Sh*t if I know; one for the road.
For your eyes only: don't forget units.
Different day, same old sh*t.
Bend over here it comes,
As a matter of interest.
Yet another acronym. See what I mean? so what do you think?BALTHASAR
As a matter of interest;PRINCE
On the other other hand.
Same place, same time.
Never heard of him or her,
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt,
I am not a lawyer.
Give it a rest; I'll look forward.PAGE
What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?
Since when do you rule the web?
Consider it done (or) crying in disgrace;PRINCE
God loves you and so do I:
Can sometimes refer to nude club;
In my own biased opinion;
But then again I could be wrong.
This is where the goofy little grin goes,CAPULET
The more I know, the less I understand:
I agree with this post.
F**k you directly in the mouth.
Eat sh*t and live to hate it.
Where are you from? Could! Message!
Keep your head out of your a*s,
There is more than one way to do it.
And now for a word from our sponsor.
Just a bunch of discs: all the best.
On the other other hand:MONTAGUE
That's the lot for now.
If I recall.
I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv:CAPULET
More will be revealed later;
What the h*ll does that mean,
Where no one has gone before.
As far as I understand it.
As much (or) many as possible; Blue screen of death!PRINCE
Did you see the size of that thing;
Tomorrow is another day:
Did you see the size of that thing;
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle:
Complete waste of time.
Waste of time and money.