The Smaller Picture

   X XXX            
 XXX   X            
XXX XX        X     
XXX XXX          X X
XXXXXX           XX 
XXXXXX            XX
 X XXX XX   XX   XX 
   XX XX   XXX XX   
  XXX XXX   XX XX   
 XX   XXX   XX XXX  
XX     XXX XX   XX  
The collective consciousness was attempting to create a goat.

<< This is frame 6001. >>

New pictures being created :
bird sword cat human head sofa castle apple

Previous pictures :
Great Britain face star bucket flag banana map of the world umbrella question mark telephone circle spiral stick person letter arrow anything bee car wineglass cup landscape word heart fish lamp monster television computer tree spider boat chair flower house anything

Created by Kevan Davis in July 2002, based on Kevin Kelly's account of hive-mind audience emergence.
Each picture starts from a randomised grid. There have been 6002 flips to this one, so far.
See also: the official Typophile Font spinoff and Tom Rankin's filtering of it.

Other people have built much better emergent art projects
since this went live in 2002, most notably Swarm Sketch, Pixelfest and TheBroth.