£79 million of new CCTV cameras - the news has been
littered with unsettling quotes about surveillance being more "popular"
with today's public. Not good. Presumably the next step will be
voluntary domestic cameras which have a 17-million-to-one chance of giving
you money on a Saturday evening. And proud voter apathy getting us some
insane far-right government in 2005, who'll have all sorts of fun with the
surveillance toys we waved through. Or something.
But there are, I feel, better ways to deal with the collapse of society
than to film it and point at it afterwards. CCTV seems an
arbitrarily selfish approach - "How can I make people less likely to
steal my car when I go into town?" - the problem just
getting pushed to wherever they can't afford to put cameras up. It
doesn't impact the base levels of criminally desperate need, or of human
have lucid things to say about this.