As Above
Brain children. Those that overlap the Internet.
The improvised card game.
Blog Twinning Project
Democratic blog-pairing.
TV Misguidance
Reconstituted TV listings.
Other Listings Magazine
With hilarious consequences.
The Surrealist Link
You are the spikiest moth.
Back on the Orion Express
Interactive fiction.
Generic Nomic Data Tracker
It's a Nomic thing.
Two-Word Guestbook
Sign it.
Online cliques. Trespassers may be welcome.
Stem-cell fiction.
Hate the Stupid
Because we do.
Mornington Crescent
In outer space.
In the bookpile. About to read, or currently reading, or meaning to take back to the library.
Sore Sites
Will Self
Feeding Frenzy
Will Self
These Were Your Father's
John Hegley
Incidental music. Ohrwurmen or otherwise.
Other weblogs. The ones I make a point of reading, at least.
About as Funny... AngryBlog The Blast Blue Ruin Crummy Digital Trickery Epiblogue Found Groke Icarus Says Inside Joke Interconnected Life as it Happens LinkMachineGo Orbyn Peace Dividend Qwertyuiop RavenBlog Somnolence Sore Eyes Venusberg The View from Here Wherever You Are

(Updated UK Blogs)

Supporting cast. That have Web pages. In alphabetical order.
Alice Chrissy Dan Dave Dunx Eperdu John Lori Nik Paul Raven Riana Sandy Simes Tracy Tyrethali Yao Zarba
Weeks beginning. All having ended.
This Year
01.01 08.01 15.01 22.01 29.01 05.02 12.02 19.02 26.02 05.03 12.03 19.03 26.03 02.04 09.04 16.04 23.04 30.04 07.05 14.05 21.05 28.05 04.06 11.06 18.06 25.06 02.07 09.07 16.07 23.07 30.07 06.08 13.08 20.08 27.08 03.09 10.09 17.09 24.09 01.10 08.10 15.10 22.10 29.10 05.11 12.11 19.11 26.11 03.12

20.11 27.11 04.12 11.12 18.12 25.12

Archive search. You never know.

For those wishing to pre-empt this year's Trivial Pursuit, or seeking free, last-minute shoddy-looking gifts for game-playing friends, all of the Dvorak decks are now printable from the comfort of your own printer, to be glued onto bits of cardboard, slipped into deck protectors, or just played with as increasingly crumpled and flimsy bits of paper.

Recommended decks: Paranoia, Robot Wars and, for sheer nostalgia and elegant simplicity, All Your Base. But make up your own if you're unimpressed.

"I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind."

Don't shoot. How the leopard got its spots - morphogen activation and inhibition, interference and feedback setting up a stable and fairly random pattern for any given individual. From this, spotted animals can have striped tails but never vice versa.
(C) Kevan Davis 2000-1.