Wednesday  the Sixteenth of October, 2002

"Why not use tiles with digits instead of letters? We could randomly choose a set of 150,000 valid "scrabble numbers" between 10 and 99,999,999. Better yet, we could keep things fresh by choosing a different set of 150,000 numbers every year."
Some heartfelt ranting about tournament-level Scrabble, and its depressingly airless distance from being an entertaining word game. The writer goes on to suggest a couple of Scrabble sub-games which help hone your brain in a way other than memorising pages of data until your forehead bleeds - Duplicate Scrabble and Bingo Bop.
Nasty landmark update: Leicester's shoe-factory Statue of Liberty hasn't been crushed under the tread of bulldozers after all. It's being regrouted and will apparently be taking pride of place in the entrance of the student flatblock they're beaming in to replace the old factory. Give me your tired, your poor, your hilariously stolen roadworks paraphernalia...
"Yes." He closes the dictionary and eases back into chair and microphone. "How do you say it? Intolerance. Yes, that's the worst possible response."
Brief and recent interview with Haruki Murakami. Apparently he's due to visit the UK early next year, with or without public readings.

Passing Frenzies: Urban Letterboxing - Eraser Carving - The Smaller Picture Font (meta)

As Above

Brain children. Recent or noteworthy Web offspring.

Online cliques. Trespassers may be welcome.

In the bookpile. Powered by

Incidental music. Ohrwurmen or otherwise.

Other weblogs. The ones I make a point of returning to a lot.

Supporting cast. That have Web pages. In alphabetical order.

Weeks beginning. All having ended.
2002: 14.10 07.10 30.09 23.09 16.09 09.09 02.09 26.08 19.08 12.08 05.08 29.07 22.07 15.07 08.07 01.07 24.06 17.06 10.06 03.06 27.05 20.05 13.05 06.05 29.04 22.04 15.04 08.04 01.04 25.03 18.03 11.03 04.03 25.02 18.02 11.02 04.02 28.01 21.01 14.01 07.01

2001: 31.12 24.12 17.12 10.12 03.12 26.11 19.11 12.11 05.11 29.10 22.10 15.10 08.10 01.10 24.09 17.09 10.09 03.09 27.08 20.08 13.08 06.08 30.07 23.07 16.07 09.07 02.07 25.06 18.06 11.06 04.06 28.05 21.05 14.05 07.05 30.04 23.04 16.04 09.04 02.04 26.03 19.03 12.03 05.03 26.02 19.02 12.02 05.02 29.01 22.01 15.01 08.01 01.01

2000: 25.12 18.12 11.12 04.12 27.11 20.11

Archive search. You never know.