Thursday  the Fourth of March, 2004

Subways at Scale. A slight pity that you can't drag them around and make them fight each other, à la Starship Dimensions.  ]
More proof that giant radioactive ants will conquer us through superior network administration, as much as anything else; when foraging over a pair of wide bridges, they go for pheremone-heavy two-way traffic across an arbitrary bridge, but when the bridges are narrowed to force single lanes, impatient pushing and shoving results in an emergent, efficient pair of one-way systems. [from Nik]  ]

Impermanent Fillings: YourWay Radio - BlogNomic

 Wednesday  the Third

Odd claims that coin flips are biased, with a 51% chance of landing on the same face that they started on - it really boils down to the human eye being poor at distinguishing genuine coin flips from those where the coin didn't actually flip over, and merely wobbled around a bit; we accept flips that weren't flips at all. They did build a coin-flipping machine, though.

More useful to know is that a coin spun on its edge will come up tails eighty per cent of the time, although this presumably varies according to the skull size of your head of state. (But what were the other eight Interesting Things About Flipping a Coin?) [via Erik]  ]


In the bookpile. Powered by

Incidental music. Ohrwurmen or otherwise.

Other weblogs. The ones worth reading.

Weeks beginning. All having ended.
2004: 29.03 01.03 23.02 16.02 09.02 02.02 26.01 19.01 12.01 05.01

2003: 29.12 22.12 15.12 08.12 01.12 24.11 17.11 10.11 03.11 27.10 20.10 13.10 06.10 29.09 22.09 15.09 08.09 01.09 25.08 18.08 11.08 28.07 21.07 14.07 07.07 30.06 23.06 16.06 09.06 02.06 26.05 19.05 12.05 05.05 28.04 21.04 14.04 07.04 31.03 24.03 17.03 10.03 03.03 24.02 17.02 10.02 03.02 27.01 20.01 13.01 06.01

2002: 30.12 23.12 16.12 09.12 02.12 25.11 18.11 11.11 04.11 28.10 21.10 14.10 07.10 30.09 23.09 16.09 09.09 02.09 26.08 19.08 12.08 05.08 29.07 22.07 15.07 08.07 01.07 24.06 17.06 10.06 03.06 27.05 20.05 13.05 06.05 29.04 22.04 15.04 08.04 01.04 25.03 18.03 11.03 04.03 25.02 18.02 11.02 04.02 28.01 21.01 14.01 07.01

2001: 31.12 24.12 17.12 10.12 03.12 26.11 19.11 12.11 05.11 29.10 22.10 15.10 08.10 01.10 24.09 17.09 10.09 03.09 27.08 20.08 13.08 06.08 30.07 23.07 16.07 09.07 02.07 25.06 18.06 11.06 04.06 28.05 21.05 14.05 07.05 30.04 23.04 16.04 09.04 02.04 26.03 19.03 12.03 05.03 26.02 19.02 12.02 05.02 29.01 22.01 15.01 08.01 01.01

2000: 25.12 18.12 11.12 04.12 27.11 20.11

Archive search. You never know.