Saturday  the Eleventh of September, 2004

Mistaking the spam subject line of "no pres.crip.tion needed" for the announcement of another plugin or other. Mistaking an AdSense advert of "Bally Space Invaders" for a line of Victorian sci-fi dialogue. Facetiously considering the September 11th metaphor in a human setting fire to a wasp and the wasp subsequently flying back into its own hive and destroying it. (Setting fire to hymenoptera in disastrous ways seems to be quite fashionable lately.)  ]

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Incidental music. Ohrwurmen or otherwise.

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Weeks beginning. All having ended.
2004: 06.09 30.08 23.08 02.08 19.07 05.07 28.06 21.06 14.06 07.06 24.05 10.05 03.05 26.04 19.04 12.04 05.04 29.03 22.03 15.03 08.03 01.03 23.02 16.02 09.02 02.02 26.01 19.01 12.01 05.01

2003: 29.12 22.12 15.12 08.12 01.12 24.11 17.11 10.11 03.11 27.10 20.10 13.10 06.10 29.09 22.09 15.09 08.09 01.09 25.08 18.08 11.08 28.07 21.07 14.07 07.07 30.06 23.06 16.06 09.06 02.06 26.05 19.05 12.05 05.05 28.04 21.04 14.04 07.04 31.03 24.03 17.03 10.03 03.03 24.02 17.02 10.02 03.02 27.01 20.01 13.01 06.01

2002: 30.12 23.12 16.12 09.12 02.12 25.11 18.11 11.11 04.11 28.10 21.10 14.10 07.10 30.09 23.09 16.09 09.09 02.09 26.08 19.08 12.08 05.08 29.07 22.07 15.07 08.07 01.07 24.06 17.06 10.06 03.06 27.05 20.05 13.05 06.05 29.04 22.04 15.04 08.04 01.04 25.03 18.03 11.03 04.03 25.02 18.02 11.02 04.02 28.01 21.01 14.01 07.01

2001: 31.12 24.12 17.12 10.12 03.12 26.11 19.11 12.11 05.11 29.10 22.10 15.10 08.10 01.10 24.09 17.09 10.09 03.09 27.08 20.08 13.08 06.08 30.07 23.07 16.07 09.07 02.07 25.06 18.06 11.06 04.06 28.05 21.05 14.05 07.05 30.04 23.04 16.04 09.04 02.04 26.03 19.03 12.03 05.03 26.02 19.02 12.02 05.02 29.01 22.01 15.01 08.01 01.01

2000: 25.12 18.12 11.12 04.12 27.11 20.11

Archive search. You never know.