i'd like to see something like :
"if a human successfully defeats a zombie, they become brave. brave humans will *always* decide to fight when encountering a zombie" est - Wed 27 Aug, 05:00:13 |
Yeah, what est sez, or something like "army" or "police" dots who can calm panic and have better odds of defeating zombies. Midnight Platypus - Wed 27 Aug, 05:42:03 |
Have you ever *seen* a zombie film? Whole battalions of army and, er, stations (what the hell is the word for a pluraity of police persons?) of police stand no chance against even a single zombie. Nik - Wed 27 Aug, 12:32:16 |
On the other hand, if the win:lose ratio were per-human, and beating a zombie increased the chance of winning the next fight... then we'd be in 'two or three humans against the hordes' territory, where all the best zombie ffilms live... Nik - Wed 27 Aug, 12:35:45 |
+1 battle training vs zombies!
wee! *cough* est - Wed 27 Aug, 22:11:32 |
I think a simple addition of an exit would be quite interesting. Actually giving people some hope and somewhere to go. In addition, the number of escapees would be good. Gary F - Sat 30 Aug, 22:58:40 |
Oh yeah, if anyone implements an "army" to calm panic and who are better at killing, make it really interesting by turning them into faster zombies if they get infected. Gary F - Sat 30 Aug, 23:30:03 |
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