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You could make a "what foo are you?" type quiz, and have it give a random set of questions the first time anyone visits the site. However, each time it gave someone a copy-this-html-to-your-blog text, the link to the quiz would actually take someone to a variation on the quiz the person who got the text took. See if some quizes lend themselves more to completion and linking than others. Genetic evolution of the perfect quiz! Based on whatever constraints you allow variation in, of course.
Ben - Tue 16 Sep, 23:11:18

Silly that whoever wrote the original piece couldn't spell rusoarch properly, though, before anagramming the middle.
RavenBlack - Wed 17 Sep, 05:26:40

The research has been duplicated to both Norwegian and Danish, but since we aren't told the name of the university, I doubt that there ever was such a study. The conclusion may be correct, but we cannot know.
As to the memetics, this is an interesting study, though.
Ole - Wed 17 Sep, 10:13:52

There's a Portuguese variation too. I received it twice within 24 hours.
Zarba - Wed 17 Sep, 12:37:01 seems to have done some research.
Ole - Fri 19 Sep, 11:53:09

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