Sounds like bollocks to me. I'd bet fifty quid on the most efficient (well, fastest, which I'm assuming is what they mean by efficiency (well, faster than the other tried methods; blowing the building to smithereens would probably get people out faster, but in pieces)) way of evacuating a building is to disappear all the walls and magically suspend the ceilings, so people can all go in a straight line to the previous location of the nearest exterior wall. (And, by association, the equivalent method of having every inch of wall be a door. Not as individual inch-sized doors though.) RavenBlack - Sun 28 Sep, 05:55:25 |
I have to wonder if people, faced with a fire behind them, will queue up sensibly to get out the door.
Having said, that, aren't aircraft exits geared up for 4 or 6 sets of narrow-ish doors? Adam - Mon 29 Sep, 13:43:21 |
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