Where's my promised tape, then? They sound interesting.
Oh, and please fix the Comments: X thing. It's been driving me insane for weeks now. Alice - Thu Oct 2 13:14:14 |
I think I started it and lost it. Need to corral my CD collection into a single house, really. Remind me of your address and I'll sort it.
And yes, mm, comments. Must try harder. Kevan - Thu Oct 2 14:32:31 |
I'll be going to see them on Saturday, would you believe. Grimace - Thu Oct 2 14:55:23 |
Hi there :)
Just to let you know I love the Lonesome no more name generator! I think the book is wonderful! So now I'm a proud Laura Pachysandra-7 Prado! Thanks! Laura - Fri Oct 3 14:59:48 |
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