That's better than my previous example of the genre, from a book jacket bio of Sara Maitland: 'She lives in Suffolk [or wherever poncey authors live] with her husband, an Anglican priest, and two dogs'. Picture the bemused cleric in the menage a trois.
(Incidentally, I referred my girlfriend to this post and she discovered that you're blocked by Websense, category Games.) Owen - Thu 29 Jan, 19:41:03 |
Very good.
This one's also a particularly sharp case against the Oxford Comma, though - a neat counter to the classic pro-Oxford dedication of "To my parents, Ayn Rand and God". Am I mentioning games too much? Are Websense afraid that site visitors might be having fun? Kevan - Thu 29 Jan, 21:42:38 |
Although "To my mother, Ayn Rand, and God" is an equally good counter-example, thinking about it. Eh. Kevan - Fri 30 Jan, 11:15:29 |
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