Surely this must relate to Urban Go - in chess there is no option to 'miss a go' [zugzwang], but with Go, 'pass' is an acceptable move. iD - Thu 12 Feb, 01:07:22 |
Maybe it's some sort of Urban Candyland or similar board game? Zarba - Thu 12 Feb, 11:31:39 |
"Urban Chess" has just stuck, although it's inaccurate. I should probably start thinking of the phenomenon as "Urban Boardgame".
I think it's my turn again. Kevan - Thu 12 Feb, 21:23:29 |
Bugger, and I thought that I was THE Kevan.
Really though, if you look up at buildings and wonder then you should be thinking about how to climb them or at least break and enter. I guess you didn't study maths at Cambridge :) KevanMoran - Sun 15 Feb, 09:55:56 |
Hello. Somebody was building a web page of all the Kevans in the world, and asked me to submit my details, but the idea unnerved me too much. Kevan - Tue 17 Feb, 13:47:35 |
I Aardvarked the unnecessary palaeontologist. Simon - Wed 25 Feb, 14:35:24 |
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