Damn it, you beat me to it! I just started taking a look at this today, but I was trying to be clever and use Jared Tarbel's emotion fractal for efficient use of space.
http://levitated.net/daily/levEmotionFractal.html Anyway, if anyone wants Java applet which almost does what Kevan's html version does, let me know. TomC - Wed Jul 7 00:19:51 |
Really a wonderful idea... And a quick work if you really code it in an afternoon!
Is it python? Worthstream - Sat 24 Jul, 11:16:13 |
Perl. Kevan - Sun 25 Jul, 12:48:37 |
I guess I'm a bit late on the del.icio.us scene, but I came accross your extisp.icio.us and thought it was wonderful. I hope you don't mind but I've totally ripped off you idea and mounted in as a front end to a wiki's recent changes database searching for common words in recently updated pages. I did it in php and after a lot of faffing with SQL and regexps I got something that works well enough for me to be pleased with. Now the wiki users want more from me. You can check it out if you like http://www.newspeak.org.uk/phplay/wikiwords.php Stephen Paulger - Mon Feb 7 16:09:01 |
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