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Damn it, you beat me to it! I just started taking a look at this today, but I was trying to be clever and use Jared Tarbel's emotion fractal for efficient use of space.

Anyway, if anyone wants Java applet which almost does what Kevan's html version does, let me know.

TomC - Wed Jul 7 00:19:51

Really a wonderful idea... And a quick work if you really code it in an afternoon!
Is it python?
Worthstream - Sat 24 Jul, 11:16:13

Kevan - Sun 25 Jul, 12:48:37

I guess I'm a bit late on the scene, but I came accross your and thought it was wonderful. I hope you don't mind but I've totally ripped off you idea and mounted in as a front end to a wiki's recent changes database searching for common words in recently updated pages. I did it in php and after a lot of faffing with SQL and regexps I got something that works well enough for me to be pleased with. Now the wiki users want more from me. You can check it out if you like
Stephen Paulger - Mon Feb 7 16:09:01

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