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A normalised unit of distance on a map. It is defined as 1/1000th of the distance between the meridian and the most far flung station.

Note that the common US spelling of "metre" as "meter" has caused no end of confusion both for and around American players visiting Britain, because of the common appearance that the visitor is talking about inputs to parameterisation, with all the political difficulties that this entails. This misunderstanding is often cited as a reason for the Game not being popular in the US, since it is viewed coolly when an American is not only unwelcome in British clubs, but is also (in certain high profile cases) subject to death threats.


In games of [Intergalactic Crescent]?, a logarithmic scale is usually required. In these games, a line velocity of 1,000 (occasionally 1,000,000 or higher) is deemed sufficient to move from the most far-flung location to the meridian in a single turn, while a move from the nearest location to the meridian requires unit line velocity to reach in the same time.


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Last edited June 10, 2007 1:24 pm by Simons Mith (diff)