According to legend, there are at least two groups who are working on non-subprebendary (i.e. divisional along the relevant axis) pickerings, most of which are colour-based. The Angstrom Institute, which had early success holding a blue-and-white gingham pickering stable for about two seconds, have most recently held a double-chocolate leopard-spotted pickering on the Circle and Northern lines for over forty seconds. Naturally, the whole thing tends to immediately annihilate the immediate zones, and thus may not be very useful.
A group working in Russia had, at last count, achieved a two-headed red-green Euston Road pickering with switching inversions at intersections for around sixteen seconds, which could prove very useful when performing colour-variant shunts across sector boundaries. (See chromatic shunt.) Its handedness was proved indeterminate, and diagonal straddles were dangerous to say the least, but there is real hope. Rumours of a completely working Reverse Pickering that was stable for around five minutes (!) have been hotly denied by IMCS and CAMREC sources.