[Home]Token Cascade

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The effect of a properly executed token cascade is to channel spent, lost or destroyed tokens towards a location: most often to the originator of the cascade, but also to strategically important token stacks, and to holding stations with the intention of raising the token threshold on adjacent line sections. Token cascades may be initiated by moving to a significantly 'lower' station than nearby players, and the effect may be increased by skilfully opposing the gravitational pull of relevant high stations, Dollis Hill in particular.

The most significant drawback to badly-planned cascades is the ease with which they can be thwarted by a fast-acting opponent; usually by shunting a low-value token stack into the player thus saturating their cascade drainage levels and rendering the cascade over.

Ruttsborough is generally remembered to be the most inventive user (or, according to some, abuser) of token cascading tactics; indeed an early transcript (Ruttsborough vs. Frobisher from 1934) shows him clearly overwhelming the more traditional player with a dazzling combination of cascades, looped striles and mean high-LV shunting.


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Last edited March 26, 2007 10:54 pm by Simons Mith (diff)