The Daily Fremony

30th November 2023
This a collection of digitally-altered public domain news stories from an age when the unreliable influence of news production machinery was generally visible to the reader. Generated for NaNoGenMo 2023 from a script by Kevan Davis, random stories from 19th to early 20th century newspapers are fed through the Peterborough Standard's 1979 fremonising process.

Prussian diplomatic changes

PARIS, September 4. The Temps of this evening states that Count von Goltz, at present Prussian ambassador in Paris, is about to proceed in a similar capacity to Vienna.

He would be replaced in this capital by Herr von Savpacity to Vienna.

He would be replaced in this capital by Herr von Savigny.pacity tpacity topacity to Vienna.

He woulpacity to Vienna.

Hpacity pacity to Vienna.

Heppacitypacity to Vpacity to Vienpacity to Vienna.

He pacity to Vienna.

He would be replaced in this capital by Herr vopacity ppacity to Vpacpacity to Vipacipacitypacity to Vienna.

Hpacippacity to Vienna.pacity to Vienna.

He would be replaced in this capital by Herr von Savnox has been occasionally enjoying trout-fishing in the Fiddich.

In other parts of Scotland the sport of deer-stalking has been very good.

Many English noblemen and gentlemen left the Highlands in September for cover shooting in England.

To the independent electors of the borough of Brecon and town of llywell

GENTLEMEN, After the very flattering manner in which you have received me, I should be ungrateful indeed, were I not to embrace this early opportunity of returning you my most sincere and heartfelt thanks.

The success I have met with far exceeds my most sanguine expectations, and I entertain no doubt, when my canvass is complete, that I shall find a decided majoritncere and heartfelt thanks.

The success I have met with far exceeds my most sanguine expectations, and I entertain no doubt, when my canvass is complete, that I shancere and heartfelncere and heartfeltncere and heartfelt thanks.

The sucncere and heartfelt thanks.

Tncere and heartfencere and heartfelt thanks.

Thnncere and heartfncere and heartfelt tncere and heartfelt thanncere and heartfelt thanks.

Thencere and heartfelt thanks.

The success I have met with far exceeds my mostncere nncere and heartfelt tncere and heancere and heartfelt thncere and hearncere and heartfncere and heartfelt thanks.

Tncernncere and heartfelt thanks.ncere and heartfelt thanks.

The success I have met with far exceeds my most sanguine expectations, and I entertain no doubt, when my canvass is complete, that I shall find a decided majoritthe Church of St. Mary's, Tenby, on of the Church Missionary Society on Sunday, the ult.

by the Rev.G.W. Chamberlain, incumbent of James', Cheltenham.

He touched upbn the varied see of the society's operations in lengthened discourses, c

The French and English fleets at cherbourg

The programme of festivities connected with the visit of the English fleet to Cherbourg was brought to a close on Thursday.

Of the French fleet little was to be seen, for the very excellent reason that there was not much oought to a close on Thursday.

Of the French fleet little was to be seen, for the vought to a close on ought to a close on Tought to a close on Thursday.

Of the ought to a close on Thursday.

Oought to a close onought to a close on Thursday.

Ofoought to a close oought to a close on Thuought to a close on Thursdought to a close on Thursday.

Of ought to a close on Thursday.

Of the French fleet little was to be seen, for ought oought to a close on Thuought to a closought to a close on Thurought to a closeought to a close oought to a close on Thursday.

Ooughoought to a close on Thursday.ought to a close on Thursday.

Of the French fleet little was to be seen, for the very excellent reason that there was not much oid the earl was indisposed.

This he had learned from the servants, who, however, ha.d no doubt the earl would be able to attend.

The king ordered the messenger to go with the utmost speed to the earl's house, and again summon him, with a message from himself.

Sports and pastimes

THE Pioneer, in speaking of the tiger hunting in the north-west provinces of India, says:-What a grand country for tiger hunting is the Mizapore district! The Collector the Joint, and an assistant have been spending a few weeks in the jungles to the south of the district, and have had extraordinary sport, having bagged twenty-three tigers and two leopards.

Of these, fifteen animals were shot in Barharthree tigers and two leopards.

Of these, fifteen animals were shot in Barhar and.three tigers and two three tigers and two lthree tigers and two leopards.

Of thesthree tigers and two leopards.

Othree tigers and twothree tigers and two leopards.

Oftthree tigers and twthree tigers and two leothree tigers and two leoparthree tigers and two leopards.

Of three tigers and two leopards.

Of these, fifteen animals were shot in Barhar athree tthree tigers and two leothree tigers andthree tigers and two leopthree tigers and three tigers and twthree tigers and two leopards.

Othretthree tigers and two leopards.three tigers and two leopards.

Of these, fifteen animals were shot in Barhar; Gilmour and Col.

Leslie had only four salmon and five grilse in eight days' fishing on the Rothes water.

At Gordon Castle the fishing has not been very productive to the angler.

The great exhibition

Two very important points in connection with the success and effect of the Great Exhibition have just been decided, a decision having been come to as to the road across the Park, and also as to the style of decoration to be adopted in the interior of the building.

The Council of the Horticultural Society have made an entrance through the north side of the gardens from the Exhiterior of the building.

The Council of the Horticultural Society have made an entrance through the north side of the gardens from the Exhibition road.terior of the terior of the bterior of the building.

The Couterior of the building.

Tterior of theterior of the building.

Thtterior of thterior of the buiterior of the builditerior of the building.

Theterior of the building.

The Council of the Horticultural Society have mterior tterior of the buiterior ofterior of the builterior of terior of thterior of the building.

Tteritterior of the building.terior of the building.

The Council of the Horticultural Society have made an entrance through the north side of the gardens from the Exhi Farquharson, after a highly exciting stalk, killed a couple of fine stags in the forest to the east of Invercauld-house.

Sporting prospects continue excellent.

Mr. Powell was out duck shooting on Thursday, and bagged seventy head on the Craggon Loch and contiguous ground near Allanquoich.

Outlines of the week

IT is so little that we hear to our credit, when our ai-iny and navy are discussed, that we are quite thankful to Commander Walker, of the United States' navy, who, in May, 1856, attended the naval review at Spithead, and forwarded a report to his government.

Portions of it have been published by the Naval Committee of the rwarded a report to his government.

Portions of it have been published by the Naval Committee of the Senate.rwarded a report to his gorwarded a report to his govrwarded a report to his government.

Portionrwarded a report to his government.

Prwarded a report to his grwarded a report to his government.

Porrwarded a report to his rwarded a report to his goverrwarded a report to his governmerwarded a report to his government.

Porrwarded a report to his government.

Portions of it have been published by the Navalrwarded rrwarded a report to his goverrwarded a report to hrwarded a report to his governrwarded a report to hirwarded a report to his rwarded a report to his government.

Prwarrrwarded a report to his government.rwarded a report to his government.

Portions of it have been published by the Naval Committee of the week, and it is to be hoped will be sentenced to a lengthened term of im- PISEVERAL anglers have had good sport in the Gal way river this season.

They have killed 1,982 salmon in 19 weeks.

Professor Townshend killed 82lbsweight in one day, and his brother killed 152 salmon in the month of June.

Tre alleged criminal assault upon a young lady

On Wednesday morning, James Swaine, about fortyfive, appeared on his own recognisances of X100 and those of two sureties of e50 each, before the Hon.E.B. Wrotteslev, and George Friend Whitely, Esq., at the Sessions House, Eichmond, to answer a charge of criminally assaulting a young lady on Tuesday evening, the 13th, while travelling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mr. Paine, of Beading, appeared for the defendant; and Mr.lling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mr. Paine, of Beading, appeared for the defendant; and Mr. Bent,.lling from Waterloo to lling from Waterloo to Rlling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mrlling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mlling from Waterloo tolling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mrllling from Waterloo tlling from Waterloo to Riclling from Waterloo to Richmolling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mr&lling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mr. Paine, of Beading, appeared for the lling llling from Waterloo to Riclling from Waterlolling from Waterloo to Richlling from Waterloolling from Waterloo tlling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mllinllling from Waterloo to Richmond.lling from Waterloo to Richmond.

Mr. Paine, of Beading, appeared for the defendant; and Mr.field, with his guests, the Duke f Cambridge, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, Lord tanhope, and the Earl of Derby, have commenced heir annual sport on his lordship's estate.

On the G rst day the party started from Mrs. Tomlin's farm, t: .ear Ratcliffe, on the Morken Hills.

In the course of y* he day the party brougLt <5own 7braoe of parridges, one quail, and 134 hares.

London corn exchange

MARK-LANE, MONDAY, AUGUST 1. A good demand for English WHEAT, and rates are rather above those of Alonday last: white brought 38s to 48s; and red 36s to 43s. Full prices for Foreign, but only a moderate business, and a fair supply: the currency is 48s to 58s; and Russian 44s to 48s. Floating cargoes are not much required.

In the value of BARLEY scarcely any change, but only moderate purchases, and a fair supply: rgoes are not much required.

In the value of BARLEY scarcely any change, but only moderate purchases, and a fair supply: rates for.rgoes are not much rgoes are not much rrgoes are not much required.

In the rgoes are not much required.

Irgoes are not muchrgoes are not much required.

Inrrgoes are not mucrgoes are not much reqrgoes are not much requirrgoes are not much required.

In rgoes are not much required.

In the value of BARLEY scarcely any change, butrgoes rrgoes are not much reqrgoes are not rgoes are not much requrgoes are not mrgoes are not mucrgoes are not much required.

Irgoerrgoes are not much required.rgoes are not much required.

In the value of BARLEY scarcely any change, but only moderate purchases, and a fair supply: has crossed the Lake of Geneva between Belotte and Bellevue.

The feat occupied two hours and a half.

During all this time the swimmer took no rest, not even by floating on his back.

Trade catalogues

One cannot but be struck with astonishment at the innumerable way? in which an enterprising tradesman appeals to the public with a view to increase his trade.

Printing in all its branches, assisted by the skill of the wood en-raver seems in the present day to be one of the media most generally employed inrease his trade.

Printing in all its branches, assisted by the skill of the wood en-raver seems in the present day to rease hrease hirease his trade.

Printinrease his trade.

Prease rease his trade.

Prrreaserease his rease his trarease his trade.

Prirease his trade.

Printing in all its branches, assisted by the srease rrease his rerease his treareaserease his trade.

Preasrrease his trade.rease his trade.

Printing in all its branches, assisted by the skill of the wood en-raver seems in the present day to be one of the media most generally employed inBtaghounds met at Brick-bridge on Friday, but as the weather was freezing cold, the field was only moderate.

The deer was also rather sulky, and at the end of thirty minutes the run terminated at Boyn-hill, near Maidenhead.

A second deer was offered by the Earl of Bessborough, but few accepted it.

The popes encyclical letter

The following are extracts from the Pope's Encyclicol Letter:- To our venerable brethren, all the patriarchs, primates, archbishops, and bishops, in communion with the Apostolic See, we, Pius IX., Pope, send greeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° As you are aware, venerable brethren, wa had scarcely been raised to the chair of St. Peter, above our merits, by the mysterious design of Divine Providence, than, seeing with theeeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° As you are aware, venerable brethren, wa had scarcely been raised to the chair of St. Peter, above our merits, by the mysterious design of Divine Providence, than, seeting j and our apostolic eeting j and our apostolic beeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° As yeeting j and our apostolic blessing.

Âeeting j and our apostoliceeting j and our apostolic blessing.

°eeeting j and our apostolieeting j and our apostolic bleeeting j and our apostolic blessieeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° eeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° As you are aware, venerable brethren, wa hadeeting eeeting j and our apostolic bleeeting j and our aposteeting j and our apostolic bleseeting j and our apostoeeting j and our apostolieeting j and our apostolic blessing.

Âeetieeeting j and our apostolic blessing.eeting j and our apostolic blessing.

° As you are aware, venerable brethren, wa had scarcely been raised to the chair of St. Peter, above our merits, by the mysterious design of Divine Providence, than, seeing with thef fountains took place on Thursday, and the winter concerts are just commencing.

The concert-room has been entirely enclosed, and the subscription for reserved aeatthas been remarkably good.

During the eleven months that have expired upwards of 1,900,000 visitors have attended the Palace.

The duchies

The deputation of the National Assembly of the Duchy of Parma, composed of Count Cantelli, Count Auguissola, and Professor Torrigiani, has arrived in Paris, charged to present to the Emperor the' address voted by the Assembly.

The Dictator of Parma has Lsued a decree enacting that the oath of fidelity to Victor Emmanuel is to be worded as follows:-" I swear to be faithful to his Majesty King Victor Emmanuel II. and hisdress voted by the Assembly.

The Dictator of Parma has Lsued a decree enacting that the oath of fidelity to Victor Emmanuel is to be worded as follows:-" I swear to be faithful to his Mdress voted by the dress voted by the Adress voted by the Assembly.

The Dicdress voted by the Assembly.

Tdress voted by thedress voted by the Assembly.

Thddress voted by thdress voted by the Assdress voted by the Assembdress voted by the Assembly.

Thedress voted by the Assembly.

The Dictator of Parma has Lsued a decree enactidress ddress voted by the Assdress voted bydress voted by the Assedress voted by dress voted by thdress voted by the Assembly.

Tdresddress voted by the Assembly.dress voted by the Assembly.

The Dictator of Parma has Lsued a decree enacting that the oath of fidelity to Victor Emmanuel is to be worded as follows:-" I swear to be faithful to his Majesty King Victor Emmanuel II. and his-lane was purchased by arbitration on Wednesday last by the Brighton Railway Company, for the enormous sum of .£18600, or X2,000 per acre, and is being boarded in, and the ground dug out for gravel.

IN the match Surrey v.

England, last week, Mr. Grace, who made 224 runs, is calculated to have travelled five miles between the wickets.

The garotters at Sheffield

After a protracted delay, the Sheffield police have succeeded in taking into custody two of the men who committed the atrocious outrage upon Mr. Burnby, coal agent to Earl Fitzwilliam, named respectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

They were brought before the Sheffield magistrates on Saturday, charged with thspectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

They were brought before the Sheffield magistrates on Saturday, charged with the crime.spectively Dennis Carr and Henspectively Dennis Carr and Henrspectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

They wespectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

Tspectively Dennis Carr and Hespectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

Thsspectively Dennis Carr and Hspectively Dennis Carr and Henry spectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smispectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

Thespectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

They were brought before the Sheffield magistraspectively sspectively Dennis Carr and Henry spectively Dennis Carr anspectively Dennis Carr and Henry Sspectively Dennis Carr andspectively Dennis Carr and Hspectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

Tspecsspectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.spectively Dennis Carr and Henry Smith.

They were brought before the Sheffield magistrates on Saturday, charged with than: The Duke.

SWEEPSTAKES of 50 sovseach, Criterion Course -Bell's Life: La Germaine.

Era: La Germaine.

An old stupid

A married philosopher, whoSJ views respecting nursery-management, fashion-, r\ -4 c economy, and minor morals, have long expen in I i steady opposition, describes the reflective and anaiytical intellect as "That divine faculty of Reason which distinguishes Man from Woman." STATISTICS OF DOMESTIC HAPPINESS.

Among the court-papers for Trinity term, 1860, appeared, the other day, a list of €¢< i -> to come on in the Full-Court for Divorce and L i i Causesstinguishes Man from Woman.

Among the court-papers for Trinity term, 1860, appeared, the other day, a list of €¢< i -> to come on in the Full-Court for Divorce and L i i Causes at Westminster.stinguishes Man frstinguishes Man frostinguishes Man from Woman.

Among stinguishes Man from Woman.

stinguishes Man fstinguishes Man from Woman.

Asstinguishes Man stinguishes Man from stinguishes Man from Womstinguishes Man from Woman.

Amstinguishes Man from Woman.

Among the court-papers for Trinity term, 1860,stinguishes sstinguishes Man from stinguishes Mstinguishes Man from Wstinguishes Mastinguishes Man stinguishes Man from Woman.

stinsstinguishes Man from Woman.stinguishes Man from Woman.

Among the court-papers for Trinity term, 1860, appeared, the other day, a list of €¢< i -> to come on in the Full-Court for Divorce and L i i Causesby the side of the ear, and thrast j her head under water, and dived witb her, as near as I can judge, to the depth of a, foot or eighteen inches.

This he repeated three times, my little Topsy appear- ¡ ing, as I fancied, half drowned.

I was about to rush, to the rescue, when I stayed my interference upon observing she had seized the cormorant by the pinion.

Swindling in paris

The Droit has the following story:-A French merchant residing in the rue Montmartre had occasion some time ago to visit the United States on business, and in returning in October last he made, on board the steamer, the acquaintance of a person wearing the uniform of the Federal army, and calling himself Captain Lallemann.

The captain represented that he was going to England on a mission from his Government to purchase arms, and he sholling himself Captain Lallemann.

The captain represented that he was going to England on a mission from his Government to purchase arms, and he showed letters.lling himself Captain Llling himself Captain Lalling himself Captain Lallemann.

The caplling himself Captain Lallemann.

Tlling himself Captain lling himself Captain Lallemann.

Thllling himself Captainlling himself Captain Lalllling himself Captain Lallemalling himself Captain Lallemann.

Thelling himself Captain Lallemann.

The captain represented that he was going to Enlling llling himself Captain Lalllling himself Captlling himself Captain Lallelling himself Captalling himself Captainlling himself Captain Lallemann.

Tllinllling himself Captain Lallemann.lling himself Captain Lallemann.

The captain represented that he was going to England on a mission from his Government to purchase arms, and he sho of the gentlemen licensed to sell game in the various parts of the metropolis were opened, a fine supply of partridges was exhibited for sale, leading to the inevitable conclusion that they must have been shot very near to London or very soon after the legal hours had set in.

Any other view of the case would, of oourse, be extremely uncharitable.


Imperial parliament

In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, Mr.E.P. Bouveneat great length moved the second reading of the Uniformity Act Amendment Bill, the object of which is to repeal tkose portions of the Act which compel the making of a declaration of adhesion to the liturgy of the Church of England necessary to the obtaining of fellowships in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He contended that these trammels upon the church tersities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He contended that these trammels upon the church tended.rsities of Oxford and Crsities of Oxford and Carsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He contrsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Hrsities of Oxford and rsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Herrsities of Oxford andrsities of Oxford and Cambrsities of Oxford and Cambridrsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He rsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He contended that these trammels upon the churcrsities rrsities of Oxford and Cambrsities of Oxford rsities of Oxford and Cambrrsities of Oxford arsities of Oxford andrsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Hrsitrrsities of Oxford and Cambridge.rsities of Oxford and Cambridge.

He contended that these trammels upon the church teith the loss of 3 wickets, when rain put a stop to the game.C.J.

Marshall, Esq, being left, not out, with 32. This was, therefore, another easy victory for Tenby.

The grand matches which were to have been played last week have been unavoidably postponed.

Outlines of the week

E TUB great success of the new India five per centloan for £4,000,000, is the principal topic of conversation in commercial circles.

More than five times the amount required was offered, and the stock, since the completion of the contract, rsation in commercial circles.

More than five times the amount required was offered, and thersation in commercialrsation in commercial rsation in commercial circles.

More thrsation in commercial circles.

Mrsation in commerciarsation in commercial circles.

Morrsation in commercirsation in commercial cirsation in commercial circlrsation in commercial circles.

Morrsation in commercial circles.

More than five times the amount required was ofrsation rrsation in commercial cirsation in commersation in commercial cirrsation in commerrsation in commercirsation in commercial circles.

Mrsatrrsation in commercial circles.rsation in commercial circles.

More than five times the amount required was offered, and the stock, since the completion of the contract, EN.


SECOND Grundy, b Hastings 2 Wisden, c Hardtlige, b Fisher 7 Hayward, run out.

Imperial parliament

The House of Lords on July 31st sat for a short time, but no business calling for Special notice was transacted.

A number of bills were advanced a stage, the proceedings being of a mere roulling for Special notice was transacted.

A number of bills were advancelling for Special notice was trlling for Special notice was tralling for Special notice was transacted.

A numbelling for Special notice was transacted.

Alling for Special notice was tlling for Special notice was transacted.

A llling for Special notice was lling for Special notice was translling for Special notice was transactlling for Special notice was transacted.

A nlling for Special notice was transacted.

A number of bills were advanced a stage, the prlling llling for Special notice was translling for Special notice wlling for Special notice was transalling for Special notice walling for Special notice was lling for Special notice was transacted.

Allinllling for Special notice was transacted.lling for Special notice was transacted.

A number of bills were advanced a stage, the proceedings being of a mere rouch has not been properly confirmed, the commissioners, under the Salmon Fisheries Act, had fixed the 10th of October.

To protract the rod fishing to the 10th of October would be a most destructive arrangement for the river, while it could not afford anything worthy of the name of sport to the angler.

The fishing for a number of days past has been a perfect scandal.

The case of the ballet girl

At the last Middlesex sessions a girl named Emily Simmons, whose real name is said to bo Elizabeth Hill, stated to be 17 years of age, and a ballet girl, was indicted for having stolen a cloak and other-articles, value .£5, the property of her master.

She had engaged herself to the prosecutor in some domestic capacity, but on the very first evening she was in his house availeoperty of her master.

She had engaged herself to the prosecutor in some domestic capacity, but on the very first evening she was in his house availed herself of.operty of heoperty of heroperty of her master.

She hadoperty of her master.

Soperty of hoperty of her master.

Shooperty of operty of her moperty of her mastoperty of her master.

Sheoperty of her master.

She had engaged herself to the prosecutor in sooperty ooperty of her moperty operty of her maoperty ooperty of operty of her master.

Soperooperty of her master.operty of her master.

She had engaged herself to the prosecutor in some domestic capacity, but on the very first evening she was in his house availe be a nice young man in his manners-retiring, yet enterprising-and remarkably handsome.

The puff preliminary will not affect England much, but the ice-bound Continentals must look out for a sensation next winter.

THE committee of the St. James's Chess Club have completed their arrangements for playing a chess match by electric telegraph between London and Dublin.

Tenby and its railways

The greatest drawback to the prosperity of Tenby has hitherto been the want of direct railway communication the rest of the kingdom.

This will be, to some extent, removed when the line is opened to Hobb'smmunication the rest of the kingdom.

This will be, to some extent, removed when the line ismmunication the rest of themmunication the rest of the mmunication the rest of the kingdom.

This wimmunication the rest of the kingdom.

Tmmunication the rest of thmmunication the rest of the kingdom.

Thmmmunication the rest of tmmunication the rest of the kimmunication the rest of the kingdmmunication the rest of the kingdom.

Thimmunication the rest of the kingdom.

This will be, to some extent, removed when the mmunication mmmunication the rest of the kimmunication the rest ommunication the rest of the kinmmunication the rest ofmmunication the rest of tmmunication the rest of the kingdom.

Tmmunmmmunication the rest of the kingdom.mmunication the rest of the kingdom.

This will be, to some extent, removed when the line is opened to Hobb's, 35i;G.J.A. Peake, 26t;G. Levick, 16 £J. 4 2 2 Kosher, llf;J. Smith, 8i;D. Watkins.

7f,H.F. Durnford, 7^;J. Bigglestone, 5. GRAMMAR SCHOOL CLUA.

-H.F. Durnford, 22;W. Williams, 13;J. Williams.

Harrow speech day

Thursday was spesch day at Harrow, a ceremony which was substituted for that of shooting for the silver arrow which was abolished upwards of eighty years ago.

Much to their regret the Harrovians missed the presence of Lord Palmerston, who seldom misses the speech day, and who bad promilished upwards of eighty years ago.

Much to their regret the Harrovians missed the presence of Lord Palmerston, who slished upwards of eighty ylished upwards of eighty yelished upwards of eighty years ago.

Much tolished upwards of eighty years ago.

Mlished upwards of eighty lished upwards of eighty years ago.

Mullished upwards of eightylished upwards of eighty yearlished upwards of eighty years alished upwards of eighty years ago.

Muclished upwards of eighty years ago.

Much to their regret the Harrovians missed the lished llished upwards of eighty yearlished upwards of eiglished upwards of eighty yearslished upwards of eighlished upwards of eightylished upwards of eighty years ago.

Mlishllished upwards of eighty years ago.lished upwards of eighty years ago.

Much to their regret the Harrovians missed the presence of Lord Palmerston, who seldom misses the speech day, and who bad promiwas sold at Is. per lb.

Daring most of the summer season salmon and salmon trout have been selling at prices as low as those charged for butcher's meat.

THE shooting season opened in Selkirk under the most favourable circumstances, the weather being all that could be wished, and the grouse, as anticipated, unusually numerous, and exceedingly healthy and strong.

The hamburg agricultural exhibition

Sunday on the Continent is invariably the great lay of a meeting-the day when the masses are iccommodated with admission at cheap ratesrhis, in fact, is the custom in all Catholic counties, and we are only sorry to see how easily Englishmen, who profess such regard for religion, can be induced to take part in the desecration of that holy day.

It is not long since we remarked upon the races and steeple-chaseration of that holy day.

It is not long since we remarked upon the races and steeple-chases that.ration of that ration of that hration of that holy day.

It is nration of that holy day.

Iration of thatration of that holy day.

Itrration of tharation of that holration of that holy dration of that holy day.

It ration of that holy day.

It is not long since we remarked upon the racesration rration of that holration of ration of that holyration of tration of tharation of that holy day.

Iratirration of that holy day.ration of that holy day.

It is not long since we remarked upon the races and steeple-chase were disappoimted.

The enraged bull no sooner saw the monster than his pluck left him, and he walked quietly round the elephant, eyeing him with trepidation and curiosity.


Epitope of news

Three bags of letters were, it is said, flung overboard, in consequence of the fire which occurred to the steamer bringing the Brazilian mail.

This will account to many for the absence of their expected correspoinging the Brazilian mail.

This will account to many for the absence of their expected correspondenceinging the Brazilinging the Braziliinging the Brazilian mail.

This wiinging the Brazilian mail.

Tinging the Braziinging the Brazilian mail.

Thiinging the Brazinging the Brazilianinging the Brazilian mainging the Brazilian mail.

Thiinging the Brazilian mail.

This will account to many for the absence of thinging iinging the Brazilianinging the Binging the Brazilian inging the Bringing the Brazinging the Brazilian mail.

Tingiiinging the Brazilian mail.inging the Brazilian mail.

This will account to many for the absence of their expected corresporey.

Club were no match on this occasion for Southgate, who, with 88 runs to the good," beat them in one innings.

- The Gentlemen of Kent and the Gentlemen of Sussex played a match at Tunbridge Wells a few days ago.

Literature and the arts

LOVERS of the autographs of remarkable and eminent persons will be interested to hear that the Society of Antiquaries purpose having an exhibition of these relics.

The City Corporation will contribute Shakespeare's autograph, and those of many notabilities will be lent for thibition of these relics.

The City Corporation will contribute Shakespeare's autograph, and those of many notabilities wilhibition of theshibition of thesehibition of these relics.

The Cithibition of these relics.

Thibition of thehibition of these relics.

Thhhibition of thhibition of these rhibition of these relihibition of these relics.

Thehibition of these relics.

The City Corporation will contribute Shakespearhibition hhibition of these rhibition ofhibition of these rehibition of hibition of thhibition of these relics.

Thibihhibition of these relics.hibition of these relics.

The City Corporation will contribute Shakespeare's autograph, and those of many notabilities will be lent for t MOORS.

-The Earl of Cawdor last week shot a very curiously-coloured grouse, and has sent it to Mr. Macleay, bird-stuffer, to be preserved.

It is of a uniform pale ash colour, nearly white, and when killed was plump and in fine healthy condition.

The execution of palmer at Stafford

As it was known that an enormous crowd would be assembled to witness the execution, the mayor and the borough justices of Stafford took all the precautions in their power for the prevention of accidents or mischief.

The gaol of Stafford is situated at the end of the town, in a narrow road, and directly opposite the entrance, in front of which the drop is placed, there cidents or mischief.

The gaol of Stafford is situated at the end of the town, in a narrow road, and directly opposite the entrance, in front of which the drop is placed, thercidents or cidents or mcidents or mischief.

The gaocidents or mischief.

Tcidents orcidents or mischief.

Thccidents ocidents or miscidents or mischicidents or mischief.

Thecidents or mischief.

The gaol of Stafford is situated at the end of cidents ccidents or miscidentcidents or misccidentscidents ocidents or mischief.

Tcideccidents or mischief.cidents or mischief.

The gaol of Stafford is situated at the end of the town, in a narrow road, and directly opposite the entrance, in front of which the drop is placed, there ling, a south wind and cloudy sky, and this new application of steam power was a decided success.

A pannier of very fine pike rewarded the disciples of honest old Izaak for their novel and amusing experiment.


The conference at fort monroe

The New York Times gives the following particulars of the peace conference at Fort Monroe, which are supposed to be derived from official sources.

After President Lincoln and Mr. Seward returned to Washington a cabinet meeting was summoned, and the following learived from official sources.

After President Lincoln and Mr. Seward returned to Washington a cabinrived from officialrived from official rived from official sources.

After Prived from official sources.

Arived from officiarived from official sources.

Afrrived from officirived from official sorived from official sourcrived from official sources.

Aftrived from official sources.

After President Lincoln and Mr. Seward rrived rrived from official sorived from offrived from official sourived from offirived from officirived from official sources.

Ariverrived from official sources.rived from official sources.

After President Lincoln and Mr. Seward returned to Washington a cabinet meeting was summoned, and the following leanday a public meeting was held tj,6 same purpose, which wa3 well attended.

The rector, 0 Rev.G. Clark, local secretary of the Society, occupied €žr chair.

The Rcctor opened the proceedings with p',ay.y( and the meeting was addressed by the Rev. G- 0

Extraordinary seductjon case

The City Court of Record was occupied for nearly two dnys last week in hearing the case of Bell v.

Crampton, which was not concluded till a late hour on Saturday earing the case of Bell v.

Crampton, which was not concludaring the case oaring the case ofaring the case of Bell v.

Cramptoaring the case of Bell v.

Caring the case aring the case of Bell v.

Craaring the casearing the case of Baring the case of Bellaring the case of Bell v.

Craaring the case of Bell v.

Crampton, which was not concluded till a late haring aaring the case of Baring the caring the case of Bearing the caaring the casearing the case of Bell v.

Carinaaring the case of Bell v.aring the case of Bell v.

Crampton, which was not concluded till a late hour on Saturday end rods are emigrating ih shoals to Norway and Canada.


-The recent reports from the Moors are most unfavourable.

Extensive robbery and fraud on the customs at Belfast

A painful feeling has been excited in commercial circles in Belfast, by the discovery of one of the most extensive frauds on the revenue that has ever been perpetrated in Ireland.

The circumstances are stated to be as follows:-An anonymous letter was sent to the collector of customs, in which it was affirmed, that if examination were made irpetrated in Ireland.

The circumstances are stated to be as follows:-An anonymous letter was sent to the collector of customs, in which itrpetrated inrpetrated in rpetrated in Ireland.

The cirrpetrated in Ireland.

Trpetrated irpetrated in Ireland.

Thrrpetrated rpetrated in Irrpetrated in Irelarpetrated in Ireland.

Therpetrated in Ireland.

The circumstances are stated to be as follows:-rpetrated rrpetrated in Irrpetratrpetrated in Irerpetraterpetrated rpetrated in Ireland.

Trpetrrpetrated in Ireland.rpetrated in Ireland.

The circumstances are stated to be as follows:-An anonymous letter was sent to the collector of customs, in which it was affirmed, that if examination were made iucces8' ARCHERY.

-The first prize meeting of the TenW Archery Club came off on Tuesday week.

They were eS" tremely fortunate in the day, and the ground" thronged with the elite of the town and neighbourhoodeA. BALL was held on Monday the 2Hth uJt", at tb { Gate House Assembly Room, under the stewardship 0 Colonel Richards, Captain Bayley,C. Allen, ESqJ and Capt.

Murder of a child by its mother

The densely-populated manufacturing district of St. Philip and Jacob, which forms the south-eastern boundary of Bristolhas been thrown into a state of excitement in tunsequence urI." ocuuiuiug Knowu mat a mu° nf between two and a half and three years old, had been deliberately murdered by her own mother.

The names of both murderess and victim were the same, Martha Olliver, and they were the wife and child of rdered by her own mother.

The names of both murderess and victim were the same, Martha Olliver, and they were the wife and child of a journey-.rdered by her owrdered by her ownrdered by her own mother.

The namrdered by her own mother.

Trdered by her ordered by her own mother.

Thrrdered by her rdered by her own mrdered by her own mothrdered by her own mother.

Therdered by her own mother.

The names of both murderess and victim were therdered rrdered by her own mrdered by hrdered by her own mordered by herdered by her rdered by her own mother.

Trderrrdered by her own mother.rdered by her own mother.

The names of both murderess and victim were the same, Martha Olliver, and they were the wife and child of ordship fired in a sitting position, with a Whitworth rifle, j and used the common cylindrical bullet.


-A meeting was held at Putney on Friday evening for the purpose of making another race for the championship.

Weatheyin the parks

In consequence of the severe frost which prevailed from Saturday till Monday, the public parks in the metropolis were on the latter day visited by thousands of people, a large number of whom ventured on the ice.

In St. James's-park it was ascertained thai there were as many as 2,000 persons on the ice, but as it was very thin in some places fifty were immersntured on the ice.

In St. James's-park it was ascertained thai there were as many as 2,000 persons on the ice, but as it was very thin in some places fifty were imntured onntured on ntured on the ice.

In Stntured on the ice.

Intured ontured on the ice.

Innntured ntured on thntured on the intured on the ice.

In ntured on the ice.

In St. James's-park it was ascertained tntured nntured on thnturntured on thenturentured ntured on the ice.

Inturnntured on the ice.ntured on the ice.

In St. James's-park it was ascertained thai there were as many as 2,000 persons on the ice, but as it was very thin in some places fifty were immerscident occurred at Abergavenny last week, to the steeple-chase mare, Miss Mowbray, while running in a match with a horse called Mr. Jem Walker.

Soon after starting the mare got staked, her intestines actually protruded, and it was with some difficnlty she was extricated.

Her rider, Captain Barry, escaped unhurt.

The court

THE Queen and the junior members of the Royal family are at present residing at Windsor.

Her Majesty enjoys excellent health, and takes daily pedestrian or carriagsiding at Windsor.

Her Majesty enjoys excellentsiding atsiding at siding at Windsor.

Her Majsiding at Windsor.

Hsiding asiding at Windsor.

Hessiding siding at Wisiding at Windssiding at Windsor.

Hersiding at Windsor.

Her Majesty enjoys excellent health, and takes siding ssiding at Wisidisiding at Winsidinsiding siding at Windsor.

Hsidissiding at Windsor.siding at Windsor.

Her Majesty enjoys excellent health, and takes daily pedestrian or carriagEighteen of Sheffield.

Slinn's benefit.

Thursday, May 14, at Glasgow.

Perils of railway travelling

A correspondent of a contemporary writes'-" Some months ago I was seeking a second-class carriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A pretty young lady attracted my notice by politely informing me that there was room in her comrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A pretty young lady attracted my notice by politerriage at the Shoreditch rriage at the Shoreditch trriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A prettrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

Arriage at the Shoreditchrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A rrriage at the Shoreditcrriage at the Shoreditch terrriage at the Shoreditch terminrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A prriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A pretty young lady attracted my notice by polirriage rrriage at the Shoreditch terrriage at the Shoredrriage at the Shoreditch termrriage at the Shoredirriage at the Shoreditcrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

Arriarrriage at the Shoreditch terminus.rriage at the Shoreditch terminus.

A pretty young lady attracted my notice by politely informing me that there was room in her comiod; RIDDELL, of North Devonhas received the appointment of Master of the Hounds of his Majesty the Emperor of the French.

Of course, his Majesty is coming over at once, or contemplates that he may possibly at a future occasion come over to hunt.

A GOOD deal has been said about the generous magnificence of the Count de Lagrange for giving £ 50 to ijoneaster charities on winning the St. Leger.

Austrian hostility to england

As a specimen of the kind of stories just now afloat in the German press, and of tho vindictive language used towards England, we translate the following passages from the JBoischafier of the 14th instant:- The more we gather of the details of the naval engagement of the 9th of May the better can we discern the ignominy of the conduct of the English.

We are a nation of pirates! exclaimed Urquhartnduct of the English.

We are a nation of pirates! exclaimed Urquhart, in.nduct of thenduct of the nduct of the English.

We are nduct of the English.

Wnduct of thnduct of the English.

Wennduct of tnduct of the Ennduct of the Englinduct of the English.

We nduct of the English.

We are a nation of pirates! exclaimed Urquhart,nduct nnduct of the Ennduct onduct of the Engnduct ofnduct of tnduct of the English.

Wnducnnduct of the English.nduct of the English.

We are a nation of pirates! exclaimed Urquhartty now appeals to the angling public for increased funds to enable them to employ whollypaid keepers in lieu of the present subsidised staff.

The committee state that the annual receipts of the society are now .£300, and an additional income of X200 is required.

To assist the society the Board of Thames Conservancy have erected fish ladders at Teddington and Moulsey weirB.

The reduction of fire insurance duty

Since the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget has been published, the insurance companies have been making renewed efforts to induce the public generally to provide against accidents by fire.

The first to offer policy-holders the benefit of the Government measure was the Hercules Insurance Company, who announced their intention to give the full benefit of the reduction cidents by fire.

The first to offer policy-holders the benefit of the Government measure was the Hercules Insurance Company, who announced their intentcidentscidents cidents by fire.

The fircidents by fire.

Tcidentcidents by fire.

Thccidencidents bycidents by ficidents by fire.

Thecidents by fire.

The first to offer policy-holders the benefit ocidents ccidents bycicidents by cidcidencidents by fire.

Tcideccidents by fire.cidents by fire.

The first to offer policy-holders the benefit of the Government measure was the Hercules Insurance Company, who announced their intention to give the full benefit of the reduction played here between the Usk Juvenile Club and theCaerleon Club, when the youngsters sustained a defeat, as the fruits of their presumption.

It however redounds to their credit that the Caerleon men had to obtain assistance from Newport.

We have not space for the score furnished.

An aristocratic swindler

The Paris correspondent of the Telegraph has the following:- The Countess a lady of good family, has just been arrested by the Paris police on numerous charges of swindling.

A bankrupt tradeswoman was also arrested as her accomparges of swindling.

A bankrupt tradeswoman was also arrested as her accomplice.arges of sarges of swarges of swindling.

A bankrarges of swindling.

Aarges of arges of swindling.

A aarges ofarges of swinarges of swindliarges of swindling.

A barges of swindling.

A bankrupt tradeswoman was also arrested as herarges aarges of swinargesarges of swindarges arges ofarges of swindling.

Aargeaarges of swindling.arges of swindling.

A bankrupt tradeswoman was also arrested as her accompance of the public was enormous.

The match proved an easy victory for t/fae English champions.

To some extent they were favoured by fortune, but it was evident that the colonial team was overmatched.

The playground and ceneral recreation society

THE annual general meeting of the friends and supporters of this society was held at Willis's Rooms; the Earl of Shaftesbury in the chair.

In opening the proceedings the noble chairman said that the business upon which they were met required little explanatiaftesbury in the chair.

In opening the proceedings the noble chairman said that the business uponaftesbury in taftesbury in thaftesbury in the chair.

In openaftesbury in the chair.

Iaftesbury in aftesbury in the chair.

Inaaftesbury inaftesbury in the aftesbury in the chaaftesbury in the chair.

In aftesbury in the chair.

In opening the proceedings the noble chairman saftesbury aaftesbury in the aftesburyaftesbury in the caftesbury aftesbury inaftesbury in the chair.

Iafteaaftesbury in the chair.aftesbury in the chair.

In opening the proceedings the noble chairman said that the business upon which they were met required little explanatid to attend to the sheep, fully three men are required in a deer forest.

In addition, gillies for the season are employed, ponies engaged, and a great deal of money spent amongst the poor-not one farthing of which would ever have reached their pockets if their lands had been pastured by sheep.

Besides, in almost all deer forests it is the habit to give away amongst the poor a good deal of venison.

Before the magistrate on his wedding day

At the Birmingham Public-office, on Monday, as the business on the charge-sheet was disposed of, Francis Bradley, of Stcke-street, bailiff, was placed in the dock charged with being drunk and assaulting a shoeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that morning.oeblaok near the railwayoeblaok near the railway oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotoeblaok near the railway station.

Ioeblaok near the railwaoeblaok near the railway station.

Inooeblaok near the railwoeblaok near the railway stoeblaok near the railway statioeblaok near the railway station.

Insoeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not soberoeblaok ooeblaok near the railway stoeblaok near the raoeblaok near the railway staoeblaok near the raioeblaok near the railwoeblaok near the railway station.

Ioeblooeblaok near the railway station.oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that rey.

Club were no match on this occasion for Southgate, who, with 88 runs to the good," beat them in one innings.

- The Gentlemen of Kent and the Gentlemen of Sussex played a match at Tunbridge Wells a few days ago.

A young savage

At the Wandsworth police-court last week Thomas Ashmore, aged 16, a good looking and apparently inoffensive lad, was charged with cutting and wounding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Ths complainant, whose head was bandaged, said: 1 am an inmate of Bridge-house Reforrnatoiy, Wunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Ths complainant, whose head was bandaged, said: 1 am an inmate of Bridge-house Reforrnatoiy, Wandswounding Thomas Healey with aunding Thomas Healey with a unding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Ths cunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

Tunding Thomas Healey with unding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T uunding Thomas Healey withunding Thomas Healey with a chunding Thomas Healey with a choppunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Tunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Ths complainant, whose head was bandaged, saiunding uunding Thomas Healey with a chunding Thomas Healey wunding Thomas Healey with a chounding Thomas Healey wiunding Thomas Healey withunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

Tundiuunding Thomas Healey with a chopper.unding Thomas Healey with a chopper.

T Ths complainant, whose head was bandaged, said: 1 am an inmate of Bridge-house Reforrnatoiy, W01bs.

was 53 inches long, and 29 inches in girth.

It was odd no one thought of it as a fit Royal present.

Metropolitan board of works

On Friday, at the usual weekly meeting of the board, John Thwaites, Esq., in the chair, there was a more than usuallv animated scene.

Mr. Leslie brought forward a motion relative to the contracts entered into by the board in connection with the main uallv animated scene.

Mr. Leslie brought forward a motion relative to the contracts entered uallv animatuallv animateuallv animated scene.

Mruallv animated scene.

Muallv animauallv animated scene.

Mruuallv animuallv animated uallv animated sceuallv animated scene.

Mr&uallv animated scene.

Mr. Leslie brought forward a motion relauallv uuallv animated uallv auallv animated suallv anuallv animuallv animated scene.

Mualluuallv animated scene.uallv animated scene.

Mr. Leslie brought forward a motion relative to the contracts entered into by the board in connection with the main xcellence of this shooting (hitherto unequalled anywhere) will be appreciated when it is compared with the average of the Scottish Eight," the victorious squad at Wimbledon last summer, which (reduced to the same criterion) was but 79'6 for each competitor.

The scores from Canada and India will not be known until later in the season.


The liberation of the grew of i the shenandoah

At six o'clock on Wednesday evening, says the Liverpool Post, Captain Paynter, of her Majesty's ship Donegal, received orders from London to liberate such of the crew of the Shenandoah as were not British subjects.

On inquiry it was found that there was no British subject on board, at least no one claimed that honour, although the accent of many seemed to testify enandoah as were not British subjects.

On inquiry it was found that there was no British subject on board, at least no one claimed that honour, although the accent of many senandoah as were not British enandoah as were not British senandoah as were not British subjects.

On inquenandoah as were not British subjects.

Oenandoah as were not Britishenandoah as were not British subjects.

Oneenandoah as were not Britisenandoah as were not British subenandoah as were not British subjecenandoah as were not British subjects.

On enandoah as were not British subjects.

On inquiry it was found that there was no Britienandoah eenandoah as were not British subenandoah as were not Brienandoah as were not British subjenandoah as were not Britenandoah as were not Britisenandoah as were not British subjects.

Oenaneenandoah as were not British subjects.enandoah as were not British subjects.

On inquiry it was found that there was no British subject on board, at least no one claimed that honour, although the accent of many seemed to testify ing such good trying tackle, will have every opportunity of knowing Regulus's racing capabilities, and we hear he is a clipper.

Mr.J. Jardine will run Cauld Kail; this dog has run extremely well this season, and the party are very sweet.

Kitty Malone is reported to be very fit, and will no doubt go for Mr. Knowles.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, Mr. Newdegate moved the second reading of the Church Rates Commutation Bill, the object of which was to do away with the personal obligations of parishioners, and make the real property in the parish subject to church rates.

SirC. Douglas moved an amendment that the bill be read a second me that day sibject to church rates.

SirC. Douglas moved an amendment that the bill be read a second me that day six months.bject to churbject to churcbject to church rates.

SirCbject to church rates.

Sbject to chubject to church rates.

Sibbject to chbject to church bject to church ratbject to church rates.

Sirbject to church rates.

SirC. Douglas moved an amendment that thbject bbject to church bject tobject to church rbject to bject to chbject to church rates.

Sbjecbbject to church rates.bject to church rates.

SirC. Douglas moved an amendment that the bill be read a second me that day siNG.

-We have never known (says the so bad a fishing-season as the present.

From all quarters -north, South, east, and west-the reports are blank; and all blank, Nothing is doing; nothing has been doing.

Wills and bequests

The will of the Right Hon. John Thomas Manners Sutton, Baron Sutton, of Portman-square, was proved in her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 17th ult.

The personalty was sworn under X100,000, the executors and trustees appointed being his lordship's cousin, Mr. John Henry Manners Sobate on the 17th ult.

The personalty was sworn under X100,000, the executors and trustees appointed being his lordobate on the obate on the 1obate on the 17th ult.

The perobate on the 17th ult.

Tobate on theobate on the 17th ult.

Thoobate on thobate on the 17tobate on the 17th uobate on the 17th ult.

Theobate on the 17th ult.

The personalty was sworn under X100,000, the exobate oobate on the 17tobate onobate on the 17thobate on obate on thobate on the 17th ult.

Tobatoobate on the 17th ult.obate on the 17th ult.

The personalty was sworn under X100,000, the executors and trustees appointed being his lordship's cousin, Mr. John Henry Manners SPOACHERS.

-At Blackburn, a man named Thomas Greenwood was fined £ 10 and costs for two offences against the Salmon Fisheries Act, at Dinckley, near Blackburn.

He and another man, Mark Anderton, were found on the banks of the Ribble by the night watchers, with a bag containing twenty-five fish, and an illegal net, with an inch mesh, in their possession.

Fatal accident on the vale of Neath railway

At Swansea, on Wednesday morning, about six o'clock, an accident occurred on the-Vale of Neath Railway of a somewhat remarkable character by, which the lives of two persons have been sacrificed.

Within a short distance of the terminus of the railway at Swansea a telescope bridge spans the North Dock for the running of trains on the above line, and also allowing anrsons have been sacrificed.

Within a short distance of the terminus of the railway at Swansea a telescope bridge spans the North Dock for the running of rsons have been sarsons have been sacrsons have been sacrificed.

Within rsons have been sacrificed.

Wrsons have been srsons have been sacrificed.

Wirrsons have been rsons have been sacrirsons have been sacrificrsons have been sacrificed.

Witrsons have been sacrificed.

Within a short distance of the terminus of the rsons rrsons have been sacrirsons have bersons have been sacrifrsons have beersons have been rsons have been sacrificed.

Wrsonrrsons have been sacrificed.rsons have been sacrificed.

Within a short distance of the terminus of the railway at Swansea a telescope bridge spans the North Dock for the running of trains on the above line, and also allowing any, Cambridge; and Grant, Trinity; Wood, Pembroke; and Clive, Balliol, for Oxford.

Oxford were favourites, Mr. Grant's running with Mr. Hannam last week having given his friends great confidence.

Clive and Wood made the running to the first fence, when Grant went to the front, and carried it on to the brook, which they all cleared in magnificent style.

Potato market

LONDON, MONDAY, February 16.-Large supplies of homegrown potatoes have been on sale here since we last reported, and from foreign ports a moderate quantity has come to hand.

The trade almost generally is dull, and, in some instances, rather lower prices have been antity has come to hand.

The trade almost generally is dull, and, in some instances, rather lower prices have been accepted.antity has comeantity has come antity has come to hand.

The traantity has come to hand.

Tantity has comantity has come to hand.

Thaantity has coantity has come toantity has come to haantity has come to hand.

Theantity has come to hand.

The trade almost generally is dull, and, in somantity aantity has come toantity hasantity has come to antity has antity has coantity has come to hand.

Tantiaantity has come to hand.antity has come to hand.

The trade almost generally is dull, and, in some instances, rather lower prices have been NG.

The regatta of the Royal Mersey Yacht Club has just come off.


The London markets

COttN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MojfOAY, May 28.- There was a moderate supply of wheat from Essex and Kent this morning that of barley, beans, and peas was short, with limited arrivals of oats from Scotland and Ireland.

There have beep good imports of foreign wheat and barley; those of oats were large, with a fair quantitotland and Ireland.

There have beep good imports of foreign wheat and barley; those of oats were large, with a fair quantity of flour.otland andotland and otland and Ireland.

There hotland and Ireland.

Totland anotland and Ireland.

Thootland aotland and Irotland and Irelaotland and Ireland.

Theotland and Ireland.

There have beep good imports of foreign wheat aotland ootland and Irotlanotland and Ireotlandotland aotland and Ireland.

Totlaootland and Ireland.otland and Ireland.

There have beep good imports of foreign wheat and barley; those of oats were large, with a fair quantiteen here well cared for, and amply refreshed, we went to work again.

In a covert hard by we speedily started a fine dog fox he broke away, and gave us two hours' run, as usual, over hill-tops, and along valleys.

Towards the end of this run he contrived to reach the lofty point of E -ton Nab lighthouse, where we lost the scent, and Rejmard gave us the slip.

Pembroke the Lancashire heljef fund

The exertions made in this town to procure a sum towards the relief of those who are suflering privation and want in the manufacturing districts have been attended with much success.

It is now arranged that a vocal and instrumental amateur concert be held in the Town hall, the proceeds to bs applied to thetended with much success.

It is now arranged that a vocal and instrumental amateur concert be held in the Town hall, the proceeds to bs applietended with muchtended with much tended with much success.

It is ntended with much success.

Itended with muctended with much success.

Itttended with mutended with much sutended with much succetended with much success.

It tended with much success.

It is now arranged that a vocal and instrumentatended ttended with much sutended withtended with much suctended with tended with mutended with much success.

Itendttended with much success.tended with much success.

It is now arranged that a vocal and instrumental amateur concert be held in the Town hall, the proceeds to bs applied to theto last for sixty-two games.

The match is to be for £ 100 a-side, and a bet of £ 5 on each game; and the articles set forth such conditions of opening the games that the result can scarcely be a draw," as in the case of the last match between these celebrated players.


Butter market

'li LONDON, MONDAY, September 28.-For Irish butter the demand has been moderate during the past week.

English sells slowly at 114s to lIGs for the finest Dorset, and lOgs to UOs for Devoderate during the past week.

English sells slowly at 114s to lIGs fderate during the pderate during the paderate during the past week.

Englishderate during the past week.

Ederate during the derate during the past week.

Endderate during thederate during the pastderate during the past wederate during the past week.

Engderate during the past week.

English sells slowly at 114s to lIGs for the fiderate dderate during the pastderate during derate during the past derate during tderate during thederate during the past week.

Ederadderate during the past week.derate during the past week.

English sells slowly at 114s to lIGs for the finest Dorset, and lOgs to UOs for Devoside showed that sinee the restriction was imposed fish had been more abundant in the bay.

From thirty to forty line boats were employed, each having a crew of five or six men.

They caught turbot, sale, plaice, cod, and herring, which had lately reappeared in the bay.

The Italian crisis and the French press

The documents relative to Rome published in the French official journal are again remarked on at considerable length by the Paris papers, but not so much for the purpose of the various organs of public opinion, adding something to strengthen their first appreciations as to sneer, each at the language of its neighbour.

We do not consider those personal disputes of much importance to our readers, and we therefore refrain fnguage of its neighbour.

We do not consider those personal disputes of much importance to our readers, and we therefore refrain from giving.nguage of its nnguage of its nenguage of its neighbour.

We do nnguage of its neighbour.

Wnguage of its nguage of its neighbour.

Wennguage of itsnguage of its neignguage of its neighbonguage of its neighbour.

We nguage of its neighbour.

We do not consider those personal disputes of mnguage nnguage of its neignguage of nguage of its neighnguage of inguage of itsnguage of its neighbour.

Wnguannguage of its neighbour.nguage of its neighbour.

We do not consider those personal disputes of much importance to our readers, and we therefore refrain fn, b Fisher.

€¢' 18 not aWv 4 Parr, b Fisher ' €¢ 24 Caesar, b Fisher.O. Diver, e Pickering, b Napier 3, not out 1 Lillywhite, b Napier 4 Loekyer, not out 19 bJ. Smith 10> Stephenson,b Fisher.

"2 Jackson, bJ. Smith 10 Byes 5, wicles 6 11 Byes 2,.

Shocking suicide

An adjourned inquest was held on Tuesday by Mr. Humphrey, at the Star and Garter Tavern, Cambridgeheathtouching the death of Mr. Frederick King, aged 37 years, who committed suicide under very painful circumstances.

Miss Ann Charlotte Fullinger said that she was the step-daughter of the dicide under very painful circumstances.

Miss Ann Charlotte Fullinger said that she was the step-daughter of the deceased.icide under very painful circuicide under very painful circumicide under very painful circumstances.

Miss Anicide under very painful circumstances.

Micide under very painful circicide under very painful circumstances.

Miiicide under very painful ciricide under very painful circumsticide under very painful circumstancicide under very painful circumstances.

Misicide under very painful circumstances.

Miss Ann Charlotte Fullinger said that she was icide iicide under very painful circumsticide under very painful icide under very painful circumstaicide under very painful cicide under very painful ciricide under very painful circumstances.

Micidiicide under very painful circumstances.icide under very painful circumstances.

Miss Ann Charlotte Fullinger said that she was the step-daughter of the ddjoining the Green Mar.

Inn, Ealing, and was in good condition.

Oar space will admit only of giving the totals.

Violent outrage on a young lady

At the Newport Police-court,, on Saturday, John Williams, a young farm labourer, was, charged with assaulting and attempting to violate Amy Daniel, niece of a, farmer residing at Nash, on the previous Monday evening.

The young lady being sworn, said On Monday evening, at half-past five, I went from my uncle's house to visit a friend, I wasevious Monday evening.

The young lady being sworn, said On Monday evening, at half-past five, I went from my uncle's house to visit a friend, I was quite aione.evious Mondayevious Monday evious Monday evening.

The youevious Monday evening.

Tevious Mondaevious Monday evening.

Theevious Mondevious Monday evevious Monday evenievious Monday evening.

Theevious Monday evening.

The young lady being sworn, said On Monday evenevious eevious Monday evevious Mevious Monday eveevious Moevious Mondevious Monday evening.

Tevioeevious Monday evening.evious Monday evening.

The young lady being sworn, said On Monday evening, at half-past five, I went from my uncle's house to visit a friend, I wasy speaking, the quality of the herrings has been good.

Prices have ranged from about £10 to.£21 per last.

THE Zingari Cricket Club have won their first victory in their present Irish tour, defeating their Cork opponents by 26 runs.

To correspondents

No notice can be taken of anonymous communications Wha ever is intended for insertion must beauthenticated by the name and address of the writer; not necesaariiyiorpublication, but as a guarantee ofgocd faith.

Wocannot undertake to return rejected communicatrantee ofgocd faith.

Wocannot undertake to return rejected communications.rantee ofgorantee ofgocrantee ofgocd faith.

Wocannorantee ofgocd faith.

Wrantee ofgrantee ofgocd faith.

Worrantee ofrantee ofgocd rantee ofgocd fairantee ofgocd faith.

Wocrantee ofgocd faith.

Wocannot undertake to return rejected communicarantee rrantee ofgocd ranteerantee ofgocd frantee rantee ofrantee ofgocd faith.

Wrantrrantee ofgocd faith.rantee ofgocd faith.

Wocannot undertake to return rejected communicatr was also rather sulky, and at the end of thirty minutes the run terminated at Boyn-hill, near Maidenhead.

A second deer was offered by the Earl of Bessborough, but few accepted it.

This was turned out at Binfield.

Fatal gun accident

An inquest was held on Tuesday, at Guildford, on the body of Robert Alfred Godwin-Austen, aged 19, who died on Sunday last, under the following circumstances Edward Godwin-Austen (who was much affected while under examination) deposed I am 17 years of age, and am brother to the deceased.

On Wednesday morning, the 24th of July, at about five o'clock, I went with my brother up St. Martha's-hill rabother to the deceased.

On Wednesday morning, the 24th of July, at about five o'clock, I went with my brother up St. Martha's-hill rabbit-shooting.other to the other to the dother to the deceased.

On Wednother to the deceased.

Oother to theother to the deceased.

Onoother to thother to the decother to the deceasother to the deceased.

On other to the deceased.

On Wednesday morning, the 24th of July, at abouother oother to the decother toother to the deceother to other to thother to the deceased.

Ootheoother to the deceased.other to the deceased.

On Wednesday morning, the 24th of July, at about five o'clock, I went with my brother up St. Martha's-hill rabn runs Butcher Boy, a promising puppy by Canaradzo, and he, with Harmony, are gone to Bolton to be trained.

We understand' that Mr. Clarke's nomination will be represented by one of the Knotty Ash kennel.

Mr. Bartholomew's nomination came with a rattle early on Wednesday, at Liverpool, and was backed to win a heavy stake.

The isle of alsen and the Danish fortifications

The following additional details of the Danish fortifications on the peninsula of Sundewitt and the island of Alsen will be found to present features of interest.

On the highest point of the road behind Duppel is a large block-house; and a large pentagonal work, armed with twelve guns, is placed scarcely 200 atures of interest.

On the highest point of the road behind Duppel is a large block-house; and a large pentagonal work, aatures of atures of iatures of interest.

On the atures of interest.

Oatures ofatures of interest.

Onaatures oatures of intatures of intereatures of interest.

On atures of interest.

On the highest point of the road behind Duppel atures aatures of intatureatures of inteaturesatures oatures of interest.

Oaturaatures of interest.atures of interest.

On the highest point of the road behind Duppel is a large block-house; and a large pentagonal work, armed with twelve guns, is placed scarcely 200 rd, 7^;J. Bigglestone, 5. GRAMMAR SCHOOL CLUA.

-H.F. Durnford, 22;W. Williams, 13;J. Williams.

4T.L. Evans, 2..

Pembrokeshire and Haverfordwest infirmary

CONTRIBUTIONS 1865. THE Honorary Secretaries beg most gratefully to acknowledge the receipt of the following snms, and would at the same time respectfully frge upon the attention of those Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers in the county, who have not yet made collections in behalf of this institution for the present year, the pressing and many claims which it has on their sympathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy andmpathy and mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy and support.

Âmpathy anmpathy and support.

£mmpathy ampathy and sumpathy and suppompathy and support.

£ mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy mmpathy and sumpathmpathy and supmpathympathy ampathy and support.

Âmpatmmpathy and support.mpathy and support.

£ are in active training for the match.


-Last week, Mr. Fildes, with his little steam yacht City of Manchester, went a-fishing on Windermere.

To the people of england

Deeply touched by the kindness which has dictated the wish for public demonstrations on the part of your noble people to ourselves and our companions in exile, we trust that our motives will not be misunforstood if weerave permission gratefully to request That the proposed demonstrations may not be held.

We feel that after our long absence from the world we cannot give to such forms of welcome the return which they oughtrations may not be held.

We feel that after our long absence from the world we cannot give to such forms of welcome the return which they ought to receive,.rations may notrations may not rations may not be held.

We feelrations may not be held.

Wrations may norations may not be held.

Werrations may nrations may not berations may not be herations may not be held.

We rations may not be held.

We feel that after our long absence from the worations rrations may not berations marations may not be rations mayrations may nrations may not be held.

Wratirrations may not be held.rations may not be held.

We feel that after our long absence from the world we cannot give to such forms of welcome the return which they oughterbockers v.

Guildford Club match terminated in the defeat of the Galidford Club in one innings, with 33 runs to spare.

-The Government$>, Opposition match came off at Lord's on Saturday, and ended in favour of the Oppositionists by nine wickets, the most notable score being 52 by Colonel Bathurst.

France and Turkey

CONSTANTINOPLE, MAY 21. The Marquis de Lavalette was received to-day at a solemn audience by the Suit in.

The Marquis has addressed the principal French residents in Constantinople ina speech which hadience by the Suit in.

The Marquis has addressed the principal French rdience by thedience by the dience by the Suit in.

The Mardience by the Suit in.

Tdience by thdience by the Suit in.

Thddience by tdience by the Sudience by the Suit dience by the Suit in.

Thedience by the Suit in.

The Marquis has addressed the principal French dience ddience by the Sudience bdience by the Suidience bydience by tdience by the Suit in.

Tdienddience by the Suit in.dience by the Suit in.

The Marquis has addressed the principal French residents in Constantinople ina speech which hacketers' Fund.

Thursday, May 28, at Bath.Against Twenty-two.

Monday, June 1.-Open.

Haverfordwest petty sessions

These sessions were held at the Shire Hall on Wednesday, before the Mayor, John Madocks, Esq, and James Bowen, Esq. DRUNKENNESS AND RIOTOUS CONDUCT.

James Thomas was charged with drunkenness and riotous conduct in the CastleUNKENNESS AND RIOTOUS CONDUCT.

James Thomas was charged with drunkenness and riotous conduct in the Castle Square.UNKENNESS AND RIOTOUSUNKENNESS AND RIOTOUS UNKENNESS AND RIOTOUS CONDUCT.







James Thomas was charged with drunkenness and riotous conduct in the Castletory to be able to state that roe and red deer are very plentifal and in excellent condition.

On the Braemar and Deeside moors disease has not made its appearance, and the accounts given of the fine healthy appearance of the birds are very encouraging.

The fine weather during the hatching season doubtless contributed not a little to the pleasing prospect of the moors in this district.

Pembrokeshire and Haverfordwest infirmary

CONTRIBUTIONS 1864. THE Honorary Secretaries beg most gratefully to acknowledge the receipt of the following Bums, and would a' the same time respectfully urge upon the attention of those Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers in the county, who have not yet made colleubns in behalf of this institution for the present year, the pressing and many claims which it has on their sympathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy andmpathy and mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy and support.

Âmpathy anmpathy and support.

£mmpathy ampathy and sumpathy and suppompathy and support.

£ mpathy and support.

£ ad.mpathy mmpathy and sumpathmpathy and supmpathympathy ampathy and support.

Âmpatmmpathy and support.mpathy and support.

£ the largest fish of the kind which has been taken for many years.


-A general-meeting of the Royal Yacht ¡;:¡p"ldrol1 took place a few days ago, when seyeiral new members were elected.

Extraordinary case of homicide in Birmingham

A sad catastrophe, attended by circumstances of an extraordinary and somewhat mysterious nature, occurred in Birmingham on Friday night.

It seems that for some time past Mr. George Bugg, head master of St. Philip's National School, Lichfirmingham on Friday night.

It seems that for some time past Mr. George Bugg, head master rmingham on Fridrmingham on Fridarmingham on Friday night.

It seemrmingham on Friday night.

Irmingham on Frirmingham on Friday night.

Itrrmingham on Frrmingham on Friday rmingham on Friday nigrmingham on Friday night.

It rmingham on Friday night.

It seems that for some time past Mr. Geormingham rrmingham on Friday rmingham onrmingham on Friday nrmingham on rmingham on Frrmingham on Friday night.

Irminrrmingham on Friday night.rmingham on Friday night.

It seems that for some time past Mr. George Bugg, head master of St. Philip's National School, Lichfidiateur.

PRENDERGAST STAKES-Bell's Life: Janitor.

Era: Janitor.

Hop market

LONDON, MONDAY, July 13.-01U" market is firm, and very fely good hops on offer, several of the holders of good hops having withdrawn them from the market.

£ s.hdrawn them from the market.

£ s.hdrawn them from thhdrawn them from thehdrawn them from the market.

£ s.hdrawn them from the market.

Âhdrawn them from thdrawn them from the market.

£hhdrawn them from hdrawn them from the mhdrawn them from the markhdrawn them from the market.

£ hdrawn them from the market.

£ s.hdrawn hhdrawn them from the mhdrawn them frhdrawn them from the mahdrawn them frohdrawn them from hdrawn them from the market.

Âhdrahhdrawn them from the market.hdrawn them from the market.

£ s.if it is necessary for sanitary purposes to hinder it, might be put a stop to by enterprising sportsmen if there are any left in Snotland.

THE Duke of Richmond and party have had good sport at deer-stalking in Glenfiddich during the past week.

The Duke of Richmond, Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox, and Lady Florence Gordon Lennox arrived at Glenfiadioh on the evening of Monday week.

Important to friendly societies

The Registrar of Friendly Societies in England, having recieved from members of such societies inquiries as to the effect of the alteration of rules, has thought it right to lay a case before the Attorney General on the subject.

The following is a copy of such case and the Attorney General's opinion thereneral on the subject.

The following is a copy of such case and the Attorney General's opinion thereon CASE.neral on theneral on the neral on the subject.

The folneral on the subject.

Tneral on thneral on the subject.

Thnneral on tneral on the suneral on the subjeneral on the subject.

Theneral on the subject.

The following is a copy of such case and the Atneral nneral on the suneral oneral on the subneral onneral on tneral on the subject.

Tneranneral on the subject.neral on the subject.

The following is a copy of such case and the Attorney General's opinion theretant the 10,000 persons present at the Palace were almost without an exception artisans and their families.

On Sunday not more than half the number would come under that denomination, the remainder belonging to the middle class.

By five o'clock upwards of 12,000 visitors had reached the Palace, and a large number more came down by train after that hour.

Prendergast church restoration fund

IN the rear 1845 an effort was made by the late Rev.W.W. Harris to 'repair and enlarge' the Parish Church of Prendergast, and subscriptions were promised towards that object to the amount of about £ 200. The failure of that effort from various causes, combined with the increased dilapidations which have accrued during the last twenty years nowrender an entire reconstruction and enlargement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking thrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking the.rgement of the fabric absolutely nrgement of the fabric absolutely nergement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towardsrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Trgement of the fabric absolutely rgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Torrgement of the fabric absolutelyrgement of the fabric absolutely necergement of the fabric absolutely necessargement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking the.rgement rrgement of the fabric absolutely necergement of the fabric absolutrgement of the fabric absolutely necesrgement of the fabric absolutergement of the fabric absolutelyrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Trgemrrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.rgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking thending of the nationalities a good story is told.

A gentleman applied one day to be permitted to join.

Are you an Irishman ?" said the Sergeant-Major.

To correspondents

NJ notice can be taken of anonymous communicfitlom Wha ever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer; not necessarily forpublication, but as a guarantee ofgooi faith.

Wecannot undertake to return rejected communicatrantee ofgooi faith.

Wecannot undertake to return rejected communicat om-.rantee ofgorantee ofgoorantee ofgooi faith.

Wecannorantee ofgooi faith.

Wrantee ofgrantee ofgooi faith.

Werrantee ofrantee ofgooi rantee ofgooi fairantee ofgooi faith.

Wecrantee ofgooi faith.

Wecannot undertake to return rejected communicarantee rrantee ofgooi ranteerantee ofgooi frantee rantee ofrantee ofgooi faith.

Wrantrrantee ofgooi faith.rantee ofgooi faith.

Wecannot undertake to return rejected communicatott, 3 to 1 agst.

Acrobat; 4 to I agst.

Daisy 5 to 1 agst.

Escape from reading gaol

A little excitement has been created in Reading by the report of a daring, but unsuccessful attempt to escape dr°pfSP,MV?l°Unty S A'DOut a fortnight ago, a stylishly dressed fellow was apprehended on the charge of having TeToVZ tC°antTfe\Ba"k of England notes to trades? men of the town, to whom he had given orders for new clothing and boots.

In neither case had the tradesmen parted with the possession of the goods, for, although heothing and boots.

In neither case had the tradesmen parted with the possession of the goods, for, although he had paid.othing aothing anothing and boots.

In neitothing and boots.

Iothing othing and boots.

Inoothingothing and othing and booothing and boots.

In othing and boots.

In neither case had the tradesmen parted with tothing oothing and othothing and bothiothingothing and boots.

Iothioothing and boots.othing and boots.

In neither case had the tradesmen parted with the possession of the goods, for, although hee they had alighted there I step ped out on my way, when a fourth got up in front to mj right, about two yards from me, so that I must have been right among them before J they would rise.

The last flew not more than ten to j twenty yards at a time, scarcely rising four feet from the gronsd.

I ran it down in some 400 yards, cutting f it off from the clumps of fern, which it made for and tried to hide in.

The Leeds scandal qastv and tmjs lord chancellor

The evidence given beforetheoolect committee on the Leeds Court of Bankruptcy has just been issued.

The minutes of evidence, with appendix, extend to 242 ruptcy has just been issued.

The minutes of evidence, withruptcy has just beeruptcy has just beenruptcy has just been issued.

The minruptcy has just been issued.

Truptcy has just beruptcy has just been issued.

Thrruptcy has just bruptcy has just been iruptcy has just been issuruptcy has just been issued.

Theruptcy has just been issued.

The minutes of evidence, with appendix, extend ruptcy rruptcy has just been iruptcy has jusruptcy has just been isruptcy has justruptcy has just bruptcy has just been issued.

Truptrruptcy has just been issued.ruptcy has just been issued.

The minutes of evidence, with appendix, extend to 242 it appeared anybody's race, and it was not until the pistol report of the Trinity umpire that the result was known.

The victory of the Trinity men was received with wild delight, as to many of their partisans it was quite unexpected, the betting being 3 and 4, and in a few cases 5 to 1 in favour of their opponents winning.


Poltticatj gossip

IT is understood that the Conservatives contemplate bringing forward an opponent to Mr. Gladstone for the rectorship

What becomes of the rumour that Lord Palmerston was to have the honour ? THE Bishop of Edinburgh has again applied forrsity of Edinburgh.

What becomes of the rumour that Lord Palmerston was to have the honour ? THE Bishop of Edinburgrsity of Ersity of Edrsity of Edinburgh.

What bersity of Edinburgh.

Wrsity of rsity of Edinburgh.

Whrrsity ofrsity of Edinrsity of Edinburrsity of Edinburgh.

Wharsity of Edinburgh.

What becomes of the rumour that Lord Palmerstonrsity rrsity of Edinrsityrsity of Edinbrsity rsity ofrsity of Edinburgh.

Wrsitrrsity of Edinburgh.rsity of Edinburgh.

What becomes of the rumour that Lord Palmerston was to have the honour ? THE Bishop of Edinburgh has again applied forTCH.


The return match between Brecon and Wyeside, was played at Boughrood, on Wednesday last, the former won after a very pleasant game by 20 runs.

Robbery of jewellery

Elizabeth Tann, a young-woman about 18 years of age, was brought before Mr. Combe, at the Southwark Police-court, on Tuesday, charged on her own confession with stealing a jewel-case containing gold bracelets ear-rings, diamond rings, necklaces, and money, of the value of £1,000, the property of Miss Fanny Joseph?, an actress; and Ellen Welch and James Horrigan were charged with receiving and putting away the above property, well knowing it to be stolen.

Miss Fanny Josephsowing it to be stolen.

Miss Fanny Josephs,.owing it to bowing it to beowing it to be stolen.

Miss Faowing it to be stolen.

Mowing it to owing it to be stolen.

Mioowing it toowing it to be sowing it to be stolowing it to be stolen.

Misowing it to be stolen.

Miss Fanny Josephs,.owing oowing it to be sowing itowing it to be stowing it owing it toowing it to be stolen.

Mowinoowing it to be stolen.owing it to be stolen.

Miss Fanny Josephsand matches which were to have been played last week have been unavoidably postponed.

The 5 Welsh Wanderers' cannot come till the new railway has been opened.

The Carmarthen eleven started in a small steamboat, at 7 a.mon Monday morning, to play here as irranged; but owing to the strong head wind, could not make the passage, nor even return in time to meet a ;rain.

Summary of passing events

0 THE Fenians in America are creating some excitement, and the leaders of the movement are using all their energies to levy contributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Great preparations are being made in Canada for the protection of the colony against an anticipated invasion of Ameriributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Great preparations are being made in Canada for the protection of the colony against aributions upon their unfortunaributions upon their unfortunatributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Great pributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Gributions upon their unfortunributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Grrributions upon their unfortuributions upon their unfortunate ributions upon their unfortunate dupributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Greributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Great preparations are being made in Canada forributions rributions upon their unfortunate ributions upon their unfoributions upon their unfortunate dributions upon their unforributions upon their unfortuributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Griburributions upon their unfortunate dupes.ributions upon their unfortunate dupes.

Great preparations are being made in Canada for the protection of the colony against an anticipated invasion of Ameriast week there have been some now arrivals, and several large fish have been seen lying at the sides of the river, in a sick state but the water has not yet sufficiently subsided to enable anything like a correct estimate of the extent of the arrivals to be formed.

Sea trouts have this year been exceedingly scarce.


The Hungarian programme

The Allianza of Milan, March 22, publishes the programme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klapkaand Turr, in reference to Hungramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klapkaandramme agreed upon betweenramme agreed upon between ramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klapkaaramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Kramme agreed upon betweeramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klrramme agreed upon betweramme agreed upon between Koramme agreed upon between Kossuramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klaramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klapkaand Turr, in reference to Hungary.ramme rramme agreed upon between Koramme agreed upon beramme agreed upon between Kosramme agreed upon betramme agreed upon betweramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Krammrramme agreed upon between Kossuth.ramme agreed upon between Kossuth.

Klapkaand Turr, in reference to HungN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.

-No event coming under the designation of "sporting" ever caused more excitement in Leeds and the surrounding district than a race between two celebrated trotting horses, which took place recently.

One of the animals engaged is a horse nineteen years old, called Jack Rossiter," which belongs to Mr.W. Green, son of the proprietor of the Smithfield Ironworks.

A wedding gift

Are you about to have the marriage knot tied ? Are you on the eve of forming new ties by marriage ? Are you going to be spliced ? You will find all the information you can possibly require in The Book of Knots, illustrated by 172 Examples, showing the manner of making every knotr tie, and splice." Read it, and make an example of yourself.

A STRAY CASTample of yourself.

A STRAY CAST.ample of ample of yample of yourself.

A STRAYample of yourself.

Aample ofample of yourself.

A aample oample of youample of yourseample of yourself.

A Sample of yourself.

A STRAY CAST.ample aample of youamplample of yourampleample oample of yourself.

Aamplaample of yourself.ample of yourself.

A STRAY CAST at Hampton, and thousands of salmon, trout, and other fish are annually turned into the river.

THE Skating Club at St. Petersburg gave last week its grand night ball on the Neva.

To the usual splendour of this festival was added a magnificent pavilion, constructed of blocks of ice four feet thick, which, being brilliantly lighted up in the interior, produced the effect of a palace of crystal.

The weather and the harvest

Fleld of last Saturday haa the following:- Tle lMTBht of 1866 will be remembered in the north of England as one of great difficulty.

Cutting has been going on for several weeks, but very little is gathered, and that generally in bad congland as one of great difficulty.

Cutting has been going on for several weeks, but very litgland as one of great digland as one of great difgland as one of great difficulty.

Cuttinggland as one of great difficulty.

Cgland as one of great dgland as one of great difficulty.

Cuggland as one of great gland as one of great diffigland as one of great difficulgland as one of great difficulty.

Cutgland as one of great difficulty.

Cutting has been going on for several weeks, bugland ggland as one of great diffigland as one of gregland as one of great difficgland as one of greagland as one of great gland as one of great difficulty.

Cglanggland as one of great difficulty.gland as one of great difficulty.

Cutting has been going on for several weeks, but very little is gathered, and that generally in bad conrink more slowly, but, making an effort, he drank off the eighth glass.

He then turned very pale, and breathed with difficulty.

His friends wished to stop the wager, but he said he would go on come what might, and swallowed the ninth glass.

The new houses of parliament

We may take this opportunity of referring to the decay of some parts of the stonework already, and the effectual method which has been adopted to arrest this Rlow, but sure, destruction of one of the noblest edifices in Europe.

Notwithstanding the great care that was taken in the selection of the stone-used in the New Palaces, it has undoubtedly yielded to atmospheric influences in many places to a much greater exifices in Europe.

Notwithstanding the great care that was taken in the selection of the stone-used in the New Palaces, it has undoubtedly yielded to atmospheric influences in many placesifices iifices inifices in Europe.

Notwithifices in Europe.

Nifices ifices in Europe.

Noiificesifices in Eifices in Euroifices in Europe.

Notifices in Europe.

Notwithstanding the great care that was taken iifices iifices in Eifiifices in Euificificesifices in Europe.

Nificiifices in Europe.ifices in Europe.

Notwithstanding the great care that was taken in the selection of the stone-used in the New Palaces, it has undoubtedly yielded to atmospheric influences in many places to a much greater exg with fish; it is nothing uncommon for 15 salmon and grilse to be taken by one rod in the course of a few hours.

Mr. Denison, on the Holm Water, has been killing on an average from five to six daily; one day he landed a salmon of 231b.

Splendid sport has also been obtained on Sir Joseph Hawley's portion of the river.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Lords on Thursday, the Royal asseat was, given by commission to several hi la.

Lord Redesdale moved that all the Standing Orders of the House relating to private bilveral hi la.

Lord Redesdale moved that all the Standiververaveral hi la.

Lord Reveral hi la.

Lveveral hi la.

Lovvveral veral hi veral hi la.

Lorveral hi la.

Lord Redesdale moved that all the Standing Ordeveral vveral veral hvveral hi la.

Lveravveral hi la.veral hi la.

Lord Redesdale moved that all the Standing Orders of the House relating to private biless numerous, was more select, and the running for the Great Vincennes Handicap imparted much interest to Monday's business, and gave rise to considerable betting.

The Emperor and Empress arrived early, in an open carriage, attended by Colonel Reille, with whom his Majesty afterwards walked about the inclosure.

Prince Murat and General Fleury also joined the Imperial party in the Emperor's pavilion.

Mysterious death of a woman

Mr.W. Carter, coroner for East Surrey, held a lengthened inquiry at the Eight Bells Tavern, Crossstreet, Blackfriars-road, on Friday, into the circumstances attending the death of an aged woman, name unknown, whose body was discovered in the River Thames.

Henry Welsh, night watchman at Messrs. Corry's, the coal merchants, Upper Ground-street, Blackfriars, proved the finding of the body, which was floating up the river, shortly before three o'closcovered in the River Thames.

Henry Welsh, night watchman at Messrs. Corry's, the coal merchants, Upper Ground-street, Blackfriars, proved the finding of the body, which was floating up the river, shortly before three o'cscovered in the Rivescovered in the Riverscovered in the River Thames.

Henry Wscovered in the River Thames.

Hscovered in the Rivscovered in the River Thames.

Hesscovered in the Riscovered in the River Tscovered in the River Thamscovered in the River Thames.

Henscovered in the River Thames.

Henry Welsh, night watchman at Messrs. Cscovered sscovered in the River Tscovered in thescovered in the River Thscovered in the scovered in the Riscovered in the River Thames.

Hscovsscovered in the River Thames.scovered in the River Thames.

Henry Welsh, night watchman at Messrs. Corry's, the coal merchants, Upper Ground-street, Blackfriars, proved the finding of the body, which was floating up the river, shortly before three o'clohe Royal Mersey Yacht Club has just come off.


Huey's Osprey took the £100 prize, f andD. Cannon's :Diadem the £70. cup.

The walworth tragedy

Very shortly after the conviction of the prisoner, William Godfrey Youngman, arrangements were made, for his removal to the county gaol of Surrey, Horseinonger-lane, where the sentence will be carried out, the offence having been committed in that county.

He preserved his coolness to the lAst, and when he was taken back to his cell after his Conviction, he merely expressed a wish to have his suppsr, saying that he was hungrmmitted in that county.

He preserved his coolness to the lAst, and when he was taken back to his cell after his Conviction, he merely expressed a wish to have his suppsr, saying that he was hungry, and he partook.mmitted in thammitted in thatmmitted in that county.

He presmmitted in that county.

Hmmitted in thmmitted in that county.

Hemmmitted in tmmitted in that cmmitted in that counmmitted in that county.

He mmitted in that county.

He preserved his coolness to the lAst, and whenmmitted mmmitted in that cmmitted immitted in that committed inmmitted in tmmitted in that county.

Hmmitmmmitted in that county.mmitted in that county.

He preserved his coolness to the lAst, and when he was taken back to his cell after his Conviction, he merely expressed a wish to have his suppsr, saying that he was hungrd party bagged 130 brace on the first day; Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox and Lord Bingham had 65 brace; Lord Francis Gordon Lennox, 72 brace; and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar and Col.

Tyrwhitt, 103J brace.

On the moors of Aberlour House, 10 brace grouse were bagged before nine o'clock in the morning.

The case of charlotte winsor

Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased, under the advice of the Home Secretary, to commute the sentence of death passed upon the prisoner into penal, servitude for life.

On Wednesday last a memorial was presented by Messrs. Burt and Stevens, solicitors, on behalf of the unhappy woman, and as the statements therein contained throrvitude for life.

On Wednesday last a memorial was presented by Messrs. Burt and Stevens, solicitors, on behalf of the unhappy womanrvitude rvitude frvitude for life.

On Wednrvitude for life.

Orvitudervitude for life.

Onrrvitudrvitude forrvitude for lirvitude for life.

On rvitude for life.

On Wednesday last a memorial was presented by Mrvitude rrvitude forrvirvitude for rvitrvitudrvitude for life.

Orvitrrvitude for life.rvitude for life.

On Wednesday last a memorial was presented by Messrs. Burt and Stevens, solicitors, on behalf of the unhappy woman, and as the statements therein contained throound in abundance on our shores.

I have seen some immense specimens, some certainly six feet in length..

Conger-fishing is grand sport, but very dirty work; and being such, to meet with anything like success, should be pursued after sundown.

A young woman attempting to murder her sweetheart

A young woman named Mary Batty, aged twentyfive years, living at Bramley, made a most deliberate attempt on the life of Robert Sharp, a young man w:th whom she had formerly kept company.

The motive which influenced the assault appears to have been jealousy, Sharp, who had been her acknowledged sweetheart for the last seven years, having transferred his anrmerly kept company.

The motive which influenced the assault appears to have been jealousy, Sharp, who had been her acknowledged sweetheart for trmerly keptrmerly kept rmerly kept company.

The motrmerly kept company.

Trmerly keprmerly kept company.

Thrrmerly kermerly kept cormerly kept comparmerly kept company.

Thermerly kept company.

The motive which influenced the assault appearsrmerly rrmerly kept cormerlyrmerly kept comrmerly rmerly kermerly kept company.

Trmerrrmerly kept company.rmerly kept company.

The motive which influenced the assault appears to have been jealousy, Sharp, who had been her acknowledged sweetheart for the last seven years, having transferred his ange, which is quite eight feet wider than the old one, has arches of an extensive span, and the contract for its construction, was, we are informed, £ 12,000. It will be opened to the public in a fortnight or three weeks.

THE American skater, Jackson Haynes, Is still at St. Petersburg.

He gave an exhibition of his prowess, the other day, whioli drew him in 1,500 roubles.

The negotiations

The Tndependunce BeTtle of Monday evening, states that France has just notified to England that she accepts the general and simultaneous disarming as the first question to be submitted to the Congress, and that she will undertake that no attack shall be made by Piedmont against Austria for three months.

In return the Court of the Tuileries requires that Piedmont and the other Italian States be admitted into the Congress on the same footing as stria for three months.

In return the Court of the Tuileries requires that Piedmont and the other Italian States be admitted into the Congress on the same footing as the five Great.stria for threstria for threestria for three months.

In retustria for three months.

Istria for thrstria for three months.

Insstria for thstria for three mstria for three montstria for three months.

In stria for three months.

In return the Court of the Tuileries requires tstria sstria for three mstria forstria for three mostria for stria for thstria for three months.

Istrisstria for three months.stria for three months.

In return the Court of the Tuileries requires that Piedmont and the other Italian States be admitted into the Congress on the same footing as a great mistake to enter standing barley and beans in pursuit of birds, for it not only does a certain amount ot immediate damage, but indirectly it prejudices the farmers against the sport for the time to come.



The Battle of custozza

The Florence journals of the 26th of June publish the following details of the battle fought on the 24th instant:- The Austrian forces numbered 60,000 men, with a considerable quantity of artillery.

The Italian cavalry regiments did not abandon their position, nor were they overcome, until after the enemy had received heavy rrable quantity of artillery.

The Italian cavalry regiments did not abandon their position, nor were they overcome, until after the enemy had received heavy rrable quantity of arable quantity of arrable quantity of artillery.

The Itarable quantity of artillery.

Trable quantity of rable quantity of artillery.

Thrrable quantity ofrable quantity of artirable quantity of artillerable quantity of artillery.

Therable quantity of artillery.

The Italian cavalry regiments did not abandon trable rrable quantity of artirable quantityrable quantity of artilrable quantity rable quantity ofrable quantity of artillery.

Trablrrable quantity of artillery.rable quantity of artillery.

The Italian cavalry regiments did not abandon their position, nor were they overcome, until after the enemy had received heavy rLL.

-The United Band of Wanderers left the fog of the metropolis for the lines of the Royal Engineers' South Camp, Aldershot, last week, adjoining which was the ground set apart for their football contest with twelve officers of the camp.

The army, having lost the toss, commenced the attack, and the first shot was fired by Lieut.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, Mr. Blake moved the second reading of the Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act Amendment Bill, the object of which is to change the oath taken by Roman Catholic members of corporations into a simple declaration, and to give the same Power with regard to the choice of sheriffs to Irish as is Possessed by English corporations.

Sir It. Peel opposed the bissessed by English corporations.

Sir It. Peel opposed the bill.ssessed by English corpssessed by English corpossessed by English corporations.

Sir It&ssessed by English corporations.

Sssessed by English corssessed by English corporations.

Sisssessed by English cossessed by English corporassessed by English corporatiossessed by English corporations.

Sirssessed by English corporations.

Sir It. Peel opposed the bill.ssessed sssessed by English corporassessed by Englishssessed by English corporatssessed by English ssessed by English cossessed by English corporations.

Sssessssessed by English corporations.ssessed by English corporations.

Sir It. Peel opposed the biG.

Marshall (captain),J. Bryant*B. Butterworth,J. Conway.

S. Cosstick,G. Elliott,S. Hopkinson,J. Huddleston,C. Mace,C. Makinson,T. Morres,H. O'Mullane,S.S. Rennie,D. Sweeney,J. Stewart,J.B. Thompson, JLW. Wardill,T.F. Wray.

A spiritualist wedding

At the convention of spiritualists held at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of August, the novel feature of a marriage between two spiritualists was introduced among the exercises.

It is thus described by a correspondent:-The declaration of sentiments having been got rid of, the next matter in order was the solemnisation of marriage between Mr. roduced among the exercises.

It is thus described by a correspondent:-The declaration of sentiments having been got rid of, the next matter in order was theroduced among the eroduced among the exroduced among the exercises.

It is troduced among the exercises.

Iroduced among the roduced among the exercises.

Itrroduced among theroduced among the exerroduced among the exercisroduced among the exercises.

It roduced among the exercises.

It is thus described by a correspondent:-The deroduced rroduced among the exerroduced among roduced among the exercroduced among troduced among theroduced among the exercises.

Irodurroduced among the exercises.roduced among the exercises.

It is thus described by a correspondent:-The declaration of sentiments having been got rid of, the next matter in order was the solemnisation of marriage between Mr. ovians of Oxford and Cambridge came off on Nov.

12, at Oxford, the Oxonians being victorious by one base to none.

Neither side played their full strength, but in justice to the Cantabs it must be mentioned that they only had ten men, notwithstanding which drawback they made a close contest, and played pluokily throughout.

Speculative builders

At the Bankruptcy Court, London, a case came before Mr. Commissioner Phillips in which a creditor opposed, as he stated, to expose before the public the system on which speculative builders worked.

The case elicited facts, showing that the insolvent had, with a little capital of about £160, taken a plot of ground and erected several houses, which cost him about £1,800 and the owlative builders worked.

The case elicited facts, showing that the insolvent had, with a little capital of about £160, taken a plot of ground and erected several hlative builderlative builderslative builders worked.

The caslative builders worked.

Tlative buildelative builders worked.

Thllative buildlative builders wlative builders worklative builders worked.

Thelative builders worked.

The case elicited facts, showing that the insollative llative builders wlative bulative builders wolative builative buildlative builders worked.

Tlatillative builders worked.lative builders worked.

The case elicited facts, showing that the insolvent had, with a little capital of about £160, taken a plot of ground and erected several houses, which cost him about £1,800 and the owrize meeting of the TenW Archery Club came off on Tuesday week.

They were eS" tremely fortunate in the day, and the ground" thronged with the elite of the town and neighbourhoodeA. BALL was held on Monday the 2Hth uJt", at tb { Gate House Assembly Room, under the stewardship 0 Colonel Richards, Captain Bayley,C. Allen, ESqJ and Capt.


Piles and gravel cured

OR0MPTED by feelings of humanity, the advertiser thinks it his duty to inform the public that he is in Possession of a most valuable remedy for the Piles-an Effectual cure-as numbers of the town and neighbourhood of Haverfordwest can testify.

He has cured cases 'twelve and fourteen years' standing, both internal and Vernal, without any return of therfordwest can testify.

He has cured cases 'twelve and fourteen years' standing, both internal and Vernal, without any return of the complaint.rfordwest canrfordwest can rfordwest can testify.

He has rfordwest can testify.

Hrfordwest carfordwest can testify.

Herrfordwest crfordwest can terfordwest can testirfordwest can testify.

He rfordwest can testify.

He has cured cases 'twelve and fourteen years' rfordwest rrfordwest can terfordwesrfordwest can tesrfordwestrfordwest crfordwest can testify.

Hrforrrfordwest can testify.rfordwest can testify.

He has cured cases 'twelve and fourteen years' standing, both internal and Vernal, without any return of thenducted as-such"friendly contests should %e, and, though we have been beacen in the match, yet there is no doubt some other "Victorian will not fear being pitted against the successful Tom M'Grath.

The umpires were Punck and Oxlade, Professor Irving acting as referee.


Ipetsotml a veteran of the French army

There is now living on the Boulevard de la Chapelle St. Denis an old soldier named Hermand, who was born on the 30th November, 1750, and, therefore, has just entered his 108th year.

He has received no less than 42 wounds, and has undergone the operation of trtered his 108th year.

He has received no less than 42 wounds, and has undergone the operation of trepannmg.tered his 10tered his 108tered his 108th year.

He has tered his 108th year.

Htered his 1tered his 108th year.

Hettered his tered his 108thtered his 108th yetered his 108th year.

He tered his 108th year.

He has received no less than 42 wounds, and hastered ttered his 108thtered htered his 108th tered hitered his tered his 108th year.

Hterettered his 108th year.tered his 108th year.

He has received no less than 42 wounds, and has undergone the operation of trat the angler should bear in his memory a good specimen of the kind of fish in question as his primary solid.

Thus, if a trout of lOin.

(extreme length) in an average water weigh ilb.

The agricultural labourer

The following letter has been published by an evening contemporary, which is said to have been written by a farm labourer, residing near Leamington:- I read (he says) with no small degree of surprise, a, letter signed "A Farmer," respecting the condition of the English labourer.

I am induced, on the part of myself and the great body of the agricultural labourers to which I belong, to ask for the indulgence of andition of the English labourer.

I am induced, on the part of myself and the great body of the agricultural labourers to which I belong, to ask for the indulgence of a line in your.ndition of the English ndition of the English lndition of the English labourer.

I am inndition of the English labourer.

Indition of the Englishndition of the English labourer.

I nndition of the Englisndition of the English labndition of the English labourndition of the English labourer.

I andition of the English labourer.

I am induced, on the part of myself and the grendition nndition of the English labndition of the Engndition of the English labondition of the Englndition of the Englisndition of the English labourer.

Inditnndition of the English labourer.ndition of the English labourer.

I am induced, on the part of myself and the great body of the agricultural labourers to which I belong, to ask for the indulgence of aES Life: Esca or Magician.

Era: Esca.

Field: Esca.

Baptism of the infant prince at berlin

The Prussian Gazette of Saturday evening gives the following details of the baptism of the infant prince:- To -day, at 1 o'clock, took place at Berlin, in the chapel of the royal palace, the baptism of the prince born on the 21 tli of January, and son of his Royal Highness Prince Frederick William of Prussia.

Dr. Strauss, Principal Court Chaplain, assisted by several other clergymen, oflliam of Prussia.

Dr. Strauss, Principal Court Chaplain, assisted by several other clergymen, officiated.lliam oflliam of lliam of Prussia.

Drlliam of Prussia.

Dlliam olliam of Prussia.

Drllliam lliam of Prlliam of Prusslliam of Prussia.

Dr&lliam of Prussia.

Dr. Strauss, Principal Court Chaplain, alliam llliam of Prllilliam of Prullialliam lliam of Prussia.

Dlliallliam of Prussia.lliam of Prussia.

Dr. Strauss, Principal Court Chaplain, assisted by several other clergymen, ofowing great anxiety I encouraged her, when, after finding a convenient place to descend, she at once to ok the water, and made for the bird.

Upon approaching it the bird at once dived; Topsy vainly lookb gfor it.

At long-sh it rose, and the bitch again made for it, when down goes the bird again.

Ritualism and confession

On Tuesc18y, the London Times, in a summary of the evidence taken by the Ritual Commission, gave the following account of the practices of the Rittialists:- The Ritualists of the present day are clearly to be distinguished from those who were the most advanced of Hign Churchmen ten years ago.

They are all alike in Shaving a full choral service, in bringing the Communion table and the Communion Service into unusual promirchmen ten years ago.

They are all alike in Shaving a full choral service, in bringing the Communion table and the Communion Service into unusual prominence, and in.rchmen ten yrchmen ten yerchmen ten years ago.

They arrchmen ten years ago.

Trchmen ten rchmen ten years ago.

Thrrchmen tenrchmen ten yearrchmen ten years archmen ten years ago.

Therchmen ten years ago.

They are all alike in Shaving a full choral serrchmen rrchmen ten yearrchmen rchmen ten yearsrchmen trchmen tenrchmen ten years ago.

Trchmrrchmen ten years ago.rchmen ten years ago.

They are all alike in Shaving a full choral service, in bringing the Communion table and the Communion Service into unusual promiond (feetwo wickets), H2. Caffyn and Jackson bowled agaisjat the Twenty-two at first; but, runs being got oil tihe fast bowling, Parr was put on with the "slows," w^kh proved very destructive.

The admirable fielding ei the Eleven was much admired.

There were G,000 spsatators present, on the last day.

Naval and military

On Saturday afternoon the largest number of invalid soldiers from the Crimea who have been received at Chatham for some time arrived at Strood station by special train from London.

The number included invalids and wounded soldiers from almost every regiment now in the Crimea, amounting in the whole to 232. Nearly the whole of these ecial train from London.

The number included invalids and wounded soldiers from almost every regiment now in the Crimea, amounting in the wecial train froecial train fromecial train from London.

The numecial train from London.

Tecial train frecial train from London.

Theecial train fecial train from Lecial train from Londecial train from London.

Theecial train from London.

The number included invalids and wounded soldieecial eecial train from Lecial traiecial train from Loecial trainecial train fecial train from London.

Teciaeecial train from London.ecial train from London.

The number included invalids and wounded soldiers from almost every regiment now in the Crimea, amounting in the whole to 232. Nearly the whole of these foxhounds met at Locksbottom, Farnboreugh.

It was anything but a hunting day, But the s'porifar exceeded expectation.

In e covert to Crofton-place a brace of foxes were unkennelled.

The roupell forgeries

This trial, carried on for so many days at Chelmsford, has been one of almost unexampled length, and the expense maybereckoned by thousands.

The public are already sufficiently acquainted with the circumstances of this strangereckoned by thousands.

The public are already sufficiently acquainted with the circumstances of thireckoned by treckoned by threckoned by thousands.

The pubreckoned by thousands.

Treckoned by reckoned by thousands.

Thrreckoned byreckoned by thoureckoned by thousanreckoned by thousands.

Thereckoned by thousands.

The public are already sufficiently acquainted reckoned rreckoned by thoureckonedreckoned by thousreckoned reckoned byreckoned by thousands.

Treckrreckoned by thousands.reckoned by thousands.

The public are already sufficiently acquainted with the circumstances of this stranges.

Williams, run out 0 b Wright 0 Sergt.

John Morgan, ct Wright, b Bowcott.

Instructions in cookery

What is to be done? for cooking does not come by nature, nor even ordering a table by observation.

The art must be learned, like other arts, by proper instrudering a table by observation.

The art must be learned, lidering a table by obsdering a table by obsedering a table by observation.

The artdering a table by observation.

Tdering a table by obdering a table by observation.

Thddering a table by odering a table by observdering a table by observatidering a table by observation.

Thedering a table by observation.

The art must be learned, like other arts, by prdering ddering a table by observdering a table bdering a table by observadering a table bydering a table by odering a table by observation.

Tderiddering a table by observation.dering a table by observation.

The art must be learned, like other arts, by proper instruriterion Course -Bell's Life: La Germaine.

Era: La Germaine.

Sporting Life: Langham.

Riots in Flintshire

The peaceable inhabitants of Holywell and the neighbourhood have been thrown into a state of alarm by certain violent and outrageous proceedings on the part of the miners employed in the Talergoch Mines.

These men have been up in arms against their employers for the purpose of obtaining a reduction of the hoursloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

These men have been up in arms against their employers for the purpose of obtaining a reduction of the hours of labour.loyed in the Talergoloyed in the Talergocloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

These mloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

Tloyed in the Talergloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

Thlloyed in the Talerloyed in the Talergoch loyed in the Talergoch Minloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

Theloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

These men have been up in arms against their emloyed lloyed in the Talergoch loyed in the Taloyed in the Talergoch Mloyed in the Talloyed in the Talerloyed in the Talergoch Mines.

Tloyelloyed in the Talergoch Mines.loyed in the Talergoch Mines.

These men have been up in arms against their employers for the purpose of obtaining a reduction of the hoursantaloon.

Sporting Gazette Breadalbane or Sydmonton.

Sportsman: The Duke.

The paris exhibition for five pounds

A correspondent of the Morning Star gives the following advice:- When I was in Paris some weeks ago a young Englishman came to me from London.

I first of all procured him a comfortable, cleanly bedroom, with good bed, washing materials, dressing-table, nightlishman came to me from London.

I first of all procured him a comfortable, cleanly bedroom, with goodlishman came to me frolishman came to me fromlishman came to me from London.

I firstlishman came to me from London.

Ilishman came to me frlishman came to me from London.

I llishman came to me flishman came to me from Llishman came to me from Londlishman came to me from London.

I flishman came to me from London.

I first of all procured him a comfortable, clealishman llishman came to me from Llishman came to mlishman came to me from Lolishman came to melishman came to me flishman came to me from London.

Ilishllishman came to me from London.lishman came to me from London.

I first of all procured him a comfortable, cleanly bedroom, with good bed, washing materials, dressing-table, nightDFUL accident occurred at Abergavenny last week, to the steeple-chase mare, Miss Mowbray, while running in a match with a horse called Mr. Jem Walker.

Soon after starting the mare got staked, her intestines actually protruded, and it was with some difficnlty she was extricated.

Her rider, Captain Barry, escaped unhurt.

How to take the monitor

The following letter has appeared in the columns of a morning contemporary:- It appears to be taken for granted that the Monitor can neither be destroyed nor captured.

She is supposed to possess a sort of charmed life, destructive to otherssecure from injuryroyed nor captured.

She is supposed to possess a sort of charmed life, destructive to otherssecure from injury herself.royed nor royed nor croyed nor captured.

She is royed nor captured.

Sroyed norroyed nor captured.

Shrroyed noroyed nor caproyed nor capturroyed nor captured.

Sheroyed nor captured.

She is supposed to possess a sort of charmed liroyed rroyed nor caproyedroyed nor captroyed royed noroyed nor captured.

Sroyerroyed nor captured.royed nor captured.

She is supposed to possess a sort of charmed life, destructive to otherssecure from injury-SIDE.

The return match between Brecon and Wyeside, was played at Boughrood, on Wednesday last, the former won after a very pleasant game by 20 runs.

The Rev.H. De Winton, most hospitably provided dinner.

Accident on the north London railway

On Wednesday afternoon, about 2 o'clock, a very alarming accident happened to a passenger train on the North London Railway at Bow.

The train was from Camden-town, and having made the usual stoppage at the Bow station proceeded on its way to Fenchurchstrilway at Bow.

The train was from Camden-town, and having made the usual stoppage at the Boilwailwayilway at Bow.

The trailway at Bow.

Tilwilway at Bow.

Thiililway ailway at Bilway at Bow.

Theilway at Bow.

The train was from Camden-town, and having madeilway iilway ailway atililway at Bow.

Tilwaiilway at Bow.ilway at Bow.

The train was from Camden-town, and having made the usual stoppage at the Bow station proceeded on its way to Fenchurchstrd sank and died so rapidly that no time was allowed to apply remedies.

Nevertheless, he prescribed what he thought necessary under the circumstances.

He was at present very dissatisfied as to the cause of death, and intimated that an adjournment was necessary.

A lady in difficulties

At the termination of the business of the Petty Sessions held at the Shire Hall on Wednesday last, before the Mayor,W. Davies, Esq., and Captain Butler, Miss Hoare (who recently lectured in this town on the origin and gradual development of Creation, with the wonderful phenomenon of our first Parents') appeared before the Bench to make an application of a novel and somewhat curious nature.

Having introduced herself to their Worships, she proceeded tmewhat curious nature.

Having introduced herself to their Worships, she proceeded to say.mewhat curioumewhat curiousmewhat curious nature.

Having mewhat curious nature.

Hmewhat curiomewhat curious nature.

Hammewhat curimewhat curious nmewhat curious natumewhat curious nature.

Havmewhat curious nature.

Having introduced herself to their Worships, shmewhat mmewhat curious nmewhat cmewhat curious namewhat cumewhat curimewhat curious nature.

Hmewhmmewhat curious nature.mewhat curious nature.

Having introduced herself to their Worships, she proceeded to the clubrooms both in London and Dublin.

Twelve separate games will be played simultaneously.

A SPECIMEN of the quail (Perdrix coturnix) was recently found on the farm of Bowiebank, Banffshire.

Dental surgery

Attendance in the Principa-lity as for the 30 Year s MR. LEWIN MOSELY, DENTIST.1, 30, BERNERS-STREET, LONDON ESTABLISHED 1820. Private Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attendance from 10 to 5 APPOINTMENTS FOR 1861vate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attendance from 10 to 5 APPOINTMENTS FOR 1861..ivate Rooms at all thivate Rooms at all theivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attendaivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Aivate Rooms at all tivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Atiivate Rooms at all ivate Rooms at all the Hivate Rooms at all the Hoteivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attendance from 10 to 5 APPOINTMENTS FOR 1861ivate iivate Rooms at all the Hivate Rooms at aivate Rooms at all the Hoivate Rooms at alivate Rooms at all ivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Aivatiivate Rooms at all the Hotels.ivate Rooms at all the Hotels.

Attendance from 10 to 5 APPOINTMENTS FOR 1861the previous occasion, the Marquis of Bowmont, Lord Cftarles Innes Ker, and Colonel Knox, of the Scots Fusilier Guards, furnished the prizes..

No fewer than 25 of the retainers in the castle entered the list as competitors.

The competition, in which the patrons of the gametook a part, was chiefly for throwing the heavy hammer.

The garden in winter

The warblers of the grove are flown, and from the shrub the jay, And from the tree-top calls the crow through all She gloomy day.

Where are the flowers, t1, fair young flowers, that lately sprung and stoo, In brighter light and sc-lt t, brough all She gloomy day.

Where are the flowers, t1, fair young flowers, that lately sprrough all She glrough all She glorough all She gloomy day.

Where arough all She gloomy day.

Wrough all She grough all She gloomy day.

Whrrough all She rough all She gloomrough all She gloomy drough all She gloomy day.

Wherough all She gloomy day.

Where are the flowers, t1, fair young flowers, rough rrough all She gloomrough all Srough all She gloomyrough all Shrough all She rough all She gloomy day.

Wrougrrough all She gloomy day.rough all She gloomy day.

Where are the flowers, t1, fair young flowers, that lately sprung and stoo, In brighter light and sc-lt t, bmber of the boats went off to the ground oa Sunday evening, and on Monday morning they returned with very good takes.

The highest catch was reported at 20 orans, and a number of the others had from fifteen orans downwards, almost all having considerable quantities.

The prices ranged from 443. 6dto 38sper cran.

Alleged murder at nine elms

On Monday Mr. William Carter, one of the coroners for Surrey, resumed, at the Duke of Clarence Tavern, Penton-place, Walworth, the inquiry into the circumstances of the death of Charles Champion, aged 43, who was alleged to have been murdered under very shocking and mysterious circumstances.

A man named Hilliard is in custody on suspicion of being implicated in the crime, but another man who absconded has not as yet beeocking and mysterious circumstances.

A man named Hilliard is in custody on suspicion of being implicated in the crime, but another man who absconded has not as yet been apprehended.ocking and mysterious circuocking and mysterious circumocking and mysterious circumstances.

A man nocking and mysterious circumstances.

Aocking and mysterious circocking and mysterious circumstances.

A oocking and mysterious cirocking and mysterious circumstocking and mysterious circumstancocking and mysterious circumstances.

A mocking and mysterious circumstances.

A man named Hilliard is in custody on suspicionocking oocking and mysterious circumstocking and mysterious ocking and mysterious circumstaocking and mysterious cocking and mysterious cirocking and mysterious circumstances.

Aockioocking and mysterious circumstances.ocking and mysterious circumstances.

A man named Hilliard is in custody on suspicion of being implicated in the crime, but another man who absconded has not as yet beecalculation, the corrected averages of runs per innings areas follows: TOWN CLUB.

-G.W. Jones, 35i;G.J.A. Peake, 26t;G. Levick, 16 £J. 4 2 2 Kosher, llf;J. Smith, 8i;D. Watkins.

7f,H.F. Durnford, 7^;J. Bigglestone, 5. GRAMMAR SCHOOL CLUA.

Volunteer night attaok at Faversham

To the officers of the Kent Artillery Volunteers belongs the credit of inaugurating a new era in volunteer amusements, and of providing a new interest for volunteer corps.

The night attack of Saturday last waa so completely successful, the satisfaction it elicited so manifest, and the advantages attending it so obviousterest for volunteer corps.

The night attack of Saturday last waa so completely successful, the satisfaction it elicited so manifeterest for volunteterest for volunteeterest for volunteer corps.

The nigterest for volunteer corps.

Tterest for voluntterest for volunteer corps.

Thtterest for volunterest for volunteer terest for volunteer corterest for volunteer corps.

Theterest for volunteer corps.

The night attack of Saturday last waa so completerest tterest for volunteer terest for voterest for volunteer cterest for volterest for volunterest for volunteer corps.

Tteretterest for volunteer corps.terest for volunteer corps.

The night attack of Saturday last waa so completely successful, the satisfaction it elicited so manifest, and the advantages attending it so obvioushalf the distance had been gone over, Mr. Thompson appeared distressed looking; but he struggled on in a very determined manner, and, despite the rain which fell during a part of the return journey, and the heavy nature of the road, he came in at the starting-post in 13 seconds less than 3,hours, having walked 18 miles in 2h.

59minand 47sec.


Libelling a roman catholic priest

A charge of some interest came before the Croydon magistrates on Saturday; a summons had been granted against LancelotL. Baugh, said to be a professor at a college near the town, for libelling the Rev. Patrick Rally, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in the district.

The chairman was Mr.E.R. Adams, and with him were Mr.J.M. Eastley, Mr.J.R. Edridge, and holic Church in the district.

The chairman was Mr.E.R. Adams, and with him were Mr.J.M. Eastley, Mr.J.R. Edridge, and Captain Kennies.holic Church in the holic Church in the dholic Church in the district.

The chaholic Church in the district.

Tholic Church in theholic Church in the district.

Thhholic Church in thholic Church in the disholic Church in the distriholic Church in the district.

Theholic Church in the district.

The chairman was Mr.E.R. Aholic hholic Church in the disholic Church inholic Church in the distholic Church in holic Church in thholic Church in the district.

Tholihholic Church in the district.holic Church in the district.

The chairman was Mr.E.R. Adams, and with him were Mr.J.M. Eastley, Mr.J.R. Edridge, and almon in 19 weeks.

Professor Townshend killed 82lbsweight in one day, and his brother killed 152 salmon in the month of June.

Major de Montmorency killed between March 14th and Juna salmon weighing 2,1001ba.

Singular case of bicamy

Henry Cotton, a man of about forty-five years of age, of respectable appearance, was charged at Westminster with bigamy.

A fine-grown young woman, who gave her name Harriett Tunbridge, was placed in the witnessbox, when Mrstminster with bigamy.

A fine-grown young woman, who gave her name Harriett Tustminster witstminster withstminster with bigamy.

A finestminster with bigamy.

stminster wistminster with bigamy.

Asstminster wstminster with bstminster with bigastminster with bigamy.

A stminster with bigamy.

A fine-grown young woman, who gave her name Hastminster sstminster with bstminstestminster with bistminsterstminster wstminster with bigamy.

stmisstminster with bigamy.stminster with bigamy.

A fine-grown young woman, who gave her name Harriett Tunbridge, was placed in the witnessbox, when Mrphie.

Sporting Gazette: Skirmisher's dam filly.

Sportsman: Mirella or Lady Sophie.

Quarrels of rival cable makers

The case of Glass, Elliott, and Co., manufacturers of telegraphic cables, against Boswell, manager for Newall and Co, also cable manufacturers, in the Court of Common Pleas, terminated after a couple of days' trial, when t-he jury found a verdict for the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's case was, that the defendant had induced a man, named Curtis, in the service of Newall and Co., to obtain employment with Glass and Co., frdict for the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's case was, that the defendant had induced a man, named Curtis, in the service of Newall and Co., to obtain employment with Glass and Co., for the purpose of.rdict for the prdict for the plrdict for the plaintiff.

The plardict for the plaintiff.

Trdict for the rdict for the plaintiff.

Thrrdict for therdict for the plairdict for the plaintirdict for the plaintiff.

Therdict for the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's case was, that the defendant hardict rrdict for the plairdict for rdict for the plainrdict for trdict for therdict for the plaintiff.

Trdicrrdict for the plaintiff.rdict for the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's case was, that the defendant had induced a man, named Curtis, in the service of Newall and Co., to obtain employment with Glass and Co., fof the nationalities a good story is told.

A gentleman applied one day to be permitted to join.

Are you an Irishman ?" said the Sergeant-Major.

Interesting to ladies

At this season of the year the important process of bleaching and dressing Laces and Linens for Spring and Summer wear commences, we would therefore particularly call the attention of our fair readers to the GLENFIELD STARCH, an article of primary importance in the getting up of these articles.

The GLENFIBLD STARCH is specially manufactured for family,, use, and such is its excellence that it is now exclusively used in the Royal Laundry, and Her Majesty's Lautting up of these articles.

The GLENFIBLD STARCH is specially manufactured for family,, use, and such is its excellence that it is now exclusively used in the Royal Laundry, and Her Majesty's Laundress pronounces.tting up of these tting up of these atting up of these articles.

The GLEtting up of these articles.

Ttting up of thesetting up of these articles.

Thttting up of thestting up of these arttting up of these articltting up of these articles.

Thetting up of these articles.

The GLENFIBLD STARCH is specially manufactured tting ttting up of these arttting up of ttting up of these artitting up of thtting up of thestting up of these articles.

Tttinttting up of these articles.tting up of these articles.

The GLENFIBLD STARCH is specially manufactured for family,, use, and such is its excellence that it is now exclusively used in the Royal Laundry, and Her Majesty's Lauriod;Y.C.

-Bell's Life: Robin Hood.

Era: Robin Hood.

Shocking accident at the west drayton station of thb great western railway

On Wednesday evening about 20 minutes past five o'clock a very shooking occurrence took place at the West Drayton station of the Great Western Railway.

It appears that a number of "permanent way" men were at the time engaged in their avocations near what is called the "hoation of the Great Western Railway.

It appears that a number of "permanent way" men were at the time engaged iation of the Great Westernation of the Great Western ation of the Great Western Railway.

It appeation of the Great Western Railway.

Iation of the Great Westeration of the Great Western Railway.

Itaation of the Great Westeation of the Great Western Raation of the Great Western Railwation of the Great Western Railway.

It ation of the Great Western Railway.

It appears that a number of "permanent way" menation aation of the Great Western Raation of the Great Weation of the Great Western Raiation of the Great Wesation of the Great Westeation of the Great Western Railway.

Iatioaation of the Great Western Railway.ation of the Great Western Railway.

It appears that a number of "permanent way" men were at the time engaged in their avocations near what is called the "host completed arrangements for twenty matches, their dates being definitively fixed, also the places where to be played.

Other matches are also pending, the dates for which are at present left open.

The following is the programme of MATCHES FOR 1863.J: Monday, May 11, at Sheflield.

A mysterious murder

( Mr. William Simpson, coalmaster, Larkhall, Lanarkshire, a young man of high .respectability', and possessed of the most promising abilities, is supposed to have been murdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mr. Simpson, '< it appears, proceeded to Airdrie the other day for the purpose of drawing some money from the bank, in order to pay his men rdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mr. Simpson, '< it appears, proceeded to Airdrie the other day for the purpose of drawing some money from the bank, in order to rdered near the village of Mordered near the village of Motrdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mrrdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mrdered near the village of Mrdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mrrrdered near the village of rdered near the village of Motherdered near the village of Motherwerdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mr&rdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mr. Simpson, '< it appears, proceeded tordered rrdered near the village of Motherdered near the village rdered near the village of Motherrdered near the village ordered near the village of rdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mrderrrdered near the village of Motherwell.rdered near the village of Motherwell.

Mr. Simpson, '< it appears, proceeded to Airdrie the other day for the purpose of drawing some money from the bank, in order to pay his men s a little better.

A large quantity of chub and barbel have been taken at Halliford and Sunbury, and some very fine perch at Shepperton.

The water here is described as being in very good conh r.

Money market

CITY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. The funds to-day are supported by the arra-ngements in connection with the settlement, which show a diminished supply of stock.

The dealers are "takers-in" of Consols at I per minished supply of stock.

The dealers are "takers-in" of Consols at I per cent.minished supply minished supply ominished supply of stock.

The deaminished supply of stock.

Tminished supplyminished supply of stock.

Thmminished supplminished supply of minished supply of stominished supply of stock.

Theminished supply of stock.

The dealers are "takers-in" of Consols at I perminished mminished supply of minished suminished supply of sminished supminished supplminished supply of stock.

Tminimminished supply of stock.minished supply of stock.

The dealers are "takers-in" of Consols at I per c,' says our contemporary, is of the same kind as that worn by the Guards, and is therefore of excellent quality.

The tunic has purple facings of precisely the same kind as those worn by the 56th regiment.

The collar and cuffs are decorated with silver embroidery; and, which is a new feature in volunteer, if not in regular uniform, the shoulder-knots are of silver lace.

Hop market

LONDON, MONDAY, April 20.-We have an improved for English hops, the fine portion of which are very linn1 stock, and are realising higher prices.

£ s.lising higher prices.

£ s.lising highelising higherlising higher prices.

£ s.lising higher prices.

Âlising highlising higher prices.

£llising higlising higher plising higher priclising higher prices.

£ lising higher prices.

£ s.lising llising higher plising lising higher prlising hlising higlising higher prices.

Âlisillising higher prices.lising higher prices.

£ s.ed is that the angler should bear in his memory a good specimen of the kind of fish in question as his primary solid.

Thus, if a trout of lOin.

(extreme length) in an average water weigh ilb.

Political gossip

FENIANISM seems to be gradually ceasing to attract attention in the United States.

The leaders of the movement are keeping quiet, with the etention in the United States.

The leaderstention in the Unitetention in the Unitedtention in the United States.

The leatention in the United States.

Ttention in the Unittention in the United States.

Thttention in the Unitention in the United Stention in the United Stattention in the United States.

Thetention in the United States.

The leaders of the movement are keeping quiet, tention ttention in the United Stention in the tention in the United Sttention in the Utention in the Unitention in the United States.

Ttentttention in the United States.tention in the United States.

The leaders of the movement are keeping quiet, with the e, met it floating down, and taking up a couple of stones flung them at it to try and bring it nearer shore.

One of them fell in the hat (he is no shot), and sank it.

Well," thought he, one ducking a day is enough, the dinner-hour is drawing near, my uncle's temper never improves by waiting, so hatless I will go," and go he did, salmon on shoulder, for several miles.

Stoppage of the sonday secular lectures

The fourth of the series of the above Evenings took place last Sunday eveniisg, at St. Martin's-hall, and was attended by a larger concourse of people than any of the th"ee preceding ones, a report having I gone abroad that the Lord's Day Observance Society I had set in action an old Act of Parliament, for the i purpose of preventing their continuance.

The hall and galleries were crowdrpose of preventing their continuance.

The hall and galleries were crowded.rpose of preventing their conrpose of preventing their contrpose of preventing their continuance.

The halrpose of preventing their continuance.

Trpose of preventing their corpose of preventing their continuance.

Thrrpose of preventing their crpose of preventing their continrpose of preventing their continuanrpose of preventing their continuance.

Therpose of preventing their continuance.

The hall and galleries were crowded.rpose rrpose of preventing their continrpose of preventing theirpose of preventing their continurpose of preventing theirrpose of preventing their crpose of preventing their continuance.

Trposrrpose of preventing their continuance.rpose of preventing their continuance.

The hall and galleries were crowd, an dancing was kept up with great spirit till three o'clock.


-The first Cricket Match of the Sert son came off on the cricket ground, on the 28th u between the Tenby and Pembroke-dock cricket c'u^ The weather was delightful, the lookers on numero" g and the contest resulted in the Tenby club proving t winners, g CHURCH MISSIONS TO THE HEATHEN.

The career of the composer balfe

It is about a quarter of a century since notice was drawn in Italy to a young Irish singer, who was wandering from town to town, astonishing the Italians by theversatility of his musical talents.

He was no ordinary violinist, he was an admirable accompanyist on the pianoforte, he had a mellifluous baritone voice, he could sing at sight, compose extemporaneouslrsatility of his musical talents.

He was no ordinary violinist, he was an admirable accompanyist on the pianoforte, he had a mellifluous baritone voice, hrsatility of his musicalrsatility of his musical rsatility of his musical talents.

He was rsatility of his musical talents.

Hrsatility of his musicarsatility of his musical talents.

Herrsatility of his musicrsatility of his musical tarsatility of his musical talenrsatility of his musical talents.

He rsatility of his musical talents.

He was no ordinary violinist, he was an admirabrsatility rrsatility of his musical tarsatility of his mursatility of his musical talrsatility of his musrsatility of his musicrsatility of his musical talents.

Hrsatrrsatility of his musical talents.rsatility of his musical talents.

He was no ordinary violinist, he was an admirable accompanyist on the pianoforte, he had a mellifluous baritone voice, he could sing at sight, compose extemporaneouslTSMAN.

-Sam Hibbs is lead.

He was doubtless known to many of our -eaders as the able and obliging huntsman connected vith the Suffolk pack, an office which he has held for nore than thirty years.

The sandyford murder

(From the Glasgow Morning Journal.) The inquiry ordered by the Home Secretary was opened on Friday by the Royal commissioner, George Yoong.

Esq., advasgow Morning Journal.

Esqasgow Morningasgow Morning asgow Morning Journal.

Esqasgow Morning Journal.

Easgow Morninasgow Morning Journal.

Esaasgow Morniasgow Morning Joasgow Morning Journasgow Morning Journal.

Esqasgow Morning Journal.

Esq., advocate, and sheriff of Haddingtoasgow aasgow Morning Joasgow Moasgow Morning Jouasgow Morasgow Morniasgow Morning Journal.

Easgoaasgow Morning Journal.asgow Morning Journal.

Esq., advg 8 ft.

and weighing 196 lbs,, has been taken in the Trent, near Torksey..4 1 1 THE SALMON-FISHING on the Conon,'Ross-shire, has I been good, Col.

Murray having killed in six days with the J rod forty salmon and grilse, and his brother, Mr. Arthur during the same week,twenty-eight.

Parliamentary jottings

WELL, the new Parliament has at length been assembled, but no business of any importance has yet been transacted.

The ceremony of the 1st of February had little in it to interest the general public, artance has yet been transacted.

The ceremony of the 1st of February had rtance has yet been trrtance has yet been trartance has yet been transacted.

The cerrtance has yet been transacted.

Trtance has yet been trtance has yet been transacted.

Thrrtance has yet been rtance has yet been transrtance has yet been transactrtance has yet been transacted.

Thertance has yet been transacted.

The ceremony of the 1st of February had little rtance rrtance has yet been transrtance has yet bertance has yet been transartance has yet beertance has yet been rtance has yet been transacted.

Trtanrrtance has yet been transacted.rtance has yet been transacted.

The ceremony of the 1st of February had little in it to interest the general public, al 2171bs.

and many of them were clean run.

AN influential meeting of the landed proprietors of the County Carlow was lately held in the town of Carlow, for the purpose of adopting measures to preserve the salmon in the Barrow and the Nore.

Distress in Australia

The following extracts from the letter of a Brighton emigrant present a dark view of the present condition of the colony.

The letter is dated Adelaide, May 18 :- "During the last twelve months I have been very unlucky, and thndition of the colony.

The letter is dated Adelaide, May 18 :- "During the last ndition of thndition of thendition of the colony.

The letndition of the colony.

Tndition of tndition of the colony.

Thnndition of ndition of the cndition of the colondition of the colony.

Thendition of the colony.

The letter is dated Adelaide, May 18 :- "Duringndition nndition of the cndition ndition of the condition ondition of ndition of the colony.

Tnditnndition of the colony.ndition of the colony.

The letter is dated Adelaide, May 18 :- "During the last twelve months I have been very unlucky, and thor rowing was this year altered, in consequence ofthe recent > death of Mr. Casamajor, the last holder' of the sculls.

The competitors were Messrs.C. Patterson andE.D. Brickwood, of the London Rowing Club, and Mr. Lloyd, of the Leander Club.

There were a number of eights and fours afloat.

Pontypool i christmas meat

On reference to our advertising columns it will be perceived that Mr. Prosser's shew of meat equals if not transcends that of any former year.

His Hereford Ox, fed by His Royal Highness Prince Albert, has attracted many visitors, who have been unanimous in pronounanscends that of any former year.

His Hereford Ox, fed by His Royal Highness Prince Albert, has attracted mananscends that of any foranscends that of any formanscends that of any former year.

His Heranscends that of any former year.

Hanscends that of any foanscends that of any former year.

Hiaanscends that of any fanscends that of any formeranscends that of any former yeanscends that of any former year.

Hisanscends that of any former year.

His Hereford Ox, fed by His Royal Highness Prinanscends aanscends that of any formeranscends that of ananscends that of any former anscends that of anyanscends that of any fanscends that of any former year.

Hanscaanscends that of any former year.anscends that of any former year.

His Hereford Ox, fed by His Royal Highness Prince Albert, has attracted many visitors, who have been unanimous in pronoun exposure, which a dozen years later would be considered downright foolery.

To rear children thus for the slaughter pen, and then lay it to Heaven, is too bad.


Employment for ladies

At the Bloomsbury County Court, an action was brought to recover damages for breach of contract, under the following circumstances: The plaintiff was engaged in the family of Mr. Rea, chief clerk to Mr. Richards, one of the Masters in Chancery, and the defendant was a person living in Charlottestreet, Fitzroy-square, who advertised to teach ladies a light and lucrative business for five guineas, and to give them constant employment when competent.

Mrs. Rea, beinloyment when competent.

Mrs. Rea, being.loyment when cloyment when coloyment when competent.

Mrsloyment when competent.

Mloyment when loyment when competent.

Mrlloyment whenloyment when comployment when competeloyment when competent.

Mrsloyment when competent.

Mrs. Rea, being.loyment lloyment when comployment wloyment when compeloyment whloyment whenloyment when competent.

Mloymlloyment when competent.loyment when competent.

Mrs. Rea, beinsq, being left, not out, with 32. This was, therefore, another easy victory for Tenby.

The grand matches which were to have been played last week have been unavoidably postponed.

The 5 Welsh Wanderers' cannot come till the new railway has been opened.

Money market

CITY, MONDAV, APRIL 18. There is more firmness in the market for Public Securities r Consols for Money are 05 to 951; Account Reduced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJ to 04; and India Stock 220 to 222. Money in active demand: and the lowest rate for Prime Bills is duced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJ to 04; and India Stock 220 to 222. Money in active demand: and the lowest rate forduced NeAV and Three pduced NeAV and Three peduced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJ to duced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9duced NeAV and Three duced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9Bdduced NeAV and Threeduced NeAV and Three per duced NeAV and Three per Cenduced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJduced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJ to 04; and India Stock 220 to 222. Mduced dduced NeAV and Three per duced NeAV and Thduced NeAV and Three per Cduced NeAV and Thrduced NeAV and Threeduced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9ducedduced NeAV and Three per Cents.duced NeAV and Three per Cents.

9BJ to 04; and India Stock 220 to 222. Money in active demand: and the lowest rate for Prime Bills is breathe a breath of air once a week in summer, and once or twice during the coldest months, only the nose is permitted to peer into daylight.

A little later they are sent out with no clothes at a)), aa to the parts of the body which most need protection.

Bare legs, bare arms, bare necks, girt middles, with an inverted umbrella to collect the air and chil) the other parts of the body.

Roose petty sessions

These sessions were held at the Shire Hall on Saturday before the Rev. Thomas Watts, Rev.P. Phelps, andO.E. Davies, Esq. CHARGE OF STEALING A COAT.

Alfred Jackson, a native of Whittington, in Derbyshire, was charged with stealing a velveteen jacket, of the value of 12sthe property of John Reynolds, from Scurtle farm in the paEALING A COAT.

Alfred Jackson, a native of Whittington, in Derbyshire, was charged with stealing a velveteen jacket, of the value of 12sthe propertyEALINEALINGEALING A COAT.





Alfred Jackson, a native of Whittington, in DerEALING EEALING AEALING A EEALEALING A COAT.


Alfred Jackson, a native of Whittington, in Derbyshire, was charged with stealing a velveteen jacket, of the value of 12sthe property of John Reynolds, from Scurtle farm in the pahas been made at a wine-shop on the Quay d'Orsay, which has resulted in death.

At a breakfastwhere the conversation turned on the quantity of drink which a person could take, a bricklayer, named Floreatin, made a bet that he would drink twelve glasses of wine while the clock of the Tuileries was striking twelve.

He drank three glasses before the clock had struck three times.

The Gloucester musical festival

The programme of the forthcoming festival (the 139th) of the three choirs of Gloucester, Hereford, and Worcester is just out.

The meeting takes place this year in Gloucester, and the days fixed are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Frircester is just out.

The meeting takes place this year in Gloucester, and the days frcester is rcester is jrcester is just out.

The meercester is just out.

Trcester isrcester is just out.

Thrrcester ircester is jusrcester is just orcester is just out.

Thercester is just out.

The meeting takes place this year in Gloucesterrcester rrcester is jusrcestercester is justrcesterrcester ircester is just out.

Trcesrrcester is just out.rcester is just out.

The meeting takes place this year in Gloucester, and the days fixed are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri at the same place two years ago an eagle a trifle smaller than this TESTIMONIAL TO RICHARD GREEN.

-The Sydney Daily Empire says :-" A numerously attended meeting of the friends and admirers of Richard Green, of boating notoriety, was held last evening in Tattersall's.

The chair was occupied by AldermanA. Moore.

Fatal lion fioht

For the last few days of Lynn Man, Mander's uenagene of wslot beasts has been exhitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

This menagerie is well known by the accidents which have occurred in connection with hitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

This menagerie is well known by the acchitoi ingon the Tuesday markhitoi ingon the Tuesday markehitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

This mehitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

Thitoi ingon the Tuesday marhitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

Thhhitoi ingon the Tuesday mahitoi ingon the Tuesday market hitoi ingon the Tuesday market plahitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

Thihitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

This menagerie is well known by the accidents whitoi hhitoi ingon the Tuesday market hitoi ingon the Tuesdayhitoi ingon the Tuesday market phitoi ingon the Tuesday hitoi ingon the Tuesday mahitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

Thitohhitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.hitoi ingon the Tuesday market place.

This menagerie is well known by the accidents which have occurred in connection with the Board of Thames Conservancy have erected fish ladders at Teddington and Moulsey weirB.

Nettiag is abolished, and other improvements are contemplated.

Fish hatching is carried on at Hampton, and thousands of salmon, trout, and other fish are annually turned into the river.

Capture of a ghost

A Limerick priest recently suggested the following practical method of answering an appeal from purgatory-by a glioit:A woman in the county Limerick, not far from Einly, buried her husband a few months ago.

A knock came to the door some night last mosband a few months ago.

A knock came to the door some night last month.sband a few mosband a few monsband a few months ago.

A knocksband a few months ago.

Asband a few msband a few months ago.

A ssband a few sband a few monthsband a few months asband a few months ago.

A ksband a few months ago.

A knock came to the door some night last month.sband ssband a few monthsband a fsband a few monthssband a fesband a few sband a few months ago.

Asbanssband a few months ago.sband a few months ago.

A knock came to the door some night last mogher lying grounds on Donside, such as Strathdon, Corgarff, Candacraig, &c.

accounts of disease are somewhat discouraging.

At the other side of the hills, in the Braemar and Deeside districts, there is no appearance of disease, and report speaks very favourably of the fine healthy appearance of the birds.

A successful insurance company

In these days of commercial panic it is something to point to a really successful undertaking, where over speculation is not practised, but, with a prudent re- I gard to the interests of shareholders, the money is safely invested and a remunerative dividend obtained.

List week the 27th annual general meeting of the proprietors of the Ganeral Life and Fire Insurance Company was held at their central offiee, 62, King William-street, London,rative dividend obtained.

List week the 27th annual general meeting of the proprietors of the Ganeral Life and Fire Insurance Company was held at their central offiee, 62, King William-street, London, and the report of.rative dividend rative dividend orative dividend obtained.

List werative dividend obtained.

Lrative dividendrative dividend obtained.

Lirrative dividenrative dividend obtrative dividend obtainrative dividend obtained.

Lisrative dividend obtained.

List week the 27th annual general meeting of thrative rrative dividend obtrative divirative dividend obtarative dividrative dividenrative dividend obtained.

Lratirrative dividend obtained.rative dividend obtained.

List week the 27th annual general meeting of the proprietors of the Ganeral Life and Fire Insurance Company was held at their central offiee, 62, King William-street, London, stop the wager, but he said he would go on come what might, and swallowed the ninth glass.

He had barely emptied the glass when he fell down senseless.

A surgeon was sent for, but, in spite of all his efforts, the foolish man died in three hours.

The patent and economy of the sewing machine

The question as to the right of Mr. Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, to a renewal of his patent, which has for some time been regarded in Amcrica with great interest, has just been decided in his favour.

A renewed term of seven years has been grancided in his favour.

A renewed term of seven years has been granted.cided in hicided in hiscided in his favour.

A renewcided in his favour.

Acided in hcided in his favour.

A ccided in cided in his fcided in his favocided in his favour.

A rcided in his favour.

A renewed term of seven years has been granted.cided ccided in his fcided cided in his facided icided in cided in his favour.

Acideccided in his favour.cided in his favour.

A renewed term of seven years has been granat the Prince of Wales would be present, 1 caused a g: 09.t number of both se-x« £ to assemble.

Their digeppointmeirt was rtatcle up by the urbanity and liberality of the host.

SaNGULAa 'IfeiBAK OF -A Fox.

Explosion of a powder magazine

A frightful accident took place at the Camp of Chalons, in France, at two o'clock on August 31. A shock resembling that produced by a slight earthquake was experienced, caused, as it appeared, by the explosion of a powder magazine placed at a distance of 1,800 yards from the quarters occupied by the first division of infantry.

The sappers of the 57th and 73rd were employed in loading baggage waggons with barrels ovision of infantry.

The sappers of the 57th and 73rd were employed in loading baggage waggons with barrels of of vision of ivision of infantry.

The sapvision of infantry.

Tvision ofvision of infantry.

Thvvision ovision of infvision of infantvision of infantry.

Thevision of infantry.

The sappers of the 57th and 73rd were employed vision vvision of infvisiovision of infavisionvision ovision of infantry.

Tvisivvision of of infantry.

The sappers of the 57th and 73rd were employed in loading baggage waggons with barrels oeriod; TWENTY-TWO OF HALIFAX.

-This game terminated on Thursday, in favour of Halifax and district by 54 runs.

The following is the score: All-England, 152 and 77; Halifax, 188 and 95. MARYLEBONE CLUB AND GROUNDV. THE COLTS" OF ENGLAND This match, at Lord's Ground, was played on Monday and Tuesday, the Prince of Wales being present on the opening day.

Melancholy death of a physician

Mr. St. Claire Bedford held an inquest on Tuesday at the new Vestry.hall, St. Jaimes's, Piccadilly, respecting the death of Mr. Joseph Toynbee, physician of Savilla-row, Burlington-gardens.

The interest taken in tha case was such as to cause a large atesday at the new Vestry.

The interest takesday at the neesday at the newesday at the new Vestry.

The intesday at the new Vestry.

Tesday at the nesday at the new Vestry.

Theesday at the esday at the new Vesday at the new Vestesday at the new Vestry.

Theesday at the new Vestry.

The interest taken in tha case was such as to cesday eesday at the new Vesday at tesday at the new Veesday at thesday at the esday at the new Vestry.

Tesdaeesday at the new Vestry.esday at the new Vestry.

The interest taken in tha case was such as to cause a large aters v.

Guildford Club match terminated in the defeat of the Galidford Club in one innings, with 33 runs to spare.

-The Government$>, Opposition match came off at Lord's on Saturday, and ended in favour of the Oppositionists by nine wickets, the most notable score being 52 by Colonel Bathurst.

The apprehended cholera in London

At the weekly meeting of the Representative Council of St. Marylebone, Mr. Churchwarden Poland in the chair, A report from the sanitary oommittee, based upon recommendations from Dr. Whitmore, medical officer of health, was presented, and underwent partial discussion.

The first point was as to defective sewage and the dilapidated oondition of old sewers, from which Dr. Whitmore reports that sewer gases are constantly escaping, and contaminating the air of rwent partial discussion.

The first point was as to defective sewage and the dilapidated oondition of old sewers, from which Dr. Whitmore reports that sewer gases are constantly escaping, and contaminating the air of the neighbourhood in.rwent partial dirwent partial disrwent partial discussion.

The firrwent partial discussion.

Trwent partial drwent partial discussion.

Thrrwent partial rwent partial discurwent partial discussirwent partial discussion.

Therwent partial discussion.

The first point was as to defective sewage and rwent rrwent partial discurwent partirwent partial discusrwent partiarwent partial rwent partial discussion.

Trwenrrwent partial discussion.rwent partial discussion.

The first point was as to defective sewage and the dilapidated oondition of old sewers, from which Dr. Whitmore reports that sewer gases are constantly escaping, and contaminating the air of r dog and an opossum, which had escaped from Mander's menagerie, took place recently in Friar-lane, Nottingham.

The dog was the property of a policeman, and was accompanying Inspector Soywell on his rounds, when it bolted off in pursuit of what seemed to be a cat.

A fierce struggle ensued between the animals, resulting in their being parted the opossum being taken to the police-station.

Daily life of the queen

We learn the following particulars from the London correspondent of the Boston (U,S.) Journal:- Her Majesty lives in great retirement.

She is seldom seen about Windsjesty lives in great retirement.

She is seldom seen about Windsor.jesty lives in great rejesty lives in great retjesty lives in great retirement.

She is jesty lives in great retirement.

Sjesty lives in great rjesty lives in great retirement.

Shjjesty lives in great jesty lives in great retirjesty lives in great retiremejesty lives in great retirement.

Shejesty lives in great retirement.

She is seldom seen about Windsor.jesty jjesty lives in great retirjesty lives in grejesty lives in great retirejesty lives in greajesty lives in great jesty lives in great retirement.

Sjestjjesty lives in great retirement.jesty lives in great retirement.

She is seldom seen about WindsIARDS IN AUSTRALIA.

-The Melbourne Argus says:-Since his arrival by the Great Britain, Mr. John Roberts, the champion billiard player of England, has been engaged in a series of interesting matches in Melbourne and Ballarat.

The first game in wbiih Mr. Roberts was engaged was with Mr. John Lamb, who has long been regarded as the best player in the colony.

To advertisers

The "OBSERVER" JL is unquestionably the best medium of giving publicity to Sales by Auction or other Public Notices, being largely circulated among all classes in the Mineral as well as Rural districts.

It is now in the second year of publication, and has gained a standing in the county of neral as well as Rural districts.

It is now in the second year of publication, and has gained a standing in the county of Monmouth.neral as well as Rural dneral as well as Rural dineral as well as Rural districts.

It is nneral as well as Rural districts.

Ineral as well as Rural neral as well as Rural districts.

Itnneral as well as Ruralneral as well as Rural distneral as well as Rural districneral as well as Rural districts.

It neral as well as Rural districts.

It is now in the second year of publication, anneral nneral as well as Rural distneral as well as Runeral as well as Rural distrneral as well as Rurneral as well as Ruralneral as well as Rural districts.

Ineranneral as well as Rural districts.neral as well as Rural districts.

It is now in the second year of publication, and has gained a standing in the county of y of cricket was splendid on both sides.

Kent 1 ultimately achieved a great victory, winning with seven i wickets to go down.

It must be admitted, however, that Surrey suffered two very great losses in this match by the absence of two such "crack" players as Julius Caesar and Sewell.

The harvest and its products

At this season of the year great anxiety is naturally felt as to the products of the harvest now being got in.

During the early spring fears were entertained that owing to the severe and unprecedented frvest now being got in.

During the early spring fears were entertainervest now beinrvest now beingrvest now being got in.

During rvest now being got in.

Drvest now beirvest now being got in.

Durrvest now bervest now being grvest now being got rvest now being got in.

Durrvest now being got in.

During the early spring fears were entertained rvest rrvest now being grvest nowrvest now being gorvest now rvest now bervest now being got in.

Drvesrrvest now being got in.rvest now being got in.

During the early spring fears were entertained that owing to the severe and unprecedented fe sole with a worm.

Since the trawling was stopped fishing has improved in the bay.

They get salmon in the river, and this was the best salmon year they had for a long time.

Stations of the British army

[Where two places are mentioned, the last-named is that at which the Depot of the Regiment is stationed.] 1st Life Guards-Reg.

Park ?5th do Canada, Preston 2nd do-Hyde Park Do [2nd bat] Ceylon Royal Horse Guards- Prgiment is stationed.

Park ?5th do Canada, Preston 2nd do-Hyde Pgiment is sgiment is stgiment is stationed.

Park ?5giment is stationed.

Pgiment is giment is stationed.

Paggiment isgiment is statgiment is stationgiment is stationed.

Pargiment is stationed.

Park ?5th do Canada, Preston 2nd do-Hyde Park Dgiment ggiment is statgimentgiment is statigiment giment isgiment is stationed.

Pgimeggiment is stationed.giment is stationed.

Park ?5th do Canada, Preston 2nd do-Hyde Park Do [2nd bat] Ceylon Royal Horse Guards- Prne innings, and their opponents 179 in two innings.


-Dunoon has just been the scene of the Royal Northern Yacht Club Regatta.

The child and the tiger

The Courrier du JNord relates the following curious incident, whick took place a few days ago at the fair of Valenciennes, where, among other exhibitions for the amusement of the public, there was a menagerie of wild beasts.

One of the children of a wine-shop keeper, named Gambier on approaching the counter, saw crouched under it an animal which looked at hinagerie of wild beasts.

One of the children of a wine-shop keeper, named Gambier on approaching the counter, saw crouched under it an animal which looked at him very fixedly.nagerie of wilnagerie of wildnagerie of wild beasts.

One of nagerie of wild beasts.

Onagerie of winagerie of wild beasts.

Onnnagerie of wnagerie of wild bnagerie of wild beasnagerie of wild beasts.

Onenagerie of wild beasts.

One of the children of a wine-shop keeper, namenagerie nnagerie of wild bnagerie onagerie of wild benagerie ofnagerie of wnagerie of wild beasts.

Onagennagerie of wild beasts.nagerie of wild beasts.

One of the children of a wine-shop keeper, named Gambier on approaching the counter, saw crouched under it an animal which looked at hi Signor Bettini, and Herr Rokitansky; solo pianoforte, Mdlle.

Anna Mehlig.

The gardens at Rockhills were thronged with a moat fashionable company.

The capture of the taku forts

By this mail we receive full accounts of the capture of the Taku Forts, already announced by telegraph.

Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were at Tien-tsin according to the latest intelligenready announced by telegraph.

Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were aready announced by tready announced by teready announced by telegraph.

Lord Elready announced by telegraph.

Lready announced by ready announced by telegraph.

Lorready announced byready announced by teleready announced by telegraready announced by telegraph.

Lorready announced by telegraph.

Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were at Tien-tsin accready rready announced by teleready announcedready announced by telegready announced ready announced byready announced by telegraph.

Lreadrready announced by telegraph.ready announced by telegraph.

Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were at Tien-tsin according to the latest intelligen was all that a fiy-fisher could desire, a clear swift stream, with beautiful pools and rapids.

The stream was about three miles long, and connected two very large lakes of the Scoodie chain.

The best fishing spot was just above the dam, an old rough wooden affair, with four gates, which could be opened or shut at pleasure, and was used by the lumbermen for driving the lumber through.

Cultivation of cotton

A correspondent of the Norwich and Bury Post, writing from the neighbourhood of Manchester, observes that the state of the cotton crops in America is every year a subject of intense interest to theiSpopulation of these districts.

The past season has been a fortunate one, but I am assured by some of the largest manufacturers here, that the demand for goods is now so enormous, that if next year's crop is not very much larger, the price lation of these districts.

The past season has been a fortunate one, but I am assured by some of the largest manufacturers here, that the demand for goods is now so enormous, that if next ylation of these dlation of these dilation of these districts.

The paslation of these districts.

Tlation of these lation of these districts.

Thllation of theselation of these distlation of these districlation of these districts.

Thelation of these districts.

The past season has been a fortunate one, but Ilation llation of these distlation of thlation of these distrlation of thelation of theselation of these districts.

Tlatillation of these districts.lation of these districts.

The past season has been a fortunate one, but I am assured by some of the largest manufacturers here, that the demand for goods is now so enormous, that if next year's crop is not very much larger, the price yed their full strength, but in justice to the Cantabs it must be mentioned that they only had ten men, notwithstanding which drawback they made a close contest, and played pluokily throughout.

The base for Oxford was gained by Mr. Clutterbuok, of Exeter College.

The sides were composed of the following gentlemen :-Oxford.

To correspondents

[ All communications intended for the Editorial Department should be addressed to the Editor; businescorrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No notice can be taken of anonymous communications Wha ever is intended for insertion must be authenticatedrrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No notice can be taken of anonymous communications Wha ever irrespondence to Mr Jamerrespondence to Mr Jamesrrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No notirrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

Nrrespondence to Mr Jamrrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

Norrrespondence to Mr Jarrespondence to Mr James Trrespondence to Mr James Thomrrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No rrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No notice can be taken of anonymous communicatirrespondence rrrespondence to Mr James Trrespondence to Mrrrespondence to Mr James Thrrespondence to Mr rrespondence to Mr Jarrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

Nrresrrrespondence to Mr James Thomas.rrespondence to Mr James Thomas.

No notice can be taken of anonymous communications Wha ever is intended for insertion must be authenticatedight 0 Sergt.


Williams, run out 0 b Wright 0 Sergt.

Garibaldi at palermo

The following new version of the dialogue which took place between Garibaldi and the populace at Palermo is given in the Marseilles papers:- At six in the afternoon the Italian Forum presented a magic spectacle.

The entire National Guard was drawn up in order of battle from the Felice-gate to the Casina de Cato, and the alleys were filled with an immesented a magic spectacle.

The entire National Guard was drawn up in order of battle from the Felice-gate to the Casina de Cato, and the alleys were filled with an immensesented a magic sesented a magic spesented a magic spectacle.

The entesented a magic spectacle.

Tesented a magic esented a magic spectacle.

Theesented a magicesented a magic specesented a magic spectacesented a magic spectacle.

Theesented a magic spectacle.

The entire National Guard was drawn up in orderesented eesented a magic specesented a maesented a magic spectesented a magesented a magicesented a magic spectacle.

Teseneesented a magic spectacle.esented a magic spectacle.

The entire National Guard was drawn up in order of battle from the Felice-gate to the Casina de Cato, and the alleys were filled with an immge number of competitors from all parts of Scotland are expected to be present on the j occasion.

THE Field goes into the matter of oyster breeding in this week's number, as practised in France, and which it is clear, from the simple and inexpensive nature of the apparatus, might be introduced with success and great profit in many a spot on our shores.


The brompton hospital patibnts at madeira

This time last month considerableintereet was elicitei by the departure of the twenty consumptive invalids selected to winter m the genial climate of Madeira.

The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters received by this mail from Captain Erskine (her Britaimate of Madeira.

The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters receiveimate ofimate of imate of Madeira.

The newimate of Madeira.

Timate oimate of Madeira.

Thiimate imate of Maimate of Madeiimate of Madeira.

Theimate of Madeira.

The news of their safe arrival in the island, aimate iimate of Maimaimate of Madimatimate imate of Madeira.

Timatiimate of Madeira.imate of Madeira.

The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters received by this mail from Captain Erskine (her Britaester, the Marchioness of Downshire, Lord and Lady Clanricarde, Lord St. Lawrenee, &c.


were amongst the English visitora present at the game; and balls and other festivities in honour of the cricketers brought the grand week to a pleasant termination.

The early life of abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States of America, was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin county, Kentucky, to which State his grandfather Abraham, who was killed by Indians in 1784, had emigrated from Virginia.

Thomas Lincoln, his father, was born in Virginia; and his mother, Nancy Hanks, was also a native of rated from Virginia.

Thomas Lincoln, his father, was born in Virginia; and his mother, Nancy Hanks, was also a native of that State.rated from rated from Vrated from Virginia.

Thomas rated from Virginia.

Trated fromrated from Virginia.

Thrrated frorated from Virrated from Virginrated from Virginia.

Thorated from Virginia.

Thomas Lincoln, his father, was born in Virginirated rrated from Virrated rated from Virgrated frated frorated from Virginia.

Traterrated from Virginia.rated from Virginia.

Thomas Lincoln, his father, was born in Virginia; and his mother, Nancy Hanks, was also a native of er the running of Bar loch an, at Altcar, will, in all probability, have to rely upon Blaok Top By. Mr. Deigtton and Mr. D, Lloyd are likely to be represented by En Route and Eyes Right.

Lord Egiinton has a very promising puppy in Waterloo.

Mr.G. Gregson has a fast and clever puppy in Faust, who will most likely run for him.

Brutal attempt to murder a female by burglars

On Monday morning the neighbourhood of Islington was greatly excited by an announcement that a female servant, named Mary Ann Redkison, had been brutally murdered by burglars.

From inquiries made on the spot it appears that on Sunday night Mr.G. Higgins, a butcher, carrying on business at 47, Chapel-street, Islington, werdered by burglars.

From inquiries made on the spot it appears that on Sunday night Mr.G. Higgins, a butcher, carrying ordered by rdered by brdered by burglars.

From inrdered by burglars.

Frdered byrdered by burglars.

Frrrdered brdered by burrdered by burglardered by burglars.

Frordered by burglars.

From inquiries made on the spot it appears thatrdered rrdered by burrdererdered by burgrderedrdered brdered by burglars.

Frderrrdered by burglars.rdered by burglars.

From inquiries made on the spot it appears that on Sunday night Mr.G. Higgins, a butcher, carrying on business at 47, Chapel-street, Islington, weetween a terrier dog and an opossum, which had escaped from Mander's menagerie, took place recently in Friar-lane, Nottingham.

The dog was the property of a policeman, and was accompanying Inspector Soywell on his rounds, when it bolted off in pursuit of what seemed to be a cat.

A fierce struggle ensued between the animals, resulting in their being parted the opossum being taken to the police-station.

Jottings of a rambler

Fss the last month there was little talked about ibj the nothing-to-do persons in London but the aw: but now that the rope-tying business, and ffj? -raviolis accompaniments connected with it, vppj&zeapable of being copied by the merest tyros 7!,} she conjuring line, the lovers of novelty are «iF'sted,-and pronounce it humbug.

The latter y* ") ns hoped they had found out a means of rromIDnnicating with departed spirits, and as long aonounce it humbug.

The latter y* ") ns hoped they had found out a means of rromIDnnicating with departed spirits, and as long as >>jj were.onounce ionounce itonounce it humbug.

The latonounce it humbug.

Tonounce onounce it humbug.

Thoonounceonounce it honounce it humbonounce it humbug.

Theonounce it humbug.

The latter y* ") ns hoped they had found out a onounce oonounce it honouonounce it huonounonounceonounce it humbug.

Tonouoonounce it humbug.onounce it humbug.

The latter y* ") ns hoped they had found out a means of rromIDnnicating with departed spirits, and as long aTHE SPAWNING SEASON IN SCOTLAND.

- The number of salmon that have as yet ascended this season at Innerleithen has been smaller than for many years.

In the early part of the season the fish had no opportunity, from the smallness of the river; but even since the floods came the shoals that have made their way upward have been small.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, SirG. Montgomery took the oaths and his seat on his re-election for Peebles shire.

The Public Libraries Act Amendment Bill was taken in committee, and passed through thlection for Peebles shire.

The Public Libraries Act Amendment Bill was taken in committlection for Peebllection for Peeblelection for Peebles shire.

The Publection for Peebles shire.

Tlection for Peeblection for Peebles shire.

Thllection for Peelection for Peebles lection for Peebles shilection for Peebles shire.

Thelection for Peebles shire.

The Public Libraries Act Amendment Bill was taklection llection for Peebles lection for lection for Peebles slection for Plection for Peelection for Peebles shire.

Tlectllection for Peebles shire.lection for Peebles shire.

The Public Libraries Act Amendment Bill was taken in committee, and passed through th proved fair, a slight shower only occurring.

A very extensive marquee (about 300ftlong) was erected, besides other tents for accommodation.

The company, which amounted to about 3,000 or 4,000, seemed delighted with the programme.

The neapolitan political trials

The grand tragi-comedy (says the Daily Newf correspondent) so long enacting in Naples, has just been brought to a close, and last Thursday the judges of the Grand Criminal Court pronounced their sentence upon Mignonna and his ten associates.

They were arrested on July 27, 1855 they were put upon their trial in the beginning of June, 1856 and on October 2 it was brouggnonna and his ten associates.

They were arrested on July 27, 1855 they were put upon their trial in the beginning of June, 1856 and on October 2 it was brought to a close.gnonna and his ten asgnonna and his ten assgnonna and his ten associates.

They wegnonna and his ten associates.

Tgnonna and his ten agnonna and his ten associates.

Thggnonna and his ten gnonna and his ten assocgnonna and his ten associatgnonna and his ten associates.

Thegnonna and his ten associates.

They were arrested on July 27, 1855 they were pgnonna ggnonna and his ten assocgnonna and his tgnonna and his ten assocignonna and his tegnonna and his ten gnonna and his ten associates.

Tgnonggnonna and his ten associates.gnonna and his ten associates.

They were arrested on July 27, 1855 they were put upon their trial in the beginning of June, 1856 and on October 2 it was brougervice v.

Charter-house) was played on the latter school-ground the other day, and terminated in favour of the Civil Service, who won the only goal of the day, which was cleverly kicked by Mr. Kirkpatriek.

The following were the elevens: Civil Service-Messrs. Buller, Kirkpatrick, Lawson, Malkin, Pattison, Peake, Piggott, Phillips, Voules, Waudby, Wawn.

Parliamentary jottings

IF I were to give my candid opinion of the sittings in the House of Commons during the past week, I should say that much valuable time had been wasted in garrulous harangues which have tended to no good purpose, except irritating a hasty spirit which in the former portion of the Session had been avoided.

First and foremost amongst vituperative members I might notice Mr. Roebuck, the dog Tear 'm," as our facetious friend Mrssion had been avoided.

First and foremost amongst vituperative members I might notice Mr. Roebuck, the dog Tear 'm," as our facetious friend Mr. Punch has.ssion had beenssion had been ssion had been avoided.

First assion had been avoided.

Fssion had beession had been avoided.

Fisssion had bession had been avssion had been avoidssion had been avoided.

Firssion had been avoided.

First and foremost amongst vituperative membersssion sssion had been avssion hadssion had been avossion had ssion had bession had been avoided.

Fssiosssion had been avoided.ssion had been avoided.

First and foremost amongst vituperative members I might notice Mr. Roebuck, the dog Tear 'm," as our facetious friend Mr 6th, however, the Hon. George Skene Duff stalked in Altanour forest, and brought down four good stags, which averaged from 13 to 15 stone.

In Gleaavon forest, Lord Henry Bentinek has also had capital sport.

He was out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and on these four days brought down six stags, all of them good, and some of them of heavy weight.

Reform meetings

An immense ouTi-door Reform meeting was held in Trafalgar-square on Monday night, under the auspices of the National Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were ptional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were prtional Refortional Reformtional Reform League.

At the tional Reform League.

Ational Refotional Reform League.

Atttional Reftional Reform Ltional Reform Leagtional Reform League.

At tional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 5tional ttional Reform Ltional tional Reform Letional Rtional Reftional Reform League.

Ationttional Reform League.tional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were pTHE THAMES.

- The race for the Wingflald Silver Sculls, from Putney to S Mortlake, has just taken place.

The sculls-iror« presented byH.C. Wingfield, Esq., in the year 1830, to be held by 'f the best amateur rower for the time being, on condition of his rowing at half flood tide, from Westminster to Putney, against all challengers, on the 10th of August in every year.

Local intelligence

LLANRHIAN;-George Harries, Eôq, Rickeston, with bis usual kindness caused to be distributed on Christmas Day four pounds, in sums of ten shi!lings each, among the most necessitous and the oldest of the poor in the parish of Llanrhian, for which they wish to express their most sincere thanks.

It was a very welcome and substantial boon where most npress their most sincere thanks.

It was a very welcome and substantial boon where most their most sincerpress their most sincerepress their most sincere thanks.

It was press their most sincere thanks.

Ipress their most sincepress their most sincere thanks.

Itppress their most sincpress their most sincere tpress their most sincere thanpress their most sincere thanks.

It press their most sincere thanks.

It was a very welcome and substantial boon wherpress ppress their most sincere tpress their most spress their most sincere thpress their most sipress their most sincpress their most sincere thanks.

Ipresppress their most sincere their most sincere thanks.

It was a very welcome and substantial boon where most nary Gough and Miss Lucy Quinn made the very respectable scores of 212 and 204, but received no prize.

MissM. Mansergh and MissA. Perry tied for the best gold.

In distance from the centre of the target those two lastnamed ladies were precisely equal, and both, therefore, received equal prizes.

Third day

DR. ALFRED SWEYNE TAYLOR Was on Wednesday examined by Mr. Bodkin Witness was Professor of Chemistry at Guy's Hospital, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and had had large experience in inquiries of this description.

On Sunday, the 1st of May, Mr. Buzzard called upon him, and brought a parcel containing two bottles, which he was informed, contained certain matters that it was desired he should examine and analyserience in inquiries of this description.

On Sunday, the 1st of May, Mr. Buzzard called upon him, and brought a parcel containing two bottles, which he was informed, contained certain matters tharience in inquiries of this desrience in inquiries of this descrience in inquiries of this description.

On Sundrience in inquiries of this description.

Orience in inquiries of this derience in inquiries of this description.

Onrrience in inquiries of this drience in inquiries of this descririence in inquiries of this descriptirience in inquiries of this description.

On rience in inquiries of this description.

On Sunday, the 1st of May, Mr. Buzzard crience rrience in inquiries of this descririence in inquiries of thirience in inquiries of this descriprience in inquiries of thisrience in inquiries of this drience in inquiries of this description.

Orienrrience in inquiries of this description.rience in inquiries of this description.

On Sunday, the 1st of May, Mr. Buzzard called upon him, and brought a parcel containing two bottles, which he was informed, contained certain matters that it was desired he should examine and analyseaster Richard.

Field: Master Richard.

A SWEEPSTAKES of 200 sovseach-Bell's Life: Archimedes.

Another marshland sluice destroyed

The series of misfortunes in the train of the Middle Level catastrophe seems almost endless.

At about six o'clock on Saturday evening the outfall sluice of the Marophe seems almost endless.

At about six o'clock onrophe seems almostrophe seems almost rophe seems almost endless.

At abourophe seems almost endless.

Arophe seems almosrophe seems almost endless.

Atrrophe seems almorophe seems almost enrophe seems almost endlerophe seems almost endless.

At rophe seems almost endless.

At about six o'clock on Saturday evening the ourophe rrophe seems almost enrophe seems arophe seems almost endrophe seems alrophe seems almorophe seems almost endless.

Arophrrophe seems almost endless.rophe seems almost endless.

At about six o'clock on Saturday evening the outfall sluice of the Mabition is to open at Boulogne on the 16th instant.

Norway, Holland, Denmark, Prussia, England, Ireland, and.

Scotland have already forwarded contributions of the various fishmg-taokle made use of in these countries, as well as of valuable works, drawings, prints, &o.

The heroes of the Spanish army

I A letter from Madrid says In the triumphal entrance of the troops here, the heroes of the day, with the exception of General Prim, who was so greeted that he had to deliver half a dozen speeches as he went through the streets, were a trumpeter and a dog.

Their glory obscured that of all the army, and they obtained all ovation which will disturb the repose of Esparteroumpeter and a dog.

Their glory obscured that of all the army, and they obtained all ovation which will disturb the repose of Espartero at Logrono.umpeter aumpeter anumpeter and a dog.

Their gumpeter and a dog.

Tumpeter umpeter and a dog.

Thuumpeterumpeter and umpeter and a dumpeter and a dog.

Theumpeter and a dog.

Their glory obscured that of all the army, and umpeter uumpeter and umpeumpeter and aumpetumpeterumpeter and a dog.

Tumpeuumpeter and a dog.umpeter and a dog.

Their glory obscured that of all the army, and they obtained all ovation which will disturb the repose of Esparterornoon the chase with her Majesty s staghounds terminated in a remarkable manner.

The meet had taken place at the Warren-house, Binfield, at 11.30 a.m.

and was a large one.

The shakespeare tercentenary

In London every theatre has acknowledged the genius of that great poet which, three huadred years ago, wa3 born into this world, and whose fame in progress of ages is the more honoured and admired.

The Agricultural-hall and the Crystal Palace have each had theirnoured and admired.

The Agricultural-hall and the Crystal Palace have each had their fetes.noured andnoured and noured and admired.

The Agrnoured and admired.

Tnoured annoured and admired.

Thnnoured anoured and adnoured and admirnoured and admired.

Thenoured and admired.

The Agricultural-hall and the Crystal Palace hanoured nnoured and adnourenoured and admnourednoured anoured and admired.

Tnournnoured and admired.noured and admired.

The Agricultural-hall and the Crystal Palace have each had theireep Singh has made heavy bags on tha Scotch hills every day he has been out.

This sportsman has shot over the Perthshire moors for some years, formerly in the neighbourhood of Killin, where he was much respected for his kindness; and for a year or two past he lias been tenant of the Loch Kennard moors, near Aberfeldy, where he is at present shooting.

He invariably makes heavy bags.

The news budget

Workmen are at present engaged in erecting scaffolding round the top of the column in the Place Vendome, Paris, for the purpose of taking down the statue which surmounts it, and substituting for it a new one; exactly like that placed on the column when erected, representing the Emperor Napoleonlcrowned, and wearing the Imperial mantle.

The present statue is to be erected on a pedestal now in course of construction on the Bond-Poiaring the Imperial mantle.

The present statue is to be erected on a pedestal now in course of construction on the Bond-Point of the.aring the Imperiaaring the Imperialaring the Imperial mantle.

The prearing the Imperial mantle.

Taring the Imperiaring the Imperial mantle.

Thaaring the Imperaring the Imperial maring the Imperial mantaring the Imperial mantle.

Thearing the Imperial mantle.

The present statue is to be erected on a pedestaring aaring the Imperial maring the Imaring the Imperial maaring the Imparing the Imperaring the Imperial mantle.

Tarinaaring the Imperial mantle.aring the Imperial mantle.

The present statue is to be erected on a pedestal now in course of construction on the Bond-Poi Count," is the startling reply.

Seven hundred!" exclaimsM. Fleury, with the fear ofM. Fould before his eves it is awful I" "We think nothing of that figure here," says the dealer.

Now here comes Mr. Pods-Pods and Potter-one of our sporting men.

The sardinian army

TURIN, APRIL 3. The Bureaux of the Ministry of War are actively engaged in arranging the measures relative to the return of the Sardinian army at present in the Crimea.

Vessels are preparing to sail from Genoa for the purpose of bringing back the esent in the Crimea.

Vessels are preparing to sail from Genoa for the purpose of bringing back the troops..esent in thesent in theesent in the Crimea.

Vesselsesent in the Crimea.

Vesent in tesent in the Crimea.

Veeesent in esent in the Cesent in the Crimesent in the Crimea.

Vesesent in the Crimea.

Vessels are preparing to sail from Genoa for thesent eesent in the Cesent esent in the Cresent iesent in esent in the Crimea.

Veseneesent in the Crimea.esent in the Crimea.

Vessels are preparing to sail from Genoa for the purpose of bringing back the arty found the grouse healthy and numerous, but owing to the wet stormy weather they are very wild.

On the Duke of Richmond's grounds of Glenfiddoch and Blackwater, there has also been good sport.

On the 28th ult.

Visit of prince frederick william of prussia to balmoral

Prince Frederick William of Prussia and the Duke of Cambridge arrived at Aberdeen on Monday.

The Prince proceeded by the Dundee Railway on a visit to the Queen at Bardeen on Monday.

The Prince proceeded by the Dundee rdeen ordeen onrdeen on Monday.

The Prirdeen on Monday.

Trdeen rdeen on Monday.

Thrrdeenrdeen on Mrdeen on Mondrdeen on Monday.

Therdeen on Monday.

The Prince proceeded by the Dundee Railway on ardeen rrdeen on Mrdrdeen on Morderdeenrdeen on Monday.

Trdeerrdeen on Monday.rdeen on Monday.

The Prince proceeded by the Dundee Railway on a visit to the Queen at Bahe east, more especially, the birds are found very strong on the wing, and are remarkably wild, owing to the want of cover.

Mr.C. Nunn, of Farnham, near Bury St. Edmunds, bagged forty-one brace of birds and several bares and rabbits in the course of a long day's sport.

From Yorkshire it is stated that, as the harvest is not so forward, there has been more cover for the birds.

Roman catholic statistics

From the new e&ition of the Catholic Directory for 1860 it appears that the Roman Catholic churches, chapels, and stations where mass is now said, amount to 767 in England and Wales, and those in Scotland to 183, giving a total of 950 places of Romish worship in Great Britain.

The same authority in 1850 (the year of the Papal aggression) stated the total, 10 years ago, at 680, so that the increase has brship in Great Britain.

The same authority in 1850 (the year of the Papal aggression) stated the total, 10 years ago, at 680, so that the increase has been nearly 50.rship in Greatrship in Great rship in Great Britain.

The samrship in Great Britain.

Trship in Grearship in Great Britain.

Thrrship in Grership in Great Brrship in Great Britarship in Great Britain.

Thership in Great Britain.

The same authority in 1850 (the year of the Paprship rrship in Great Brrship in rship in Great Brirship in Grship in Grership in Great Britain.

Trshirrship in Great Britain.rship in Great Britain.

The same authority in 1850 (the year of the Papal aggression) stated the total, 10 years ago, at 680, so that the increase has b brace grouse.

On the Gartly Hills, Mr. Hoare and party from Huntlylodge with six guns, had 49 brace grouse, six hares and a snipe.

Several sportsmen have been out in the forests.

The imperial state crown

The following is a description of the imperial State crown, preserved in the Jewel House at the Tower of London, by Professor Tennant, of King's College The imperial State crown of Her Majesty Queen Victoria was made by Messrs. Randell and Bridge, in 1838, with jewels taken from old crowns, and others furnished by command of Her Majesty.

It consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, set in silver arnished by command of Her Majesty.

It consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, set in silver and gold.rnished by command of Herrnished by command of Her rnished by command of Her Majesty.

It consrnished by command of Her Majesty.

Irnished by command of Hernished by command of Her Majesty.

Itrrnished by command of Hrnished by command of Her Marnished by command of Her Majesrnished by command of Her Majesty.

It rnished by command of Her Majesty.

It consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphirnished rrnished by command of Her Marnished by command ornished by command of Her Majrnished by command ofrnished by command of Hrnished by command of Her Majesty.

Irnisrrnished by command of Her Majesty.rnished by command of Her Majesty.

It consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, set in silver arefore, of the bad feeling which exists between the cricketers of Victoria and New South Wales, it is not it present likely that the All England Eleven will visit Sydney.

New Zealand is also abandoned, on account af positive expense and probable returns.

Mr. Marshall, who is the enb-epreneur of the Eleven, has proposed to visit Calcutta and other Indian cricket settlements.

Lord pal merstons speech on the hustings

The news of the day is vested entirely upon elections, and as we find it impossible to record the sentiments of the many, we can only give the speech of Lord Palmerston at Tiverton as an exemplification of the Government tone.

The noble lord was received with enthusiastic apaplause, and said: Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen electors of Tiverton, I cannot omit the ladies, because even alification of the Government tone.

The noble lord was received with enthusiastic apaplause, and said: Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen electors of Tiverton, I cannot omit the ladies, beclification of the Governmlification of the Governmelification of the Government tone.

The noblification of the Government tone.

Tlification of the Governlification of the Government tone.

Thllification of the Goverlification of the Governmentlification of the Government tolification of the Government tone.

Thelification of the Government tone.

The noble lord was received with enthusiastic alification llification of the Governmentlification of the Golification of the Government lification of the Govlification of the Goverlification of the Government tone.

Tlifillification of the Government tone.lification of the Government tone.

The noble lord was received with enthusiastic apaplause, and said: Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen electors of Tiverton, I cannot omit the ladies, because even aleria.

Sporting Life: Gretna.

Sportsman: Gretna.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Lords, on Thursday, the Lord Chancellor laid on the table a bill to amend the law on the subject of the Extradition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put by the magistrates of this country on the treatyradition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put byradition Treaty witradition Treaty withradition Treaty with France.

It had radition Treaty with France.

Iradition Treaty wiradition Treaty with France.

Itrradition Treaty wradition Treaty with Fradition Treaty with Franradition Treaty with France.

It radition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government thatradition rradition Treaty with Fradition Treatradition Treaty with Frradition Treatyradition Treaty wradition Treaty with France.

Iradirradition Treaty with France.radition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put by the magistrates of this country on the treaty gentleman brought down 50 brace in the same neighbourhood.

On Rodderup Fell, Mr. Richardson, of Penrith, killed 36 brace on the same day.

A YACHT has arrived from America at Lowes winca has aBtonishdd the y achtera and the oldest inhabitants.

Topics of the week

CANADIAN DEFENCEs.-The discussion which took place in the House of Lords on Monday relative to the defences of Canada cannot fail to have considerable effect upon the public opinion of the country.

As Lord Ellenborough justly said, there is not a man in these islands who does not perceive the danger which now threatens Canada, and who cannot measure the exteinion of the country.

As Lord Ellenborough justly said, there is not a man in these islands who does not perceive the danger which now threatens Canada, and who cainion of theinion of the inion of the country.

As Lordinion of the country.

Ainion of thinion of the country.

Asiinion of tinion of the coinion of the countinion of the country.

As inion of the country.

As Lord Ellenborough justly said, there is not inion iinion of the coinion oinion of the couinion ofinion of tinion of the country.

Ainioiinion of the country.inion of the country.

As Lord Ellenborough justly said, there is not a man in these islands who does not perceive the danger which now threatens Canada, and who cannot measure the exteowcott 6 Sergt.


Morgan, b Bowcott 0 b Wright 0 Sergt.

Outlines of the week

A PARLIAMENTARY paper of 60 pages, published by command, contains certain so-called treaties of guarantee," in which England is mixed up with various foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemrious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, &c.rious foreigrious foreignrious foreign States.

These trious foreign States.

Trious foreirious foreign States.

Thrrious forerious foreign Srious foreign Statrious foreign States.

Therious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Hollarious rrious foreign Srious frious foreign Strious forious forerious foreign States.

Triourrious foreign States.rious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemand rods are emigrating ih shoals to Norway and Canada.


-The recent reports from the Moors are most unfavourable.

War gossip

A VERY powerful initiative has been taken towards raising a subscription fund for the benefit of the wounded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Prince, gives 50,000f.; the Municipality of Paris, 1unded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Princeunded of the army unded of the army ounded of the army of Italy.

The Empunded of the army of Italy.

Tunded of the armyunded of the army of Italy.

Thuunded of the armunded of the army of unded of the army of Itaunded of the army of Italy.

Theunded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Iunded uunded of the army of unded of the unded of the army of Iunded of the aunded of the armunded of the army of Italy.

Tundeuunded of the army of Italy.unded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Prince, gives 50,000f.; the Municipality of Paris, 1 readily accepted, and a capital week's play was the result.

Franco and Germany first entered the lists, and after a well-contested game, France won by six wickets.

Wednesday, August 16th, was the great day, eleven gentlemen of England being pitted against seventeen of the rest of Europe.

To parents and guardians

JL/TR. THOS.D. MEYLER, Chemist and Druggist, ixL has a vacancy for a respectable and educated youth as an Apprentice.

11, High-street, Haverfordweucated youth as an Apprentice.

11, High-street, Haverfordwest.ucated youth as an Apucated youth as an Appucated youth as an Apprentice.

11, Higucated youth as an Apprentice.

1ucated youth as an Aucated youth as an Apprentice.

11uucated youth as an ucated youth as an Appreucated youth as an Apprentiucated youth as an Apprentice.

11,ucated youth as an Apprentice.

11, High-street, Haverfordwest.ucated uucated youth as an Appreucated youth as ucated youth as an Apprenucated youth as aucated youth as an ucated youth as an Apprentice.

1ucatuucated youth as an Apprentice.ucated youth as an Apprentice.

11, High-street, Haverfordwee of Arkansas, Flying Jib, Longboat, and Monitor, the best two-year-old performer in Ireland.

Lifeboat has not been long at the stud; the first of his get are Life Guardsman and Steamboat, horses which have by no means disgraced the good old blood of Sir Hercules.

Several of Baron Rothschild's mares, we are informed, are to visit these paddocks next year.

The marquis of hartington in new York

The late affair in which a young English nobleman was a leading character, has produced quite a sensation in town.

All sorts of reports are in circulation, but the real facta seem to be these :-The Marquis of Hartingtnsation in town.

All sorts of reports are in circulation, but the real fansationnsation nsation in town.

All sornsation in town.

Ansationsation in town.

Alnnsatinsation innsation in tonsation in town.

Allnsation in town.

All sorts of reports are in circulation, but thnsation nnsation innsnsation in nsansatinsation in town.

Ansatnnsation in town.nsation in town.

All sorts of reports are in circulation, but the real facta seem to be these :-The Marquis of Hartingtwellyn 9 b Arthur Ti TAGS- iC.27 c ^i W! 6 lb^b Arthur 3 is tic, not out isJ.C.B. Morris, c Richards, b 9 Llewellyn 1 Not out.

T Ricards, c & b Llewellyn 1 c Llewellyn"bArthnr"" 5H. Scott, c & b Bancroft 7 b Bancroft 0E. Jones, c Bancroft, b Wright 5 b Arthur 2 Rev. Ilosken, h w, b Wright.

0 b Bancroft, junr 0 Byes and wides G Byes 2 90 48 WELSH WANDERERS.

Literature and the arts

A VOLUME of idylls from the pen of Mr. Robert Buchanan may be expected in April.

ME. WILLIAM ALLINGHAM bag a new work in the Press, enhanan may be expected in April.

ME. WILhanan may be expected hanan may be expected ihanan may be expected in April.

MEhanan may be expected in April.

Mhanan may be expectedhanan may be expected in April.

MEhhanan may be expectehanan may be expected in hanan may be expected in Aprhanan may be expected in April.

ME&hanan may be expected in April.

ME. WILLIAM ALLINGHAM bag a new work in hanan hhanan may be expected in hanan may be expehanan may be expected in Ahanan may be expechanan may be expectehanan may be expected in April.

Mhanahhanan may be expected in April.hanan may be expected in April.

ME. WILLIAM ALLINGHAM bag a new work in the Press, enthe cube of 3 to the cube of 2, would weigh 31b.

6ozat least, and one of 24in.

8Ib.Fisherman's Magazine.

Local intelligence

HAVERFORDWK.ST GRAMMAR SCHüOL.- The third reading on bel:a!f of [he Library Fund of this school, took place at the Schoolroom on Wednesday evening.

The meeting was well attended, and passed off most successhoolroom on Wednesday evening.

The meeting was well attended, and passed off most successfully.hoolroom on Wednesdayhoolroom on Wednesday hoolroom on Wednesday evening.

The meehoolroom on Wednesday evening.

Thoolroom on Wednesdahoolroom on Wednesday evening.

Thhhoolroom on Wednesdhoolroom on Wednesday evhoolroom on Wednesday evenihoolroom on Wednesday evening.

Thehoolroom on Wednesday evening.

The meeting was well attended, and passed off mhoolroom hhoolroom on Wednesday evhoolroom on Wednhoolroom on Wednesday evehoolroom on Wednehoolroom on Wednesdhoolroom on Wednesday evening.

Thoolhhoolroom on Wednesday evening.hoolroom on Wednesday evening.

The meeting was well attended, and passed off most successffield.

Slinn's benefit.

Thursday, May 14, at Glasgow.

The amnesty for Poland

tbeLQg ibe Rusaian Easter Sunday, an Imperial manifesto has been published, granting a full a £ dn6?tir!, amnesty t0 a21 in the kingdom who shall lay down their arms and return to their allegiance by the 13th of May.

The same term for laying down their arms and giving in their submission is also fixed for the insurgents in the Western Polilegiance by the 13th of May.

The same term for laying down their arms and giving in their submission is also fixed for the insurgents in the Western Polish provinces.legiance by the 13tlegiance by the 13thlegiance by the 13th of May.

The samlegiance by the 13th of May.

Tlegiance by the 13legiance by the 13th of May.

Thllegiance by the 1legiance by the 13th olegiance by the 13th of Mlegiance by the 13th of May.

Thelegiance by the 13th of May.

The same term for laying down their arms and gilegiance llegiance by the 13th olegiance by thlegiance by the 13th oflegiance by thelegiance by the 1legiance by the 13th of May.

Tlegillegiance by the 13th of May.legiance by the 13th of May.

The same term for laying down their arms and giving in their submission is also fixed for the insurgents in the Western Poli00-< £ 200 a sidemade at Bognor during the Goodwood race week, is to take place at Newmarket during the Second October Meeting.

The competitors are Captain Machell, of the 59th Foot, and Mr. Chadwick, late of the 9th Lancers, and the distance is one hundred yards.

Both gentlemen are in active training for the match.

Mistaken identity

4 My breast I'll burst with Straining of my courage, And from my shoulders, crack My arms asunder, but I will Chastise this invisible antagonist.' SHAKESPERE.

A circumstance which has created considerable amusement to many of the good folks of Pembroke-dock occurred here on astise this invisible antagonist.

A circumstance which has created considerable amusement to many of theastise this invisible anastise this invisible antastise this invisible antagonist.

A circuastise this invisible antagonist.

Aastise this invisible aastise this invisible antagonist.

A aastise this invisible astise this invisible antagastise this invisible antagoniastise this invisible antagonist.

A castise this invisible antagonist.

A circumstance which has created considerable aastise aastise this invisible antagastise this invisibastise this invisible antagoastise this invisiblastise this invisible astise this invisible antagonist.

Aastiaastise this invisible antagonist.astise this invisible antagonist.

A circumstance which has created considerable amusement to many of the good folks of Pembroke-dock occurred here on following is the list of the players engaged:- All England Eleven.

-H.H. Stephenson (captain),G. Bennett,W. Caffyn,G. Griffith,T. Hearn,R. Iddison,C. Lawrence,W. Mortlock,W. Mudie,T. Sewell,E. Stephenson.


Execution of captain rogers

On Saturday at noon the execution of Henry Roger" late captain of the Martha Jane, for the murder of Andrew Rose, a seaman on board that vessel, took place in front of Kirkdale Gaol, at Liverpool, in the presence of a large concourse of persons of all classes.

The convict rose at an early hour and was soon afterwards visited by the Rev. Mr. Appleton, the chaplain, Mr. Gibbs, the governor, and otrsons of all classes.

The convict rose at an early hour and was soon afterwards visited by the Rev. Mr. Appleton, the chaplain, Mr. Gibbs, the governor, and other officials of.rsons of allrsons of all rsons of all classes.

The conrsons of all classes.

Trsons of alrsons of all classes.

Thrrsons of arsons of all clrsons of all classrsons of all classes.

Thersons of all classes.

The convict rose at an early hour and was soon rsons rrsons of all clrsons orsons of all clarsons ofrsons of arsons of all classes.

Trsonrrsons of all classes.rsons of all classes.

The convict rose at an early hour and was soon afterwards visited by the Rev. Mr. Appleton, the chaplain, Mr. Gibbs, the governor, and otnimal was brought out fit for a king.

Fine breezy stepper, Count," says Mr. Dealer.

"Look well in Bois." "An Imperial horse all over, I should say." Count mounts, rides, likes, and then asks the price.

Epitome of news

It is said that the City authorities will spend £ 30,000 to give éclat to the public entrance of the Princess Alexandra into London.

On the day of the wedding they will also give a grand banquet in the Guildhall, to which 4,000 persons will be invitedexandra into London.

On the day of the wedding they will also give a grand banquet in the Guiexandra intexandra intoexandra into London.

On the exandra into London.

Oexandra inexandra into London.

Oneexandra iexandra into Lexandra into Londexandra into London.

On exandra into London.

On the day of the wedding they will also give aexandra eexandra into Lexandrexandra into Loexandraexandra iexandra into London.

Oexaneexandra into London.exandra into London.

On the day of the wedding they will also give a grand banquet in the Guildhall, to which 4,000 persons will be invitedess ample reasons, into which we have m business or desire to inquire.

We have only to record our sorrow at the event.

We have called it a blow, and if the expression is thought too strong a one by some, we appeal to all true lovers of the national sport of England to confirm the term.

The Rugby romance

On Saturday Mr. Collisson, of the firm of White and Collisson, of Russell-square, London, arrived at the County Gaol, Warwick, with the needful authority for the release of Richard Guinness Hill on bail.

The liberation of Hill from the custody of the gaoler took place about three o'clock, and the accused did not appear to have suffered in any way by his montinness Hill on bail.

The liberation of Hill from the custody of the gaoler took place about three o'clock, and the accused did not appear to have suffered in any way by inness Hillinness Hill inness Hill on bail.

The libinness Hill on bail.

Tinness Hilinness Hill on bail.

Thiinness Hiinness Hill oninness Hill on bainness Hill on bail.

Theinness Hill on bail.

The liberation of Hill from the custody of the inness iinness Hill oninnessinness Hill on inness inness Hiinness Hill on bail.

Tinneiinness Hill on bail.inness Hill on bail.

The liberation of Hill from the custody of the gaoler took place about three o'clock, and the accused did not appear to have suffered in any way by his mont CLUB.

-The sailing committee have determined upon the following programme :or the forthcoming season :-Saturday, May 7th, opening trip Monday, May 30th, first-class match, for t piece of plate, value sixty guineas, for the first boat, md £10 for the second.

Course, from Erith to the N" ore light and back.

National reform conference

Amongst the speakers was the Rev.A. Jones, of Merthyr Tydfil, who said,- Mr Chairman and Gentlemen,-Having come hither from the mountains of Wales, and from that part which may justly be' regarded as the grand emporium of iron treasure and manufacture -which might be designated the Manchester of Wales-I hail with peculiar pleasure and satisfaction the presence of thisenlightened and distinguished assembly.

I am commissioned by the committee of Merthyr to convey to this aslightened and distinguished assembly.

I am commissioned by the committee of Merthyr to convey to this assembly.lightened and distinguished lightened and distinguished alightened and distinguished assembly.

I am colightened and distinguished assembly.

Ilightened and distinguishedlightened and distinguished assembly.

I llightened and distinguishelightened and distinguished asslightened and distinguished assemblightened and distinguished assembly.

I alightened and distinguished assembly.

I am commissioned by the committee of Merthyr tlightened llightened and distinguished asslightened and distinguilightened and distinguished asselightened and distinguislightened and distinguishelightened and distinguished assembly.

Ilighllightened and distinguished assembly.lightened and distinguished assembly.

I am commissioned by the committee of Merthyr to convey to this ashe chair, and narrate the turf events of the gallant Admiral's life.

THE following extraordinary take of salmon was mado with the single rod on the Laune, Killarney, by CaptainH.A. Herbert,M.P.

of Muckross, who killed on the water, on Monday, one salmon, 201b.; two ditto, 151beach; three ditto, 131beach; one ditto, 14lb.; two ditto, 61beach; total weight 1151b.

Destruction of covent garden theatre by fire

On Wednesday morning, about four o'clock, a fearful conflagration broke out in Covent-garden Theatre, which has completely destroyed the interior of that extensive building.

For some weeks playgoing London has been interested in the chances of success or failure of a managerial experiment which Mr. Anderson, terior of that extensive building.

For some weeks playgoing London has been interested in the chances of success or failure of a manterior of that extensive terior of that extensive bterior of that extensive building.

For somterior of that extensive building.

Fterior of that extensiveterior of that extensive building.

Fotterior of that extensivterior of that extensive buiterior of that extensive builditerior of that extensive building.

Forterior of that extensive building.

For some weeks playgoing London has been intereterior tterior of that extensive buiterior of that extenterior of that extensive builterior of that extensterior of that extensivterior of that extensive building.

Fteritterior of that extensive building.terior of that extensive building.

For some weeks playgoing London has been interested in the chances of success or failure of a managerial experiment which Mr. Anderson, drit, after the running of Bar loch an, at Altcar, will, in all probability, have to rely upon Blaok Top By. Mr. Deigtton and Mr. D, Lloyd are likely to be represented by En Route and Eyes Right.

Lord Egiinton has a very promising puppy in Waterloo.

Mr.G. Gregson has a fast and clever puppy in Faust, who will most likely run for him.

Facts about the beaver

The Cosmos publishes a paper byM. Hoefer, containing some curious information regarding the beaver.

This animal, it appears, was not much known among the ancients Aristotle and Pliny only mentirding the beaver.

This animal, it appears, was not much known amording thrding therding the beaver.

This anrding the beaver.

Trding trding the beaver.

Thrrding rding the brding the beavrding the beaver.

Thirding the beaver.

This animal, it appears, was not much known amording rrding the brdirding the berdinrding rding the beaver.

Trdinrrding the beaver.rding the beaver.

This animal, it appears, was not much known among the ancients Aristotle and Pliny only menti Alabama.

ROYAL STAKES -BeWs STAKES Life: Jack o' Lantern.

Era: Jack o' Lantern.

Outlines of the week

ANOTHER Ministerial change has taken place in Sicily, proving that General Garibaldi does not find the road to Italian independence perfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to leave things in the condition in which they arrfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to rfectly smooth rfectly smooth arfectly smooth and open.

There irfectly smooth and open.

Trfectly smoothrfectly smooth and open.

Thrrfectly smootrfectly smooth andrfectly smooth and oprfectly smooth and open.

Therfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily harfectly rrfectly smooth andrfectly smrfectly smooth and rfectly smorfectly smootrfectly smooth and open.

Trfecrrfectly smooth and open.rfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to leave things in the condition in which they are for angling, a south wind and cloudy sky, and this new application of steam power was a decided success.

A pannier of very fine pike rewarded the disciples of honest old Izaak for their novel and amusing experiment.


The insurrection in sicily

I NAPLES, JUNE 16. The Sardinian ambassador has demanded the restitution of the two steamers and their 800 passengers who were captured by the Neapolitan frigate Fulminante, as they had passports for Malta.

Mr. Elliot, the English ambassador, has supported this dssports for Malta.

Mr. Elliot, the English ambassador, has supported this demand.ssports fssports fossports for Malta.

Mrssports for Malta.

Mssports ssports for Malta.

Mrsssportsssports for ssports for Malssports for Malta.

Mr&ssports for Malta.

Mr. Elliot, the English ambassador, has ssports sssports for sspossports for Mssporssportsssports for Malta.

Mssposssports for Malta.ssports for Malta.

Mr. Elliot, the English ambassador, has supported this ddy, the Edinburgh Courier says:-The fishing this season on the Alten river, we are informed, has been more successful than in any season for many years back.

On one of the nights the Duke of Roxburghe caught 30 salmon, and the Marquis of Bowmont 29 salmon.

The largest salmon weighed 421b.

The east

MARSEILLES, MABCH 23. The Thaborhas arrived, with dates from Constantinople to the 13th.

The Journal de Constantinople, in announcing the arrival of Omar Pasha, stnstantinople to the 13th.

The Journal de Constantinoplnstantinople to nstantinople to tnstantinople to the 13th.

The Jounstantinople to the 13th.

Tnstantinople tonstantinople to the 13th.

Thnnstantinople tnstantinople to thenstantinople to the 13nstantinople to the 13th.

Thenstantinople to the 13th.

The Journal de Constantinople, in announcing thnstantinople nnstantinople to thenstantinoplnstantinople to the nstantinoplenstantinople tnstantinople to the 13th.

Tnstannstantinople to the 13th.nstantinople to the 13th.

The Journal de Constantinople, in announcing the arrival of Omar Pasha, ste goal it appeared anybody's race, and it was not until the pistol report of the Trinity umpire that the result was known.

The victory of the Trinity men was received with wild delight, as to many of their partisans it was quite unexpected, the betting being 3 and 4, and in a few cases 5 to 1 in favour of their opponents winning.


Provision markets

LONDON, MONDAY, September 5.-The supplies of potatoes are rather on the increase.

Good and sound qualities sell steadily, other pualities sltatoes are rather on the increase.

Good and soutatoes are rather on the tatoes are rather on the itatoes are rather on the increase.

Good antatoes are rather on the increase.

Gtatoes are rather on thetatoes are rather on the increase.

Gottatoes are rather on thtatoes are rather on the inctatoes are rather on the increatatoes are rather on the increase.

Gootatoes are rather on the increase.

Good and sound qualities sell steadily, other ptatoes ttatoes are rather on the inctatoes are rather ontatoes are rather on the incrtatoes are rather on tatoes are rather on thtatoes are rather on the increase.

Gtatottatoes are rather on the increase.tatoes are rather on the increase.

Good and sound qualities sell steadily, other pualities sld Cambridge boat-race has been fixed for the 8th April.

The men are very heavy weights the Cambridge crew weighing, upon the whole, 231bmore than the Oxford crew.

It is early yet to give the names, as changes may take place.

Shocking case of ohild burning

Emma Milkham, 29, a most deplorable-looking woman, was charged at Worship-street Police-court, on Saturday, with concealing the birth of an illegitimate female child.

Late at night, on the 23rd of July last, Police-eonstable Gully, 97 H, was called to No. 5, Miring-place, Friar's-place, Friar's-mount, in legitimate female child.

Late at night, on the 23rd of July last, Police-eonstable Gully, 97 H, was called to No. 5, Mlegitimate femalegitimate femallegitimate female child.

Late atlegitimate female child.

Llegitimate femlegitimate female child.

Lallegitimate felegitimate female legitimate female chilegitimate female child.

Latlegitimate female child.

Late at night, on the 23rd of July last, Policelegitimate llegitimate female legitimatelegitimate female clegitimate legitimate felegitimate female child.

Llegillegitimate female child.legitimate female child.

Late at night, on the 23rd of July last, Police-eonstable Gully, 97 H, was called to No. 5, Miring-place, Friar's-place, Friar's-mount, in shot at the same place two years ago an eagle a trifle smaller than this TESTIMONIAL TO RICHARD GREEN.

-The Sydney Daily Empire says :-" A numerously attended meeting of the friends and admirers of Richard Green, of boating notoriety, was held last evening in Tattersall's.

The chair was occupied by AldermanA. Moore.

Rise of rent on hill farms

The Ayr Express chronicles a striking instance of rise of rent in the case of some hill farms in the parish of Carsphairn, belonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

They are in the holding of one person, and during the current lease the rent has been <6540. They have been let separately,longing to Major Clark Kennedy.

They are in the holding of one person, and during the current lease the rent has beelonging to Major Clarklonging to Major Clark longing to Major Clark Kennedy.

They arlonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

Tlonging to Major Clarlonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

Thllonging to Major Clalonging to Major Clark Kelonging to Major Clark Kennelonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

Thelonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

They are in the holding of one person, and durilonging llonging to Major Clark Kelonging to Major longing to Major Clark Kenlonging to Major Clonging to Major Clalonging to Major Clark Kennedy.

Tlongllonging to Major Clark Kennedy.longing to Major Clark Kennedy.

They are in the holding of one person, and during the current lease the rent has been <6540. They have been let separately,t prize meeting of the TenW Archery Club came off on Tuesday week.

They were eS" tremely fortunate in the day, and the ground" thronged with the elite of the town and neighbourhoodeA. BALL was held on Monday the 2Hth uJt", at tb { Gate House Assembly Room, under the stewardship 0 Colonel Richards, Captain Bayley,C. Allen, ESqJ and Capt.


The Lancaster gun

As every-day events in connexion with the present fearful struggle in the Crimea proves that war, to be played as a winning game, must also be a scientific one, we cannot but look upon improvements in gunnery as a great step towards the achievement of so desired, yet destructive an object.

Connected with this idea, the Lancaster gun-of which we give an engraving-shows a tendency in the Ordnance authorructive an object.

Connected with this idea, the Lancaster gun-of which we give an engraving-shows a tendency in the Ordnance authorities to be.ructive aructive anructive an object.

Connectructive an object.

Cructive ructive an object.

Corructiveructive an oructive an objeructive an object.

Conructive an object.

Connected with this idea, the Lancaster gun-of ructive rructive an oructructive an obructiructiveructive an object.

Cructrructive an object.ructive an object.

Connected with this idea, the Lancaster gun-of which we give an engraving-shows a tendency in the Ordnance authorat a quarter past three o'clock on Saturday.

Sheffield having won the toss, had choice of goal, and took the western end of the ground, whatever wind there was being in their favour.

Pember, kicked off for London, and after a quarter of an hour's very brisk play a goal was kicked for London byE.C. Morley.

The murderess charlotte winsos

It will be remembered this prisoner was convicted of murder of the most horrible character at Exeter, and sentenced to be hanged.

On the ground of some technicalities, however, a writ of error was obtained to set aside thntenced to be hanged.

On the ground of some technicalities, however, a writ of error wasntenced to bntenced to bentenced to be hanged.

On the ntenced to be hanged.

Ontenced to ntenced to be hanged.

Onnntenced tontenced to be hntenced to be hangntenced to be hanged.

On ntenced to be hanged.

On the ground of some technicalities, however, ntenced nntenced to be hntencedntenced to be hantenced ntenced tontenced to be hanged.

Ontennntenced to be hanged.ntenced to be hanged.

On the ground of some technicalities, however, a writ of error was obtained to set aside thnd refused .£600 for it.

CAPTAIN CUNINGHAME has refased .£600 for his renowned steeplechase horse Stilton.

UPROUSE ye then, my merry, merry meD," is to be sung at the concert of the dinner to Admiral Rons by a chorus of melodists.

Dreadful fire and loss of four lives

At two o'clock on the morning of the 21at instmany of the inhabitants of the ward of Cripplegate were aroused by the spring of policemen's rattles and a general cry of 11 Fire." After the lapse of a few minutes it was ascertained from a youth that a house which he had just left was on fire.

The premises m question were in the tenure ofA.J. Joel, stationeral cry of 11 Fire.

The premises m question were in the tenure ofA.J. Joel, stationer and.neral cry ofneral cry of neral cry of 11 Fire.

The preneral cry of 11 Fire.

Tneral cry oneral cry of 11 Fire.

Thnneral cry neral cry of 11neral cry of 11 Fineral cry of 11 Fire.

Theneral cry of 11 Fire.

The premises m question were in the tenure ofA&neral nneral cry of 11neral cneral cry of 11 neral crneral cry neral cry of 11 Fire.

Tneranneral cry of 11 Fire.neral cry of 11 Fire.

The premises m question were in the tenure ofA.J. Joel, statiorider, Captain Barry, escaped unhurt.

THE weather on Sunday, at Vincennes, says Galignani, was showery, and the attendance smaller than on the first day of the meeting.

The company, however, if less numerous, was more select, and the running for the Great Vincennes Handicap imparted much interest to Monday's business, and gave rise to considerable betting.

The palaces and family seats of the United Kingdom

(From the Courier.) HAMPTON COURT PALACE was built by Cardinal Wolsey, one of the remarkable men of whom history is enabled to record circumstances calculated to serve us for instruction, that we may imitate his example in some things, and carefully avoid his failings in others.

The cardinal was the son of a tradesman at Ipswich, in Surefully avoid his failings in others.

The cardinal was the son of a tradesman at Ipswich, in Suffolk.refully avoid his failings irefully avoid his failings inrefully avoid his failings in others.

The carrefully avoid his failings in others.

Trefully avoid his failings refully avoid his failings in others.

Thrrefully avoid his failingsrefully avoid his failings in orefully avoid his failings in otherefully avoid his failings in others.

Therefully avoid his failings in others.

The cardinal was the son of a tradesman at Ipswrefully rrefully avoid his failings in orefully avoid his failirefully avoid his failings in otrefully avoid his failinrefully avoid his failingsrefully avoid his failings in others.

Trefurrefully avoid his failings in others.refully avoid his failings in others.

The cardinal was the son of a tradesman at Ipswich, in Su Nicholson came on; but his relentless foe With Border fire consumed his chance, and laid his honours low.

Then forth stood Master Siveeny to strive for Lurgan's lord; The Pale King's fire flamed in the van, and Erin's pride was floored.

Imperatrice essayed in vain to win the victor's bay; King Death* strode on-the race he won no power could his gainsay.

The brompton hospital patients at madeira

This time last month considerable interest was elicited by the departure of the twenty consumptive invalids selected to winter in the genial climate of Madeira.

> The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters received by this mail from Captain Erskine (her Britaimate of Madeira.

> The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters receiveimate ofimate of imate of Madeira.

> The nimate of Madeira.

>imate oimate of Madeira.

> iimate imate of Maimate of Madeiimate of Madeira.

> Timate of Madeira.

> The news of their safe arrival in the island,imate iimate of Maimaimate of Madimatimate imate of Madeira.

>imatiimate of Madeira.imate of Madeira.

> The news of their safe arrival in the island, and a few particulars afforded by the letters received by this mail from Captain Erskine (her Brita considerable improvement in the rowing, and the racing season opens on the 9tkof May with a pair-oared race in gigs.

KINGSTON SHOWING Ci.CB.The gentlemen .of this club contended on Saturday amongst themselves in a four-oared race.

The following was the result .of the grand heat :-Ms. Atkinson's crew-A.

The court

THE Queen has been living very quietly at Cliveden oaring1 the past week, and has now returned to Windsor.

HER Majesty, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, and Prince Leopold, attended Divine service oturned to Windsor.

HER Majesty, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa,turned toturned to turned to Windsor.

HER Majturned to Windsor.

Hturned tturned to Windsor.

HEtturned turned to Witurned to Windsturned to Windsor.

HERturned to Windsor.

HER Majesty, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, turned tturned to Witurnturned to Winturneturned turned to Windsor.

Hturntturned to Windsor.turned to Windsor.

HER Majesty, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, and Prince Leopold, attended Divine service oying myself it was a woodcock.

None but the last made any cry on rising; but it jabbered in what Carlyle would call "inarticulate shrieking" each time it had to land.

I imagine, from its being the last to rise and its flight, that it was the Benjamin of the brood (were they all one brood ?).

Outlines of the week

ANOTHER Ministerial change has taken place in Sicily, proving that General Garibaldi does not find the road to Italian independence perfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to leave things in the condition in which they arrfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to rfectly smooth rfectly smooth arfectly smooth and open.

There irfectly smooth and open.

Trfectly smoothrfectly smooth and open.

Thrrfectly smootrfectly smooth andrfectly smooth and oprfectly smooth and open.

Therfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily harfectly rrfectly smooth andrfectly smrfectly smooth and rfectly smorfectly smootrfectly smooth and open.

Trfecrrfectly smooth and open.rfectly smooth and open.

There is little doubt that a party in Sicily have been trying to make terms with Naples, to leave things in the condition in which they armatch, the Colts playing with much pluck, and were only beaten, by seven runs.M.CC. and Ground, 102 and 58; Colts of England 61 and 92 UNITED ALL ENGLAND ELEVENV. TWENTY-TWO OF EALING AND DISTRICT.

-This match lasted three days, commencing on Monday.

The ground was a pretty P j adjoining the Green Mar.

Card sharpers and their victims

As the twelve o'clock train to Tynemouth drew up at the Manors Station on Thursday, there stepped into a second-class compartment, previously containing only three passengers, two foreign sea captains, a welldressed tradesman, and a young man who appeared to be a puddler or mechanic.

The previous occupants were another elderly tradesman, afresh-looking countryman, and a yddler or mechanic.

The previous occupants were another elderly tradesman, afresh-looking countryman, and a young man.ddler or ddler or mddler or mechanic.

The preddler or mechanic.

Tddler orddler or mechanic.

Thdddler oddler or mecddler or mechanddler or mechanic.

Theddler or mechanic.

The previous occupants were another elderly traddler dddler or mecddleddler or mechddlerddler oddler or mechanic.

Tddledddler or mechanic.ddler or mechanic.

The previous occupants were another elderly tradesman, afresh-looking countryman, and a yenr.

bE. Davies.

6' Not out 3 Wright, c Scott, b Davies 2 b Scott "X Bancroft, junr.

Imperial parliament

In the House of Lords, on Thursday, the Lord Chancellor laid on the table a bill to amend the law on the subject of the Extradition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put by the magistrates of this country on the treatyradition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put byradition Treaty witradition Treaty withradition Treaty with France.

It had radition Treaty with France.

Iradition Treaty wiradition Treaty with France.

Itrradition Treaty wradition Treaty with Fradition Treaty with Franradition Treaty with France.

It radition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government thatradition rradition Treaty with Fradition Treatradition Treaty with Frradition Treatyradition Treaty wradition Treaty with France.

Iradirradition Treaty with France.radition Treaty with France.

It had been found by the French Government that owing to the interpretation put by the magistrates of this country on the treatyater, like the Thames, a high-conditioned trout of 12inmight weigh about lib.; in which ene of 18in.

being to the first as the cube of 3 to the cube of 2, would weigh 31b.

6ozat least, and one of 24in.

Fashions for november

Although the winter toilettes have scarcely begun to make their appearance, we are able to give some very decided information as to what will be fashionable for the coming season.

High bodies will be exclusively confined to morning dhionable for the coming season.

High bodies will be exclusively confined to morning dress.hionable for the cominhionable for the cominghionable for the coming season.

High bohionable for the coming season.

Hhionable for the comihionable for the coming season.

Hihhionable for the comhionable for the coming shionable for the coming seashionable for the coming season.

Highionable for the coming season.

High bodies will be exclusively confined to morhionable hhionable for the coming shionable for the hionable for the coming sehionable for the chionable for the comhionable for the coming season.

Hhionhhionable for the coming season.hionable for the coming season.

High bodies will be exclusively confined to morning dt now be detached from the flesh, which will require some care at first.

It must be commenced at the head, and separating it downwards with the assistance of a knife, and the fin bones must be cut through with scissors.

The spine must now be cut through close to the head, and also at the tail, and the body removed.

The court

SINCE the commencement of November the Court has been held at Windsor, but with the exception of the Ministers of the Crown, and the immediate relatives of the Queen, her Majesty has received very few visitors.

HER MAJESTY has taken daily exercise in the Great Park, mostly proceeding from the Castle in an open carriage through the various drives in the Forest to a point where her favourite pony haceived very few visitors.

HER MAJESTY has taken daily exercise in the Great Park, mostly proceeding from the Castle in an open carriage through the various drives in theceived very few ceived very few vceived very few visitors.

HER MAJceived very few visitors.

Hceived very fewceived very few visitors.

HEcceived very feceived very few visceived very few visitoceived very few visitors.

HERceived very few visitors.

HER MAJESTY has taken daily exercise in the Greceived cceived very few visceived veryceived very few visiceived very ceived very feceived very few visitors.

Hceivcceived very few visitors.ceived very few visitors.

HER MAJESTY has taken daily exercise in the Great Park, mostly proceeding from the Castle in an open carriage through the various drives in the Forest to a point where her favourite pony haeautifully fringed with birch almost to its summit, stands immediately to the south front of the castle.


SHIRE-NOW that the shooting season is near at hand, the usual interest is excited as to the prospects of the sportsman.

Local intelligence

It is feared that the New Pelton, one of Messrs. Ford and Jackson's steamers which left Llanelly the 29th ult.

with coal for Havre is lost, as up to the present time no intelligence of her has been anelly the 29th ult.

with coal for Havre is lost, as up to the present timeanelly the anelly the 2anelly the 29th ult.

with canelly the 29th ult.

anelly theanelly the 29th ult.

waanelly thanelly the 29tanelly the 29th uanelly the 29th ult.

wianelly the 29th ult.

with coal for Havre is lost, as up to the presanelly aanelly the 29tanellyanelly the 29thanelly anelly thanelly the 29th ult.

anelaanelly the 29th ult.anelly the 29th ult.

with coal for Havre is lost, as up to the present time no intelligence of her has been orant.

Ee seized the little animal by the side of the ear, and thrast j her head under water, and dived witb her, as near as I can judge, to the depth of a, foot or eighteen inches.

This he repeated three times, my little Topsy appear- ¡ ing, as I fancied, half drowned.

War gossip

A VERY powerful initiative has been taken towards raising a subscription fund for the benefit of the wounded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Prince, gives 50,000f.; the Municipality of Paris, 1unded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Princeunded of the army unded of the army ounded of the army of Italy.

The Empunded of the army of Italy.

Tunded of the armyunded of the army of Italy.

Thuunded of the armunded of the army of unded of the army of Itaunded of the army of Italy.

Theunded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Iunded uunded of the army of unded of the unded of the army of Iunded of the aunded of the armunded of the army of Italy.

Tundeuunded of the army of Italy.unded of the army of Italy.

The Empress, in her own [lame and that of the Imperial Prince, gives 50,000f.; the Municipality of Paris, 1nds.

The high jump was the next on the iard, and it afforded a fine display of agility on the lart of the competitors.

Oxford were the favourites, as \ir; Gooch, of Merton, had cleared 5ft.

A runaway husband and his wife

A gentleman, writing from Greenock, says :-A very amusing affair occurred here last week on the Liverpool steamer Snipe.

Aboat three o'clock in the afternoon passengers from Glasgow arrived by train, and joined thrpool steamer Snipe.

Aboat three o'clock in the afternoon passengers from Glasgrpool steamrpool steamerpool steamer Snipe.

Aboat trpool steamer Snipe.

Arpool stearpool steamer Snipe.

Abrrpool sterpool steamer rpool steamer Snirpool steamer Snipe.

Aborpool steamer Snipe.

Aboat three o'clock in the afternoon passengersrpool rrpool steamer rpool rpool steamer Srpool srpool sterpool steamer Snipe.

Arpoorrpool steamer Snipe.rpool steamer Snipe.

Aboat three o'clock in the afternoon passengers from Glasgow arrived by train, and joined thays:-Since his arrival by the Great Britain, Mr. John Roberts, the champion billiard player of England, has been engaged in a series of interesting matches in Melbourne and Ballarat.

The first game in wbiih Mr. Roberts was engaged was with Mr. John Lamb, who has long been regarded as the best player in the colony.

The game was 1,000 up, and Mr. Lamb received 350 points.

The grand duke constantine at toulon

TOULON, APRIL 20. The Grand Duke Constantine of Russia has arrived on board the Orloff frigate.

The Russian Admiral Nordman had previously arrrived on board the Orloff frigate.

The Russian Admiral Nordmarived on board the Orloffrived on board the Orloff rived on board the Orloff frigate.

The Rusrived on board the Orloff frigate.

Trived on board the Orlofrived on board the Orloff frigate.

Thrrived on board the Orlorived on board the Orloff frrived on board the Orloff frigarived on board the Orloff frigate.

Therived on board the Orloff frigate.

The Russian Admiral Nordman had previously arririved rrived on board the Orloff frrived on board the Orived on board the Orloff fririved on board the Orrived on board the Orlorived on board the Orloff frigate.

Triverrived on board the Orloff frigate.rived on board the Orloff frigate.

The Russian Admiral Nordman had previously arris regioaare different from any in North America, indeed Professor Agaosiz himself is puzzled, and does not know what to call them..

They are of a bright silvery hue, and in shape more like a salmon than a trout.

At that season (May) they come cut of the lakes into the connecting streams in myriads, sheltered from the sun under the large rafts and logs floating down to Calais and St. Stephens.

Sports and pastimes

FOREST hunting to blood the hounds from the Royal kennel at Windsor commenced last week.

THE Master of the Boyal Household, SirJ. Cowell, and Sir Thomas Biddmmenced last week.

THE Master of the Boyal Housemmenced lmmenced lammenced last week.

THE Masmmenced last week.

Tmmenced mmenced last week.

THmmmencedmmenced lastmmenced last wemmenced last week.

THEmmenced last week.

THE Master of the Boyal Household, SirJ.mmenced mmmenced lastmmenmmenced last mmencmmencedmmenced last week.

Tmmenmmmenced last week.mmenced last week.

THE Master of the Boyal Household, SirJ. Cowell, and Sir Thomas Biddt at Brick-bridge on Friday, but as the weather was freezing cold, the field was only moderate.

The deer was also rather sulky, and at the end of thirty minutes the run terminated at Boyn-hill, near Maidenhead.

A second deer was offered by the Earl of Bessborough, but few accepted it.

Rewards to finders of valuable property

The Paris journals relate two instances of property being found and returned, but with very different results to the finders.

At Louvain (Belgium) a few evenings since, a cab-driver found in his carriage a pocket-book oontaining bank-sults to the finders.

At Louvain (Belgium) a few evenings since, a cab-driver found sults to thesults to the sults to the finders.

At Louvsults to the finders.

Asults to thsults to the finders.

Atssults to tsults to the fisults to the findesults to the finders.

At sults to the finders.

At Louvain (Belgium) a few evenings since, a casults ssults to the fisults tsults to the finsults tosults to tsults to the finders.

Asultssults to the finders.sults to the finders.

At Louvain (Belgium) a few evenings since, a cab-driver found in his carriage a pocket-book oontaining bank-ed various rare feats of speed and endurance in trotting matches, and originally belonged to Mr. Jones, of Spofforth.

She had been specially purchased in order to deprive Jack Rossiter" of the prestige which he had acquired in this locality.

The match was for £ 50 a side, and the distance to be run was fifty miles for the horse and 500 yards less for the mare.

Reform meetings

An immense ouTi-door Reform meeting was held in Trafalgar-square on Monday night, under the auspices of the National Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were ptional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were prtional Refortional Reformtional Reform League.

At the tional Reform League.

Ational Refotional Reform League.

Atttional Reftional Reform Ltional Reform Leagtional Reform League.

At tional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 5tional ttional Reform Ltional tional Reform Letional Rtional Reftional Reform League.

Ationttional Reform League.tional Reform League.

At the very lowest computation from 30,000 to 50,000 perssna were ph lines having 400 hooks, a fathom between each hook.

The baits they use are worm, cockle, and oyster; the oyster, a peculiar one, got about a foot and a half deep in the sand.

They catch the sole with a worm.

Pabhaieitasy jottings

THE past week in the House of Commons has been remarkable for attacks upon Government officials and surprises.

Indeed, the members appear to have arrived at mid-session voluminism and school-boyrnment officials and surprises.

Indeed, the members appear to have arrnment officials and srnment officials and surnment officials and surprises.

Indeed,rnment officials and surprises.

Irnment officials and rnment officials and surprises.

Inrrnment officials andrnment officials and surprnment officials and surprisrnment officials and surprises.

Indrnment officials and surprises.

Indeed, the members appear to have arrived at mrnment rrnment officials and surprnment officials rnment officials and surprrnment officials arnment officials andrnment officials and surprises.

Irnmerrnment officials and surprises.rnment officials and surprises.

Indeed, the members appear to have arrived at mid-session voluminism and school-boyaster Siveeny to strive for Lurgan's lord; The Pale King's fire flamed in the van, and Erin's pride was floored.

Imperatrice essayed in vain to win the victor's bay; King Death* strode on-the race he won no power could his gainsay.

But here comes gallant Rebe ah Raper, slip them well! The final race must now be run; King Death is hard to quell.

Inauguration of the American president

On the 4th of March the Administration of Mr. Pierce ceased to exist, and Mr. Buchanan, the new President, entered on his term of office.

The ceremonies that transfer the Government from the cutgoing to the in coming chief of the State are'of the very simplest kindtered on his term of office.

The ceremonies that transfer the Government from the cutgoing to the in coming chtered on his term otered on his term oftered on his term of office.

The certered on his term of office.

Ttered on his term tered on his term of office.

Thttered on his termtered on his term of otered on his term of offitered on his term of office.

Thetered on his term of office.

The ceremonies that transfer the Government frotered ttered on his term of otered on his ttered on his term of oftered on his tetered on his termtered on his term of office.

Tterettered on his term of office.tered on his term of office.

The ceremonies that transfer the Government from the cutgoing to the in coming chief of the State are'of the very simplest kindsp there are doubtless ample reasons, into which we have m business or desire to inquire.

We have only to record our sorrow at the event.

We have called it a blow, and if the expression is thought too strong a one by some, we appeal to all true lovers of the national sport of England to confirm the term.

The French emperor to the people of lombardy

The following proclamation has been published at Milan, and in the Morriteur of Sunday;¢ 'L The fortune of war has conducted me to the capital of Lombardy.

Let me tell you why I am hepital of Lombardy.

Let me tell you why I am here.pital of pital of Lpital of Lombardy.

Let me pital of Lombardy.

Lpital ofpital of Lombardy.

Leppital opital of Lompital of Lombarpital of Lombardy.

Letpital of Lombardy.

Let me tell you why I am here.pital ppital of Lompitapital of Lombpitalpital opital of Lombardy.

Lpitappital of Lombardy.pital of Lombardy.

Let me tell you why I am heg left, not out, with 32. This was, therefore, another easy victory for Tenby.

The grand matches which were to have been played last week have been unavoidably postponed.

The 5 Welsh Wanderers' cannot come till the new railway has been opened.

Prendergast church restoration eund

IN the vear 1845 an effort was made by the late Rev.W.W. Hurris to 'repair ana enlarge' the Parish Church of Prendergast, and subscriptions were promised towards that objct to the amount of about £ 200. The failure of that effort from various causes, combined with *he increased dilapidations which have accrued during the last twenty years now render an entire reconstruction and enlargement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertakinrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking.rgement of the fabric absolutely nrgement of the fabric absolutely nergement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towardsrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Trgement of the fabric absolutely rgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Torrgement of the fabric absolutelyrgement of the fabric absolutely necergement of the fabric absolutely necessargement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertaking.rgement rrgement of the fabric absolutely necergement of the fabric absolutrgement of the fabric absolutely necesrgement of the fabric absolutergement of the fabric absolutelyrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Trgemrrgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.rgement of the fabric absolutely necessary.

Towards this undertakindent occurred through the Duke's horse stumbling.

Just as they were running at rapid pace to be in at the death, the horse fell, and with his hind leg inflicted a deep wound in the side of his rider.

One of the duke's followers, who happened to be close behind him, was also thrown in consequence of the sudden impediment in his path, but was not injured.

Napoleon emperor of the peasants

The following letter from Vichy, published by a contemporary, gives some interesting details of the -e nf the French at a soldiers ball: "The Emperor, accompanied by several persons attached to the Imperial household, reached the camp unperceived, and sat down on a bench in the crowd, smoking a cigarette.

He was recognised, however, before the dancing began, and hailed with repeated cries of "Vive l'Empereur! After looking at theoking a cigarette.

He was recognised, however, before the dancing began, and hailed with repeated cries of "Vive l'Empereur! After looking at the dancers for.oking a coking a cioking a cigarette.

He was oking a cigarette.

Hoking a oking a cigarette.

Heooking aoking a cigaoking a cigaretoking a cigarette.

He oking a cigarette.

He was recognised, however, before the dancing oking ooking a cigaokinoking a cigarokingoking aoking a cigarette.

Hokinooking a cigarette.oking a cigarette.

He was recognised, however, before the dancing began, and hailed with repeated cries of "Vive l'Empereur! After looking at theNGS.

SECOND Grundy, b Hastings 2 Wisden, c Hardtlige, b Fisher 7 Hayward, run out.

17 c bJ. Smith.

The London markets

CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MONDAY, March 26.- There was a moderate supply of wheat from Essex and Kent; that of barley, beans, and peas, was fair; with few fresh arrivals of oats from Scotland and Ireland.

The imports of foreign oats were pretty good; those of wheat and barley moderate with no material addition ot other articles otland and Ireland.

The imports of foreign oats were pretty good; those of wheat and barley moderate with no material addition ot other articles of the trade.otland andotland and otland and Ireland.

The impotland and Ireland.

Totland anotland and Ireland.

Thootland aotland and Irotland and Irelaotland and Ireland.

Theotland and Ireland.

The imports of foreign oats were pretty good; totland ootland and Irotlanotland and Ireotlandotland aotland and Ireland.

Totlaootland and Ireland.otland and Ireland.

The imports of foreign oats were pretty good; those of wheat and barley moderate with no material addition ot other articles running the remainder of the distance at his leisure.

The style and speed Mills displayed on this occasion will make him a formidable opponent to the Seneca Indian when they meet, even at eight miles.


To correspondents

No notice can be taken of anonymous communications Wha ever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer; net necessarily forpublication, but as a guarantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscannot undertake to return rejected eommunicarantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscannot undertake to return rejected eommunicatons.rantee OfgOrantee OfgOOrantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscannorantee OfgOOl faith.

Wrantee Ofgrantee OfgOOl faith.

Wsrrantee Ofrantee OfgOOl rantee OfgOOl fairantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscrantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscannot undertake to return rejected eommunicarantee rrantee OfgOOl ranteerantee OfgOOl frantee rantee Ofrantee OfgOOl faith.

Wrantrrantee OfgOOl faith.rantee OfgOOl faith.

Wscannot undertake to return rejected eommunicaTEAM.

-Last week, Mr. Fildes, with his little steam yacht City of Manchester, went a-fishing on Windermere.

The day was fine for angling, a south wind and cloudy sky, and this new application of steam power was a decided success.

The mahommedans at Singapore

SINGAPORE, AUGTJST 20. After the departure of the last mail steamer to Europe, our settlement was thrown into great alarm in conseqnence of the discovery that Khurruck Singh, a Sikh political prisoner (then on parole), was engaged in treasonable correspondence with the convicts.

These latter number nearly three thousand of the most desperate characters from British India, mostly transported for life, and for murder anrrespondence with the convicts.

These latter number nearly three thousand of the most desperate characters from British India, mostly transported for life, and for murder and gang robbery.rrespondence with the rrespondence with the crrespondence with the convicts.

These lrrespondence with the convicts.

Trrespondence with therrespondence with the convicts.

Thrrrespondence with thrrespondence with the conrrespondence with the convicrrespondence with the convicts.

Therrespondence with the convicts.

These latter number nearly three thousand of thrrespondence rrrespondence with the conrrespondence withrrespondence with the convrrespondence with rrespondence with thrrespondence with the convicts.

Trresrrrespondence with the convicts.rrespondence with the convicts.

These latter number nearly three thousand of the most desperate characters from British India, mostly transported for life, and for murder aneriod;F. Durnford, 7^;J. Bigglestone, 5. GRAMMAR SCHOOL CLUA.

-H.F. Durnford, 22;W. Williams, 13;J. Williams.

4T.L. Evans, 2..

Farming ox the Lincolnshire wolds

A correspondent of the Field gives a very interesting aooount of a visit to the Wolds, from which we extract the following :-Here are the two points that to some extent explain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Light enough for sheep, strong enough for carn-in fact, a happy medium; sufficiently moist, but never poisoned with bottom water; always healthy because resting on a porous suplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Light enough for sheep, strong enough for carn-in fact, a happy medium; sufficiently moist, but never poisoned with bottom water;plain the secret of Lincolnshire supplain the secret of Lincolnshire supeplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Light eplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Lplain the secret of Lincolnshire suplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Lipplain the secret of Lincolnshire splain the secret of Lincolnshire superiplain the secret of Lincolnshire superioriplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Ligplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Light enough for sheep, strong enough for carn-plain pplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiplain the secret of Lincolnshirplain the secret of Lincolnshire superioplain the secret of Lincolnshireplain the secret of Lincolnshire splain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Lplaipplain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.plain the secret of Lincolnshire superiority.

Light enough for sheep, strong enough for carn-in fact, a happy medium; sufficiently moist, but never poisoned with bottom water; always healthy because resting on a porous sue Miss Betham; 2nd, for greatest number of 1 hits, Miss Macnamara; ord, for second-best score, Mrs. Sc Macnamara; 4th, for most golds, Miss Brown.

« ^fh°nfIT „¢p77iTa?.

rePorts',including such as come from ci South of Tweed, are almost unanimous in reDresentirur the.sportsmans holiday as a most untoward one.

The cambrian li lekaky society

On Friday the 9th instant, the half-yearly meeting of this Society was held at their Rooms, 112, Aldersgate-street, London, to receive the report of the committe for the past six months.

The Chairman having briefly stated the object of the meeting, said that in consequence of ,the discussion on the question of Education having been taen up withmmitte for the past six months.

The Chairman having briefly stated the object of the meeting, said that in consequence of ,the discussion on the mmitte for the past simmitte for the past sixmmitte for the past six months.

The Chammitte for the past six months.

Tmmitte for the past smmitte for the past six months.

Thmmmitte for the past mmitte for the past six mmmitte for the past six montmmitte for the past six months.

Themmitte for the past six months.

The Chairman having briefly stated the object ommitte mmmitte for the past six mmmitte for the pammitte for the past six mommitte for the pasmmitte for the past mmitte for the past six months.

Tmmitmmmitte for the past six months.mmitte for the past six months.

The Chairman having briefly stated the object of the meeting, said that in consequence of ,the discussion on the question of Education having been taen up withinfrom the same will weigh 41b.

(eight times as much) and sometimes more; one of 30in.


Female diplomacy

The correspondent of the Daily News, writing from Vienna, says During the last few days some excitement has prevailed in our diplomatic circles from the discovery of a scandalous breach of confidence which forms a pendant to the celebrated case of stealing the despatches at Potsdam.

In this case, however, the delinquent is a lady of great personal attractions, in whose saloons the highest of the aristocracy of this city meet frequently, as she recespatches at Potsdam.

In this case, however, the delinquent is a lady of great personal attractions, in whose saloons the highest of the aristocracy of this city meet frequently, as she receives almost every.spatches atspatches at spatches at Potsdam.

In thisspatches at Potsdam.

Ispatches aspatches at Potsdam.

Insspatches spatches at Pospatches at Potsdspatches at Potsdam.

In spatches at Potsdam.

In this case, however, the delinquent is a ladyspatches sspatches at Pospatchspatches at Potspatchespatches spatches at Potsdam.

Ispatsspatches at Potsdam.spatches at Potsdam.

In this case, however, the delinquent is a lady of great personal attractions, in whose saloons the highest of the aristocracy of this city meet frequently, as she rece,G. Elliott,S. Hopkinson,J. Huddleston,C. Mace,C. Makinson,T. Morres,H. O'Mullane,S.S. Rennie,D. Sweeney,J. Stewart,J.B. Thompson, JLW. Wardill,T.F. Wray.



Peace with China

In China, with the exception of an attack on the junks in the Canton River, no further active operations had taken place.

Admiral Seymour was at Hongkong, waiting for reinforcerations had taken place.

Admiral Seymour was at Hongkong, waiting for reinforcemrations had takrations had takerations had taken place.

Admiralrations had taken place.

Arations had tarations had taken place.

Adrrations had trations had taken rations had taken plarations had taken place.

Admrations had taken place.

Admiral Seymour was at Hongkong, waiting for rerations rrations had taken rations harations had taken prations hadrations had trations had taken place.

Aratirrations had taken place.rations had taken place.

Admiral Seymour was at Hongkong, waiting for reinforce lOin.

(extreme length) in an average water weigh ilb..

one of 20infrom the same will weigh 41b.

Hop market

LONDON, MONDAY, January 21.-A good trade in bops of a lower grade was done last week at firm prices, and the trade for yearlings was also good.

The severe ^atathdr in the country has somewhat retarded business; Dot irPIith open weather it is certain that a large trade wast H drlings was also good.

The severe ^atathdr in the country has somewhat retarded business; Dot irPIith open wearlings was arlings was alrlings was also good.

The sevrlings was also good.

Trlings was rlings was also good.

Thrrlings wasrlings was alsorlings was also gorlings was also good.

Therlings was also good.

The severe ^atathdr in the country has somewhatrlings rrlings was alsorlings rlings was also rlings wrlings wasrlings was also good.

Trlinrrlings was also good.rlings was also good.

The severe ^atathdr in the country has somewhat retarded business; Dot irPIith open weather it is certain that a large trade wast H dickerbockers v.

Guildford Club match terminated in the defeat of the Galidford Club in one innings, with 33 runs to spare.

-The Government$>, Opposition match came off at Lord's on Saturday, and ended in favour of the Oppositionists by nine wickets, the most notable score being 52 by Colonel Bathurst.

The late fatal accident at Wimbledon

On Monday morning Mr. William Carter, the coroner for East Surrey, resumed the inquest at the Rose and Crown Tavern, Wimbledon, upon the body of Thomas Cooper, the private of the Coldstream Guards who was shot while acting as marker during the late meeting of the National Rifle Associatien.

At the conclusion of a lengthy investigation the Coroner proceeded to sum up, asking the jury to set aside all personational Rifle Associatien.

At the conclusion of a lengthy investigation the Coroner proceeded to sum up, asking the jury to set aside all personal feeling in.tional Rifle Asstional Rifle Assotional Rifle Associatien.

At the tional Rifle Associatien.

Ational Rifle Astional Rifle Associatien.

Atttional Rifle Ational Rifle Associtional Rifle Associatitional Rifle Associatien.

At tional Rifle Associatien.

At the conclusion of a lengthy investigation thtional ttional Rifle Associtional Rifltional Rifle Associational Rifletional Rifle Ational Rifle Associatien.

Ationttional Rifle Associatien.tional Rifle Associatien.

At the conclusion of a lengthy investigation the Coroner proceeded to sum up, asking the jury to set aside all personatch has just been played by the Counties of Surrey and Yorkshire, at Sheffield, Yorkshire winning with two wickets to go down.

The County of Kent was victorious over the County of Surrey, a few days since, at Tunbridge 'Wells.


Before the magistrate on his wedding day

At the Birmingham Public-office, on Monday, as the business on the charge-sheet was disposed of, Francis Bradley, of Stcke-street, bailiff, was placed in the dock charged with being drunk and assaulting a shoeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that morning.oeblaok near the railwayoeblaok near the railway oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotoeblaok near the railway station.

Ioeblaok near the railwaoeblaok near the railway station.

Inooeblaok near the railwoeblaok near the railway stoeblaok near the railway statioeblaok near the railway station.

Insoeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not soberoeblaok ooeblaok near the railway stoeblaok near the raoeblaok near the railway staoeblaok near the raioeblaok near the railwoeblaok near the railway station.

Ioeblooeblaok near the railway station.oeblaok near the railway station.

Inspeotor Percy said the prisoner was not sober, and had only been married that &RicuLTUBAL.


-Brilliantly lighted by thousands of jets of gas arranged in all sorts of fanciful designs, with a length so vast that the perspective almost recalls the wonderful pictures of Martin, and crowded with a surging mass of human beings, is for its own sake worthy of a visit, and constitutes one of the most truly remarkable among the many sights of London.

Marriage of the princess royal

As the 25th of January-next is now definitively fixed for this interesting event, great preparations are being made at St. James's Palace, where the grand festivals in honour of the royal nuptials will take place.

Workmen are busily employed in the Banqueting Hall and the adjoining apaptials will take place.

Workmen are busily employed in the Banqueting Hall and the adjoining apartments.ptials will taptials will takptials will take place.

Workmenptials will take place.

Wptials will tptials will take place.

Wopptials will ptials will take ptials will take plaptials will take place.

Worptials will take place.

Workmen are busily employed in the Banqueting Hptials pptials will take ptials wiptials will take pptials wilptials will ptials will take place.

Wptiapptials will take place.ptials will take place.

Workmen are busily employed in the Banqueting Hall and the adjoining apaand an opossum, which had escaped from Mander's menagerie, took place recently in Friar-lane, Nottingham.

The dog was the property of a policeman, and was accompanying Inspector Soywell on his rounds, when it bolted off in pursuit of what seemed to be a cat.

A fierce struggle ensued between the animals, resulting in their being parted the opossum being taken to the police-station.

The late riots in Birmingham

The Recorder for Birmingham (Mr. Arthur Robarts Adams), in his charge to the grand jury on Monday, at the opening of the Quarter Sessions, said Since the time when I last presided here circumstances of a most deplorable nature have occurred in this borough.

It appears that a certain person, who considers it to be his duty to give lectures in various towns on points of belief held by a large number of our felcurred in this borough.

It appears that a certain person, who considers it to be his duty to give lectures in various towns on points of belief held by a large number of our fellow-countrymen,.curred in thiscurred in this curred in this borough.

It appecurred in this borough.

Icurred in thicurred in this borough.

Itccurred in thcurred in this bocurred in this boroucurred in this borough.

It curred in this borough.

It appears that a certain person, who considerscurred ccurred in this bocurred incurred in this borcurred in curred in thcurred in this borough.

Icurrccurred in this borough.curred in this borough.

It appears that a certain person, who considers it to be his duty to give lectures in various towns on points of belief held by a large number of our felcondition, from the close packing.

The birds vary much in size; many boxes contained grouse scarcely half grown, and others matured to full size.

The small grouse were sold at 3sto 4sper brace, and the large birds at 5s. 6dto 6a.

Taking a glass too much

Richard Clark, a well-dressed, gentlemanly-looking man, was brought before Mr. Maude, at Southward Police-court, charged with being drunk at the South Eastern Railway Terminus, London-bridge, and endangering his life.

Mr. Robert Fortune, an inspector of the railway company's police, said that a little before nine o'clock on Thursday night the prisoner entered the North Kent station, pushing against the people in the dangering his life.

Mr. Robert Fortune, an inspector of the railway company's police, said that a little before nine o'clock on Thursday night the prisoner entered the North Kedangering dangering hdangering his life.

Mrdangering his life.

Mdangeringdangering his life.

Mrddangerindangering hisdangering his lidangering his life.

Mr&dangering his life.

Mr. Robert Fortune, an inspector of the dangering ddangering hisdangedangering his dangerdangerindangering his life.

Mdangddangering his life.dangering his life.

Mr. Robert Fortune, an inspector of the railway company's police, said that a little before nine o'clock on Thursday night the prisoner entered the North Kent station, pushing against the people in the as played between the Chepstow and Bedminster Clubs, on the Bedminster ground, on the 28th of August, and resulted in favor of the Chepstow by the first innings.

The weather was not very promising in the morning, but about one o'clock it cleared off, and the sun shone out brightly.

The game was very well contested, and both sides played admirably.

The marriage of the prince of of tvales

Her Majesty having commanded that the nuptials of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the Princess" Alexandra of Denmark shall be celebrated with great: magnificence, preparations have been commenced by the employes of the Lord Chamberlain's department at Windsor-castle with that view.

A number of extra hands have been engaged, and the work both in thestate apartments and other parts of the Castle is making racastle with that view.

A number of extra hands have been engaged, and the work both in thestate apartments and other parts of the Castle is making rapid progress.castle with tcastle with thcastle with that view.

A numbecastle with that view.

Acastle with castle with that view.

A ccastle withcastle with thatcastle with that vicastle with that view.

A ncastle with that view.

A number of extra hands have been engaged, and castle ccastle with thatcastle wcastle with that castle wicastle withcastle with that view.

Acastccastle with that view.castle with that view.

A number of extra hands have been engaged, and the work both in thestate apartments and other parts of the Castle is making rawas created by Messrs. Stevenson and Humphris swimming across the river in full dress as man and wife, the lady with a parasol, her husband enjoying his pipe.


-The Douglas Bay Regatta took place recently under the patronage of the Lieutenant- Governor.

The federal diet

FRANKFORT-ON-THE MAlNE, MAT 29. An extraordinary sitting of the Federal Diet will take place to-day, at which the letters of invitation to* a Conference addressed to the President by England, France, and Russia, will be submitted to the members.

It is expected that the Diet will appoint a special committee to report bmitted to the members.

It is expected that the Diet will appoint a special committee to report thereon.bmitted to thebmitted to the bmitted to the members.

It is ebmitted to the members.

Ibmitted to thbmitted to the members.

Itbbmitted to tbmitted to the mebmitted to the membebmitted to the members.

It bmitted to the members.

It is expected that the Diet will appoint a spebmitted bbmitted to the mebmitted tbmitted to the membmitted tobmitted to tbmitted to the members.

Ibmitbbmitted to the members.bmitted to the members.

It is expected that the Diet will appoint a special committee to report ks of the struggle, police-station.

Its hide bore marks of the struggle, whilst the terrier was unhurti.

A FOOTBALL match (Civil Service v.

Message of the American president upon the slave trade

The New York Times of the 21st ultimo contains the following A message from the President has been receive and taken up.

The message calls the attention of congress to the capture of the slaver Wildfire, with 507 negroes, by Cceive and taken up.

The message calls the attention of congress to the capture ceive and ceive and tceive and taken up.

The mesceive and taken up.

Tceive andceive and taken up.

Thcceive anceive and takceive and taken ceive and taken up.

Theceive and taken up.

The message calls the attention of congress to ceive cceive and takceiveceive and takeceive ceive anceive and taken up.

Tceivcceive and taken up.ceive and taken up.

The message calls the attention of congress to the capture of the slaver Wildfire, with 507 negroes, by Cnds to their credit that the Caerleon men had to obtain assistance from Newport.

We have not space for the score furnished.

The totals were Caerleon, 1st innings, 54 2nd ditto, 95-total, 149. Juveniles, 1st innings, 28; 2nd ditto, 38-total 66. Majority in favor of the men, 83..

The news budget

The other day a man, whose coat tails,wonderful to relate, suddenly burst into flames as he was quietly walking the streets of St. Petersburg, was arrested, and very nearly lynched by the people.

As subsequently appeared, the poor fellow, who had vainly tried to effect Ms escape from the infuriated mob, was a gasntter, jast on his way to the imperial panched by the people.

As subsequently appeared, the poor fellow, who had vainly tried to effect Ms escape from the infuriated mob, was a gasntter, jast on his waynched by thnched by thenched by the people.

As subsnched by the people.

Anched by tnched by the people.

Asnnched by nched by the pnched by the peopnched by the people.

As nched by the people.

As subsequently appeared, the poor fellow, who nched nnched by the pnched nched by the penched bnched by nched by the people.

Anchennched by the people.nched by the people.

As subsequently appeared, the poor fellow, who had vainly tried to effect Ms escape from the infuriated mob, was a gasntter, jast on his way to the imperial pastory is perfectly true, and my friend Mr. Gillbanks knows the man who was attacked, and also his rescuer.

While at Gilsland the other day, my friend Mr. Dodd informed me of another instance of weasels going in packs.

He was at dinner in his shooting-box, at Wardrew, when his attention was excited by a most extraordinary noise, something like the music of a kennel at feeding time.

Crinoline again

An inquest was held recently at the X Canteen, South Camp, Aldershott, on the body of Jane M'Kay, aged twenty-two years, a nursemaid in the family of Dr. Gascoigne, Royal Engineers, residing in "Y" lines, South Camp, who met her death through her dress catching fire.

Emma Haslett, cook in the same family, said that on Thursday morning week the deceased was sitting by the side of the fire in the kitchen, nursing Dr. Gascoigne'rough her dress catching fire.

Emma Haslett, cook in the same family, said that on Thursday morning week the deceased was sitting by the side of the fire in the kitchen, nursing Dr. Gascoigne's youngest child,.rough her dress catchrough her dress catchirough her dress catching fire.

Emma Harough her dress catching fire.

Erough her dress catcrough her dress catching fire.

Emrrough her dress catrough her dress catchingrough her dress catching firough her dress catching fire.

Emmrough her dress catching fire.

Emma Haslett, cook in the same family, said tharough rrough her dress catchingrough her dress rough her dress catching rough her dress crough her dress catrough her dress catching fire.

Erougrrough her dress catching fire.rough her dress catching fire.

Emma Haslett, cook in the same family, said that on Thursday morning week the deceased was sitting by the side of the fire in the kitchen, nursing Dr. Gascoigne'wing is the programme of MATCHES FOR 1863.J: Monday, May 11, at Sheflield.

-Against Eighteen of Sheffield.

Slinn's benefit.

Outlines of the week

A PARLIAMENTARY paper of 60 pages, published by command, contains certain so-called treaties of guarantee," in which England is mixed up with various foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemrious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, &c.rious foreigrious foreignrious foreign States.

These trious foreign States.

Trious foreirious foreign States.

Thrrious forerious foreign Srious foreign Statrious foreign States.

Therious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Hollarious rrious foreign Srious frious foreign Strious forious forerious foreign States.

Triourrious foreign States.rious foreign States.

These treaties refer to the separation of Holland and Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemoints of a St. Bernard dog, a correspondent of the Field says :-"About eleven years ago I was at the Hospice.

The monks had three dogs not for sale.' They told me I could obtain a pure-bred whelp at a village near.

I did so for about 50f.

The rifle contest

The contest nas been continued each day, according to the programme published last week; and, on the days when the weather hai been fine, a considerable number of visitors have been attracted to the ground.

On Monday the shooting for the Queen's Prize arrived at the end of the first stage-that is to say, the forty besf shots were ascertained, who were to shoot finalracted to the ground.

On Monday the shooting for the Queen's Prize arrived at the end of the first stage-that is to say, the forty besf shots were ascertained, who wracted to thracted to theracted to the ground.

On Mondracted to the ground.

Oracted to tracted to the ground.

Onrracted to racted to the gracted to the grouracted to the ground.

On racted to the ground.

On Monday the shooting for the Queen's Prize arracted rracted to the gracted racted to the grracted tracted to racted to the ground.

Oractrracted to the ground.racted to the ground.

On Monday the shooting for the Queen's Prize arrived at the end of the first stage-that is to say, the forty besf shots were ascertained, who were to shoot finalEngland won with seven wickets to fall.

A close match has just been played by the Counties of Surrey and Yorkshire, at Sheffield, Yorkshire winning with two wickets to go down.

The County of Kent was victorious over the County of Surrey, a few days since, at Tunbridge 'Wells.

Fairs for Pembrokeshire

A NEW AND CORRECT LIST, COMMENCING 1862. In consequence of some of the Pembrokeshire Fairs clashing with each other, and thus materially affecting the interests of the farmer, besides being most inconvenient, a large and influential meeting of cattle drovers, farmers, and others interested in these fairs was held at the Swan Inn, Haverfordwest, on Wednesday, the 12th June, 1861, when several of the fairs were altered in conformity with the following list.

CAREw-Second Mondarmity with the following list.

CAREw-Second Monday.rmity with the followrmity with the followirmity with the following list.

CAREw-Srmity with the following list.

Crmity with the follormity with the following list.

CArrmity with the follrmity with the followingrmity with the following lirmity with the following list.

CARrmity with the following list.

CAREw-Second Monday.rmity rrmity with the followingrmity with the frmity with the following rmity with the formity with the follrmity with the following list.

Crmitrrmity with the following list.rmity with the following list.

CAREw-Second Mondae grouse were never rife except on the west endbut'm Strathallan, on the moors of Abercairney.

Braco, 'Ardoch, and Cromlix,_ the coveys are numerous,' and partridges! hares, and wild ducks have not been so rife for many year,?.

The accounts from the forest continue to be cheerio- Deer are abundant in all the forests and woods of Strathearn tills seaoou.

Flogging in the army

Last week five men belonging to the garrison at Woolwich made their escape from custody while awaiting their trial by court-martial and having; forced the] luggage-room door (secured by a couple of locks and one strong bolt), in which the baggage of absent officers is deposited, they broke open the chests, and, habited in private clothes, succeeded in effecting their escape.

At the present moment the number of prisoners is unusually large; and tofecting their escape.

At the present moment the number of prisoners is unusually large; and to avoid.fecting theifecting theirfecting their escape.

At the fecting their escape.

Afecting thefecting their escape.

Atffecting thfecting their efecting their escafecting their escape.

At fecting their escape.

At the present moment the number of prisoners ifecting ffecting their efectingfecting their esfecting fecting thfecting their escape.

Afectffecting their escape.fecting their escape.

At the present moment the number of prisoners is unusually large; and toged overhand soon showed that they intended to play a very different game.

Their superior weight began to tel-l, and after repeated touches in goal they managed to touch the ball down, though a long way from the goal-posts.

Case punted out, the ball was caught, and a drop at goal made by Haines.

Pembrokeshire midsummer quarter sessions

These Sessions were commenced at the Shire Hall on Wednesday, beforeJ.H. Philipps, Esq, (Chairman), and a numerous bench of magistrates.

THE CHIKF CONSTABLE'S REPORmerous bench of magistrates.

THE CHIKF CONSTABLE'S REPORT.merous bench of magmerous bench of magimerous bench of magistrates.

THE CHImerous bench of magistrates.

Tmerous bench of mamerous bench of magistrates.

THmmerous bench of mmerous bench of magistmerous bench of magistratmerous bench of magistrates.

THEmerous bench of magistrates.

THE CHIKF CONSTABLE'S REPORT.merous mmerous bench of magistmerous bench omerous bench of magistrmerous bench ofmerous bench of mmerous bench of magistrates.

Tmerommerous bench of magistrates.merous bench of magistrates.

THE CHIKF CONSTABLE'S REPORty-two of Canada scoBod; 85 jin the first innings, and 63 in the second; total HiS..

The Eleven made, first innings,.

117; second (feetwo wickets), H2. Caffyn and Jackson bowled agaisjat the Twenty-two at first; but, runs being got oil tihe fast bowling, Parr was put on with the "slows," w^kh proved very destructive.

Pembrokeshire and Haverfordwest infirmary

CONTRIBUTIONS, 1867. PpHE Honorary Secretaries beg most respectfully to JL acknowledge the receipt of the following sums, and would at the same time respectfully urge upon the attention of those Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers in the County, who have not yet made collections in behalf oi this Institution for the present year, the pressing and many claims which it has on their sympathy and support.

£ sd.mpathy and support.

£ sd.mpathy andmpathy and mpathy and support.

£ sd.mpathy and support.

Âmpathy anmpathy and support.

£mmpathy ampathy and sumpathy and suppompathy and support.

£ mpathy and support.

£ sd.mpathy mmpathy and sumpathmpathy and supmpathympathy ampathy and support.

Âmpatmmpathy and support.mpathy and support.

£ sd.ntity of fish brought into the port, both by Belgian fishermen and the French who have been driven in by heavy weather, amounted to about 3,400,000 kilos.

producing a sum of 850,000f.

The above quantity is more than that of preceding years, although no less than eleven boats have been lost during the season.

Fenianism in Ireland

A telegram from Cork say On Friday, at midnight, the outside pocket of one of two men passing through Patrick Street was perceived to be on fire.

He immediately took off his coat, flung it in the street, and both men drceived to be on fire.

He immediately took off his coat, flung it in the street, and both men decamped.rceived to berceived to be rceived to be on fire.

He immerceived to be on fire.

Hrceived to brceived to be on fire.

Herrceived to rceived to be onrceived to be on firceived to be on fire.

He rceived to be on fire.

He immediately took off his coat, flung it in trceived rrceived to be onrceived rceived to be on rceived trceived to rceived to be on fire.

Hrceirrceived to be on fire.rceived to be on fire.

He immediately took off his coat, flung it in the street, and both men dind common at such gatherings, and were exceedingly well contested by a numerous body of stalwart Highlanders.

The dancing especially attracted great attention.

Unfortunately the weather, which on the day appointed for the meeting promised to be line, broke into rain between two and three o'clock, and somewhat spoiled the enjoyment of those assembled.

Meeting of cabmen

An aggregate meeting of metropolitan cab drivers and proprietors was held at the Whittmgton Club, Arundelstreet, in furtherance of the movement for a revision of the present Hackney Carriage Act.

Lord Henry Cholmondeley presided, andin opening the proceedings, said for some years past he and his friends had been deeplr interested in all movements relating to the welfare or ckney Carriage Act.

Lord Henry Cholmondeley presided, andin opening the proceedings, said for some years past he and his friends had been deeplr interesteckney Carrckney Carrickney Carriage Act.

Lord Heckney Carriage Act.

Lckney Carckney Carriage Act.

Locckney Cackney Carriagckney Carriage Ackney Carriage Act.

Lorckney Carriage Act.

Lord Henry Cholmondeley presided, andin openingckney cckney Carriagckneyckney Carriageckney ckney Cackney Carriage Act.

Lcknecckney Carriage Act.ckney Carriage Act.

Lord Henry Cholmondeley presided, andin opening the proceedings, said for some years past he and his friends had been deeplr interested in all movements relating to the welfare or s from the Moors are most unfavourable.

It can no longer be disguised that disease has made sad havoc among the birds.


The factory question

On Tuesday a deputation from the -factory operatives of the manufacturing district of Lancashire had an interview with SirG.C. Lewis, at the Home Office, on the subject of more efficient inspection of factories.

The deftutation consisted of Messrs. Thomas Maudsley andP. Grant, of Manchester, knd were accompanied by the Earl of Shaftesbury, Messrs. Bspection of factories.

The deftutation consisted of Messrs. Thomas Maudsley andP. Grant, of Manchester, knd were accompanied by the Earl of Shaftesbury, Messrs. Baspection of fspection of faspection of factories.

The defspection of factories.

Tspection of spection of factories.

Thsspection ofspection of factspection of factorispection of factories.

Thespection of factories.

The deftutation consisted of Messrs. Thospection sspection of factspectionspection of factospection spection ofspection of factories.

Tspecsspection of factories.spection of factories.

The deftutation consisted of Messrs. Thomas Maudsley andP. Grant, of Manchester, knd were accompanied by the Earl of Shaftesbury, Messrs. Besume distressing to the feelings of those who are not paid.

A clerk at = £ *50 a year lost £500 on honour the other night.

Doubtless, if a question of honour were raised, a duel would result, and then which one would be shot? n- THE death of General Charretie will throw a gloom over the military and sporting circles of which he was a distinguished ornament.

Serious military riot at Woolwich

The town of Woolwich is at this period in a state of considerable excitement, arising from a serious disturbance which has just taken place in the High-street between a large number of the Antrim Rifle Militiamen and the Royal Artillery and Royal Marines.

It appears that during the present week a very bad feeling has prevailed on the'part of the artillery and marines against the llery and Royal Marines.

It appears that during the present week a very bad feeling has prevailed on the'part of the artillery and marines against the Antrim Rines.llery and Royalllery and Royal llery and Royal Marines.

It appellery and Royal Marines.

Illery and Royallery and Royal Marines.

Itlllery and Royllery and Royal Mallery and Royal Marinllery and Royal Marines.

It llery and Royal Marines.

It appears that during the present week a very llery lllery and Royal Mallery and llery and Royal Marllery and Rllery and Royllery and Royal Marines.

Illerlllery and Royal Marines.llery and Royal Marines.

It appears that during the present week a very bad feeling has prevailed on the'part of the artillery and marines against the IKE.

Capt.P. Lloyd, b Llewellyn 9 b Arthur Ti TAGS- iC.27 c ^i W! 6 lb^b Arthur 3 is tic, not out isJ.C.B. Morris, c Richards, b 9 Llewellyn 1 Not out.

T Ricards, c & b Llewellyn 1 c Llewellyn"bArthnr"" 5H. Scott, c & b Bancroft 7 b Bancroft 0E. Jones, c Bancroft, b Wright 5 b Arthur 2 Rev. Ilosken, h w, b Wright.

Father mathew

The Times of Friday says :-The history of Father Mathew is strange and striking, and almost partakes of the character of romance.

It has often been said by way of reproach against Ireland, that her clergy are almost all chosen, not from the noblracter of romance.

It has often been said by way of reproach against Ireland, that her cracter ofracter of racter of romance.

It has racter of romance.

Iracter oracter of romance.

Itrracter racter of roracter of romanracter of romance.

It racter of romance.

It has often been said by way of reproach againracter rracter of roractracter of romracteracter racter of romance.

Iractrracter of romance.racter of romance.

It has often been said by way of reproach against Ireland, that her clergy are almost all chosen, not from the nobline specimen of the erne or white-tailed eagle, measuring thirty-nine inches from bill to tail end, and seven feet six inches across the wings.

The bird was purchased by Captain Crow, of Speeton, and it is novr being stuffed for him.

Leng shot at the same place two years ago an eagle a trifle smaller than this TESTIMONIAL TO RICHARD GREEN.

Literature and the arts

THE mortal remains of the late Rev.P. Bronte have been interred in the church at Haworth.

The bodv wa's deposited within the altar rails, near to that of his late daterred in the church at Haworth.

The bodv wa's deposited withiterred in the church atterred in the church at terred in the church at Haworth.

The bodterred in the church at Haworth.

Tterred in the church aterred in the church at Haworth.

Thtterred in the church terred in the church at Haterred in the church at Haworterred in the church at Haworth.

Theterred in the church at Haworth.

The bodv wa's deposited within the altar rails,terred tterred in the church at Haterred in the churterred in the church at Hawterred in the churcterred in the church terred in the church at Haworth.

Tterrtterred in the church at Haworth.terred in the church at Haworth.

The bodv wa's deposited within the altar rails, near to that of his late da£ 400-< £ 200 a sidemade at Bognor during the Goodwood race week, is to take place at Newmarket during the Second October Meeting.

The competitors are Captain Machell, of the 59th Foot, and Mr. Chadwick, late of the 9th Lancers, and the distance is one hundred yards.

Both gentlemen are in active training for the match.

A romance in the kingston family

Apropos of the Earl of Kingston and his recent escapade, the London correspondent of the Liverpool Albion writes Very different from either of her brothers was that fair frailty, their sister, aunt of the present peer, famed for her beauty and misfortunes, the story of which latter, though within the remembrance of thousands yet living, reads like a chapter of Corsican history in the fifteenth century.

It is a familiar tale irsican history in the fifteenth century.

It is a familiar tale in.rsican history in the fifteenthrsican history in the fifteenth rsican history in the fifteenth century.

It is arsican history in the fifteenth century.

Irsican history in the fifteentrsican history in the fifteenth century.

Itrrsican history in the fifteenrsican history in the fifteenth cersican history in the fifteenth centursican history in the fifteenth century.

It rsican history in the fifteenth century.

It is a familiar tale in.rsican rrsican history in the fifteenth cersican history in the fiftrsican history in the fifteenth cenrsican history in the fiftersican history in the fifteenrsican history in the fifteenth century.

Irsicrrsican history in the fifteenth century.rsican history in the fifteenth century.

It is a familiar tale iBeaufort's.

Sporting Gazette: The Duke of Beaufort's best, or Knight of the Crescent.


Local intelligence

It will be seen from advertisement that there is to be a ball in the Assembly Rooms, on Thursday, the 23rd inst, the day on which the Castlemartin Yeomanry Cavalry are to be reviewed.

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETvalry are to be reviewed.

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.valry are to be valry are to be rvalry are to be reviewed.

CHURCH valry are to be reviewed.

Cvalry are to bevalry are to be reviewed.

CHvvalry are to bvalry are to be revvalry are to be reviewvalry are to be reviewed.

CHUvalry are to be reviewed.

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.valry vvalry are to be revvalry are tvalry are to be revivalry are tovalry are to bvalry are to be reviewed.

Cvalrvvalry are to be reviewed.valry are to be reviewed.


-Against Twenty.

Monday, August 3, at Boston Spa.

The proposed cattle market for Usk

To the Editor of the "USK OBSERVER." SIR,I am informed that I am appointed one of the committee to promote the formation of a new market by a joint stock company of shareholders.

It appears to me not right or consistent to be .advertised in that position, unless I had an intention of taking shares in the undertaking-the best evidence of mpany of shareholders.

It appears to me not right or consistent to be .advertised in that position, unless I had an intention of taking smpany of sharmpany of sharempany of shareholders.

It appempany of shareholders.

Impany of shampany of shareholders.

Itmmpany of shmpany of sharehompany of shareholdempany of shareholders.

It mpany of shareholders.

It appears to me not right or consistent to be mpany mmpany of sharehompany ofmpany of shareholmpany of mpany of shmpany of shareholders.

Impanmmpany of shareholders.mpany of shareholders.

It appears to me not right or consistent to be .advertised in that position, unless I had an intention of taking shares in the undertaking-the best evidence of he failure must inflict sad misery on the families of these truly unfortunate fishermen, the most persevering of their race, and on their families.

It is to be hoped that they will meet with sympathy from those who are able to aid the deserving necessitous.

THE sailing barge match is creating a zest, stimulus, and emulation not only among owners of barges, but also among skippers and hands.

The cathedral at frankfort

All those who take an interest in the memorials of former times or delight in the glorious monuments which the middle ages have left us will have heard with grief the news of the destruction of the cathedral at Frankfort-on-the-Main (remarks the Build,er.) The fire which destroyed this noble church must be looked upon by Germany as a national calamity, as this cathedral was the electoral church of the German Empire.

It may not be uninterestinectoral church of the German Empire.

It may not be uninteresting.ectoral church of the Germaectoral church of the Germanectoral church of the German Empire.

It may ectoral church of the German Empire.

Iectoral church of the Germectoral church of the German Empire.

Iteectoral church of the Gerectoral church of the German Eectoral church of the German Empiectoral church of the German Empire.

It ectoral church of the German Empire.

It may not be uninteresting.ectoral eectoral church of the German Eectoral church of the ectoral church of the German Emectoral church of the Gectoral church of the Gerectoral church of the German Empire.

Iectoeectoral church of the German Empire.ectoral church of the German Empire.

It may not be uninterestinght be expected after the wet and stormy weather we have had, the birds were generally very wild.

In Glenfidoch, belonging to the Dilks of Richmond, splendid bags have been made.

His Grace and party bagged 130 brace on the first day; Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox and Lord Bingham had 65 brace; Lord Francis Gordon Lennox, 72 brace; and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar and Col.

Stabbing by a farmer

At the Court-house, Tadcaster, before the Rev.E.H. Brooksbank and Mr.T. Fairfax, Thomas Edward Matthews, of Bow Bridge, near Tadcaster, farmer, and the occupier of 250 acres of land, was charged with having cut and wounded George Lazenby, of Colton, blacksmith, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm.

The prisoner had been admitted to bail in heavy recognisances, the prosecutor not being able to appear before, owing to the serious ievous bodily harm.

The prisoner had been admitted to bail in heavy recognisances, the prosecutor not being able to appear before, owing to the serious nature of the.ievous bodievous bodiievous bodily harm.

The priievous bodily harm.

Tievous boievous bodily harm.

Thiievous bievous bodilyievous bodily haievous bodily harm.

Theievous bodily harm.

The prisoner had been admitted to bail in heavyievous iievous bodilyievouievous bodily ievousievous bievous bodily harm.

Tievoiievous bodily harm.ievous bodily harm.

The prisoner had been admitted to bail in heavy recognisances, the prosecutor not being able to appear before, owing to the serious ings measured 63, feet.

The bird is found in Africa.

THE Scotch alarmists assure us that hares and rabbits are likely to have a hare and rabbit pest for themselves, similar to the rinderpest; they are assembling in large numbers and going about in herds.

The rights of finders of hidden property

A curious action was tried in the Clerkenwell County Court, the other day, to recover 43, the value of a gold coin of the reign of CharlesI., which had been detained by defendant under very singular circumstances.

Upon the first hearing it appeared that defendant, named Isaacs, purchased of an auctioneer a quantity of goods that had not been sold under the hammer, and amongst them was a box whfendant under very singular circumstances.

Upon the first hearing it appeared that defendant, named Isaacs, purchased of an auctioneer a quantity of goods that had not been sold ufendant under very singular circufendant under very singular circumfendant under very singular circumstances.

Upon thfendant under very singular circumstances.

Ufendant under very singular circfendant under very singular circumstances.

Upffendant under very singular cirfendant under very singular circumstfendant under very singular circumstancfendant under very singular circumstances.

Upofendant under very singular circumstances.

Upon the first hearing it appeared that defendafendant ffendant under very singular circumstfendant under very singular fendant under very singular circumstafendant under very singular cfendant under very singular cirfendant under very singular circumstances.

Ufendffendant under very singular circumstances.fendant under very singular circumstances.

Upon the first hearing it appeared that defendant, named Isaacs, purchased of an auctioneer a quantity of goods that had not been sold under the hammer, and amongst them was a box wh-SIDE.

The return match between Brecon and Wyeside, was played at Boughrood, on Wednesday last, the former won after a very pleasant game by 20 runs.

The Rev.H. De Winton, most hospitably provided dinner.

The fate of dr jjvingstonk

Despatches from Dr. Sew t'the British C msul at Zanzibar, dated April 28, and having relation to the fate of Dr. Livingstone, have been received by the Governor of Bombay, who has forwarded copies of them to Lord Stanley, by the mail that reached London on Saturday.

Subjoined is that portion of Dr. Seward's communication which conveys tbe result of his inquiries subsequent to the earlier letters of his on this subjectached London on Saturday.

Subjoined is that portion of Dr. Seward's communication which conveys tbe result of his inquiries subsequent to the earlier letters of his on this subject which have been.ached London on ached London on Sached London on Saturday.

Subjoinached London on Saturday.

Sached London onached London on Saturday.

Suaached London oached London on Satached London on Saturdached London on Saturday.

Subached London on Saturday.

Subjoined is that portion of Dr. Seward'ached aached London on Satached Londoached London on Satuached Londonached London oached London on Saturday.

Sacheaached London on Saturday.ached London on Saturday.

Subjoined is that portion of Dr. Seward's communication which conveys tbe result of his inquiries subsequent to the earlier letters of his on this subjectutors to the amount of the innings, 139, were MessrsH. Reade andF. Reade, who made 17 and 12 respectively.

The Rambler*' had made 60, with the loss of 3 wickets, when rain put a stop to the game.C.J.

Marshall, Esq, being left, not out, with 32. This was, therefore, another easy victory for Tenby.