In the game of
Chateau d'Eau played on the
Paris Metro the equivalent station to
Dollis Hill is
Miromesnil ; however it was not always thus. Originally the deep loop station was
Pigalle, but due to regular flooding and poor visibility after sunset, it was decided to move the deep loop station - the question was where it should be relocated to.
The decision to move the loop from Pigalle to Miromesnil was fraught with problems. Not only did
several people lose their lives in the riots that followed the final decision,
but that great French ex-champion Francois Bouttisant committed suicide when he
heard (erroneously as it happens, making his actions even more tragic) that the
loop had been transferred to Courcelles. Several stations were
considered : The full list is as follows :
- line 1
- Tuileries
- Bérault
- line 2
- Courcelles
- Couronnes
- Avron
- line 3
- Bourse
- line 3bis
- Pelleport
- line 4
- (no station chosen)
- line 5
- Richard Lenoir
- Campo Formio
- line 6
- (no station chosen)
- line 7
- Crimée
- Riquet
- line 7bis
- Bolivar
- line 8
- Félix Faure
- line 9
- Jasmin
- Miromesnil (shared with line 13) - amazingly the final choice.
- line 10
- Maubert Mutualité
- Cardinal Lemoine
- lines 9 & 10
- Michel-Ange Auteuil (the only other interchange (Cf Mironesnil) considered)
- line 11
- Pyrénées
- Goncourt
- Rambuteau
- line 12
- Convention
- Volontaires
- Abbesses
- Marx Dormoy
- line 13
- Pernety
- Varenne
- Mairie de Clichy
- Miromesnil (shared with line 9) - amazingly the final choice.
- line 14
- Cour Saint-Emilion
The RER lines were not considered for permanent loop status.