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A straddle is always played across at least two lines, and always at interchanges (which does include interchange-equivalents). If only one line is stated, then the last non-aligned station's line is taken to be the other (known as the implicit) line. Straddling allows token shifts and reverses across zone, quadrant and sector boundaries without loss. It also increases the pegging distances across the same boundaries, by a factor based on the number of boundaries crossed, the number of lines straddled, and the players' current peg modifiers (if any).


Normally the number of lines crossed is a whole number, and can safely be referred to as 'the number of lines crossed'. Where the number of lines crossed is a non-integer, the unit known as the strat should strictly be used instead. This is usually a distinction that only mathematicians need be concerned about.


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Last edited April 6, 2007 9:41 pm by Simons Mith (diff)