Thursday  the Eighth of May, 2003

Enough of the BBC's quietly emotive weather forecasters, gently apologising for bad weather and modestly bestowing the good - I want forecasters dressed as weather gods pretending that they're responsible for the weather, rationalising the targets of their divine judgment and making vague threats in the five-day forecast. Thor and Huaillepenyi being fought off-screen by a benevolent Utu. Comments? ]

Passing Frenzies: Thief II - Button Men - BlogNomic - Gridcosm - Robo Runner

 Wednesday  the Seventh

Aha - the Interactive Fiction Competition 2003 has finally stopped pretending that it's still 2002, and has kicked opened its doors; sign up by the 1st of September, and get your game finished and submitted by the 27th. That should be plenty of time for me to dither over which piece of IF to develop. Comments? ]

 Tuesday  the Sixth

If you've not yet seen Fight Club, then don't read this, not even the mouseover, but the first rule of Calvinball is you don't talk about Calvinball. [via iamcal] Comments? ]


Brain children. Recent or noteworthy Web offspring.

Online cliques. Trespassers may be welcome.

In the bookpile. Powered by

Incidental music. Ohrwurmen or otherwise.

Other weblogs. The ones I make a point of returning to a lot.

Supporting cast. That have Web pages. In alphabetical order.

Weeks beginning. All having ended.
2003: 05.05 28.04 21.04 14.04 07.04 31.03 24.03 17.03 10.03 03.03 24.02 17.02 10.02 03.02 27.01 20.01 13.01 06.01

2002: 30.12 23.12 16.12 09.12 02.12 25.11 18.11 11.11 04.11 28.10 21.10 14.10 07.10 30.09 23.09 16.09 09.09 02.09 26.08 19.08 12.08 05.08 29.07 22.07 15.07 08.07 01.07 24.06 17.06 10.06 03.06 27.05 20.05 13.05 06.05 29.04 22.04 15.04 08.04 01.04 25.03 18.03 11.03 04.03 25.02 18.02 11.02 04.02 28.01 21.01 14.01 07.01

2001: 31.12 24.12 17.12 10.12 03.12 26.11 19.11 12.11 05.11 29.10 22.10 15.10 08.10 01.10 24.09 17.09 10.09 03.09 27.08 20.08 13.08 06.08 30.07 23.07 16.07 09.07 02.07 25.06 18.06 11.06 04.06 28.05 21.05 14.05 07.05 30.04 23.04 16.04 09.04 02.04 26.03 19.03 12.03 05.03 26.02 19.02 12.02 05.02 29.01 22.01 15.01 08.01 01.01

2000: 25.12 18.12 11.12 04.12 27.11 20.11

Archive search. You never know.