All Known Superpowers
(Sorted by Date, Oldest First)

Key : Attack Defence Sidekick Meta Misc
'Classic' Superpowers are denoted with a star symbol.
When you win this power, gain 35 Energy. If your Energy drops below 35, you are eliminated from the game.
Spend 5: Add 1d10 to an Attack.
After everyone has declared their actions, you may re-allocate up to 20 Energy to Offense, Defense, or powers.
Spend X: Gain 2X Defence. You may not spend more than 10 Energy on this Power, per round.
Spend X: Add either 2X to your Defense this round or X to your Defense next round.
Burn 10: All Attacks miss their targets completely, this round.
Whenever you take damage (including Burn), add it to your Energy instead. If you exceed 100 Energy, you explode.
If you make a single Attack in a round and it is the same as your Defence, add 20 to each.
Burn 1: Add 20 to your Defence. You may not use this Power if you used it in the previous Round.
You may ignore Defense added by Force Fields.
You may choose to reveal your Attack and Defense values during the Allocation Phase. If you do so you may multiply the value of your Defense or any one of your Attacks by 1.5 (rounding up).
At the end of each round you may opt to multiply if your Energy is higher than 5 - divide your Energy by 2 and add 5. Create another of yourself with that same Energy.
Burn 5: You may reassign any amount of your Attack to Defence, after everyone else has declared.
During the Resolution Phase, you may add half this Power's Power Strength, rounded down, to either Defense or an Attack.
If you spend an equal amount of Energy, before powers are applied, to both Offense and Defense, gain five Energy at the end of the round.
If you win this power, give it to an opponent. He or she must spend at least 10 on Attack, each round, or take 10 damage.
Spend X: You may use any single Power in play whose Power Strength is X, this round.
Use once per game: Gain 50 Energy and tear your shirt open. For the rest of the game, you lose 5 Energy at the end of each round.
For every 2 Points of damage you take, instead take 1 and raise the number at which you die by 1.
Burn X: Raise the number at which your opponent dies by X. Use once per round. X may not exceed this Power's Power Strength.
Use once per round: Double the strength of your Attacks and Defense. If you do so, you must reveal what you are doing this round before other players choose.
When you win this Power, you may halve or double a single number, in any other Power you won.
Spend X: Increase your Energy by X next round, for that round only.
Add 20 to your Defence, each round.
When your Energy drops to below Phoenix Dreaming's Power Strength, you gain +30 Energy. This ability activates automatically and only once.
You may only assign one Attack per round, but a copy of that Attack is made against every other opponent.
You may choose how to put Energy into Attack and Defense after other people have revealed their choices. You must still choose which powers you are using normally, however.
Burn X: Destroy any power with Power Strength X.
At any time (even upon death), you may switch to spirit form - gain 50 Energy, and you may no longer Attack or Defend.
Gain 3 Energy at the beginning of each round.
You are damaged only by the effects of Powers (a Power that doubles an Attack-strength will thus result in the same damage as just the Attack).
At the end of a round, you may retroactively cancel the effect of a Power that has been used that round. Use once per round.
All damage dealt to you is halved (rounded down).
Each round, each of your opponents is Attacked for 1 damage, ten times, as if by another Hero.
Rarh Attack times one-and-a-half rarh rounded down. Grarrh Defense reduced by 10. Helicoptar.
Your brave sidekick counts as an extra Hero, under your control. He starts with 50 Energy, and has no Super Powers.
Spend 15: If you damage an opponent this round, they may only use half of their Energy (rounding up) next round.
Spend 10: Powers have no effect next round, and cannot be used.
Burn 15: If you damage an opponent this round, they become Poisoned. Poisoned Heroes lose 5 Energy at the start of each Round.
Spend 1: Create a new Power, and have everyone bid on it at the end of the round. Use once per game.
Spend 20: Choose one Attack against you this round, and retarget it at an opponent it didn't come from.
Spend 5: Add 50 to your Defence. Use this power no more than three times per game.
Use once per game: Swap Powers and Energy levels with an opponent, at the end of the round. They then lose Brainswap.
If you spend all of your Energy on Defence, add twenty to your Defence.
You may tear your mask off to reveal your secret identity, once per game: Gain a Power at random from the Rumble Super-Power Archive.
Spend 10 and choose a Power: Its owner must use it next round, if possible.
Use once per round: Double all Players' Attack values for this round.
During a round, any Hero who fails to damage you is Defenseless against your Attacks.
Spend 20: Do 20 damage to all players.
Bidding for this power occurs before bidding for other powers. The winner of this power may select his bids for the rest of the powers after the other players have revealed their bids.
+35 to Offense, each round. You may spend ten Energy to switch this bonus from Offense to Defense, or vice versa.
Burn 10 and choose a Hero: If that Hero didn't spend 10 to specifically Avoid your Gaze this round, they are turned to stone.
If you damage a Hero, they must deduct 15 from their Defence next round (to a minimum of zero).
Gain 20 Energy at the start of each odd-numbered round. Lose 20 Energy at the start of each even-numbered round.
Every Player loses 5 Energy at the end of every round.
As part of your bid for this Power, nominate another Hero. When you win this Power, lose all of your Powers and gain copies of all those that the nominated Hero won.
As part of your bid for this Power, nominate another Power. If you win this Power, the nominated Power has no effect during this game.
Spend 10 Energy: Create a 10-Energy Hero under your control. This hero doesn't have any powers and cannot Attack this round.
Destroy a hero under your control: Make an Attack of twice the Energy of the hero.
Add 50 to each of your Attacks.
Burn X: Add 10X to your Defense.
Each round, you may roll any number of six-sided dice, one after the other, stopping at any point. When you stop, if each rolled number is unique, add the total to your Attack or Defence. If not, take damage equal to the total.
Deals 25 extra damage whenever your Attack beats the victim's Defence by 20 or more.
Burn X: Roll X/2 six-sided dice and add the total to your Attack.
After Attack and Defence have been revealed, you may shift up to 20 Energy from your Attack to your Defence, or vice versa.
Spend 20 and choose an opponent: Add that Hero's Defence to your Defence, this round. Use once per round.
Use only five times per game. Roll a die for each Arrow. 1-2: +20 Attack. 3-4: +20 Defence. 5-6: A chosen Power has no effect this round.
Burn 10: Toss a coin for each Attack against you - if heads, the opponent Attacked your Doppelgänger; prevent that damage.
Double your Defence each round, but halve all of your Attacks (rounding down).
Burn 10: Do 10 unavoidable damage to a Hero. Use no more than three times per round.
If you use no other Powers in a given round, add 20 to each of your Attacks.
Spend the Power Strength of a Power: Remove that Power from an opponent at the end of the round.
Burn 1 to create a temporary holographic image this round, to a maximum of 5. Roll a die - on a 6, the holographic images have no effect. On a number lower or equal to the number of images, all Attacks against you are negated. On any other number, roll again.
Burn 30: At the end of the round, the Hero with the highest Energy wins the game.
You get a bonus to your Defense equal to the damage you've taken so far this game.
Use once per round: Add 30 to an Attack. Use only if you were damaged in the previous round.
Each player automatically bids the remainder of their Energy on this power after bidding on all other powers. All other players cannot allocate more than X Energy to any one power, Attack or Defense per round, where X is the Power Strength of this power.
Burn 5: During the next round, opponents must spend the same or less as they did this round, on Attack, Defence and each of their Powers.
Burn 5: Deal 20 damage to the Player who spent the most Energy on Attack this round (resolve ties randomly).
Burn 5: From the end of this round, you may not be targetted by Attacks or Powers. Invisibility stops the moment that you Attack, or use a Power that would cause damage.
When you win this Power, retroactively add five to all your other Power bids and redetermine their allocation. (The government pays the extra five, for any you win.)
Spend 10, once per round: Beam does 10 Points of damage to a single target for each Hero in play.
Burn 5 and select a Hero: That Hero loses all of their Powers, and gains a random Power from the online archive.
Spend 5: Select one Player. That Player may not gain any new Powers for the remainder of the game.
Each round, Sniper makes a 10 Point Attack against the opponent with the lowest total Defence, after all other Powers are applied.
Spend 10: Phantom Ray does damage equal to its Power Strength. If the target avoids all of the damage from Phantom Ray for any reason, you may Burn 1 Energy to cause the Phantom Ray to pass through them, allowing you to select another target.
Spend 10: Ice Storm does damage equal to its Power Strength, to each opponent.
For each Attack that targets you, add 20 to your Defense in the next round.
Spend X, once per round: The Phenomenon deals damage equal to X plus its Power Strength, to a Hero. Damage sustained from this Attack is repeated next round, as corrosive enzymes melt flesh, steel, bone, etc.
(Fist of the World) Burn X: All of your Attacks this round are multiplied by X/5 (rounding down).
(Fist of the Sun) Spend 25: All opponents who Attack you this round are blinded and may not spend any Points in the next round.
Whenever you are Attacked, even if you defend against it, your Attacker sustains 3 Points of unavoidable damage.
Spend 20: Enter or leave the Carapace, at the end of the Round. While inside you are immune to damage from basic Attacks, but may only spend half of your Energy each round, and may not Burn.
Spend X: All other players must Spend X Energy (or all of their Energy, if they have less than X) on nothing in the next round.
Spend 10: All other Heroes must spend Energy equal to Howl's Power Strength on Defense, in the next round.
Spend 1: Each Hero randomly passes one Power to the Hero on their left.
Burn 4 Points and select a target: Target is Attacked for the Emitter's Power Strength worth of damage for each vowel in the names of each of their Powers. Target may choose instead to discard a Power to avoid the damage from that Power's name.
Spend 1/2 your Energy, rounded down: You may not be damaged by normal Attacks for the next 2 rounds.
Once per game, at the end of a round, you may undo the effects of that round as if they had never happened.
Burn 5: All Attacks made by you and made against you are reduced to zero.
Spend 10 and choose a Hero: At the end of the round, set your Energy level to that of the chosen Hero.
All other players choose odd or even. Odd players may only Attack even players and vice versa. Odd players may Attack you during odd numbered rounds, even players may Attack you during even numbered rounds.
You may only be Attacked during Fibonacci numbered rounds.
Generates 10 Energy every other round, which you may spend as if it were your own.
Spend Kamehameha's Power Strength: Make an Attack with damage equal to 1/2 of your Energy.
Burn 1 to create a golden apple. Offer it to one opponent. If they accept, they gain 20 Energy. On the next round, you may use one of their Powers as if it were your own.
Spend 10 to make an Attack equal to 1/2 the target's remaining Energy.
Spend 10: Any Hero that Attacks you this round may not use any Powers on their next round, and the effects of any Powers they are already using are negated.
You get +10 to Defense for every Hero in play.
Spend 10: Any Powers directed at you this round instead affect a random Hero.
The first time you are reduced to zero Energy or less, you are rejuvenated with 10 Energy per Hero in play.
Spend X: The target must Defend against the full X or be snared by the Tendrils. Once caught you may spend up to 5 Energy each round on an unavoidable Attack on the same target. You may not make any Attacks against any other Heroes until releasing the first one.
When you are targeted by a Power, randomly select the effect of any Power in play to replace that of the one you were targeted by. (It is possible to end up with the same Power.)
Burn 2: You gain 50 Energy to use for this round only. At the end of the round any unused Energy is lost.
At the end of ten rounds, the Hero with the most Energy is the only survivor. Any Hero may Burn 2 to extend the Clock by 2 rounds.
Spend 20: All Defense is nullified this round, regardless of its source.
Spend 15: Target loses 5 Energy unavoidably each round until they spend all of their Energy to break free. While Grasping a Hero, you may not use Grasp or Attack other Heroes. You may not release the Grasp of your own will.
Spend 30: For the next 5 rounds, a satellite weapons platform rains 10 point Attacks on targets of your choice. (You may select a new target each round.)
Burn X: Add 3X to Defense for this round.
You may restore 10 Energy to any Hero except yourself, once per round. Next round, that Hero may not make any aggressive acts towards you.
Spend 5: Select a Hero other than yourself to gain 20 Energy. Next round, you may assign that 20 Energy for them (as well as making any choices required by it).
Spend 20: Add +X to your Defense. X is initially 1, and doubles every time you use this Power.
Roll one six sided die when you win this Power. Until that number round, you may not take any action or take any damage. When that round arrives, add 20 Energy to your total.
Spend all your Energy to permanently increase the Power Strength of any power in the game by 10.
Spend X where X is the Power Strength of this power to eat The Cake and win the game.
Each of your Sidekicks gains a weapon adding 25 to each of its Attacks.
At the end of each round, Heroes lose 5 Energy for each Power they possess.
If an Attack involving one or more powers damages you for more than the Power Strength of this power, then take those powers from the Attacker.
When Attacking, you must Attack each player separately for the same amount. All of your Attacks ignore normal Defenses.
At the end of any round where your Energy total is odd, subtract 5 Energy. At the end of any round where your Energy total is even, add 6 Energy.
Whenever a Hero dies that you didn't kill, transfer 15 Energy from the killer. If that kills the killer, you die. If you kill a hero, lose 20 Energy and discard this power.
Only powers with Power Strengths greater than Statis Bubble can affect you.
Gain 30 Energy whenever an opponent is eliminated.
Gain 1 Energy for each 100 Energy that is spent in the game.
After Energy allocation, opponents must declare to you which Powers they are using. You may alter your own allocations in light of this.
Each time a Hero uses a Power, you may Spend 10 to either name a cheese and cancel the Power, or force them to name a cheese in order to use the Power. Cheeses that have already been named during this game do not count.
Spend all of your Energy: Gain 5 Energy for each use of a power this round.
Swap Power Strengths of all powers as you see fit. No power may be left with its original Power Strength. Discard after use.
Prevent the first 50 damage you take during the game.
The Horde Attack an opponent of your choice each round, with damage equal to their Power Strength.
Burn 5: If you are damaged this round, deal 20 unavoidable damage to each opponent that damaged you.
Choose an opponent, each round. Add their Defence to yours, and subtract their Attack from yours.
Spend 25: Take an opponent's next round for them. You may not force them to Attack themselves.
Spend 10 and choose an opponent: Flip a coin. If heads, swap that opponent's Attack against you with their Defence.
Add 40 to each of your Attacks. Lose this power the first time you sustain any damage.
When Attacked, reduce the Attacker's Attack value by their Defence value.
Spend 5: Distracted by your mastery of the talking sock, a chosen opponent's Attack is halved.
Whenever you damage another Hero, gain Energy equal to half of that damage (rounding down).
If Attacked for more than your Defence, you must automatically redirect 20 of your Attack to Defence, or as much as is available.
All players must Attack or defend in increments of 5. Each player takes 5 damage if they Attack or defend for an amount that you've already used.
For each set of damage dealt to a Hero, you may shout a one-word sound effect that has not been shouted before in the game, to add 5 to that damage.
Use once per Round: Double all Heroes' Energy totals at the end of the Round.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Double all damage dealt to you.
At the end of any round in which you took damage, create a Sidekick with Energy equal to that damage, and no Powers.
Secretly choose a number at the start of each round. Any Hero who uses that number for their Attack or Defence that round has it reduced to zero.
Each time you take damage, the player who dealt it to you loses half that much Energy.
You may make one Attack per round a Roshambo Punch. Resolve Rock-Paper-Scissors against your target; if you win, double that Attack. If you lose or draw, halve it.
At the end of each round, the Hero who spent the most Energy on a single Attack, Defence or Power loses 10 Energy.
If you don't Attack in a given round, you may double your Attacks in the next one.
When you are reduced to zero Energy or below, recover up to half your starting Energy and remove this Power.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You may not Attack another Hero for over 5 more than the Attacked player's Energy total.
Each other player loses Energy equal to half this Power's Power Strength, rounded down, when the game starts.
Burn 5: Create a new Hero under your control with 20 Energy. Porcelain Doll may not gain or use Powers. If Porcelain Doll is damaged, it is immediately removed from play, and all Heroes in play receive 10 unavoidable Damage.
Any Hero who damages you with a regular Attack sustains 5 Damage.
Spend 10: Activate Incandescent Aura. While it is active, opponents cannot look directly at you and all regular Attacks are halved, rounded down. You may not use any other Powers while Aura is in effect, but you may deactivate it at the beginning of any round.
Burn 5 to sink a barbed needle into an opponent's brain. One of their powers (at random) is paralyzed and may not be used until the needle is removed. Removing the needle causes 20 unavoidable Damage.
Spend 10: Choose an opponent and roll 1d6. The target takes damage equal to 5x the result of the die. Every other Hero takes damage equal to the die result.
Each time you take Damage, gain a permanent +1 to your regular Attacks.
Your regular Attacks are +5 for each Hero in play.
When this Hero is defeated, discard this Power. They return to the game with 50 Energy and a random Power from the online archive.
At the end of each round, every Hero that Attacked during that round takes 1 unavoidable Damage.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You must spend 30 Energy changing into your costume, before you can use any other Powers (and even then, not until the round after).
Spend X: Add X Energy to the Apocalypse Bomb. When it reaches 100 Energy (it starts at zero), you win the game at the end of the round (if you're still alive).
Any Hero who bids more than 10 for this Power receives a copy of it. Double your Defence against opponents who lack Underwater Breathing.
Spend 10: You may allocate your Energy after everyone else has revealed theirs, next round.
Lose 5 Energy at the end of each round. Whenever you damage another Hero, they contract a copy of Plague.
Burn X: Negate up to X combat damage dealt to you this round, and gain Energy equal to twice that which was negated.
Cloned Sidekick has 50 Energy and a Power of your choice from those in the current game.
The first time an Opponent targets an Attack of more than 20 against you, gain 50 Energy.
For each packet of combat damage you sustain, round it up or down to the nearest multiple of ten (for values ending in five, round down).
Spend 5: If no damage is dealt this round, gain 5 Energy.
Spend 10 and choose an opponent: That opponent's damage prevention Powers have no effect this round.
Spend 10 Energy. If any of your Attacks this round are not fully Defended against, the Defense is ignored.
Spend 10, once per round: Roll 1d6. On an even number, all Heroes' Defense is raised by 10x the result. On an odd number, all Heroes' Defense is lowered by 10x the result.
Spend 10 Energy. Opponents' Attacks on you this round only do 1/2 Damage. Opponents' Defense against your Attacks this round only absorb 1/2 Damage. Each consecutive round using Shadow Step doubles its cost (ie 10 on the first round, 20 on the second, 40 on the third, etc.)
Burn 1: Restore 10 Energy to another Hero. You may not Heal a Hero above 100 Energy.
Spend 5: Avoid all Damaging effects from Attacks or Powers this round. You may not use any Attacks or Damaging Powers this round.
Cosmic Entity has Energy equal to 10 x the number of Heroes in play.
Each round, every Hero must automatically spend 10 Energy per Hero in play.
Each round, you may spend an extra 10 Energy per Hero currently in play.
Spend 5 Energy to deplete one Hero's Defense by twice this Power's Power Strength.
Power Sink refunds the Energy you bid on any one Power you won.
If you don't use any Powers during a round, everyone else's Powers are negated for that round.
Spend X Energy to deal 1.5X unavoidable damage to one target.
Burn 5 Energy to change the sign (+ or -) of any number on any Power description permanently.
Spend 5 Energy to double the number of targets affected by any targeted Power.
Burn 5: You are not considered to be in play, this round. If you fail to use this Power during a round, lose this Power.
Spend 30 and choose a Power currently in play: You may either gain a copy of that Power, or remove it from play.
If you win this Power, you may rearrange everyone ELSE'S Powers as you see fit. Each character must end up with the same number of Powers they started with.
If you win this Power, you may pick any Power you did not bid on and Burn X Energy to claim it, where X is that Power's Strength +1.
Each Round, all characters take 1 Unavoidable Damage for every Energy they Spend over Dampening Field's Power Strength x2.
Your Attacks take effect before any other Powers.
Spend 10 + Gom Jabbar's Power Strength and target one Hero. If that Hero did not spend 10 Energy specifically to block Gom Jabbar, reduce their Energy to 1.
Target one Hero in play and spend 10 Energy to form a Dark Mirror. Whenever you lose Energy from Attacks, any Hero targeted by your Dark Mirror loses 1/2 as much Energy, rounded down. Dark Mirror costs 3 Energy per turn to sustain. You may only form one Dark Mirror per turn, but you may have as many in play as you can afford.
Spend 10+X Energy and select X targets: Fantoma Ray deals 30 unblockable damage divided evenly among the selected targets. (Unblockable damage can only be prevented by Super-Powers.)
Spend Energy equal to Fusion Beam's Power Strength, to Energize it. For each Round Fusion Beam is Energized, it will deal 10 Damage to one target when fired. If the user does not specify a target, Fusion Beam targets the user who fired it.
Half of the Energy allocated towards Defense additionally acts as Attack power from its fiery brilliance. This Attack Energy is divided evenly across all opponents.
Spend all of your Energy: Blank the mind of an opponent. Starting on the next round, this opponent cannot use any powers until they recover. To recover, they in turn must spend all of their Energy on their recovery for one round.
Spend 10: If you made only one Attack this round, and if it dealt damage, then its victim becomes Infected and will automatically be eliminated after four further rounds.
Hero's normal Attack damage is Unblockable. Sword-Chucks deals its Power Strength in Damage to its owner for each Attack they make.
Use once per turn: Roll 1d10 and choose a target. On a "1", BFG overheats and is discarded. Otherwise BFG deals Damage equal to the number rolled, multiplied by BFG's Power Strength.
Each round, all other Heroes are Attacked for one fifth of Grim Reaper's Power Strength (rounded down).
Spend 10: For each Attack against you, flip a coin - if heads, the damage is prevented.
If you are Attacked and your Attack is greater than your Attacker's Defense, the damage is negated.
Burn 5: For the next three rounds keep track of the damage you take. After the three rounds have passed, deal damage to one target equal to the damage you received in those rounds. (You may not use Charged Armour during those three rounds.)
Burn 5 and choose a Hero: That Hero cannot take damage, deal damage, or use any powers for three rounds.
Add X to each of your Attacks, where X is 100 minus your Energy at the start of that round.
Deal 20 damage to all opponents, if you use no other powers this round.
Burn X and choose a Hero: You and that Hero bid against each other. The winner burns Energy equal to their bid. If you win, you may decide the Allocations for your target for a number of rounds equal to X/10 (rounded up).
Use twice per game: At the end of this round, either note down the state of the game, or return the game to the previously-noted state (and lose this Power).
At the end of any round during which you lost Energy, all Heroes in play lose Energy equal to nganon's Power Strength. At the end of any round during which you gained Energy, all Heroes in play gain Energy equal to nganon's Power Strength. If no player bids on nganon, it automatically goes to the player with the highest Energy level. nganon may not be discarded or unassigned.
At the end of any round in which you sustained damage (including Burn), gain 10 Energy.
Spend 10: Any Hero who Attacked you this turn cannot Attack next turn.
Katamari starts with 10 Energy. Burn 5: Katamari gains control of target Power, and gains Energy equal to its Power Strength. When Katamari is destroyed return all Powers to their original owners.
Middle States Goon does not enter play until you spend 10. Middle States Goon has 25 Energy and gains control of the ability with the lowest Power Strength of target Hero.
Spend 50: Flip a coin for each packet of damage you take this round. If heads, split that damage evenly among all other players.
Discard a Power you control to gain Energy equal to its Power Strength. You may activate this Power at any time.
Workers of the world unite! Use once per game: All Energy is pooled and redistributed evenly. Lose 5 Energy.
When you take damage you may flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage and gain Energy equal to it. If tails, take the damage normally and you may not Attack or activate Powers next round.
Your amazing skill with chopsticks allows you to automatically block any Attack or Power that would cause 10 or less Damage. They are only chopsticks, after all.
Multiply your normal Attacks by 1.5. Any Hero Damaged by Blazing Shillelagh must spend Energy equal to the Damage sustained on nothing during the following round. "The Blazing Shillelagh be havin' the power to clock anything, but good!"
Each round, Burn X, and keep track of the total Energy you've burnt. At the beginning of the round of your choice, blast an opponent of your choice with unblockable damage equal to the accumulated Energy Burnt.
Immediately after being Attacked, you regenerate Energy equal to half this power's Power Strength.
Before the game begins, Burn X. The first player to Attack you loses X Energy.
Burn X: This power comes into effect the next time you take damage. Every turn for X turns, your Attacker takes damage equal to half the damage done to you.
All players burn X, an amount of Energy of your choosing (no more than 20). The total amount of Energy Burnt is given as Attack Power to the Peasant Mob. Each opponent flips a coin, and Peasant Mob Attacks any who get Tails. On Round #X, Peasant Mob deals X damage to you. Peasant Mob's Attack is unblockabale, except by Super Powers.
Each round, write down the name of one player, and negate all normal Attack damage done to you by that player. Burn 5: Send half of the negated damage back to the Attacker.
Players Attacking you must flip a coin. If it lands tails up, you take no damage from that Attacker.
Burn X: Target opponent loses all powers for X/2 turns.
Hero may choose an opponent, during the first round - they become one another's Nemeses. Attacks made by a Hero against their Nemesis get +10 Energy.
If at the start of any round your Hero has been eliminated, they return to the game with 10 Energy at the end of that round.
Gaara's Sand Shield automatically blocks the biggest incoming regular Attack.
Gaara's Sand Armor blocks X damage from each incoming regular Attack, and subtracts X from each of your regular Attacks, where X is Sand Armor's Power Strength.
Discard Gaara's Sand Shell at the end of any round to ignore all effects to your Hero from that round.
1) Each time you are targeted with an Attack, both you and the Attacker flip a coin. If the Attacker's coin does not match yours, they have struck one of your doppelgangers, you take no damage. 2) Each time you Attack an opponent, both you and the target flip a coin. If the target's coin does not match yours, they have defended against one of your doppelgangers, your Attack ignores their Defense.
You begin the game with Rock Lee's Training Weights equipped. During any round you may spend 10 Energy and declare that you are equipping or unequipping Training Weights. While Training Weights are UNequipped, you become so fast that your regular Attacks become Unblockable, but only deal half damage.
Burn 10 Energy to use Sharingan Mirror-Wheel Eye as a copy of any Power in play during the next round.
When you have lost at least 1/2 of your Starting Energy, you may shift into your Radical Form. Gain 2X Energy, where X is Radical Transformation's Power Strength. Your current Energy becomes your Starting Energy. Your Radical Form gains +5 to Defense and +5 to each Attack. You may use Radical Transformation up to three times. The Attack and Defense bonuses are cumulative.
When you are reduced to 1/2 your starting Energy, say "There is something you should know- I am not left handed!" From now on you may spend 20 extra Points each round on regular Attack and Defense. These Points do not get added to your Energy, whether you spend them all or not.
Hypno-Duck starts with Energy equal to 2x it's Power Strength. Hypno-Duck may Attack and Defend normally. All opposing Heroes must spend Energy equal to Hypno-Duck's current Energy each round, distracted by the scintillating whorl of mystical colors emanating from Hypno-Duck's magical beak.
At the end of the first round during which you would have been defeated, gain 100 Energy. At the end of the following round, set your Energy to 1, regardless of its current value, positive or negative. Then discard Pure Guts.
At the end of any round during which you took damage, add 10 Energy to Limit Break. This Energy does not count toward your total Energy, you may not spend it normally, and if you are reduced to 0 (zero)Energy, you are still defeated. You may Burn Energy from Limit Break at any time.
Spend 10 Energy to deal Chain Lightning's Power Strength to a single target and to any Heroes Attacking or Defending against that target during the same round.
You may rearrange your Attack and Defense values after they have been revealed, as long as the total remains the same. If after doing so (or choosing not to) your total Defense is exactly equal to any combination of Attacks targeting you, you may choose new targets for each of those Attacks.
Your Attack and Defense values are +10 per opponent.
Use once per game: Deal 15 unblockable damage to an opponent, if they were Attacking someone this turn. (If they weren't, you lose your Guards anyway.)
Whenever you sustain more than three damage, your Attacker loses 3 Energy and you gain 3.
Burn 3X: Attacks have only a 1 in X chance of affecting you this turn. (Independently determined for each Attack.)
Roll 1dX at the start of the game, where X is twice this power's strength. Gain that much Energy.
Prevent the first 50 damage that would be dealt to you.
Spend 20, once per round: Do a 5-point Attack the first time you use this power, 10 Points the second time, 20 Points the third time, etc.
Any time you Burn Energy, triple the value of the effect. (EG. Burning 5 Energy yields the same result as if you had Burned 15 Energy, but still only costs 5). You may Burn Energy for any purpose for which you could normally spend it.
At the end of each round, roll 1d100. The result is your Energy for the following round. If before rolling, your Energy is zero or lower, you are defeated, regardless of the effects of other Powers.
Spend X Energy. All opponents Defense is reduced by X.
Global Effect (This Power may not be bid on. It affects all Heroes): Heroes may not spend more than 1/2 their current Energy per round.
Global Effect (This Power should not be bid on. It affects all Heroes): For each Attack or targeted Power effect, roll 1d6. 1,2: The Attack or Power strikes the intended target. 3,4: The Attack or Power hits a random Hero (not including its originator). 5,6: The Attack or Power misses completely.
Global Effect (This Power must not be bid on. It affects all Heroes): At the end of each round, each Hero rolls 1d10. The highest untied result gains 10 Energy. The lowest untied result loses 10 Energy. If no such results can be determined, all Heroes lose 1/2 their current Energy.
Start with 0 Energy. When you would normally take Damage, gain Energy instead of losing it. At the end of any round in which you have 100 or more Energy, you are defeated.
Whenever a Hero assigns any Defense to absorb damage from of your Attacks, double the value of that Attack.
Target one Hero and spend 5 Energy: That Hero's Defense is reduced by Feint's Power Strength. Feint may only be used once per Round.
The results of your normal Attacks are computed before any other Powers or Attacks take effect. If a Hero is defeated by a Hyper Speed Attack, their remaining actions are canceled before taking effect.
In a last resort, you flip open the red switch: You die, but every other Hero takes 50 Damage.
Spend Power Strength and select a target. Target must spend 5 Energy on Defense for the remainder of the battle. This effect is cumulative.
Each time you cause damage to a target with a physical Attack, you gain +5 to your physical Attacks vs. that target.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Each time a hero damages you with a physical Attack, they gain +3 to all their physical Attacks vs. you.
Each round you may choose two targets, one of whom may be yourself. Add the Attack values of the targets together and divide by 2, rounding up, and assign the new value to both. Do the same for Defense.
Spend X and select a target. Add 2X to the target's Defense this round. Transfer 1 Energy from the target to yourself every round thereafter for each time you Protected them.
Cheshire Tiger has (Power Strength x2) Energy. Cheshire Tiger cannot be affected by anything and cannot act on even numbered rounds.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) The winner of this Power must discard all but one of the Powers they won, not including this one.
Spend X, once per game: Add X/2 to your Energy.
Burn 10: Replace a target Power in play with a randomly chosen Power.
Burn X: Attack target player with X power. This Attack requires twice as much Defense to protect against.
SSSS does Damage equal to its Power Strength. Every consecutive turn during which you take no actions, set your Defense at 25 and double SSSS' Power Strength. Any time you take any action, including Attacking with SSSS, Defending, or any other action, reset SSSS to its original Power Strength.
Burn Energy equal to Wrathkunai's Power Strength, per target. Wrathkunai deals damage equal to total value of target's Power Strengths. You may use this Power as many times during one round as you can afford.
Spend Energy equal to the Power Strength of any Power in play. The owner of that Power takes Unblockable Damage equal to Divining Blade's Power Strength.
During each round in which you assign more Energy to Attacks than in the previous round, your Attacks are Unblockable, and any Attacks you Defend against cause 10 Unblockable Damage to the Attacker who targeted you.
Wind-Up Doll starts with Energy equal to it's Power Strength. You may spend X Energy to add 1/2 X Energy to Wind-Up Doll. Overcrank: Burn Energy equal to Wind-Up Doll's Power Strength. Set Wind-Up Doll's Energy to 100 until the end of the round, then discard Wind-Up Doll.
Your first Attack against each player is Unblockable. Your normal Attacks are +10.
Spend 30 Energy to launch a Peel at any player. Give that player a d6. At the beginning of each round, each player with a d6 must roll it. Anyone whose die comes up 6 has slipped, and can do nothing that round, all their planned actions are cancelled. At the end of each round, each player with any d6s may pass them to any other player or combination of players, except the owner of this Power.
Everyone who bids on this Power gets a copy. If nobody bids on this Power, everyone gets a copy. Everyone with this Power loses 5 Energy at the end of every Round.
You may not spend more than 1/2 your current Energy during any round. Keep track of the number of rounds that have passed. At any time you may remove Aura Shackles to gain Energy equal to (Power Strength x Number of Rounds), then discard Aura Shackles.
Super Mecha Hero Titanion starts with Energy equal to (50 + Power Strength). For each round, choose a Mode for Titanion: Attack Mode - Attacks are doubled. Defense Mode - Defense is doubled. Kaiser Mode - Both Attacks and Defense are doubled. Titanion can only use Kaiser Mode once per game.
Create a duplicate of any Hero you control, with the same Powers, except Gemini Suit. Divide the duplicated Hero's Starting Energy between the original and the duplicate Hero, and add Energy equal to Gemini Suit's Power Strength to each.
Once each round you may spend Metablade's Power Strength and target one Power in the game. Each player with that Power must either take Unavoidable damage equal to the target Power's Strength, or lose access to the target Power for the next 2 rounds.
Global Effect (This power should not be bid on, it affects all Heroes): All other Powers take effect in alphabetical order.
Once per round, you may select a target. Zanbatou deals damage equal to (1/2 target's Defense) + (Zanbatou's Power Strength).
Each round, you may select one other Power in play. Add Amulet of Helios' Power Strength to the Power Strength of the chosen Power.
Once per round you may spend 10 Energy to add a Point to the Seal. If the Seal has fewer than 3 Points and you do not spend 10 Energy, the Seal is canceled. If the Seal has 3 or more Points and you do not spend 10 Energy, you may Seal one target Hero. The next time that Hero invokes a Power that costs Energy, multiply the cost by the number of Points they were Sealed with. Once a target has been Sealed, that Seal is complete, spending another 10 Energy will begin a new Seal, but cannot modify an existing one. Only one Seal can be pending a target at any time, but there can be multiple targets Sealed at any given time. If a Seal is canceled or otherwise stopped before it is complete, you take unavoidable damage equal to 10 times the number of Points on the Seal.
Add Fragilium Sword's Power Strength to each of your Attacks. Once you have caused Damage equal to Fragilium Sword's Power Strength, remove Fragilium Sword from the game.
Add Fragilium Shield's Power Strength to your Defense. Once you have taken Damage equal to Fragilium Shield's Power Strength, remove Fragilium Shield from the game.
When you have taken Damage equal to Fragilium Amulet's Power Strength, you gain Energy equal to Fragilium Amulet's Power Strength, and Fragilium Amulet is removed from the game.
Fragilium Golem starts with 100 Energy. Fragilium Golem's Power Strength is added to each of its Attacks, and to its Defense. When Fragilium Golem has sustained AND/OR caused Damage, in any combination, equal to its Power Strength, remove Fragilium Golem from the game.
If you win this Power, you may add or subtract Clever Ploy's Power Strength to any one other player's bid for any one other Power.
Spend Confusion Ray's Power Strength and target one Hero. All of that Hero's targets are selected randomly this round.
Your normal Attacks, up to Hellfire Gauntlet's Power Strength each, are Unblockable (ignore Defense). Infernal Fusion: If you have both Hellfire and Brimstone Gauntlets, each has Power Strength equal to the average of their listed Power Strengths, +10.
Your normal Attacks, up to Brimstone Gauntlet's Power Strength each, ignore the effects of any other Powers. Infernal Fusion: If you have both Hellfire and Brimstone Gauntlets, each has Power Strength equal to the average of their listed Power Strengths, +10.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) At the beginning of each round, you must spend Energy equal to The Rack's Power Strength on nothing.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You may not spend Energy in excess of Black Vise's Power Strength during a single round.
You may continue to use Energy equal to your Starting Energy each round, regardless of your Current Energy. You are defeated when your Current Energy equals zero or less.
If every player bids on this Power, every Hero loses 20 Energy. If nobody bids on this Power, every Hero gains 30 Energy. If only one person bids on this Power, their Heroes each gain 50 Energy. If more than one, but less than all, players bid on this Power, the bidders Heroes lose 30 Energy each.
If you gain Energy at any time after your Current Energy has been reduced to less than 10% of your Starting Energy, set your Current Energy equal to (Starting Energy + Saiyan Blood's Power Strength).
You gain 10 Energy every round. If you exceed double your Starting Energy, you explode, and are defeated.
Each time you Damage a Hero, they gain a Venom counter. At the end of each round, each Hero takes 1 Unblockable Damage per Venom counter they have accumulated.
Every time you take damage from an opponent, you receive a cumulative +3 bonus to your Attacks versus that opponent.
Any Damage greater than Swarm's Power Strength dealt to you in by a single opponent during a single round is ignored.
Add 50 to your Attack and Defense. This power activates when you are at 10 Energy or less.
Every time you are Attacked, you gain a cumulative +5 bonus to your Attacks versus that opponent.
An Attack of 80 is divided up amongst all opponents who dealt you damage on the round that you are defeated.
Every time you Defend against an Attack (even partially), redirect the damage that you would have taken so that it hits anyone but the original Attacker. This redirected damage is unblockable as it takes the Defender by surprise.
You can only launch one Attack each round and must reload (spend 5 Energy and don't Attack for a round) between each Attack. However, your Attacks deal x1.5 damage after calculating Defense and, if not Defended at all, kill the target instantly with a headshot. You choose during the Allocation Phase whether your Attack will be resolved normally, before everyone else's, or after everyone else's.
Every other round, you can call for either a bombing run (Attack each opponent for 20 as if by another Hero) or infantry support (create a 5 Energy Sidekick for your Hero).
Until your Hero is defeated, the Energy totals of each of your Sidekicks, Pets, etc. cannot be lowered past Undying Loyalty's Power Strength by any means, including any Powers causing instant defeat. If Undying Loyalty's Power Strength is above the starting Energy of an ally, that ally instead starts with Energy equal to Undying Loyalty's Power Strength.
You have a getaway vehicle or alternate escape route which you can use by Burning 5 Energy at the start of a round. You can neither Attack nor be Attacked for that round and the next, nor can you be the target of any Powers which specifically target one Hero. If you use this when your Energy is more than half your Starting Energy, you have to Burn 10 Energy instead for your cowardice. Loser.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) The lucky owner of this Power is fated to die in a number of rounds equal to half of Doomed's Power Strength. At the end of that round, this Hero will die if (s)he still owns this Power.
Increase your starting Energy by the sum of all bids on this Power not including the winning bid (ie, the sum of all bids on Denied Desires minus its Power Strength).
Spend 5 Energy and do not Attack as you move into close range against a single target. Your Attacks against that target are unblockable for the rest of the Rumble. Spend 5 Energy and do not Attack for a round to switch the target at any time.
Spend 10 Energy during the Allocation Phase. Any characters (the owner of this Power included) who have 0 Defense remaining at the end of the round are permanently dragged into the Abyss by fiery tentacles.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Add the Power Strengths of all your Powers. You take that much damage at the start of every even-numbered round as a curse in your family causes your frail body to reject its own Powers.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Everyone knows your alter ego; your family is no longer safe. Create a 5 Energy Ward; your Hero's Defense applies to the Ward as well. The Hero is defeated if the Ward is.
Spend 10 Energy and pick a target. That character must spend more Energy on Defense than Attack for the round. Burn 5 instead of spending 10 to make the effect permanent.
Spend X and choose a target. Up to X damage of every Attack by anyone/anything is redirected towards that character for 3 rounds.
Spend 5 Energy. All players' Attacks this turn are added up and dealt out equally as unavoidable damage to every player. (Round up in case of decimals)
Spend 30 Energy. Psionic Burst and one power of your choice from each other player are removed from the game for 3 turns.
Bidding for this Power occurs before bidding for other powers. Double your bid for one Power after all other players have revealed their bids, at no extra Energy cost.
You slip laxatives into a character's morning super-coffee by spending 30 Energy during the Allocation Phase. The target's Attack and Defense are reduced to 0 for that turn. This power can only be used once every 3 turns.
Choose a character during the Allocation Phase. The target's Defense is doubled, and any damage taken by either linked character is transferred to the other. If either linked character is killed during this round, the other must Burn 10 Energy or die.
Burn 10 Energy at any time to negate the effects of a single enemy power. This power can be used to negate any power, even if it does not affect your hero.
Attack a character for at least 20. If damage is dealt, the victim is prevented from Attacking next turn.
Spend 10 Energy. Next round, you gain a bonus to Defense equal to the damage you received this round.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Chain Reaction starts with a Power Strength of 0. Whenever you Attack a character, add Chain Reaction's Power Strength to your Attack. Add 1/4 of the damage dealt to Chain Reaction's Power Strength, then transfer Chain Reaction to that opponent.
Chain Reaction Gauntlets start with a Power Strength of 0. Add the Gauntlets' Power Strength to all your Attacks, then add 1/4 of the damage dealt by your Attacks to the Power Strength of Chain Reaction Gauntlets.
Allocate Defense as normal and track that number. After the Resolution Phase, subtract your current Defense from that initial Defense. Add the difference to your Attacks next round.
During the Allocation Phase of all rounds except round 1, count the number of characters who did NOT Attack your Hero during the previous round. Multiply each of your Attacks by this number.
Launch one Attack before all other characters. If this Attack deals damage, choose new targets for the victim's Attacks.
Battle Meditation begins with a Power Strength of 1. Multiply all of your Attacks by Battle Meditation's Power strength. For every turn you do not Attack, add 1 to Battle Meditation's Power Strength.
Spend all your remaining Energy to burrow underground. While there, you gain a passive Defense boost of 30 and immunity to all Attacks at the cost of inability to use Powers. Any character can force you to surface by Burning 15 Energy, after which you must wait at least one round before burrowing once more.
Assign each character (the owner of this Power included) a target before the first round, making sure that no player is targeted by more than one player or by him/herself. Players can only Attack their targets. The owner of Assassin's Game may Burn 5 Energy at the beginning of any round to reassign players' targets (within the aforementioned rules). Defeated players' targets are passed to their killers; if this causes any player to target his/herself, the owner of Assassin's Game must Burn 5 Energy and reassign targets.
Whenever you take more damage than Evolution's Power Strength in a single round, choose a random Power from the online archives, then double Evolution's Power Strength.
In the Resolution Phase, redirect any damage you took this round from Attacks to a chosen target. That target can still Defend if (s)he has any Defense left, and his/her own Attacks are simply negated rather than redirected at him/her. You cannot target the same character more than once per game with this Power.
Count the number of bids (of more than 0 Energy) on this Power. Multiply all your Attacks by this number.
Quadruple your Defense and all your Attacks for the first round. You lose 5 Energy at the end of the first round for each enemy that takes no damage from you in the first round.
Burn X to raise a target's Energy by X. If this results in the victim's Energy being over 100, the target explodes; divide his/her Energy among your opponents as unblockable damage.
Burn X. If you take no damage by the end of the round, steal X Energy from each opponent.
Spend 3X Energy to gain a permanent, stackable X bonus to Defense.
Bidding on this Power occurs before all other Powers. Choose a Power from the auction; no one bids on it, but everyone gets a copy.
Spend 20 Energy to create an automaton. Each has X Energy (always spending it all on Attacking) and a 2X bonus to Defense, where X is the number of Automatons you control.
Burn 10 and choose a target. Each round, you learn that character's Attack and Defense allocations before choosing your own. Burn 10 at any time to switch targets.
Burn Energy equal to this power's strength: Double your Energy at the beginning of the next round.
You may assign Energy to psychic Attacks instead of or in addition to your standard Attacks. Psychic Attacks may only be blocked by Energy specifically allocated to psychic Defense, separate from any standard Defense Energy.
Multiply the Energy of your Attacks each turn by the number of opponents who damaged you on the previous turn.
Each time you damage an opponent, that opponent suffers an Attack of 25 on the following round.
Spend 15 Energy and reveal your Attack allocation(s) during the Allocation Phase. All opponents other than the target of the Attack(s) must match your Attack(s) (up to their maximum Energy).
Each consecutive round during which you Attack a single target, excluding any others, gain a cumulative +5 to your Attacks targeting that character. Any time you target another character with an Attack or Power, all bonuses from Focused Rage are reduced to zero.
At any time, you may spend 15 Energy to switch the Energy totals of any two opponents.
All of your opponents must spend at least half of their Energy on Attacks each round.
Any time any Character gains Energy, you gain Energy equal to the total number of Characters in play.
Each round you may choose a Character to Seal. That Character must spend (5 Energy per Character in play) on nothing.
Choose one opponent. Add the total current Energy of the Character with this Power and the target opponent. Divide that much Damage equally between all other Characters in play. Your Character and the target opponent are both reduced to 1 Energy.
Once per game, discard this Power to gain Energy equal to (2x(100-(Current Energy)))
Each round you may select one Power in play and specify either that 1) Any Energy spent on that Power this round is halved in value, rounding up; or 2) Any Energy spent on that Power this round is doubled in value.
Target one Character and spend Energy equal to Reploid Technology's Power Strength: Generate a Reploid Minion with 10 Energy and all of the target's Powers.
Ignore any Attacks from Characters who spent less Energy than you this round.
Wicked sharp. Wicked fragile. Each time you Attack, flip a coin. Heads: The Attack is Unblockable and does x2 Damage. Tails: Discard Blade of Glass.
Multiply the value of each of your Attacks by the number of Powers assigned to the target Character.
During any round during which this character is subject to Damage or other effects, roll 1d4. The effects do not occur until the end of X rounds, where X is the result of the die roll.
On any round during which you did not target any other character with any Power or Attack, reduce the incoming Damage from each source targeting you to 1, including Damage from Unblockable sources.
At the start of each round, gain 5 Energy for each Attack that targeted you last round.
Ignore the effects of all Powers on this character.
Draw 4 random Powers from the Archive, and discard one from the game. You may activate each of the remaining Powers once during the game. An activated Power lasts until your next Turn.
(Players do not bid on this power - if it is selected for a game it exists as a global effect) Whichever player allocates the highest Energy to Defense each round takes 5 unpreventable damage due to the psychic turmoil caused by resisting the urge to rumble.
Each round, you may target one other character in play. At the end of the round, before damage is assigned, add together all damage taken by yourself and the target character, then divide it equally between both.
Spend X+2 to plant an Exploder on any character. After 3 rounds, the Exploder will detonate, causing Unblockable Damage equal to it's Power Strength + X. Any character with an Exploder may Burn 5 Energy to move the Exploder to any other character. If an Exploder detonates while attached to the controller of Master Exploder, that character GAINS Energy instead of taking damage.
Other Heroes are defeated when their Energy drops below Quantum Filaments' Power Strength.
Spend 10 and choose an opponent: All other Attacks and power usages against that opponent this round (excluding those they apply to themselves) are applied to you as well. All other Attacks and power usages against you this round have no effect.
Whenever you take damage from an opponent's power directly, remove that power from the game at the end of the round.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) All of your Attacks deal 5 less damage. You can burn the Dunce Cap (and permanently remove the power) by burning 10 Energy.
Burn 30 at any time during a round, no more than once per round, to give a target Hero 40 Energy.
The first time you are damaged, deal 50 Damage to all Heroes damaging you that round, and 25 Damage to yourself.
Round up your Energy at the beginning of a round. (23 would become 30, 30 would stay at 30)
Burn 5: All opponents automatically put all of their Energy into Defence, next round.
If you deal more than 20 damage to a Hero during a round, they lose their alphabetically earliest Power at the end of the round.
All non-burn damage you take is doubled. The first time you would be eliminated, you aren't and you revive at the start of the next round with your Energy at the level you began the first round with.
If you Attack someone for a non-zero amount that exactly matches their Defense that turn, set their Energy to 0.
All unblockable damage is blockable for you.
Each round, every Hero must choose Stay or Switch. Deal 7 unblockable damage to every Hero who chose differently than you, IF they were more than those who chose the same as you. Alternatively, you can choose Split, to deal EVERY other Hero 14 unblockable damage if their choices were evenly divided.
When bidding a non-zero amount on Powers, Heroes must bid at least 7 Energy. Upon gaining this Power, gain 7 Energy per Power that nobody won during bidding.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You can't take actions other than Attack or Defence for the first three rounds.
All your powers which have a cost (including Burns) have that cost changed to "Spend 5". You must successfully activate each such power once per round, or be eliminated.
If you have the most Energy at the end of a round, gain 10 Energy.
Spend 5: Reduce the effect of the smallest individual Attack against you this round by half, rounded up.
During round 1, you have +10 to all Attacks, and you cannot take Damage from external sources.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) If you defend, you must use at least 50% of your Energy (rounded down) doing so.
Set your Energy to 1 when you win this Power. Add 100 to your Defence each round.
Immediately after this auction ends, start a new auction with a fresh copy of all powers except this one. Your bids on this next auction are multiplied by 2.
Discard this Power: gain Defense equal to your current Energy.
Discard this power: switch your Energy with the Hero who has the most Energy at the end of the Attack phase. Does not apply if you lost during that round.
Discard this Power: gain Defense equal to your current Energy.
Spend up to 20 Energy: gain that much Energy, then transfer this power to another hero.
Each round, choose another hero. For that round, Attacks toward that hero are redirected to you, and vice versa. Discard once only two players control heroes.
If you have less than 100 Energy at the end of a round, gain 10% of your Energy, rounded up.
Sidekick with 25 Energy. However, it cannot defend, and always gains a free 30 Defense every round instead.
Gain all of the powers of the first other Superhero (if multiple die first, gain all of the dead players' powers) that dies.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You fade away and are eliminated at the start of round 7.
On the first round, submit a secret list of every other Superhero. At the end of every round, the Superhero that is first on that list takes 11 unblockable damage (if they are still alive), then is moved to the end of the list.
Burn 2: Gain 3 Energy for this round.
Burn 30 Energy: Negate any damage from Attacks that are targeted at you.
Burn 30: Add 50 to one Attack. The target of that Attack discards a power at random.
Each Attack made against you must specify RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE or PURPLE. (Players make multiple Attacks with different colors per round). Each round, you select one of those colors as well. Any Attacks made which match the selected color do no damage.
Burn 15 and discard this ability: Turn the word 'Attack' into 'Defence' and vice-versa in another target power.
At the end of each round, you win.
The Hero who bids the most for this passes this to another Hero. At the end of a round, the Hero holding this Power loses 10 Energy and this Power passes to the Hero with the most Energy (unless the Hero currently holding the Power as the most Energy).
At the beginning of every round greater than 1, you discard all your other non-flaw Powers and gain the same number of random Powers from the Rumble database.
This sidekick cannot die, cannot allocate any of its Energy, and is ignored for the purposes of determining who is the last player standing. At the start of every round, this sidekick has its Energy set to (4*the current round number). The other players must expend Energy to thwart your plans for world domination; if this sidekick has more than 0 Energy at the end of a round, its owner wins the game.
This Power takes effect before any other Powers. When you win this power, select any other powers and burn 2 for each power selected. Re-do the auctions for those powers.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) All other Heroes gain a 15 Energy sidekick.
The target of this raygun witnesses all the infinite vastness of the universe, plunging them into an existential dread. Burn 10: Target Hero's largest Attack this round has no effect as they grapple with their own insignificance in the grand scheme of things.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) You, and any sidekicks you own, are eliminated at the beginning of round 1.
Add 30 to your Defence every round. At the start of the third round, you win.
If you would take damage, instead you will take it as unblockable damage at the end of next round.
If you would take damage, instead you will take it as unblockable damage at the end of next round.
Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) The first time you take no damage in a round, you cannot Attack or deal damage in the next round.
Each round, you receive two flaws. These can be flaws from the public archive or created by the host. Give one to yourself and one to another player.
Burn X: Deal 3X (rounded up) damage to a player who dealt damage to you last round.
This power only activates after dealing at least 20 damage to an opponent in a single round. After activation, you gain 10 Energy at the start of every round.
v1.4, February 2020 - Game by Ben Wray - Site by Kevan Davis - See also BoardGameGeek