Flaw. (All players pay their bids for this, except for the lowest bidder(s), who must take it and cannot discard it.) Your Ramming deals double damage and you take double damage.
Discard this Gadget: Gain 100 Speed. From here on, until the end of the game, lose half your Speed at the end of each round.
Remote Mines
As part of your bid, name a round number. This number will not be revealed. At the end of that round, everyone else still alive takes (round number * 5) damage.
Deployable Moth Wings
Gain a copy of the gadget, Moth Wings (Add 30 Swerving each round, The first time that you sustain any Ramming, this Gadget is lost.) At any point you may gain an extra copy of the Gadget Moth Wings by Spending 20 and Burning 10.