Kaleidoscope was a 2003 project in which six weekly tasks were set, for players to interpret and complete within their own weblogs and journals. [ read more... ]
Limerick | Write a post which contains some text in limerick form (although it needn't be formatted as such). It should, obviously, rhyme. |
Memetic Inversion | Take an existing journal-type meme ("copy this list of ten authors", etc.) and do the opposite of what it says. Emphasis is on being entertaining, rather than literal. |
Dreams | List six themes which are recurrent in your dreams. |
Author | Write an entry in the style of a particular author. |
Aphasia | Write a post that follows the rules of CheezWiz. (Continuing the game in comments is optional.) |
Scrabble | Write a post which can be formed using the standard set of 100 Scrabble tiles. Work out how much it scores (triple-letter on the 14th letter, double-letter on the 5th and 18th). |